Tuesday, December 28, 2010

It took two to do the job

Like you guys know. I love outdoor. And I always create more jobs for my human to give them a great chance to spend more times with me...hee...hee..hee.. So Today I came home with this little seed ( see photo below ). All stuck in my tummy's fur and my bum's fur. So Tickle !!! when I lie or sit down.

My mom have to hold me and my dad pull this nasty seeds out. I really don't know what it called. I just know...If I walk passed or sat or lied down on it, it stuck on my fur everywhere.

Dad said it came from the grass or weed. Dad called " Beady " but me and mom never heard about it. Any one got any ideas ?

( Click Photo to enlarge )

After my mom pulled my fur out of the seed. And these...what it look like. It's so small like a pin but it's solid and hard.

Please see more my friends at Cats on Tuesday


Kea said...

We don't know what those are specifically, Mr Puddy, but here in our area of Canada, we have burrs that do the same -- our mom's childhood dog always would get them through her fur, because she was a country dog.

We don't think it would be much fun to get those out of your fur, though!

Kay L. Davies said...

Wow, Puddy, you are lucky you have such a good mom and dad.
I don't know what those little seeds are, but they look pretty fierce for their size.
-- Kay and Lindy

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Cat said...

Poor Mr. Puddy!!! I'm glad your parents were able to get them all out :-)

The Monkeys said...

Like Kea said, they're called burrs here and wow, that must have been uncomfortable! We're glad you got them all out now though

Cara n Crew said...

They might be from clover? But Yow! They look like no fun when they are in your fur! You sure have quite the collection, Mr Puddy :).

Pip, Smidgen,Minnie, and Hollie

Old Kitty said...

Mr Puddy!!! Such a lot of seeds taken from your furrs!! Yay for your mum and dad for tweaking them all out!!! Charlie is forever returning home with all sorts of seeds stuck to his furrs and I'm forever having to brush them off! LOL!!

Plants are so very clever!! Take care

Katnip Lounge said...

Puddy, how kind you are to provide your Mom & Dad with a project! We're sure you LOVED every minute of the attention.

Catsparella said...

That's so strange, I've never seen such a thing! I'm glad your parents were able to get them out though!

Mariodacat said...

In the US we call them burrs. Stickly little things aren't they. Dat must have hurt when they yanked them out.

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Mr Puddy! You naughty boy! That's extra extra work for your mum and dad. Lucky it's after Christmas...or else no presents for you. purrrr.....meow!


Mr Puddy
WE have something here in Florida called sand spurs, which get stuck on flesh or fur and has sharp barbs sticking out of them. They hurt. WE hope that those didn't hurt you.WE are glad that they gotten removed from your furrs.


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

It looks like the burrs from Clivers, also known as Goose Grass or Burweed.In the late summer we come in covered with them too and mum has to pick them out. Clivers grow long and straggly and cling to other plants and feel sticky to touch. Our mum picks the plants for the horses if they need a pick me up or if they have swelling in their legs from standing overnight in the stable.

GreatGranny said...

Those burrs look bad and it must have hurt to pull them out of your furs.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Wow Mr. Putty, those could hurt if you sat down the wrong way!

Stacy Hurt said...

Hey Mr. P! When That Woman lived in Arizona they called them 'bullheads' cos she say's they were spiny & stuck to everything!

Glad ye got them all outta da sensative spots!
Ms. Stella O'Houligan

cats of wildcat woods said...

Oh dear - hope they got them all out. We have bigger things called burrs that get stuck in our fur. Not fun.

Ellen Whyte said...

Au and his pal Scoop did this when we lived in Kajang. It's nasty stuff to get out, isn't it? poor Mr P!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

those do look like burrs to me (a type of burr at least)
Mr.Puddy you are ALWAYS getting into something!!!
Trouble seems to find you but it makes you that much more adorable!
I am glad your Mom and Dad pulled those nasty burrs out before they hurt you! xoxoxo

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

How can something so small be such a problem! Glad you got them all out!

Sasha said...

those burrs look nasty. It is a bit much when the vegetation attacks you! Happy New Year and thanks for visiting my blog. I will enjoy having a look at your blog.

Clooney said...

Yah, no kidding! Even them seeds in 'Stralia you have to watch out for. Good you got it all taken care of!

Sparkle said...

The cat before me use to wander around outside and sometimes she came back with these too. My human has no idea what they are, just that they were hard to pick out of her fur, which was fluffy like yours.

Princess Jasmine said...

Simba says he has got some of those stuck in his fur in summer time. I've never seen them before. Does it hurt when they pull them out? I think I might try to avoid them when I go out - eventually xx

Barbara said...

I don't know what the seeds are called - but our cats (particularly Posky who has long fur) get them stuck in their's!

Luna und Luzie said...

Poor Mr Puddy !!! Luna knows that too. She had these seeds stuck in her fur in summer too. She hate it when I had to remove it from her long fur....We call the seeds "Kletten" but I don´t know about the english name...

Vicki said...

I get those seeds too!! Your mum and dad are much better than vicki and Paul - they take weeks to get the seeds out.....
Happy belated Christmas. I have loved following your blog this year and learning more about you and watching your whole adoption. Thanks for all your comment, they always bring a smile to my face...xxxooo

Ingrid said...

I know these things (called "burdock" or "burr" very well from my childhood ! We used to collect them and throw in each others hair or on the clothes ! (kids are so creative) Of course it took some time to take them off, but we had a lot of fun ! Poor Puddy I doubt that you had fun !!

Unknown said...

Goodness, what a mess. Hope it didn't hurt too much to have them taken out.

Hannah and Lucy said...

Was it very ouchie when your mom and dad were getting them off your lovely floofs?

My Mind's Eye said...

Morning Mr. Puddy...
holy jumpin' cat fish...what in the world are those things? You must have been very appreciative to have Mom and Dad remove them!!!

Yet another reason for me to keep my bountiful body inside the house; however, I don't expect we have them here.
Hugs Madi

The Island Cats said...

We don't know what those seeds are, Mr. Puddy, but we're glad they are out of your furs now!!

Cory said...

Jonesie and Ginger and Figaro get those in their fur and mom just says "oh you got burrs in your furrs" and then mom and dad pick them out of their fur. It's a summertime event!

OKcats said...

Mr. Puddy, we think you are a very good boy to let your parents pull or cut those nasty things out of your furs! We would have given our mom fits if she tried to do that to either of us!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a big pain in the butt!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We have a sticky-seed here, but it is hard, green an triangular. We get them in Fall. We hate them!

Anonymous said...

My dog was covered in these today but I got them off. They look identical to your picture.

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