Thursday, April 14, 2011

Across My Street Part III

Across my street used to have a big big jungle.
Mommy is so happy all jungle was gone.
Because it means no point for me to across the road any more. 

I might miss my jungle but no point to keep thinking about it.

Nothing is last long forever any way.

I have to move on, And enjoy something else !

Watching the car driving ?

" I'm Not !! "

It's complicated !!!

I just wait to check my popular rating around here !
My daddy used to see me sitting here,
Waiting for Human Neighbors walks pass,
Then I lift my head up high.
Make sure they see my" Cute face "
and then..They will do rub me : )

PS : Best time to check  my popular rating is after 5 pm. when Human Neighbors  come back home from work or scholl. But after 6 is no good, Just Human walked the woofies.


Kea said...

We're amazed your "popular rating" isn't off-the-scale high no matter what time of day, Mr. Puddy. :-)

BTW, those are *very* interesting birdies! What are they? They almost look like some sort of crow--except here crows are solid black.

-Fuzzy Tales

Mr Puddy said...

Kea, They call " magpie" Big like a crow , Look like a tuxedo : )

Mariodacat said...

Puddy - I know you aren't happy about the jungle being gone, but M is so relieved that you not have a reason to cross that busy street ever again. No - those birdies look tasty - go for it! (shh, M will be mad at me for saying that, but who cares).

JC said...

I know you like to go outside and explore but I wish your Mom would let you do it only if you were on a leash.

Angel Simba said...

Puddy, anyway, those jungly areas tend to be places for picking up fleas and ticks. At least here, anywhere.

Your neighborhood reminds my Mom of where she lived in South Africa when she as a kid. Australia and South Africa have a lot in common with the house construction, because wood is so scare. In our part of the USA, the framework of the houses are mostly wood and many double storey houses.

I hope you get lots of nice chin scritches and petting. Stay safe from the cars, buddy boy.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Hey Puddy! We hope you can find something suitable so you're not bored anymore. But please stay safe, dear friend!

The Chans

Daisy said...

I have never seen those crazy black and white birds before. Cool!

Cathy Keisha said...

I like watching the cars from my window. I also like watching the birdies. Today is rainy so no window whiffies.

OKcats said...

Mr. Puddy, you are so funny! That's cool that you let people walk up to you and pet you! We'd probably run away very fast when people tried to come up to us!

Catsparella said...

You are so smart, Puddy! You have it all figured out!


Mr Puddy
We are also happy that you no longer have an interest to cross the road. WE can see how dangerous it is and we don't want anything to happen to you!


Old Kitty said...

Mr Puddy!!! Awwww how could you not be popular with everyone there!???! You are just too gorgeous and lovely and very very wise!! Yay! Take care

Tamago said...

Hi, Mr. Puddy! I agree we have to move on and enjoy something else :-) There are so many thing we can enjoy!

Marilia said...

You´re a good boy, know?
My cat boy Nelson, if to stay loose, run away and never return. He is a brat boy!!
Kisses cute cat!

Sparkle said...

It sounds to me like you have a lot going on in your neighborhood, even without the jungle, Mr. Puddy!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Just watch that nasty street sweet friend! Hey, I know your popular rating is so very high!!!

Admiral Hestorb said...

Your popular rating is beyond where the moon is in the sky!

Especially with us lady cats!! :-)


Anonymous said...

You are adorable! And those birds are scary looking.

m.q said...

u are very adorable Mr Puddy,
i'm sure u're very famous there at ur place..

Ellen Whyte said...

Puddy, if you lived near me, I'd be over every day to squizzle your ears.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Puddy how you make me smile! Please be careful if you do cross that street (to me you look like you will, jungle or not!)
If I lived in your neighborhood I would come over every day and pick you up and hug you and kiss you soooooooooooo much!! I so wish I could meet you Puddy! xoxo

BeadedTail said...

Mr. Puddy, if we were in your neighborhood our mommy would be out petting you constantly! We'd be watching you and those big ol' birdies too!

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Mr Puddy,
I'm sooooo moving to your suburb now. Your address, purrrlease. No worries, mate. I won't compete with you on the popularity rating. I just want to cuddle you everyday. purrr....meow!

Gigi said...

It looks like you have plenty of jungle-y grass right on your own side of the street.

And I think ALL the neighbors should stop by and rub you every day.

Catio Tales said...

You are truly the King Kitty Cat of Some Street in Melbourne. You RULE that place and have the humans under your paw......

We love LUNA said...

Busy day there hein!
It's better than TV!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Mr Puddy, please don't even fink abowt crossing that road again ~ we love yoo too much.

ZOOLATRY said...

We thinks you're off-the-charts when it comes to a popularity rating. By the way: you should loan yourself out to be a crossing guard, you seem to have all the talents and skills for it.

Princess Jasmine said...

Mummy said she would most definitely stop to make a fuss of you. She says she sees a very similar kitty to you on her way to work and always stops to say hello to him :)xx

Marg said...

WE definitely think your 'popular rating' should be a 10. We are sure everyone stops to say hello and give you a little scritch. You are so handsome, how could anyone pass you up. Take care and have a great day.

Anonymous said...

Puddy, PLEASE be carefuls with those big cars. They can mow down a Mr. Puddy in no time at all.

Hannah and Lucy said...

Are those birds magpies - if so we have them here too - they have a reputation for stealing shiny objects so be careful to hide your bling from them Mr Puddy! Watch the cars when you cross the road as we don't want a flat Puddy.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Millie said...

Wow, you guys have GREEN grass. Ours is still muddy and brown. You stay out of that street, do you hear me? Bad things can happen out there, trust me, I KNOW! Great photos!


The Florida Furkids said...

We think your Popular rating is pretty high! Those birds are pawsome.

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Wendy said...

Mr. Puddy, you find adventures whatever you do...We have to admit, we're glad you don't cross the street anymore. We'd be so sad if something happened to you!

Miss Bella and Sele

Purrfect Haven said...

popular rating eh? We like it and if we were allowed out in the front we would try that on the school kids. Normally we take a pole by sitting on the window sill and looking out at this time.. two of us together! Love Darcy and Bingley xx

Anonymous said...

Sorry you miss your jungle Mr.Puddy! It looks like your having a nice day though.

The Very Best Cats said...

Mr Puddy, you are such a handsome boy. No wonder why all the humans passing by like to pet you. You also look very soft and friendly.
We are very happy you will not be crossing the road anymore. Your safer in your own yard Mr Puddy.

My Mind's Eye said...

Mr. Puddy you are know and adored both near and far!!!

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

You are sooo smart Mr Puddy !

Cat Mandu said...

Please be careful. You're quiet a daring boy.

Clooney said...

I betcha that your popularity rating is "off the charts"!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Hmmm, that road looks bigger an busier than we realized before. Mebbe its a good thing the jungle is gone.

Ooh, mebbe one of those birdies will step on the wrong spot an fry themselfs for you!

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

Mr. Puddy we sure hope you are careful when you are outside. The cars worry me. Maybe you could decide to be just an indoor kitty??

Daniela said...

Mr. Puddy, how did you get so smart. I would really stay away from those birds, they have attitude.


Miss Kitty said...


Tell me do you like the grass in front of you, I mean to chew on, because I love the look of it. From the pictures I think you have a great perch from which to watch the world pass by.

Sorry it took so long to get back to you for having visited our site and commented.

Warmest regards,
Miss Kitty and Egmont

Just Ducky said...

Mr Puddy we has been furry bad in not coming to visit. You visit us so often and leave lots and lots of comments.

Glad you like our song, mum is good on helping us think up new words for old songs!

You have interesting fevvers in your part of the world, none of our look like that.

The Island Cats said...

Puddy, we know you are very popular!! And those birdies...mmmmm...look so yummy!!

HubbleSpacePaws said...

Mr. Puddy, how could your popularity rating ever be anything but fantastic????

ellie said...

We kitties think everyone passing by should stop and give u lots of attention! We would come and say hi if we lived closer :)

Rosemary B❤️ said...

I know all of the people in your neiborhood come to see you. You are much more interesting than a silly animal jungle. What is so great about that? Nothing... well, when you came to visit, the people probably came to see you.
Keep watch -- the people need you!


Ariel said...

Mmmm those birds look yummy :)

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

Humans love floofy-boys! I'm EVERYBODY's favourite here!


You are NOT, Tenzing! Mommy loves us ALL best!

We have magpies too, Mr Puddy! Our have really loooooong tails, like cats!


Julia Williams said...

Happy Caturday Mr, Puddy, and stay safe out there!

giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Hi Puddy :)
non attraversare la stada !!!!
Cosa fai oggi ?
Buona giornata :)

Vicki said...

Don't cross the road Puddy! Its not safe! Full of those big moving things. I play outside but don't cross the road...

Alex aus dem Gwundergarten said...

Pooor Mr. Puddy. If you're missing your jungle, just come over. Our whole garden is a big jungle. Noah would have some fun running with you through it.
Take care of all those silly cars.
Kind regards

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Happy Mancat Monday, to you, handsome friend. We love you.

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Please be careful out there! Cars can hurt you!

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