Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My Jungle

I love when my dad let the grass grow so high like this !

It's Awesome !!!...I can hide from birdy

Birdy got no clue, I'm here !

" Come Closer Birdy ! "

Heh..hee.hee..!!! So close !
I'm going to Pounce Birdy!!

 Then, my mom Suddenly wanna catch me !


Kay L. Davies said...

Oh, poor Puddy, did your mom spoil your chance at grabbing that bird? I'll bet the bird is happy! And you won't starve, because your mom and dad and sis take such good care of you.
-- Kay and Lindy

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Princess Jasmine said...

I taught I saw a puddy tat a cweeping up on me hee he. Next time Mr Puddy, you will get the birdie :) xx

Stacy Hurt said...

OH Puddy you is LIGHTNING! Danged humans always gettin all 'bleeding heart' when it comes to da birdz!

What is the biggest one you caught?

I had a Jaybird once and let it go in the house; That Woman was in the rain closet; she came flying out all wet trying to catch it. FUNNIEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!! Dat bird was trying to grab things on her nekkid self and I was trying to tell her how I was protecting her! But she was dumb & didn't listen. She letzd it go.

Ms. Stella O'Houligan

Angie, Catladyland said...

Puddy, you are so sneaky!!

Katnip Lounge said...

Puddy, Mommy squealed when you burst out of the grass! You ran like a mighty Tuxedo Panther through your yard.

Admiral Hestorb said...

Mr Puddy! You are like a PANTHER and a fabulous example of feline hunting and catching (even if you didn't get to cause your mommy came out to mess things UP!) But WE know you would have that birdy in your mouth if she had not have come outside!

Now I am so glad YOU are going to be the surgeon to operate on Miss Trish, aka MomKat Trish. Make sure when you take out her hiss, that you don't get scratched!

Old Kitty said...

Mr Puddy!!! You are like lightning!! Whooooooosh!!!!!!! Me and Charlie are in AWE!!!!

We also like the birdy pics - so pretty!!! :-)

Take care

Cindy said...

I thought I saw a cat ear in the tall grass!


Wow Mr Puddy you are lightening fast!
I'm gonna call you Zoom-Zoom kitty!

We love all of your pictures, but the second one showing bits of your face is soooo good!


Brian's Home Blog said...

You sure when scooting off there Mr. Puddy!

Gigi said...

Aw, Puddy! Isn't that just like a Human?

I guess it was birdie's lucky day!

Sparkle said...

Humans! They are definitely good time spoilers!!!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Oh Mr. Puddy, you soon ran off when your mun srrived,

Everycat said...

Mr Puddy, you must learn to chase the birds only when your Mum is indoors doing something other than watch you. You gotta get sneaky!

Whicky Wuudler

Mariodacat said...

Whoa Puddy - you sure can put the "move on" when you want to pal. You are a fast runner. Too bad mom just had to be around.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

puddy I love your lush green grass! What a jungle kitty you are! I could barely see you in the grass, tell your Mom I wish that video had been longer lol!!!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Mom's are always interfering with our hunting. I hope you can catch the bird tomorrow in the looong grass. It is really nice and cool and pretty


Cat-from-Sydney said...

Mr Puddy,
It's OK....there'll be a bigger bird tomorrow. And this time, make sure mom's not looking. purrr....meow!

The Chair Speaks said...

Whoa, that's one great escape!

We love LUNA said...

oh Puddy, perfect camouflage in the grass!
You are sooo smart!

=^..^= said...

Poor Birdy, you must given him such a fright with your pouncing!

~Slash & Bronzy

Spunky Doodle & Manny said...

What a great hiding place you have!

Forever Foster said...

Look at all that wonderful grass! We are so jealous!

My Mind's Eye said...

Mr Puddy what a great film. It has mystery, suspense, a fair maiden (bird),and Action!!!

Well done Mom to capture that quick as lightning escape.

The Monkeys said...

Your jungle is amazing, Puddy! We know that bird has no idea you're there!

Luna und Luzie said...

That is a great place to hide in the long grass.
We are jealous because here it is so frosty cold and the grass is short ...

CCL Wendy said...

You are lucky to have a Daddy that neglects to cut the grass -- we have a Daddy like that, too. Except right now we have snow, but when Spring comes he will let the grasses grow long. They are great for prowling through and hiding in. It makes us feel like we are lions. Do you feel like that, too?

And great, of course, for hiding from your prey -- but then your Mommy has to come along and spoil everything. Our Mommy does not like it if we kill birds either. Oh well, maybe next time, Mr. Puddy!

The Florida Furkids said...

You would have gotten that birdie if your Mom hadn't spoiled your fun. Better luck next time!!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

HAHA, Puddy! The hunter hunted!!!

Hannah and Lucy said...

We suspect your mom didn't want to go round the garden picking up fevvers.
luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Yoor jungle is comletely and utterly awesome! We are so jealous! Yoor mom, however, is a bit of a spoil sport! MOL!

Ingrid said...

Humans are horrible creatures ! why do they chase you away when there is such a nice birdy to catch just in front of your nose !
Rosie too loves to sit in high grass !

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

You run fast Mr. Puddy. I am happy that the bird is safe, and I am sure the birdy is happy too.
Maybe your mom will give you special snack that's just as good as birdy.

Barbara said...

Puddy, you are such a rogue! Loved the way you sprang out of that grass and ran off, LOL!

Parker said...

Moms - they can be such buzz kills...

Clooney said...

You'z so lucky to have such a cool grass fort like theese one! Excellent!

The Island Cats said...

Oh Puddy! Your mom ruined your fun!! Next time you're gonna get that birdie!!

Ann Dziemianowicz said...

You almost got that birdie! (you have the most interesting birds!)

I saw in your profile that you like the X-men! How is it that you are a fan?

Catsparella said...

How cool! You are like a big cat hiding in the jungle!! I must admit I was a little nervous for that birdie, though!

GreatGranny said...

Mr. Puddy you reminded me of a black panther with a shiny coat. You were hidden real good though and would have gotten the birdy.
xxx Kassey

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