Friday, June 3, 2011

My Furry Brushing Session

First of all, I have to assemble myself on daddy's lap,
And get myself comfy as much as possible.

Now I'm so ready for my Furry Brushing Session.
Let's do it daddy !

Step one, Daddy brushes My Sexy Furry Chest 

Step Two, He does The Aussie Bikini line Brushing

Following with the finale step,
 Brushing Natural Furry Armpit

Brovo for daddy's achievement !

Now you can do whistled or applauded,
But me....I'm not able to do anythings except...



Sparkle said...

Great brushing job, Mr. Puddy! My human always has trouble getting my armpits.

Fuzzy Tales said...

LOL! That was great, Mr. Puddy! We can see how much you love to be brushed. Derry does too, but Nicki...not quite so much. :-P

Chloe and Cecil said...

Mr Puddy, dat is some fine bwushing you Daddy does! Wees have showtew hairs but Mom bwushes us bout evewy couple of months! Chloe weally likes da bwushing!

Princess Jasmine said...

That is some excellent brushing skills your Daddy has. You are very lucky Mr Puddy. Now you are even more handsome :)xx

Kay L. Davies said...

Lindy loves to have her daddy brush her, too, especially if he gets down on the floor to do it!
— K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Old Kitty said...

Mr Puddy!!! Me and Charlie are in AWE at your dad's amazing aussie bikini line brushing skills!! Wow!! What a true professional!! We are swooning at your sexy furry chest too!! Enjoy your snooze!! Take care

Daisy said...

No wonder you always look so well groomed!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Puddy you are such a ham! Your Daddy sure has the magic touch doesn't he?

Wooo hooo love that sexy bikini line!!!

Have a good nap Puddy!


Oh Mr Puddy
Now that was a good brush!
You got the brush and we all got to see your fabulous tuxedo!


The Whiskeratti said...

You have very useful 'rents, we must say!

The Florida Furkids said...

Your Daddy does a pawsome job keeping you brushed!!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

m.q said...

that was great relaxing spa treatment u have Mr Puddy

Brian's Home Blog said...

That's the purrfect way to end a good brushing Mr. Puddy!!!

Anonymous said...

It was a well executed grooming session. Wonderful ending too~!!!

Photo Cache said...

Oh Puddy you are adorable. Your daddy does a good job.

Marilia said...

Great relax session Puddy!!!

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

Hello, Mr. Puddy,
what a good daddy you have. It's important to be well groomed when your such a handsome cat. We think the girl cats in your neighbor hood must be crazy about you!

We are trying google chrome thanks for suggesting it. We will have to see if this post goes through.

GreatGranny said...

Mr. Puddy, Mom just loves your beautiful tummy and she laughed out loud seeing you so limp from your brushing. Daddy sure does a good job.
xoxo Kassey

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

You like brushing, Puddy????
I run for the hills (figuratively speaking) when the brush is out.

Link Bartholomew said...

Wow, you LIKE being brushed? We liked your how to guide...very informative...haha!

Mariodacat said...

Looks like your dad slipped you some nip and you are all nipped out. he he - M wishes I loved to be brushed like dat.

BeadedTail said...

Mr. Puddy, you do look like you love to be brushed by your daddy! We never let our tummies and armpits be brushed but maybe it's because our daddy didn't know the proper technique!

Whisppy said...

Wow. Your dad has great brushing techniques! Our Mummy doesn't brush us. She FURMINATES us! MOL.

Love, Cosmo & Ling

Hjulia huller om buller said...

It appears that you like to be brushed and your dad knows how to do it. That you fall asleep during the time is not surprising.
Have a really nice day!


Meow, meow

Clooney said...

Oh Puddy, you made us chuckle! Thanks for sharing...

CATachresis said...

Oh Mr P, I believe you are a long haired relation of Austin! B-R-U-S-H-ing is his favourite thing of all.

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Youre dad does a god job with that brush on your fluffy tummy :)

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

My goodness, you're LONG!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

WOW! Has yoor daddy considered getting a job as a cat groomer?

Sorry we haven't visited for a while, we had grandbeans staying for a vacation. It's been happy chaos!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Mr Puddy we didn't know you were a cross dresser and wear a bikini on the beach - have you ever thought about having your bikini line waxed - we must warn you though it is rather ouchie!!
Hannah won't let mum do either her armpits or her bikini line!!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Vicki said...

Wow - you look as if you are enjoying the brushing! I hate being brushed......

one of Fae's humans said...

"The Aussie Bikini line Brushing" lmao!

glad you really enjoy being brushed, Puddy! with your beautiful long furs i bet you get brushed pretty regularly. lucky you. :)

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Now we see how you stay so very handsome, Puddy!!!!!!!!!

Julia Williams said...

I would take a long catnap after such a good brushing too!!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Wow, Puddy! You are so good when you are being brushed!!!

OKcats said...

That is too funny that you lay in your dad's lap to be brushed! My mom makes me get on the floor or the arm of the chair to be brushed. I'm too squirmy for her lap.

Your friend, Zoe

ellie said...

Hi Mr Puddy, u look sooo relaxed stretched out there on your daddy's lap!! Sorry we haven't written on your blog for a while. Our human mom and son have been away in Kefalonia on holiday.

Stacy Hurt said...

Mr. Puddy you is one lucky puddy tat~.

Ms. Stella O'Houligan

Admiral Hestorb said...

Oh Mr PUDDY. You are sure a daddy's boy! He loves you so uch and the best brushies ever!!!

The Island Cats said...

Mr. Puddy, you really enjoyed that, didn't you??

Gigi said...

Armpit brushies? Mmmmm, they're the best!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

You are so lucky ya like be brushed like that! We tolerate a bit on our backs an sides, but no where else!

Ingrid said...

Puddy you are such a good boy ! Kim doesn't let us brush her, she runs away or gets crazy ! Mr. G. manages to brush her back, but no way to brush anything else ! So 3 times a year I have to take her to the groomer and there she doesn't say anything and even purrs ! It's just offending !

Jacqueline said...

We adore getting brushed too, but we especially LOVED your sexy brushing photos, handsome Puddy=WOOOHOOOOO!!!...BTW, we were hoping to be on your "crush list" on your last post=any chance you love us as much as we love you??? :)...Big smoochies...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Mama Bear said...

Mr Puddy - you are incredibly well behaved when it comes to being brushed. That must be because you know how you are even more handsome when you have those furs brushed out!

Cory said...

You are so good about being brushed! Can you teach Figaro a thing or two? He's so bad he has an appointment with the groomer coming up in a week. Shhhhh...don't tell him!

Angie, Catladyland said...

I'm reading this JUST after brushing Saffy, which is always a job! You kitties are always so smooth and gorgeous after a nice brushing. Happy Weekend!!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Ooohhh what a luxurious brushing!!!
He looks like a true master of the brush!

Donna said...

I like to be brushed, too. :) Hi to ur Dad. :)

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