Sunday, April 3, 2011

I've got nothing to do with this !

This post is not suitable for the kitten under 1 
: Under 1 must be accompanied by a pawrent
or adult guardian.
Some pictures might make you throw up, 

One Day in our garden,
Mommy keeps taking photos around Cactus Area.
And she has seen something she should not seen !

" The Crime Scene "

We are going to zoom in for you

A Dead Birdy Corpse

A Birdy has been killed here, Violent !
Just one leg and some feathers was leftover.

Mom called me to have a look.
I give a silence to respect the Dead Birdy.

Somehow mommy does suspect me !
What's it have to do with me ?

Seriously, I'm innocent !!!

COD ! Just only you know
I am Pure Innocent !!!

Who is going to remember it ?
That Dead Birdy Corpse look like it was there for 2-3 months !


OKcats said...

Yuck! Guess what? My brothers used to catch birds and bring them into the house to eat them (mice too). And do you know what? They would NEVER eat the heads! They'd leave them around for my mom to find. HAHAHAHAH

Sparkle said...

I totally believe you, Mr. Puddy! Cause you would not have left such blatant evidence!

Kea said...

Mr Puddy, we think you should confess you did it--and be proud! That means you're a mighty warrior/hunter, with unsurpassed birdie-catching skills.

It also means you get yummy raw meat, which is what kitties evolved to eat, after all. Very good for your coat, keeps it nice and shiny! :-D

-Fuzzy Tales

Stacy Hurt said...

Mr. Puddy you need to put a warning label that the post will make you DROOL!

'Cos now I'm all hungryfied!

Ms. Stella O'Houligan

Katnip Lounge said...

Puddy, we think you did it, but we'll never tell that to your Mom.

So, was he tasty? Like chik-kun?

Cara n Crew said...

The evidence is all circumstantial, Mr. Puddy. Tho if it was you, you done us cats proud :)

Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, and HOllie

Marilia said...

Mr Puddy, you're innocent! I believe in you !!!!!

Old Kitty said...

Mr Puddy!!!!! Me and Charlie know you are innocent!! The Cactus did it!!

Take care

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

ohhhhh nooooo....hmmmm....whoever (or "whatever") killed that birdie better not have left any pawprints at the crime scene! Ooops!! Did I just say "pawprints!!???"

I bet it was that darned SMUDGE!!

Wendy said...

Mr.Puddy, don't say a THING until you have your lawyer! Don't worry we can get you off so that you won't be found guilty, but we know the real truth, don't we? ; )

Miss Bella and Sele

The Florida Furkids said...

We think that birdie looks a little creepy.

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

BeadedTail said...

Mr. Puddy, we don't believe for one second you had anything to do with that birdie! You would never have left behind any evidence whatsoever!

Brian's Home Blog said...

I know you didn't do it, you were with me at the time!!! (How's that pal?)

Cat Street Boyz said...

Ewwwww! Hey, do you think that's how the birds look after our pawrents buy the other parts of the birds??? Ewwwwwwwwwww!=^Y^=

Ellen Whyte said...

Of COURSE you're innocent, Mr Puddy. So you won't mind giving us some DNA, right???

RoySr said...

Mr Puddy, just take the 5th Amendment. That works every time.

I think .....

Carolyon said...

Well so the saying goes - innocent until proven guilty!

giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Ah ah aha .....
mi hai fatto tanto ridere Puddy !!!!
Sei veramente troppo simpatico !!!
Baci da Igor ( e mamma )

Catio Tales said...

Result! Excellent work. And great disguising of the remains - that took some neat gardening work and plant readjustment to hide it that well.

Alex aus dem Gwundergarten said...

Well, I really had to laugh out loud. Pooor Mr. Puddy, so innocent you are! :o) Do you need a good lawyer? Just call Noah.
Take care

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

I´m glad you put out an warning that it was not suitable for kitten under 1 year so I could shout for my mom to come and watch this with me.
Poor little birdie say´s my mom !
I think it´s was a really good catch who ever it now was that caught it :)

Teddy Westlife said...

I can't believe your mum would accuse you of something like that, Puddy!

Admiral Hestorb said...

Mr Puddy! I KNOW beyond any shadow of a doubt that you are totally innocent. Would that handsome man cat face lie!? I think NOT!

Hannah and Lucy said...

It was the birdie's fault - he jumped into an unsuspecting kitties mouth on purpose!!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

MOL, Whiskers always put whatever he caught in his food bowl so Mommy always knew it was him.

My Mind's Eye said...

Mr. Puddy holy smoke...thanks for the warning..thank goodness mom and I had already digested our breakfast. MOL


Jacqueline said...

We know you are innocent, sweet Puddy=you are a lover, not a killer :)...Happy week ahead, handsome boy...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

We know you are innocent, Puddy!!!!!!!!


Gigi said...

You know, I think it was probably Mr. Smudge! That's what I think. YOU would never have left so much evidence lying about.

Fr. Tom Fish said...

How could it have been your fault, Puddy?

The birdy looked old enough to have been with the pharoahs!

RIP Birdy, though.


Cat-from-Sydney said...

Rise birdy...rise!
Tell us if it's Mr Puddy
Or it could be the next door Smudgie
Rise birsy...rise!


Mariodacat said...

Of course you are innocent Puddy. Why would they even think such a thing!! Gasp - I'm socked. (did it taste like chicken pal? )


Mr Puddy
YOU are a most excellent hunter and admired for your prowess!
But if you stay you didn't do it, I respect that but I think this is the stuff of legends!


Daisy said...

I am certain you are innocent! We only eat birds that come in a can or a bag.

Bengal Duo ~ Zulu and Deene said...

OMC ewww. There is no way u did that. There would not be any stuffs left like dat if you eated it. Tell the Hooman some lazy kitteah must have deaded the birdie.
Luna & Zulu

Frank's Corner said...

I have mixed feelings here, Mr. Puddy. First of all, I think it would be very reasonable to blame this entire incident on old Smudge, the nosy neighbor. But, if you did do it, my dear fellow, I am totally envious. I NEVER get to have tasty bird hunting times anymore. You are so fortunate to be master over your own domain.

We love LUNA said...

I know you are innocent my sweet Prince Mr. Puddy!
Luna ;)
I will be always by your side!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We are sure you dint do it, Mr Puddy. There was some left...

ellie said...

Me, Buttons the kitty brought in a bird in my mouth the other day. My mum took it away from me and the bird got away! Most of the time, the bird is not so lucky!!

Kitty McCormack said...

That is some nasty looking dead birdy and it is the first one that I have ever seen and hopefully the last. I believe that you are Innocent Mt Puddy!

Nishiko xxx

Anita said...

Where I live, in the Canary Islands, this captus is very typical. We name it "verode" or "bejeque"

Ingrid said...

What a crime story and with a corpse ! Now I will have nightmares !

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

Your mom is so wrong to accuse you!! I see the innocense all over your handsome face.... :)


PS. Tommy had a before kitty, named Brenner. Tommy would let him go out on the balcony. Well, she had birdfeeder too. Well, Brenner would hide inside the apt until a birdy came--well,Tommy saved 6 of the 7 Brenner caught....

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