Wednesday, April 27, 2011

When the night come, I pass out before anyone else

But one thing, Mommy notices
In these day, While I sleep
I never miss to do paw crossed

For many friends of mine who are not well to get better and better.
Purrs always continue for all good thing will happen.

And rest in peace for Sweet Praline

I really love you all

PS : Me and my mom decided to reduce the day of blogging. We may not see you in some days of the week. Me and my mom want to spend more times with family and do more nap. Please enjoy your day : )


Ellen Whyte said...

You need your beauty sleep, don't you darling? We'll miss you Puddy!

Daniela said...

Mr Puddy, you are sooo cute. You look so peaceful. About the time my mommy lays down I get a second wind and want to play.

I love youuuu


Kay L. Davies said...

Yes, we'll miss you, too, Puddy, but perhaps your Mom wants to do more nap, too.
-- K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Chloe and Cecil said...

We will miss you but keep in touch when you can. Your little paws are soooo cute!

Katnip Lounge said...

Awww, Puddy, you are such a sound sleeper! Handsome, too.

You and your Mom enjoy your naps and time off. Mommy has reduced her commenting a lot so she has more time for US!

See you soon!

BeadedTail said...

You look so peaceful sleeping with your crossed paws Mr. Puddy! Enjoy more nap time with your mom!

Kas said...

Hi Mr Puddy,

Sleeping beauty is what you are, Miranda crosses her paws too when she is asleep.

OKcats said...

Mr. Puddy, you're so cute when you're sleeping so soundly! I, Fuzzy, also go to bed before anyone else. I'm the only one here with any good sense! And we understand about posting less. We have no idea how some of you post AND comment every day!!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Puddy you sleep on your side just like I do!! I sleep on the same side as you! I think it is so sweet that you were praying for the other kitties.
About blogging less. Frankly I am trying to do the same thing...except for this week....this week is a busier week.
I am trying to reduce the time that I go around and read some of the blogs too. I understand how you feel completely! It takes me over 2 hrs to read and comment on all of the blogs that I follow and I know it is the same for you.
My poor husband never sees me anymore!
As summer gets closer here I will try and blog less but not sure if I will be able to

RoySr said...

Don't worry Mr. Puddy, there are lots of us that need more RL time for rest and family fun. I think there are going to be more folks posting only on or two times a week. But we will always be around.

Looking good in the pictures Mr. P.

I'm gone ....

Quill and Greyson said...

We're happy to see you anytime!!

Gigi said...

Oh Puddy! You looks sooooo sweet with your little pawsies crossed like that while you sleep!

More naps is all good! We will be happy to see you whenever you blog!

Cara n Crew said...

Mr. Puddy, you are just too cute! We will miss seeing you so often but it's important to get in your nap time, mom time, family time, and nap time. enjoy!

Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, and Hollie

Poppy Q said...

I go to bed early too - epecially now it is cold, I go to bed at 7pm.

We are glad you are having a little break, we can see how much work goes into each post, were worried that you and your mum would burn out. Take it easy Mr Puddy and Mum.

Julie and Poppy Q

Sparkle said...

I am the opposite, Mr. Puddy, I go to bed late (with my night owl human) and sleep later in the morning than anyone else!

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Mr Puddy,
No worries, mate. Take your own sweet time. purr....meow!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Puddy, yoo look so cute asleep!

We understand abowt not blogging every day. Blogging should be a pleasure and not become a chore. We generally don't blog at weekends now (unless sumfin impawtant happens) and we even take a day off in the week sumtimes. That way, when we do blog, we really enjoy it.

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

It's hard work being us!

Kea said...

Mr. Puddy, the crossed paws makes our mom all sappy and silly -- she loves to see kitties do that!

As for cutting back on blogging...Our mom is on the verge of blog burnout, so we understand! LOL!

-Fuzzy Tales

Mariodacat said...

you are the most adorable kitty Puddy. Everything you do is so cute and done with style. M would like to cat nap you, but then she'd be sad because your own peeps weould miss you so mcuh.

Hannah and Lucy said...

We love your crossed paws Mr Puddy - you are such a cute mancat.
We hope you won't stop blogging altogether cos we'd be crying and crying without our Puddy fix.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Old Kitty said...

Mr Puddy!!! You look so cute deep in sleep!! Me and Charlie love your paws crossed too!!! We will tiptoe out very quietly now so you can continue to dream sweet dreams! Take care

Marg said...

Mr. Puddy, you are so cute sleeping with your paws crossed. You are just wishing all the animals that are sick will get all better. Good for you. You do sleep soundly. Blogging does take a lot of time and we understand how you need a day off every once in a while. Have a great day.

The Monkeys said...

You are just so adorable, Mr. Puddy! We think sleeping with paws crossed is a good way to hope for good health for your friends.

Brian's Home Blog said...

You sure got the comfy sleeps going good Mr. Puddy. Yep, sometimes you just have to give your paws a rest, and Moms do too!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Great crossed paws, Puddy!

Don't reduce the blogging too much, please? We love reading about your adventures!

The Chans

Daisy said...

It is always too to make time for napping! When my Mommeh started her new job a year ago, we stopped posting on weekends.

Wendy said...

Mr. Puddy, you leave such an adventurous life that no wonder you get some zzzzz's first! And your mommy needs to relax too so she can take better care of you. Your friends won't desert you at all...

Miss Bella and Sele

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Awwwwwwwww, we love your posts and will greatly miss you on the days you aren't here.

Just remember, we love y'all, so please don't skip too many days during the week.

Cats of Wildcat Woods said...

Bet you are up allll night after your beauty nap! We know how it is - take a break from blogging and get some family time.

Julia Williams said...

Mr. Puddy, how sweet that you cross your paws in purrayers every night for other kittehs. You are a love.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Puddy, it is so nice that ya sleep with yer paws crossed fer all the sickly kitties! We'll be glad to see ya whenever ya get a chance ta blog...

Admiral Hestorb said...

Thank you for telling us, sweet Puddy. We will enjoy seeing you very much when you come back. xoxoxoxox

Jans Funny Farm said...

We understand about reducing your blogging. Your friends will still be here. :)

Princess Jasmine said...

Mr Puddy you are such a thoughful loving kitty. We are gonna miss you on the days you don't blog :( but we understand. We will be waiting :)xxxx

Catsparella said...

You look so peaceful when you're sleeping, Puddy! I understand about having to take some days and naps are very important!! :)

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Sleep at night ??!!
No , No then it´s time for jamming all night long :)
My mom and dad is sooo happy about that ;-)
You´re so cute when you sleep with your paws crossed :)
Sleep tight !


Mr Puddy naps are furry impawtant.
We understand that you might need to blog less and sleep more. We will miss you but we always look forward to your post.

Sweet dreams

>^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^<
Abby Ping Jinx Boo Gracie

Danielle said...

Aww..You look so peaceful when you sleep, Mr. Puddy.

Marilia said...

Dear Puddy, you are beautiful anyway, but sleeping is so graceful.

Cory said...

Mr. Puddy, you don't have to blog everyday. Even us kitties need rest. We just enjoy seeing you whenever we get the chance.

Clooney said...

Puddy, the ladies of the household here are quite smitten over your crossed paws! Enjoy your nap time buddy, you deserve it.


Cezar and Léia said...

My sweet Prince Puddy,
These pictures are adorable, I'm sure you are dreaming about your friends!
Your mommy is right it's important to spend time with family.
My beans just arrived from their trip and I was here doing my cat patrols.Now I'm so happy visiting your blog.I will enjoy your previous posts and your beautiful pictures!
Love to your heart!
and hugs from my mommy Léia

My Mind's Eye said...

Hi Puddy you are a handsome sleeping boy. We hope you and the family are enjoying some time together.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

We will take what you can offer, Mr Puddy. We always enjoy hearing from you!
Happy Friday,
~ The Bunch

ellie said...

U r such a gorgeous one Mr Puddy!

Ann Dziemianowicz said...

Mr. Puddy: I like how you sleep with one paw over your face. You have such a nice fluffy bib.

Jacqueline said...

Happy dreams, sweetheart=we love you, Puddy!...kisses x3...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Tamago said...

Awwww Mr. Puddy, your sleeping with paws crossed is so adorable!!
Spending more time with your family is wonderful! Have a great weekend :-)

Mr. Hendrix said...

Hi Mr Puddy, that is awesome you go to bed first. I do that too, but it is to find the best spot on "my bean's" bed. It is wonderful you are purring for our friends. We are very sad about everything.

We understand about the time spent blogging. We've had to cut way back too. Blogging is fun, if it doesn't cut into kitty petting, admiring and scritching time...

Ariel said...

Sweet dreams my friend :)

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