Monday, April 4, 2011

A Precious Moment

This is my precious moment with daddy every morning.
I never miss it,
Even once !

Mommy feel awkward to take our photos in the toilet
but She been called by my dad.
She have to do it ! She is my personal paparazzi !! 

Mom never get involved with this moment.
This is her first time !

Now she earns " Boys Time " experience.

She might can't get a special massage from my dad.
But daddy is generous enough
to give her some stinky gas to be inhale with me : )

Mom ! Do it with me !
Just take a deep breath....Umm

PS : I hope she will join us every morning from now on.


Kea said...

Hmmm, somehow we think your mom might prefer to let you and your dad have that time alone, Puddy. :-D

-Fuzzy Tales

Esme said...

Enjoy your dad time even though he may like some privacy.

Katnip Lounge said...

Mr. Puddy, your dedication to your Dad is amazing. A little crazy, but amazing nonetheless.

And we are happy how your Mom framed/cropped the photo...there was *just* enough information, ha ha ha!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We give TBT privacy in those "special moments"... MOL!

Angel Simba said...

Puddy, that is pretty funny, but I understand having special moments with Dad.

Thanks for the warning about the cactus plants. I totally avoid them, even if they are lower, but there are some other plant I like to eat, such as the spider plant, that my Dad has to be sure are high enough out of my way.

ellie said...

Luckily for us kitties, we seem not to mind certain smells that come from our human friends!!

Tamago said...

Mr. Puddy, you love spending time with your daddy so much! You look so happy inhaling his....gas....oh, Mr. Puddy, it sounds a little crazy :-)
I am not sure if your mom will join you two in the morning!

Anonymous said...

MOL, me and my mommeh does this too!!!!!

OKcats said...

OMG Mr. Puddy! MOL!!! We just love visiting your blog - we never know what we'll see! Of course, we both do this to our mom, also, but it has never been considered to take photographic evidence!!! hahahahhahahaha

Old Kitty said...

Mr Puddy!!! Is nothing sacred from your pawparazzi!!?? LOL!!!! This is too too funny!!!!! And you are too too gorgeous!! Take care

Stacy Hurt said...

Oh Mr. Puddy! You makes me laffs! Ya; that is such a guy thing.

Ms. Jenga goes in to the 'ladies room' with That Woman and all I ever hear is 'Miss Jenga! Did you have to do such a big stinkie?"

Ms. Stella O'Houligan

The Creek Cats said...

MOL! Mr Puddy, we just love you!!!
Hope you've had a great weekend!

Mariodacat said...

OMC - I do the same thing first thing in the morning. D is the first one up, and when he sits down on the ooman litter box, I jump up into his lap! he he - do we has our dads trained or not.


Mr Puddy you have us all laffin and laffin! Your Daddy is a good sport to let your Mom take such precious moments and blog it!
We love it!
BTW sometime I sit on Mom's lap while she is in the human litter box. I like to lay down and purr on her.

>^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^<
Abby Ping Jinx Boo Gracie

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Ha! Ha! We thinks that is precious! But I wills turns my eyes! My mom says I am too young to looks!

The Island Cats said...

You look pretty happy, Mr. Puddy!

BeadedTail said...

MOL! We don't have any Mancats in the house so didn't know this was how you spent your time! We're just glad you are laying outside your daddy's pants!

Sparkle said...

MOL, Mr. Puddy! I get the feeling this is going to stay a man-only event!

Catsparella said...

I love the sweet relationship you have with your dad, Puddy!! It's so nice you have special time together..I liked the last post where he was petting you gently too :)

Thank you so much for your nice comment on Priscilla's birthday post!! You made me blush with the model comment! MOL xoxo

Ellen Whyte said...

Mr P we are blown away by this ;-P

Annie Bear said...

Awww...Pudds, it's amazing how us kitties don't mind certain smells that moms definitely do not like. You're so well loved, even in the loo!

Marilia said...

Mr Puddy!
The love of your daddy and you is so beautiful!!!
Love your post!!!!

Clooney said...

Oh Puddy, you'z such a character! But somehow, we don't thinks your Mom will be joining you and your Dad every morning...

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Mr Puddy! boys are soooo gross! purrr....meow!

Catio Tales said...

There are no secrets in your house, Mr Puddy! Such moments are indeed special.

looloo said...

Hihi, this is so funny! My husband had the same marvellous, intimate moments with one of our cats about twenty years ago.

I know how to cherry up myself when needed (don't worry, this does not happen often): I just think of you being hypnotized by a flee, now I can also imagine you with your Dad in the fulfillment of his first job in the morning... :-) Thanks, Mr Puddy, you are a sunbeam in my life!

Lots of love,

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Erm ... we fink we can live wivowt inhaling the stinky gas! MOL!

Brian's Home Blog said...

I think its a guy thing Mr. Puddy and Moms don't quite understand!!!

The Monkeys said...

We have a feeling your Mom will let you and your Dad continue to share that moment alone!!

Hannah and Lucy said...

We are ashamed of our mum Mr Puddy - she is laughing and laughing at the pictures of you and your dad - she says thank goodness there isn't any smellivision included on your blog.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

We love LUNA said...

Hmmm looks wonderful there with your dad!

Marg said...

Mr. Puddy, you are such a good boy for sticking with Dad through thick and thin. You must not have a good smeller on ya. Great pictures. Too very funny.

Bacon said...

Chaos does this, too, only not with his dad. Every morning. And if the door is *gasp* closed... he scratches and meows until I open the bathroom door to let him in. I don't think I would let anyone in to take pictures! Mr. Puddy is one gorgeous cat, though. I am in love with his black and white furriness!

CCL Wendy said...

What a great post, Mr. Puddy! I applaud your Dad for his candor. And, of course, you know that toilet humour is some of my favourite stuff!

What I really love about this is that it's so very human, and so very feline at the same time.

Parker said...


Frank's Corner said...

Mr. Puddy, Thank you for opening up this topic. It is one of the important jobs of feline companions to tread where no other creature may venture. We too accompany the lady into the thrown room each morning. Humans need encouragement to complete their daily rituals. You are truly a trailblazer!

SuziQCat said...

Puddy, we are glad you have special time with your dad!

Anonymous said...

You've got to get precious daddy time when ever you can!

Admiral Hestorb said...

Mr. Puddy, you have the BEST parents around in your city!!!

Unknown said...

Mr Puddy, Kozmo does that with our daddy too!! Me thinks yous guys are NUTS!!

Ariel said...

Lol...Your the cutest Mr.Puddy very dedicated to your dad.

P.S My mom sends you a big (Kiss) too
your adorable :)

Anita said...

Puddy, I believe your mom will not be able to join "the party"... muahahahaha!

Purrrs and thanks for visiting!

lupie said...

Do you need a mask??
Hehehehe ...

Ingrid said...

Like our cats ! we are never alone in the bathroom, one cat has to keep company and wants to be petted !

Leanne said...

chuckle chuckle!

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