Saturday, February 19, 2011

Hi !!!

Guess ! .. What I'm doing ?

That's right ! I do bathing : )

And The Best part of cleaning !

And you know what ?

This is YUMMY !!!!

Let's do it again !

Love it ! ...Taste like Gourmet Salmon !!!

Poor Human ! ..I feel so sorry for all of them.
They got no idea what they miss out !


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Yay! Paws Up, Mr Puddy!

giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Hi Mr. Puddy :))))
sei un vero contorsionista !!!!
Le pulizie a me, le fà la mia mamma.... spazzola, pettine e fazzoletti bagnati profumati...
Quando la mia mamma mi pulisce a me piace tanto !!!!
Igor :)))

Sparkle said...

You said it, Mr. Puddy! Humans are just clueless when it comes to bathing. Who needs water and soap?

Ingrid said...

I took similar pictures of Arthur "bathing", you have the best yoga poses ! No human could do this, lol !

Princess Jasmine said...

Mr Puddy you has got the cutest pawsies :) I like to clean my paws cause they have a rather nice delicate cheesy taste hee he xxxx

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Just look at those gorgeous paws.. Lovely pictures your mum got again.. Hugs GJ xx

=^..^= said...

It tastes like Gourmet Salmon? MOL! You're a cutie, Mr Puddy!

~Slash & Bronzy

Mariodacat said...

Gourmet Salmon, my bath doesn't taste like dat. I think I gotta get out of the house more often!! I'm missing all those salmon flavors by being an indoor kitty.

Hannah and Lucy said...

We love a good bath too Mr Puddy but we always take ours indoors!!
We don't like to show off our bits outside!! Maybe we are shy !!!!!
hahahahaha!!! - that was our mum laughing about us being shy!!

c said...

Salmon? Maybe it is the pretty grass that makes it taste like Salmon! We never get to lie in grass, the best we do is go on our little front porch.
All us gurls here think you are very Handsome!!
~ Anna Sue

My Mind's Eye said...

Hi right back at you Mr. and I cracked up when we saw your paw!!! Great shot.

to answer your I have never partrolled my 'hood with mom. In fact, my feet have never touched the least since I was 2 mos.old and came to live with my servants.
Hugs madi

Forever Foster said...

What wonderful stretching you are doing Mr. Puddy! I like to find something of mum's to clean on- her magazine, her jacket... heh heh heh. It's good to see you back!

P.S. Fui wanted to ask about your collar. Is it a Pretapawte collar? Because it looks alot like Fui's one :)

Old Kitty said...

Mr Puddy!! Paws up to you too!!! You have such wonderful grooming skills - no wonder you are so gorgeous and smelling of gourmet salmon!! Yay! Take care

Brian's Home Blog said...

How true, how true!

Katnip Lounge said...

Gourmet SALMON!?! We need to speak to our Mommy. We do NOT get goumet salmon at our house. Puddy, we are packing our bags to come live with you!

Catsparella said...

Oh Puddy!! What pretty (manly) paws you have!! I agree with Old Kitty's comment..with such great cleaning skills, no wonder you are so gorgeous!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Strangely enough, Puddy, #1 says she does not want to know any more details...

The Chans

Cory said...

Your furs taste like gourmet salmon??? Whoa. Can I give you a bath?

Stacy Hurt said...

MOL Mr. Puddy! You are so punny.

Ms. Stella O'Houligan

CCL Wendy said...

That's quite the salute, Mr. Puddy! I guess you know what I would do with those pictures, huh?
However, I don't want to get too rePETitive.

Great shots as always! Glad you're back.

Admiral Hestorb said...

Puddy, I am sailing in my little wooden boat to Australia and I wanna stay with you a few weeks. Gourmet salmon? And your furs are like that in taste too?
Your pink toesie pads are just beautiful!!!


Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

You have the cutest pawies!!!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Oh Mr. Puddy, you do make us laugh. When I bathe, I taste of pheasant poop, not gourmet salmon.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Puddy those are some BIG paws you have there!!!!

Yum gourmet salmon!!! My Mom just bought some smoked salmon for herself today...come on over and have some! xoxo

Clooney said...

Puddy my Human says you are spectacular! And that your toesies are awesome! Should I be jealous?

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