Thursday, April 7, 2011

Bug Day

Hooray !!! I found one bug !

Don't !!! Don't you go to the hole !
Darn !.. Miss it !

Ah Ha ! Butterfly !!!!

Don't you fly away !
I'm coming !!!

" Puddy !!!! Dinner !!! " Mommy calls me

To all Bugs,
Today is your Lucky Day !!! You might be safe for today.

But I will be back !!!

Mr. Puddy
( The Bug Terminator )


Cat said...

I'm glad you didn't mess with that bumble bee Puddy your mum called you just in time! I think he might have given you an ouchie

Ariel said...

Those bugs were lucky indeed they escaped the mighty hunter.

Danielle said...

Human bean's always call us when we're busy, don't they?

Admiral Hestorb said...

Puddy! You will have all the bugs you want but leave the bee alone. I don't want your pretty mouth to be swollen.

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

My mom says that she is glad that your mom called for dinner before you got that Bee. She say´s that they sting = OUCH !!!

Daisy said...

Mr. Puddy, I think that first bug was a STINK bug!

OKcats said...

You know, Mr. Puddy, we're just a couple of inside girlcats, and we know you are an experienced outdoorsmancat. But we don't think you should try to eat the bumblebee.

Sparkle said...

I know those bugs are going to rest very UNeasy because they know you shall return!!

Kea said...

Mr. Puddy, we agree about the bee, stay away from those! But the moths and butterflies...Now they're nice and crunchy! Not much meat on the bone, though. :-P

-Fuzzy Tales

Old Kitty said...

Mr Puddy!!! What fabulous action shots of you!! Look at you go for all the bugs!!! Me and Charlie hope you have lots of extra treats and yummy noms to help you re-charge for your next bug adventure! Yay! take care

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Bugs are fun! But a bee got in the house yesserday an I went crazy tryin ta catch it. Apparently, its a good thing I didnt!


Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Puddy those photos your Mommy took are just marvelous. Even the bugs look pretty when your Mommy takes photos of them!
I am glad you didn't get the bugs though...I don't think they taste very good!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

No bugs are safe with you around Mr. Puddy.

Brian's Home Blog said...

You are one handsome bugger Mr. Puddy!

The Florida Furkids said...

Those bugs are very lucky they lived to see another day.

Our Mom wanted us to ask what kind of camera your Mommy uses. Does she use macro on a lot of the shots? Your pictures are always so clear and bright.

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Marilia said...

Hmmmm... those bugs are so lucky!
Ronrons Mr Puddy!

Ellen Whyte said...

Puddy, you are the best stalker kitty!

Sasha said...

you look like a big strong hunting cat.

Gigi said...

Hello Sweet Puddy! Well, of COURSE you went to your dinner! You don't look like a boy who misses too many dinners in order to chase some silly little bug that's hardly a mouthful!

BeadedTail said...

So many bugs are very lucky but we bet you get them next time!

Catsparella said...

I think your dinner is probably yummier than the buggies, Puddy!! They are fun to catch though :)

We love LUNA said...

ohmigod, a monster! MOL
I prefer the butterflies and flowers!
Beautiful pictures my sweet friend, enjoy your garden!

Whisppy said...

OMC. I'm so glad your Mum called you before you nom nom nom on the bumble bee!

Mariodacat said...

It's a good thing you missed dat Bee Puddy. Owie!

Princess Jasmine said...

Oooh, bugs looks so exciting. I wonder if there are bugs in my garden. Mr. Puddy we loves you so very much :)xx

Angie, Catladyland said...

Look at those pretty pictures!! You are lucky to have so many cool bugs in your garden!

Wendy said...

You're such a fierce and mighty hunter, Mr. Puddy...And to let the prey go like you did, takes a lot of mercy! We love seeing pictures of you stalking like our wild ancestors did!

Miss Bella and Sele

Unknown said...

Bugs! Mes Loves catching bugs! But yous is right, kitty dinner tastes much better than bugs!
Kisses and head Butts

ellie said...

Good try there Mr Puddy. Our human mum is glad the butterfly got away! we kitties love catching and eating crunchie bugs!

Cat Street Boyz said...

Mr. Puddy you really need one of those cams on your collar!!=^Y^=

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Puddy you are awesome.. I love chasing bugs too. be careful with the bummble bee one though as that will sting.. Hugs GJ xx

Poppy Q said...

They are great photos Mr Puddy, we love the fourth one, of you in hunting mode.

Better get all the bugs before they hide away for winter.

Aybige-The Cat's Notebook said...

I'll come back and I'll be your nightmare hey you bugs :)

Cats of Wildcat Woods said...

Watch out for Mr Bee Puddy!

Mr. Hendrix said...

Wow! You should hire yourself out. My mommy hates killing bugs and sometimes I don't want to leave the couch to do it for her. You could get some nip/treats under the table....

We hope you had a great dinner!

PS watch out for the bees dude. They fight back

Dexter said...

Hee-hee-hee......!! That's so ALMOST had a bug! Luckily your humanoid didn't let you get that bee though....I've caught 2 before and my paw swelled up each time.

Only after the second time did it all make sense. I don't catch them anymore....just stick to earthworms.

Good luck next time!


From a cute cat x

Purrfect Haven said...

we want to found a bug terminator group! Love Darcy and Bingley xx

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