Saturday, May 7, 2011

Weird intruder in my jungle

I got an intruder but this one is big !
Size like a medium woofie.

I'm behind the jungle glass and get so close to the intruder.

My heart was just going tick tick tick !

Guys, Look ! 
This intruder looks so weird !!!
Have ears like a woofie but not barking !

Wear cloth like a human but smell funny.

Let's get closer !

I might be able to see the tail.

Guys, there is NO TAIL !!!!

What kind of animal is this ?

" Puddy !!!!!!!!
Remember Me ? I'm Bonnie ! "
( Click her name to see her last time )

" Holly Sh*!.. She is a baby Human ! " I'm frightened

" Heh..Heh..Heh...Miss Me? "
The baby human laugh and ready to touch me !

I run first, and quickly hop into the bush.

I hope I safe here !

She is looking for me.

Guys, Pray for me...Please !


Berit said...

Oh Mr.Puddy, what a cute visitor you have hear:))
Have a nice weekend:)
Hugs from,

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Puddy, that last picture of you is ADORABLE!!!

We think you were right to run. Little humans can be mighty scary!

The Chans

Pandafur said...

Eeek! Those piktures iz so skardy Iz gonna run an hide too!

Katnip Lounge said...

Puddy, Climb up to the ROOF! Those sticky little people are dangerous...the one at our house pulled my TAIL!

xx Salem

pee ees, you are looking MIGHTY FINE today Puddy...
*bats eyelashes*

OKcats said...

Ya know, we're not sure if we've ever seen one of those before!! Our mom is NOT a kid person! But we think you were very wise to RUN AWAY!

Old Kitty said...

Mr Puddy!!! Your intruder is so cute!! She's lovely and all grown from the last post!! Awwwww she's gorgeous!! But we do pray for you Mr Puddy - cos she's so after you!!!! Take care

Chloe and Cecil said...

Oh Puddy, a wittle bean, so cute!

Kay L. Davies said...

Oh, yes, Puddy, she's much bigger than she was last time you saw her, so of course you couldn't tell you had met her before.
Babies and toddlers don't know how to treat cats, however, so maybe you were right to run.
Next time you see her, she will be bigger, then some day she will have learned about cats, and she'll be able to rub your tummy without hurting you. You will love that!
— K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Eek! Little Beans are very scary. We run and hide too if we ever see any.


Mr Puddy
You always put a big smile on all of our faces!

Beautiful pictures.

>^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^<
Abby Ping Jinx Boo Gracie

Daniela said...

These are the best pictures that mama has ever seen. Mr. Puddy, you are one cool kitty.


Daisy said...

AAIIEEEE! Mr. Puddy, run for your life!

ps: that last photo is amazing!

Anonymous said...

We are so glad we don't have any of those around here!

BeadedTail said...

We don't have any of those tail-less baby humans around here and she is pretty cute but we don't blame you for getting away from her! You are so handsome in that last photo!

Sparkle said...

It's a human Manx kitten! Wow! The last time we saw one of those, ALL of us hid!!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Well Mr. Puddy, she is darn cute, but I'm keep hiding just in case!

Karen and Gerard said...

Better hide real good, she looks dangerous!

Jacqueline said...

MOL=we love your words and photos, a really great post as always, handsome Puddy!!(Your Mommy is brilliant!)...Your intruder is adorable, but we don't really feel safe around those little humans either=we usually hide under the bed...Happy weekend, sweet boy...Big smoochies...Calle, Halle, Sukki

one of Fae's humans said...


wow, she's gotten quite a bit bigger since you last saw her, eh? she just wants to play with you, don't worry! but i can see how a baby human would be scary. :) *patpat*

Ann Dziemianowicz said...

Adorable! haha! She has no tail. But she really, really loves you Mr. Puddy!

The Florida Furkids said...

We think Baby Humans are really scary. You're purrty brave to be so close to one.

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Stacy Hurt said...

Well I LOVE that first photo of you behind the grass; YOU GORGEOUS MANCAT hunter you!

We don't do rugrats anymore THANK COD! We aren't even sure about the grown ones! MOL!

Ms. Stella O'Houligan

Cat said...

LOL Puddy these pictures made me laugh!!! You are such a cute jungle kitty :-)

Cat Street Boyz said...

Be brave Mr. Puddy...she looks harmless....we have one of those lil creatures that comes to visit us. They are very bouncy and giggly......their jabber is like a foreign language and.....they drool, BUT....they are cute=^Y^=

Bryan said...

Run, Mr Puddy, Run! We will remember you in our prayers tonight.

Clooney said...

I thinks theese ones might also have "sticky paws" so you was right to run for the hills or the bush whichever was closer. May the force be with you...

(Puddy, I must say that your Paparazzi is very talented and takes beautiful pictures of you, we especially loves the first one in the grass and the one with the little bean crouching down in front of you.)

Cat Mandu said...

She looks like one of those ear-grabbers. You've got to be careful!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We LOVE this post! The pics of yoo are ADORABLE! But we agree, stay away from mini-hoomans ~ they do all sorts of tail and ear pulling!

Teddy Westlife said...

Rum Puddy run!

Whisppy said...

Oh Mr Puddy! That photo of Bonnie looking at you is just too precious.
But I would run too! Can't trust Baby Humans when you have a beautiful tail! MOL!

Mariodacat said...

Run buddy - run! Dat's da thing dat yanks on tails and ears and won't let go.

Marg said...

Oh gosh, Mr. Puddy, we hope you got away. We are praying for ya. Those little humans can be so silly but that one is really cute. We hope all of you have a fabulous week end.

Fr. Tom Fish said...

Stay safe, Puddy!

I don't get too many baby humans around here, but when I do, I run like he**, too!


Marg said...

Oh gosh, Mr. Puddy, we hope you got away. We are praying for ya. Those little humans can be so silly but that one is really cute. We hope all of you have a fabulous week end.

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Mr Puddy,
Run for your life! Those little humans can become little monsters! I've had my share of them too. purrr...meow!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Mr Puddy your eyes were so BIG in the last picture we must admit you looked rather scared of the little human. She looks very cute but she might want to play with your whiskers or your tail so it might be best to hide!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

The Whiskeratti said...

Mr Puddy, you are wise to run and hide! Sticky Little People can be quite nice to our kind, but... not always! Still, she is rather cute, isn't she?

Tober the Cat said...

What great photos, Mr. Puddy! Your photographer is awesome. I would (and DO) run away from those little smelly noisy things, too. But they sure are cute in pictures!

BigSexyBob said...

You are a beautiful cat, Mr. Puddy and adorable, too! Baby human is quite cute, as well! My kitties don't care for baby humans much because they chase them & make loud, high screechy sounds! Your baby human thinks you're cute & will make a fun toy. My kitties, especially Bob and Huxley, advise hiding out in the seem to have good cover there!

We want to say hello, it's nice to meet you, Mr. Puddy. We have a new blog, Feline Family, about a large group of cats rescued from the street, much like you were, and now living together in one home. They want me to invite you to come visit. Addie, our beautiful black & white cat, thinks you're quite handsome and, although Addie has very soft, plush fur, she envies your longer, fluffy fur. Addie's best buddy, JoJo is already a little jealous of you, Mr. Buddy. But No Worries, JoJo loves new cat friends, JoJo won't stay jealous!

Come visit the Feline Family soon!

Cindy said...

Perfect photos! Love the bean!

Athena said...

You were smart to run away, Mr. Puddy! Those small beans can be real tail pullers! I love these pictures of you.

Catio Tales said...

Puddy, you are so brave! Baby humans are bad news. Even Äiti thinks so (as you may guess she likes cats better than people!)

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

That is such a good story! We like the part where you were looking for a tail. We found out our 'grasshopper' does not have one either!
Have a fun time with the little Bean!
~ Napoleon

Admiral Hestorb said...

I am afraid of human babies! Dey scares me turrible!!

You look so adorable Mr. Puddy..even though you are fleeing for your life.

Gattina said...

Poor Puddy ! nothing is worse for a cat than a mini human ! and the humans find them cute ! what an idea ! Only Arthur is not afraid of mini humans, they even can touch him.

Marilia said...

Puddy, I hope you stay better after the attack of the baby girl!
I enjoy this post very much!!!!

Christiane said...

What a great storyboard and wonderfull photos !!!
Christiane and Ninifee

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We have never see a baby Bein up close, but we hear they are quite dangerous!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Oh Puddy, you are cracking my mom UP again!

Anita said...

Runs Puddy, runs!!!!!

The Island Cats said...

Puddy! Stay away from those little beans!! They gots sticky fingers!!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

"ears like a woofie but not barking!!" OMC SOOOOO FUNNY!!!!!

I have to say that she is the most adorable "introoder" I have ever seen!

Puddy you may want to let her catch you! She is adorable!!!

Cory said...

Puddy, you should definitly run and hide!!! I've heard these creatures can pull kitty tails and stuff like that. They're cute but dangerous!

Your face is making us all laugh though...

xoxo Cory

Esme said...

Mr. Puddy you are just adorable-your photos are lovely.

ellie said...

Yes, we kitties agree, we r a bit weary of the small human people!
They r ok as long as they don't make those high pitched squealy noises!

Quill and Greyson said...

It's so scary Mr Puddy!!

Anzu said...

I swear she should be a beauty girl.
Hugs and kiss gently.
(э^・ェ・^)(^・^* )チュッ♪
Don't lose your precious chance.

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