Sunday, December 26, 2010

Boxing Day

Look at this...My mom was pretty lazy. This is all my mom decorated for Christmas. !!!...we got no Christmas tree ! no stocking ! but Lucky ... at least, I got my presents !

Matrix Move !


Kay L. Davies said...

I love your fur scarf, Puddy, it makes such a good toy when it's hung up like that. Lucky you.
-- Love, Kay and Lindy

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

My Mind's Eye said...

Happy Boxing Day Mr. Puddy!!!
Thanks ever so much for dropping by to say hi!!! I love meeting new friends...especially handsome a handsome fella wearing a tuxedo!!
I love your sweet little nose.
Hugs madi

Katnip Lounge said...

Merry Christmas from the Katnip Lounge Kitties! Puddy, we give your toy a week to live...especially with your mad whapping skillz!

Old Kitty said...

Mr Puddy!! You go get that furry toy!! Yay!!! Me and Charlie enjoyed the clip of you very much!! We are so glad you got lots of pressies!!

We are in AWE at your mum's beautiful christmas decor!!! It's just lovely!! Take care

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Get that toy! It looks like a big furry caterpillar.

Cathy Keisha said...

Merry Christmouse Mr. Puddy. That toy looks like fun.

Sparkle said...

To be honest, I think that cat toys are more fun to play with than Christmas decor (I know that is almost blasphemous!), and it looks like you got some really fun gifts! Happy Boxing Day!

Tamago said...

Our Christmas decoration is worse, Mr. Puddy. No tree, no Santa, no lights...
Your present toy looks so much fun! I can see you really like it :-) Have a happy holiday!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Woah, that looks like fun!!

Annie Bear said...

Hi Mr. Puddy.

Actually, your decorations look quite nice! It looks like you got some great gifts! You sure were having fun in that video clip!

Happy Boxing Day!

Avalon Cat Cartoon said...

What an incredibly cute cat you are, Mr Puddy!


Vanessa Morgan said...

Happy Holidays, Mr Puddy.

Mariodacat said...

Wow - Mr. Puddy - who cares if there are no decorations up - it's what is in your heart that counts. I like dat furry tail thing dat you were chasing. Dat looks like fun.

The Chair Speaks said...

Hey Puddy, at least your mom put up some decorations. Our human only put the tinsel round one table leg!
And you have so many presents!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Happy Boxing Day, Mr. Puddy! Thank you for visiting our blog! You are one very handsome mancat!

Anonymous said...

Hi Puddy, thanks for visiting us! We had no idea how you could be posting tomorrow, then we realized you were nearly on another planet! Our mom really likes your blog, so we're sure we'll be visiting again soon!

Ingrid said...

At least you got nice presents. My cats have no Christmas tree either we have celebrated in Amsterdam.
BTW did you find out to whom belongs the tail you got to play with ?

Catio Tales said...

You have some great ninja moves there.
Ands presents are more important than decorations - you can always destroy something else1

lupie said...

Wow!!! Those are cool kitties gift!!

Our mom got us nothing!! Can you believe it!!! (and psst... she talking about food rationing! help!!!)

We are happy that you are happy!!

Happy Holidays Mr. Puddy!!

magiceye said...

hey puddy you look so cool!!

merrry christmas to you and yours!!

Woof woof
from Bozo
Pet Pride

giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Buona domenica Mr. Puddy :)))
Divertenti foto !
Buona domenica :))

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

puddy we are soooo happy that you got such wonderful presents!
You are a wonderful kitty and only deserve the best!
Love, caren and cody

Anita said...

Fantastic gifts! Muahahaha!

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