Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I think every cats have this moment !

When you see the fat yummy birdy,

You make a chattering noise " Ka..Ka..Ka..Ka "
Loud enough for birdy to hear
And Loud enough for mom to ask " What's that, Puddy ? "

The noise made the birdy fly away.
But it wasn't my noise,
but it was my mom !

Mom should be quite, but she did not !
She kept asking the question

Next time, I will make sure she wasn't around !

The Birdy already gone,
And Mom know I never talk back in human language,
But she is still going on and on about...

" Puddy, What did you talk to the bird ? "
" Why don't you do this with every birdies ? "

This Cats in Youtube, They just do the same sound as me.
Just in case, you wanna hear the chattering sound

And for your human who have the question same as my mom.

Wikipedia Explained Why Cat make a chattering noise : Cats sometimes make chirping or chattering noises when observing prey. Proposed explanations for this behavior include that it is a threatening sound, an expression of excitement or frustration, or an attempt to replicate a bird-call (or replicate the call of a bird's prey, for example a cicada). Recent animal behaviorists have theorized that it is a "rehearsal behavior" in which the cat anticipates or practices the killing of prey, because the sound usually accompanies a biting movement similar to the one they use to kill their prey (the "killing bite", which saws through the victim's neck vertebrae).

Breaking News
Mom have to leave work early today because she feel so sick.
We might can't do comments for you today but we will get back to you as soon as she feel better !


Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Typical mom´s to ruin the birdwatching/chasing :(
Me too sounds like that when I see something I want to chase :)

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Our humans are really not great hunters, are they?

The Chans

Unknown said...

Me makes that nopise! But Kozmo don't. Maybe its cuz he is still young.

Old Kitty said...

Mr Puddy!! You really look like you mean business in the seventh pic! LOL! Awww your mum is just being so curious!!! :-)

That is some amazing chattering by these kitties!! Bet you're even cuter when you do the chattering thing though! Yay!! Take care


We hope we can leave a comment for you as Dreaded Blogger has been very bad today....Oh Mr Puddy how handsome and suave you look while stalking that yummy birdie. Our Gracie does this chittering a lot. Nearly everyday in fact. But Mom says we all have done it, but Gracie is just our little expert. Now we sure would like to go hunting with you!


Lisa Kolosey said...

Good thing they'll be more fat birds to chat at! But Mom did catch some gorgeous pictures of you all the we're happy.
~Lisa Co9T

Brian's Home Blog said...

We're always talking to our big birdies too, except we don't go out, so they make faces at us!

Daisy said...

Ooooh, I love to cackle at birdies, too!

Stacy Hurt said...

We ALL make that noise here when we see da birds on da wire outside the window.

Mr. Puddy you look positively delightfully sinister in that photo when you mention ditchin yer mum next time you go hunting!

Ms. Stella O'Houligan

Kay L. Davies said...

I agree with Wikipedia's last definition: "rehearsing the killing bite" — it is quite definite with the two kittens seen in profile.
— K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Marilia said...

Great explanation Mr Puddy!! Thanks for share with us!

Just Ducky said...

Yes we chitter at the birdies all the time. But mum knows what's up and we are inside, so can't really get the birdies anyway. Love the video.

The Florida Furkids said...

We chirp at the birdies too but we're inside kitties so nobuddy gets hurt.

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Athena said...

We chatter at the birdies too! But we're inside so they can't hear us.

Gigi said...

Oh, the Human thought these two kitties put on quite the horror show. She thinks what they're watching is lucky they're inside!

Sparkle said...

Mr. Puddy, your human needs to learn bird watching etiquette!

m.q said...

Mr Puddy, please be a good nurse for mom ok..

BoBo Salem & ChaCha

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Oh yoor poor mommy ~ we hope she is better soon. Purrs. be sure to take good care of her ~ despite her frightening the birdie away.

Ozark Mountain Cats said...

We hope your Mum feels better soon. Or perhaps she was only homesick, she missed her Mr. Puddy.

one of Fae's humans said...

awwww, Puddy that sucks! poor you!

but lucky for the bird. ;)

i wish Fae made chirping noises... it's so cute. ;(

get well soon! @ your mom

The Monkeys said...

Samson is a clucker too when he sees birds! We know they can't hear him though, because he's on the inside of the window and the birdy is outside!

Admiral Hestorb said...

I have made a few sounds but not like those. This is the first time Mommy got to hear what we really can and do sound like. Love the video.

Tell your mommy to get all better sooner than soon. YOU be a good nursie too, Puddy.


Anonymous said...

A couple of the fuzzies make that chittering noise but not all of us. Mom thinks it's a sign of frustration because we can't get to the yummy birdies outside.

Tell your mommy to feel better.

Hannah and Lucy said...

Talking to the birdies is great fun it's just a shame they always fly out of reach (not that we would ever want to catch them!!).
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

My Mind's Eye said...

We hope Mom feels better soon.

Lesson learned yesterday was:
Don't take mom with you when you are hunting or fishing...she'll talk you to death and scare away your prey.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr.Puddy..boy that was one juicy bird. We like the fat ones too.

Sorry your mommy is sick. We all hope she gets better.

Cat said...

Hey Puddy-my-man, we are sorry that the Mom ruined the discussion with that fat bird, but you know that humans don't really like us talking a bird into our mouth because they say that they put enough food into your mouth that you don't need to go out and supplement your diet. They just don't get it. It isn't about eating, it is about hunting. Whatever, you are one killer hunter, even if you don't kill are killer looking!! We are in admiration of you. Purrs, Lautrec and Tiny (Dawg Ellwood has nothing to say...hmm, what Ellwood? Yeah, whatever...nevermind him, what does he know..he is a dawg...he only pretends to know about birds)

Fuzzy Tales said...

Mr Puddy, that was rotten of your mom to ruin your bird-stalking!

We hope she's okay, though. Purrs that she feels better soon!

BeadedTail said...

That's too bad your mom ruined your chance of getting the big fat birdie! We do hope she feels better soon though!

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

Shame on mom for being noisy! Our mom would do the same thing though. We aren't ever outside but we make that funny noise when we sit in our window and watch the birds.

Hope mom is feeling better soon.

Tamago said...


Tamago said...

Oh no Mr. Puddy, I am sorry the noise drove birdie away! I guess your mom made "blah blah" noise and camera's "click click" noise. I sometimes wish my camera does not make such noise as it drives Goro away.
I hope your mom feels better soon.

CCL Wendy said...

Yes, isn't it annoying when a human disturbs the conversation with your prey! No wonder you gave her the evil eyes.

I hope that's not what made your Mommy sick. Get well soon, Mommy!

LP said...

We love to chatter at birds too! Too bad your Mom scared the bird away with all her questions! Argh:(
Your photographs are beautiful.
the critters in The Cottage

The Very Best Cats said...

Mr Puddy, we hope Mom is feeling better!
Mr Puddy, your Mom takes the best pictures of you. She is very talented with her camera. Lucky for you. You always look lovely.

Catsparella said...

Oh no, Puddy! I am purring that your Mom feels better soon!!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We have a theory. We got 4 parts involved in stalking food. The tail is a traitor; it moves a lot. The throat makes chirpy noises an is a traitor. The ears twitch and are traitors. The paws though, ah the paws... They are not traitors...

The paws command the other parts though, and succeed in the end!

Whisppy said...

I must say that I am happy your Mum saved Mr Birdy from your powerful jaws. And I had a good laugh at the video of the two cats chirping away.
In our household, Ling makes a lot of chirping sounds when the large crows sit on the cables facing our window.....

Princess Jasmine said...

I so loved that picture of you with your serious eyes looking at your mummy. You are such a cutiepie. I hope you get to have a chatty with the birdy again soon. Say "closer, closer, I can't hear you" to the birdy hee he :)xx

Princess Jasmine said...

forgot to say, get better Mr Puddy's mummy. It's no fun being poorly xxxx

Cats of Wildcat Woods said...

Lovely shots of you bird watching Puddy! Sending purrs to your mom that she feels better.

OKcats said...

Moms can ruin lots of fun times! And do you know what, Mr. Puddy? I chitter at my sister Fuzzy! hahaha!! I get in trouble, but I do it anyway because it's so much fun! We all hope your mom is feeling better soon and that she doesn't have anything too serious.

Your friend, Zoe

Anonymous said...

Mr. Puddy, you gave our momma the first smile of her day. Fangs furry mucho fur dat, 'cause we ♥ our momma.

We love LUNA said...

This post is adorable and very informative as well!Thanks for all information and the video!
You are also lovely in your poses!
Oh gosh, but I'm so concerned about your sweet mommy! Please mommy, be positive!Maybe it's a cold, because here mommy and dad also had a terrible headache and then it was about a cold.
I'm sending love and good energies to your mommy!Take good care of her, okay!

Vicki said...

You look very contemplative in this blog today. I hope your Mommy is feeling better soon! Love and hugs xxooo

Julia Williams said...

Mr. Puddy, thank you for the interesting info on why cats chatter. Mine do it, but I didn't really know why. P.S. I'm glad da birdy got away!! P.S.S. Hope your Mom feels better soon.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Those are great closeups of you Puddy! You are a stalking machine!

Love the video of the chittering cats! That was cool when they did it together!
We do that at our window too, when a birdie or squirrel is in the yard!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

I don't make a noise but that SS always knows when I am poaching and calls out to warn the birdies. Trust those moms!!!

Hope your mom feel better soon. Purrs to her!

Quill and Greyson said...

I saw this post before the breaking news. Hope you're felling better Mom! Thanks for the well wishes. We love to come her and see you too Mr Puddy! Your photos are always so lovely!

Anonymous said...

Addie, Huxley, Lola, Mr. Magoo and Jazzy are very sorry mom made too much noise Mr. Puddy and drove away the beautiful birdy. Those 5 members of Feling Family love to watch the birds and make chattering noises...

Human mom & dad think you are beautiful Mr. Puddy & love your photos but we drive the birds away, too...sorry :o)

Jacqueline said...

We chatter at stuff too, even the laser light!!...Adorable photos and video...We hope your Mommy feels better soon...Happy weekend, precious Puddy=we love you, sweetie...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, dear, we hope your mom feels better soon!

Purrfect Haven said...

thank you for helping us to understand chattering in cat language, we both do it but every time and it is usually behind glass when we are looking out into the garden. Hope your mummy is feeling better?
Love Helen, Darcy and Bingley xxx

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