Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Outdoor Day

Before my mom adopted me, she knew well I adopted so many many humans along this street.

Human is so so easy to adopted, Just do headbonk to them. That's it ! suddenly become mine !!!! ...No need to feed them but they do feed me..hee..hee..hee

That's why I adopted many humans as much as I can. And now it's my time to visit some of them.

This is the way I go.
Hey ! Don't even say a word...Yea ! Yea ! Yea ! I know my bum is big.
But believe me. It's not a problem to get out of here.
Let's me show you...
First of all, Super Suck tummy in !

Get down as low as you can.
Do not breath while you squeeze your body below the fence.
Push hard from the back legs.
Make it quick ! You don't want to be underneath there forever !

Oh my COD ! ...let's me breath a little bit...HURRRR !!!
It's so good to let the tummy free : )

Now..I'm Free !!!!!

See more my friends please visit Cats on Tuesday


Kay L. Davies said...

So you're the neighbourhood cat, are you, Puddy? My cat Hermie used to visit all my neighbours, but he wore a collar and a tag with my phone number and his name, "Herman", so everyone knew where he belonged. He liked to visit families with babies, kittens and puppies. I really miss him, but now we have Lindy. She isn't a cat, but she's as good as a dog can be.
-- K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel


You are the neighborhood ambassador!
As dashing as you we understand why you have so many humans under you spell.


Brian's Home Blog said...

Please be careful out there Mr. Puddy! Those streets can be mean!!!

Admiral Hestorb said...

Oh Mr. PUDDY!~ You are so clever and smart. And all of your humans love you as much as the family you adopted last.

You are so handsome and manly, ANY human would instantly fall in love with you.

Catsparella said...

Wow, Puddy! Those are some moves you've got there! You can adopt me anytime! I think if I saw you on my street I would try to catnap you for sure! ;)

Katnip Lounge said...

Puddy! You might need to look for a slightly *less restrictive* portal! We agree, it's easy to make a Human Yours...look at how many of us have adopted our Mommy and Dad!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Hello Mr. Puddy!
Thank you for stopping by our blog we are glad to meet you!
You are sure a handsome cat!

Kea said...

Puddy, you are too funny! If you keep eating the food all the humans in the neighbourhood give you, you'll get stuck underneath that fence one day! Haha!

Stacy Hurt said...

U is one wascally kiddy Mr. P! Glad you made it outta der wif all yer furrs on!

Good on ya!
Ms. Stella O'Houligan

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

It sounds like you're quite the strategist, Mr. Puddy! So, may we ask how many meals you/treats you get on an average day?

The Chans

Old Kitty said...

Mr Puddy!! Come back!!!!!

Awwww!! You are such a wanderer!!! But me and Charlie are so so so so happy that your adopted a wonderful family!!!! Yay!!!

Enjoy our roving!!! Take care

Sparkle said...

My human suspected that the cat before me had a few other "homes" in addition to the one with her!

Nikita Cat said...

A wonderful series of photos, my new friend, just be careful out there, and have a way to be identified.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is a small space to get under Mr. Puddy. You are like Houdini.

Pip said...

We laffs and laffs at your description of the tummy sucking! Boy do we knows about that!
Have fun greeting all your humans.

The Island Cats said...

Mr. Puddy, we were quite impressed on how you got under that fence!!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Puddy I can't wait to read about what adventures you found when you became "free!!"

It is nice of your Mommy to share you with the world!

I can't believe how low you got to get under that fence (like the limbo!! lol) and then you let that tummy out! You are so talented Puddy!

I love how you said that all you have to do is give a "head bonk" to be adopted lol


Ellen Whyte said...

You could visit us any time!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

You are such a handsome boy, please be careful out there!
~ The Bunch

Cory said...

You are such a flirt! Puddy, you can eat at our house any time you want.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Great escape werk there Puddy! I love ta do that myself. But MY squeezy-spots are all inside. I cant get out of the house. The Big Thing is demonically diligent around outside doors...

Carolyon said...

Oh my! You are ever so brave Mr. Puddy for going past your fence! And by yourself too! You are very good at it!

Mariodacat said...

You sure have dat move down pat Puddy. Don't you ever get scared roaming around all by yourself?

Miss Kitty said...

Greetings Mr Puddy,

I used to roam and inspect the neighborhood but after a dog attack two years ago i need my human with me. Besides right now the weather is stupid. So very cold and most of the time it rains. MOre than it has years past.

Warmest regards,
Miss Kitty and Egmont

The Chair Speaks said...

Wow! Puddy, did you learn that move from a circus friend?

2cats said...

Mr. Puddy be careful out there. Once when I was a little boy, I went out for a walk and couldn't find my way home. I had to adopt many many humans, some were nice, some not so. After 6 months, a kind human finally helped me find my way back home to Mommy and Daddy. After that, I've decided that I'm happy with just looking out the window and watching the world from the safety of my living room.
Happy Tuesday to you, Mr. Puddy!

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

Mr. Puddy you are so full of adventures. I am sure you know how to make many friends on your street. It must be fun to have so many people feed you.
We think you are in fine shape though.

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Don't go too far my friend, it's safe in the gate!

Wyatt's Corner said...

Most be nice to be free...just watch out for those metal cats with the round rubber legs!

Christiane said...

Well mastered, that low fence. Seems to be a good exercise for strong belly muscles. ;-)
greetings from snowy Germany
Christiane and Ninifee

Ingrid said...

Puddy you are getting brown in the sunshine !
Arthur is like you although he is with us since he was a baby. He loves to visit all neighbors, sleeps in their beds and cars or hides in their basements and jumps out behind something, which causes heart attacks to the poor neighbors, but they all love him.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

You are one smart kitty, Mr Puddy! Alas, my SS doesn't let me out anymore.

We love Luna said...

omg, you did it!
Now you are ready for great adventures outside! Lucky you. Here we have all those white stuffs and I can't go outside, while this time I'm taking long naps in my bad!
Enjoy your cool weather and your beautiful place there!

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

Puddy--the world is YOURS, yet you know where the heart is and put your head! Be careful and enjoy!


The Monkeys said...

It might be harder to get back in after you've made your rounds and been fed by all the other humans you own!

Unknown said...

Puddy you are in such good shape! I know the neighbors will be so happy to see you.

Sharon Wagner said...

Take care with the kibbles or you won't fit!

Wendy said...

Mr. Puddy, I wish we lived in your neighborhood so you could come visit us! We'd give you lots of purrrs.
Miss Bella and Sele

Carla said...

Oh, Mr. Puddy, the best cat is a communal cat! Any family would be honored by your fine feline presence!!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

WOW, Mr. Puddy, we are so impurressed by how you escape!

Cara n Crew said...

The kitty limbo! You're in great shape, Mr Puddy! And so friendly still to visit the neighbors! Do you still get treats? Purrs,

Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, and Hollie

magiceye said...

hey puddy love ya!!

woof woof
from bozo
Pets forever

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