Saturday, November 27, 2010

Best Leg in The World

This is my sister, Her leg is purrsfect for....

" Puddy are you done ?...I  got to go " My sister said

" No..No..No ! ...Don't go "

" Noooooo !!! your leg is mine....I already marked  it  !!!


giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Troppo carine queste foto...
Ciao Puddy :)

Kay L. Davies said...

Mr. Puddy, you are too too funny. I'll bet your sister loves you, too.
-- K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Old Kitty said...

Awwwww Mr Puddy!!!! Me and Charlie hope you managed to keep your sister's leg!!! LOL!!! We hope she knows it's your leg now! :-) Take care

Katnip Lounge said...

That leg is so handy for a prop! Are you sure you can't keep it!?!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

you are completely TOO CUTE FOR WORDS!!!

I am sooooooo in love with you! lol

I love those white "mittens" are such a character!

Look at you, holding on for dear life! xoxo

Kea said...

MOL! Puddy, that was hilarious! But really, how rude of your sister to move away. Her leg is yours now!

Princess Jasmine said...

Cor, you sister is a scratching post. THAT is well cool :)

Annie Bear said...

That looks like a fun leg. I bet those jeans feel good on the claws. I hope you were able to get her to stay.

Mariodacat said...

Dat's a great leg. I can tell you love your sisfur and didn't want her to go.

The Island Cats said...

Haha!! Looks like a good scratching post to us!!

Cory said...

Did you give her a good bunny kick!!!?

Anzu said...

Adorable happy scenes in the field covered with clover. (*´∇`*)

Kas said...

Goodness Mr Puddy,

That poor two legs was very patient!!!

Carolyon said...

Legs are brilliant to play with! I'm sure she could of stayed a bit longer!

Ingrid said...

Especially legs in Jeans are perfect scratching posts ! you are right ! don't let it go !

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Absolutely the best scratching post there is!

We love Luna said...

hehehe cute pictures and you gave me a great idea to do the same with my sis here!

Mr Puddy said...

Dear all friends, I didn't use her leg as my scratching posts. I just hold her leg and then I can easily clean my back paws : )

Teddy Westlife said...

Good one Puddy :)

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Mr Puddy,
How does it feel to have a fifth leg, eh? Am thinking like hugging a bolster that wriggles and tickles. purrr....meow!

Cat said...

I can tell you love your sister very much :-)

Admiral Hestorb said...

You and your sister are a good combination and I can see she loves you as much as you love her, You are SO handsome Mr. Puddy. We love looking at you.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Hi Mr. Puddy. Thanks for visiting us. It is nice to meet you. That looks like a very good leg to use as extra bathtime support.

Jacqueline said...

Funny, adorable photos, handsome Puddy; it's obvious you and your sister really love each other, sweetie!...Happy weekend, lovely friend...kisses x3...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Whisppy said...

I love the photos! Your sister is very nice to stand there for so long, just for you. :)

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