Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How to sleep with your parents

Jigsaw Puzzle Sleeping is suitable for Dad who has a very very deep sleep. Nothing can move him. And don't try to waste your time try to annoy him. Because It never worked. Be nice to him and try to fit your body to his body like purrfect jigsaw otherwise he might throw you out of the bed.

Logic Puzzle Sleeping is suitable for mom who has a very light sleep. Make sure you take space of the bed as much as you can. She will move it for you with good manner. Do not feel quilty about it, Please remind yourself " Everything in the house is yours !!! " 
If the horizontal way is not working, try vertical way but make sure you wag your tail right on her nose. Repeat it a couple times will give the best result !

This is an award when you learn how to sleep with your parents : )

Please Visit More friend of mine at Cats on Tuesday


Kea said...

Mr. Puddy, you have amazing sleeping skills! Look how adaptable you are, depending on which side the bed you are sleeping (next to your dad or your mom). You are a Master of sleeping positions!

Brian's Home Blog said...

You put the pieces together quite nicely Mr. Puddy!

Elizabeth P said...

Hahaha you made me laugh with the different puzzles! I´ll show them to my cat, I´m sure she´ll prefer to be the puzzle winner! :)

Admiral Hestorb said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this! I think this is one of the best instructions to kitties EVER!!! Fanks you!

Pee ESS: You are SO pretties.

Kas said...

Oh Mr Puddy,

Thanks for the laugh this morning, that is so Smudge and Spider.

Princess Jasmine said...

Oh my goodness, I so do that. I creep up the bottom end of the bed and snuggle up under the duvet until I am between them both. Its lovely and warm. Simba says his big brother Figgy who has now gone to the bridge, used to sleep on dads head like a big fluffy hat :)

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

MOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! We love this post....and we love you, too, Mr. Puddy.


Mr Puddy
I will study these diagrams very closely and try some new sleeping positions tonight.


Katnip Lounge said...

Puddy, we love how you portray yourself and your humans! Do you have any suggestions for 5 or 6 Cats sleeping in one bed? We haven't managed to drive Mommy out yet.

Carolyon said...

Your sleeping skills are quite indepth! It must of taken you sometime to work it all out!

Old Kitty said...

Mr Puddy!!!! Me and Charlie are taking notes!! Thank you for these great sleeping positions lessons! take care

Ellen Whyte said...

Mr Puddy you are too wicked! Target already has the bed cornered and Au just moves us out of the way. They don't need more tips!!!!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Mr. Puddy you have it all worked out my friend.

Angel Simba said...

He he! Those puzzles are great. You are quite the artist, Mr Puddy.

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Mr Puddy,
Thanks for your tips. Mama doesn't get much space on "our" bed either. purrrr.....meow!

Stacy Hurt said...

Mr P; you are so educational! I LOVE this channel!

Personally, unless there is a thunderstorm; I steer clear of the bed with That Woman in it. I prefer my back to a wall (perferably two walls) and face out where I can see the enitre room.

Ms. Stella O'Houligan

Mariodacat said...

he he - one word of advice - never sleep down by feet cuz you might get kicked.

Quill and Greyson said...

Happy Belated Birthday to your Sister. Love the bike!

I love your instructional diagrams! I like the last version, but I send Dad packing.

The Island Cats said...

Mr. Puddy, you are so right in your sleep assessments. We love to sleep on our mom's feets. She wakes up and can't move!! Haha!!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Yeahhhh!! That's how you do it!!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Good spot for sleep!!!
Smart !!!

Barbara said...

LOL! This is so true! Love it...

Ingrid said...

I see, I can't complain to you and empty my hard because my cats are like you, they take ALL space ! You should see the black shadows under my eyes !

We love Luna said...

Oh Mr. Puddy, you are so funny! hehehe
By my side I'm sure that mommy loves when I sleep in her foot! :)
purrs and a nice day there,

The Chair Speaks said...

Sneaky, sneaky Puddy.

Gigi said...

Mr. Puddy! You are a very good teacher and artist also.

However, nothing but nothing could induce me to actually sleep in a bed with my Human. I do not trust her!

I will visit briefly, but sleep? no way, man!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

very, very clever and sooooooo funny!!

Cat said...

Mr. Puddy you are so clever we think in no time you will have the bed to yourself - LOL!!!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

OMC! Hilarious! Mom can't stop laughing. Great post!

OKcats said...

Very nice diagrams, Mr. Puddy - we like the last one! We either lay at our mom's feet (on the heated throw) or on one of the pillows. We only sleep on her when she's awake!

Purrfect Haven said...

we loved that... and will try it, both of ours are poor sleepers and we get tossed around a lot. Love Darcy and Bingley xx

Jacqueline said...

You are very smart and clever, Mr. Puddy; you have your humans figured out well!...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

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