Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My Brother's Visited

My Brother visits my house again but I wasn't home.

" Hi " My brother said to my mom.

" Is Puddy here ? " He asked my mom.
She told him he can wait if he want to.
He decide to wait next my food bowl...and then...

He end up with eating my food !
All of a sudden, he just realized ....

" I'm sorry ! I should not eat Puddy's food !
I didn't mean to be rude....But .. " 

" It's so Yummy !! 
May be Puddy don't mind if I eat the one on the floor ! "

" OMC ! I'm so sorry but this is really hard to resist ! "

" It's Really YUMMY !!! "

" I know I better go ! "

" But it taste so good !!!!! "

" I should really go, shouldn't I ? "

" I'm going ! "

" Sorry, Please let me one more time ! "

" Now I must go ! otherwise it's none left for Puddy,
I hope he won't get mad at me. It's really hard to resist his food ! "
Finally my brother leave my house before seeing me.

After he left, I just walk out from the garage.
I just woke up. Mom told me my brother just left.

" Why he didn't wait for me, mom ? " I asked my mom. 

My mom told me he was in a Rush !

" Rush ? ... What kind of rush, I wonder ? "


Deb said...

That's some bro you have there. I bet he'd date the same girl, too. Better watch him, Puddy.

Kay L. Davies said...

Oh, Puddy, that was so funny! Your brother certainly has a wide range of facial expressions, and he certainly does like your food! LOL
— K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Nice of your brofur to visit, but he could haf hung around 'til you woke up. Bet you weren't angry about him eating either, just haf your mom put more food in your dish...hey, wait a minute, don't they feed him at his house? Is he getting double meals?

CATachresis said...

Great pics. This is just like Tigger and Austin. Tigger loves Austin, but loves his food more!

Pandafur said...

Your brofur is almost as hansome as you Mr. Puddy!

CCL Wendy said...

Better be careful, Mr. Puddy! First it starts with the visits, and eating your food and before you know it -- they've moved right in.

Oh wait -- didn't YOU do something like that? Hehe!

Your brother looks so much like my grandkitty, Missy! Facial features, build, and same coat colours.

By the way, you said you couldn't see my Mancat Monday post. I made a mistake this morning and posted it on the LOLSpot instead, and then deleted it.

If you go to "Wendy's 3-D Cats", you should be able to see it. I'll post the link on the CB Homepage for you. Thanks.

The Whiskeratti said...

Oh my. You are both such handsome mancats! And he certainly is a hungry one, isn't he?

OKcats said...

Mr. Puddy, it is polite to always offer your guests a bite to eat. Even if you are not there.

Berit said...

Mr.Puddy, I must say you have a sweet brother:)

Katnip Lounge said...

ha ha ha! Puddy, if your Brother eats a lot more, he's not gonnna be able to squeeze under the gate! He is a sweet looking guy...maybe he'll move in too?

Fuzzy Tales said...

You're brother is very handsome, Mr. Puddy. And apparently very hungry too. That IS how it starts...first they come for a meal, then a few hours, then a day...then they move in. :-P

Sparkle said...

Your former humans don't seem to have much kitty appeal, Mr. Puddy! Everyone keeps winding up at your house!

Angel Simba said...

That was an excellent picture story your Mom got. I get your brother wondered what the camera was doing.

Old Kitty said...

Mr Puddy!!!!! Awwwwwww you have one handsome adorable brother!! Of course me and Charlie know you don't mind sharing your noms and treats with him cos you're just lovely!!

These pics are wonderful!!

Take care

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

HAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! This is my new favorite!!!

OMC I couldn't stop laughing!! I was laughing sooo hard and OUT LOUD!! I am sitting all by myself in my office and I am just laughing and laughing! OMC I have to read this again!

Those photos with your brother's surprised look just made me laugh and laugh! I love your brother's pink nose and you both have the same color eyes.


Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Your brother has the same wonderful expressions as you. we laughed at his face and I bet you didnt laugh when you saw he ate your dinner. Hugs GJ x

Unknown said...

Oh Mr. Puddy,
Your brother is as bad as Kozmo. Coming in and eating all your food!

ellie said...

Your brother must think u have extra tasty food!! Careful he doesn't come back for more too often! Or maybe u don't mind!He is a handsome fellow, but not as gorgeous as u Mr Puddy :)

Daisy said...

I think your brother was smart to leave when he did!


Mr Puddy
How did your brother get into your hous? He is such a handsome fellow. But I have to tell you that first picture of you is flat out cattastic!

>^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^<
Abby Ping Jinx Boo Gracie

Chloe and Cecil said...

Mr Puddy,
Please tells you mom that she is the bests picture taker and storyteller in the whole wide worlds!

Admiral Hestorb said...

Puddy, this post absolutely totally completely made my mommy's day because she was just zaustid!!! Trying to get ME all day. Fanks to you and your mommy for this very funny post and tell your brother he can come here any time!


GreatGranny said...

Mr. Puddy, your brofur is almost as handsome as you and I'd share my fuds with him.
xoxo Kassey


Mr Puddy
FANK you for letting me know the link did not work for Daisy....

>^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^<
Abby Ping Jinx Boo Gracie

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh Mr. Puddy, he probably just came by to borrow a cup of catnip!

Marilia said...

Oh!!! Puddy! I think your brother was hungry, isn´t?
Kisses gourgeous boy!

Athena said...

What a hungry boy! It was nice of you to share your fuds with him.

Ivan from WMD said...

Ha ha ha! Your brother was one hungry boy!

Ann Dziemianowicz said...

I like the shot where your brother looks up and says:
"I'm sorry ! I should not eat Puddy's food !
I didn't mean to be rude....But .. "

Maybe a little guilty! :) Just a little.

Gigi said...

I think your brother looks like he eats very well at his house ;-)

But nothing wrong with coming around for an extra lunch once in awhile, MOL!

Cat-from-Sydney said...

He came, he saw, he ate your food! He ain't heavy, he's your bro Mr Puddy! purrr...meow!

BeadedTail said...

Better watch out Mr. Puddy! First your brofur eats your food, then he'll sleep in your bed and then he'll cuddle with your mom! Humans can't resist handsome kitties!

Catio Tales said...

Wethinks you will soon have a new housemate Mr Puddy!

RoySr said...

Brothers are like that sometimes. And, too, like they said 'up there', you just might have a new bedmate, or at least loose your bed to a new purr in the house, real soon.

I'm not sure what's going on, but if you don't know the full story you better find out real quick.

Great pictures there.

Handsome brother you gots Mr P!

Just sayin .....

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Hi Mr Puddy !
Great pictures on youre brother eating your food !
Love his different face expressions :)
Was a pitty that you just missed him :(
Finally my mom is home from Amsterdam and I´m sooo happy :)

Princess Jasmine said...

Awww, such a shame you missed his visit. We think he may need to rush home to use his litter tray after nomming all your food hee he :)xx

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Awww, he's just making sure it's tasty for you!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Your brother and you look so different, but SO Handsome both!!!

We love LUNA said...

MOL he is CUTE, I love his eyes!
And for sure he enjoyed a lot the delicious food!

Teddy Westlife said...

Your brother is very handsome!

Karen and Gerard said...

Your brother had a fine meal while you were asleep in the garage. Both of you are very cute! Don't be too mad at him, he tried to resist.

Forever Foster said...

Hahahaha! He is so cute! It was polite of him to leave a little for you. Well, as polite as you can be when you're eating someone else's food! :)

Hannah and Lucy said...

That will teach you to fall asleep in the garage when your brother comes visiting and finishes your brekkie up. Maybe you'll have to visit his home at dinner time!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Anzu said...

Mr.Puddy =ΦwΦ=
ъ( ゚ー^) Glad news your brother =①。①= revisited.♪

The Monkeys said...

We'd share our food with your adorable brother anytime!

The Monkey Girls

The Florida Furkids said...

Your brother is so cute! We hope you got a refill on your noms.

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

MOL.....what a cute post!!!!!!!!!!

And that's definitely a brofur for you!!!!!! But, we know your mom put more in your dish for you, Puddy.


The Chair Speaks said...

Hey Puddy, it's good to share especially with your brother.

Our human did not feel like blogging this week. We may be back next week, hopefully.

My Mind's Eye said...

MOL Puddy your brother is rather brave to walk right in your house and eat your food. He needs to go to manners classes. Hugs Madi

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr.Puddy. Your brother is so,so cute. I just love his eyes. Hes a sneakie one..yes he is!
Sorry you missed him.

Jude,Poo,Babybella,Piper & Marley

Cathy Keisha said...

Is that your real brov? He doesn't look like you. Not to mention he seems kind of rude. If he'll et your food, maybe next time, he'll be sleeping in your bed too!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Oh Puddy, your brother is just as funny as you are! MOL!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We think he was in an "I've eaten all yoor supper up" rush! MOL!

Luna und Luzie said...

Your brother is cute, Mr. Puddy.
Surely he´ll come back soon.

looloo said...

Noon, this is so exceptionnal! I think you have a special feeking/link with cats! I am laughing because I remember you said you were not a cat person and let us know you didn't know much about cats!

Photo Cache said...

Oh Puddy sorry you missed your brother's visit. I'm sure he's okay with that :)

Emma and Buster at http://pangtest.blogspot.com

Ingrid said...

A pity for you that's a brother, he has such beautiful eyes, would be nice if it was your girl friend ! Food is food, no cat could resist !

m.q said...

what a good brother u had Mr Puddy!!!

Quill and Greyson said...

Wow, he is bold! Hope Mittens isn't watching.

Catsparella said...

MOL..He is very pretty, and he sure is in a hurry to get under that fence!!

lupie said...

Oh Puddy, your bro ... well, he's just as cute as you with his round, round eyes!

Your bro rocks! (with your food ...heehhehehe!)

one of Fae's humans said...

HIT AND RUN! or rather "EAT AND RUN!"

i bet your brother was really hungry, though, so it's ok that he ate your food, right? i mean his real motive was to visit you, right? :P

Wendy said...

Mr. Puddy, what a nice mommy you have to feed your brother. He's also very handsome but NOT nearly as handsome as you are. Maybe next time, he'll stay to play with you.

Miss Bella and Sele >^..^<

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