Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Intruder of the day

Here Again ! Smudge, My next door neighbour's cat is on my garage rooftop. And he saw me !

He is quickly run away to his house.

I'm gonna catch you, Smudge !

I quickly follow his paws on our fence.
Mom know what I'm up to. She calls me but I didn't listen.

I chase Smudge and Mom chases me !

I'm at the front of Smudge's house.
Mom asked me where Smudge is.
I reply with my innocent look
" I don't know ? "

Mom doesn't believe me, she look around.
And seeing Smudge is hiding under his house.

" Poor Smudge " Mom said

" Puddy come back here ! It's his house ! You don't do this..Leave him alone !!! " Mom told me.

" But !!! " I try to explain it's my territory now but she is not listening.

" No But !!! Puddy !!! You come back here ! " Mom asked

" O.K. ! ..O.K. !..OKAY !!! " I jump up to our fence.
" Mom ! Don't you proud of me ? I'm A KING of The Street Now ! "


looloo said...

I don't understand you, Mr Puddy, Mr Smudge is so handsome, I am in love with two mancats, now!

Brian's Home Blog said...

You know Mr. Puddy, he would be a very loyal servant if you let him!

Cat said...

Smudge looks an awful lot like you Puddy, are you related?

Wendy said...

A kitty's gotta do, what a kitty's gotta do, Mr. Puddy and we understand why you're so protective of your territory...We like what "Brian" said about tricking him into being your servant..

Miss Bella and Sele


Mr Puddy
A mancat has to protect his property!

But Smudge sure is a handsome mancat and he is a tuxie like you, just not AS handsome as you--- AND you had him on the run!
Puddy you are the mancat!

>^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^<

Kea said...

We like Brian's idea that Smudge would be a loyal servant, Puddy. Our mom is feeling kinda sorry for him right now. LOL. You try being a benevolent king, rule your subjects with kindness. :-D

-Fuzzy Tales

Unknown said...

Me is happy yous chased the intruder away!! But that makes me think - Hissy old Licorice used to chase away the intruders and he is gone! Does that mean its my job now?

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

You chased Smudge away, so that should be YOUR territory now. But Beins seem ta have differnt rules for that!

The Monkeys said...

We think Smudge looks a lot like Samson so we have a bit of sympathy for him. We do know you're king though, Puddy!

Anonymous said...

We think you and Smudge are playing a furry fun game!

Old Kitty said...

Mr Puddy!!!!! You are indeed King of your street!!!! Yay for you!! Me and Charlie hope that the ever so wonderful Smudge will be one of your bestest and most loyal subjects cos he's just so cute!! Take care

Mariodacat said...

Oh Puddy- you for sure are king of your street. But now we is feeling kinda sorry for Smudge. You know he and you look quite a bit alike. You could become buddies and maybe even hang out together. I know, you is only doing what comes natural M says - guess I would too if I was in dat situation.

Sparkle said...

If Smudge does not defend his house, then it is YOUR territory, Mr. Puddy! Every kitty knows this, but not usually humans.

Daisy said...

Moms never understand. You just need to prove that you are the boss of Smudge.

Stacy Hurt said...

King of the street

and my heart

Ms. Stella O'Houligan

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Looks like Smudge knows you are King of the street too. Maybe you could let him visit you sometimes though because he does look sweet.

Katnip Lounge said...

We think you two look so much alike you could play tricks on your Mom!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Puddy you aren't just "King of the Street" you are KING OF THE WORLD!!!!!!!

Puddy you give your Mom such a hard time! lol

I showed my husband this...he is now your NEWEST fan! He is too shy to comment but he LOVES your blog too!

The Florida Furkids said...

Smudge kind of reminds us of someone.....um....maybe you are relatives?????

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Ellen Whyte said...

Now that you're King, time to be gracious!

BeadedTail said...

Moms are party poopers!

Gigi said...

Well, Mr. Puddy, I say Mr. Smudge should not come over and taunt you like that if he is such a scaredy cat! Ha ha ha! You are THE MAN, Puddy!

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Hail King Puddy! Smudge, better watch out. purrr....meow!

OKcats said...

Uh oh, Mr. Puddy, are you a bit of a bully!?? Poor Smudge!

A few Good Cats said...

Your human mom needs to understand that a cat must defend his territory! Once Mr. Smudge understands that it belongs to you, then you may be able to get along better.

Catio Tales said...

From one King Kitty Cat to another, you need to make sure these intruder cats do your bidding - Smudge is going to take some training!

RoySr said...

Mr Puddy, maybe you two could share the neighborhood. And maybe too, you could stop giving Mom so much grief. You should listen to her more and come when she calls. You never know, you might just miss a whole bunch of yummy treats cause you wouldn't come.

Think about it .....

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We just don't understand why humans don't appreciate the notion of cat kingdoms, Puddy!

The Chans

The Chair Speaks said...

Thank you for visiting us and sending all those healing purrs. The battle Cinders face now is taking all those meds.

Hey Puddy, Mr Smudge is your friend, right? And you are not supposed to chase him now that you are King!

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Me too thinks your King of the world !!!
My mom say´s that you are giving your mom a hard time.
I DON´T agree at all !!!
I´m sure that your mom need some exercise just like my mom :)

Caroline said...

I love all your pictures of Mr Puddy. He's so gorgeous I could squish him!

Spunky Doodle said...

You are a very good chaser! Manny and me like playing chase around the house, but we do not go outside. Should we call you "Your Highness" now?

Thanks for adding me to your blog roll!

=^..^= said...

O Smudge, you dun listen much to your Mom and Dad, do you? MOL!

~Slash & Bronzy

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr Puddy! Thanks for dropping by the other day. We think you did the right thing with Mr Smudge - though be careful you don't end up in a fight! Ruby and Oliver

My Mind's Eye said...

Way to go Puddy!!! Keep a watchful eye on the intruder!!
You are very agile too!!

We love LUNA said...

Oh Puddy you are so funny! I love this story ,you chasing the intruder and mommy chasing you with her camera! MOL
You are so adorable!

Hannah and Lucy said...

We know you will always be the King of your street Mr Puddy but couldn't you let Smudge be the Prince. He is furry handsome but not in the same league as your handsomeness.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Yoor innocent look is so convincing! MOL!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Mr. Puddy, you are with Smudge like we are with our new sister......at present we are not tolerating her at all and chase her back to the bedroom every time we see her.....our mama is very upset with us boys!!!!!!!!!!

Wonderful pictures....xxxxxxxx

Cathy Keisha said...

Oh Puddy, I just read your adventures over the past week. You lead a very exciting life. Smudge looks like he could be your brother but you do own your block. TW is sooooo in love with your expressive face.

Ingrid said...

Mums shouldn't get involved. They don't know anything about territorial defenses !

I give good advices but I also protect the neighbor's cat from Arthur when he is in a bad mood, lol !

The Island Cats said...

Puddy! We are so proud of you, dude!! You must defend your territory!! Moms just don't understand...

Wally & Ernie

GreatGranny said...

Mr.Puddy, you surly are the king of your street.

vic said...

a king,
an emperaror!

no Smudge on your garage roof. no Smudge at all.

but, i guess you need a friend. what do you think about this? alone is not big deal.
a friend means a lot of things to do together. 2 cats on the roof!
i love you very much puddy.

ellie said...

Maybe u and Mr Smudge could be friends! But then I don't think that is going to happen! We kitties don't like other cats coming into our zone either! :)

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