Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Don't Mess with your kitty !!!

Last Weekend, I spent a lot of time with my family by lie down next to mom's chair. Like this picture below.

And as usual, Daddy got jealous and come to pick me up and take me to sit with him in the living room with my human sis. 

They both start to watch the movie and later on, All of their attention move from me to the Movie !!!!. I feel so left out !  I can't handle this stress ! I suddenly release The silent but violent ! ...A fart stealthy in volume yet supremely pungent in odour, Movie goes curse !!!!

Daddy and Sis Scream out loud !!!! They both blamed each other and then they just know it wasn't them but Me !!!...heh..heh...heh

Lesson for my human : Don't Mess with Ya Kitty ; )
Name of Kitty : Mr. Puddy
Kitty's Weapon : The silent but violent 

And Friends, I know you have some fun story about " Don't Mess with your kitty" like me too. 

Bring it on ! Let's have some fun  !
Tell us your story in your blog and tell us how you pay back to your human, woofies, birdies,
whoever mess with you.

Me and Mom is dying to hear your story !

Have fun ! 

Feel free to grab the badge if you love it. 

Friends !
*** It's don't need to be " Fart Story ", Anythings to do with
How do you pay back ? When someone Mess With You ! ***


Katnip Lounge said...

I've got one! Mommy cut my toenails, and the next day I was limping, I hurt my knee and it cost LOTS of money to fix me up! Mommy blames herself, she thinks if I had had my LOOOOng toenails I wouldn't have hurt myself. I like to remind her of the guilt all the time.
heh heh.

xx Felix

CCL Wendy said...

I think it's very cool that Mr. Puddy is an incorrigible farter in real life! The silent ones are way cool because no one knows they're coming! LOL!


Mr Puddy
I don't mess around either.
When Mom does something I do not like insimply put the magic bitey on her!

Abby purrs

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

You are sooo BAD Mr Puddy !!!
And I just LOVE IT !!!
I have grabbed a Don´t mess with your kitty and will do a post some day this week :)

CATachresis said...

"Don't even try and use you iPad when I'm on your lap or I nkjd vnfneiFnt;&;dj f fjfknrkgfjgkjfkk ....."

caro here. Bit difficult to tydnebc but will snag the badge ,.dm when mdfb m

Oh bu88er .......

Mariodacat said...

ha ha - you did it again Puddy. I grabbed a copy of your badge cuz we just love it.

Kay L. Davies said...

Love the badges, Puddy. I sent two of them to a friend who doesn't have a blog, but should have one, and who has two Maine Coon Cats, a black one and a multi-colored one.
— K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Old Kitty said...

Mr Puddy!!!!! Me and Charlie hope your dad and sis have learnt their very valuable lesson!! Yay!!

Here's my one: I forget Charlie's birthday, he ignores me all day on mine! LOL!!

Take care

Angel Simba said...

The badges are awesome. We will have to think about wht we will post about Don't Mess with Your Kitty!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

We just love your poot poot stories, Mr. Puddy! We are still voting every day for you!

Photo Cache said...

you are really giving it to them eh Puddy? you are funny cat.

Emma and Buster

Cathy Keisha said...

I'm gonna put the badge on my blog. I don't know if I can get the lazy [censored] hired help to write an entire blog. OMC if I ax her to w-o-r-k.

Fuzzy Tales said...

We love the badges, Mr Puddy. We don't have any pungent stories, because our mom can't smell, so if we ever make any nasty odor, she can't tell. :-P

She, however, makes very NASTY odors!

Kwee Cats said...

Mr. Puddy, our hero! You make us so happy! We love how you expertly pitted the humans against each other! Very nicely done. Yup! We got one or two we can share. We will work on getting the post, and dedicate it to you! For some reason, as if she has other things to do, Mumsy says in the next day or so we'll have it up. We like those badges too! Thank you! We for sure gonna put them on our blogginer so it will look even better!

Willow said...

I normally a very forgiving cat when my Mom messes with my routine. There are a few times when I do get back at my human. I will think of my best one for you Mr. Puddy and write a post on it for you.

Unknown said...

Yous pretty funny Mr Puddy! My hairy slobbery sister Sam does that trick the bestest and she has the worstest farts in the world!
Me will have to think of what my bestest way to get back at people is....(Me has so many)

Marg said...

We certainly love your story Mr. Puddy and we are going to grab the badge and come up with a story. Mom is busy right now trying to find a home for poor Lil Em but we will get around to it. Those are great badges. Hope you have a good day or evening, what ever it is where you are. Take care.

m.q said...

owhhh...Mr Puddy
you're so funny and adorable
plus u had a secret deathly weapon

The Florida Furkids said...

OH. MY. COD. Tamir did the very same thing to Mom when she wanted to take a nap in his favorite spot on the bed!!!!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Shaggy and Scout said...

HAHA! You really got them with the silent one Puddy!

Sparkle said...

Mr. Puddy! We are all girlcats here, so we would never do such a thing.

BeadedTail said...

You're so funny Mr. Puddy! We don't do that but our sisfur Sadie does! Daddy is always getting blamed for it too!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

we love the badge too and we added it to our blog and linked back to you.

Not sure if we are going to do a post either because we have NOTHING that can compare to farting lol.

I am embarrassed to say that the only super annoying thing that Cody does is wakes up my husband every morning around 4am to eat....he really is a good boy!! That is all that he does

Marilia said...

Puddy! Thanks to the visit us and for your lovely comments ever!
We love you so much!

GLOGIRLY said...

Hiya Mr. Puddy,

Well Gloman is ALWAYS blaming the silent bombs as well as the ground shaking eruptions on ME. And believe you me, it's NOT ME.

(Glogirly's CAT)

Gigi said...

I'm going to take the badge and let my Human tell a sotry later this week about the Bad Thing one of the Kitties Who Came Before did, MOL! Maybe on Thursday!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

I took a badge cuz I yakked twice this weekend when the humans left me to go out!

Pee Ess - where we live they call those winds: SBD (silent but deadly) MOL MOL MOL!

The Cat Guy said...

Theo and Buddy love Kickeroo cuddles too - the answer to everything.

RoySr said...

Buddy Bear Said: "I loves it Mr P. You Da Cat wif da winnin wind. Me, I just gots da sneaky stinky. It silent but deadlies. Lately I gots no reasons to make one. Guess da beans done got smart and wise to my demands. Looking good in dat pix my Furry Frien!"

Princess Jasmine said...

Mr Puddy you are so funny :) Me, I do poopy do's under the dinning table when I was a little kitty hee he :)xx

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Puddy, yoo make us larf and larf. Mom has copied the badges and we are gonna do a post on farting tomorrow! (Wordy Wednesday) MOL! Or shud it be Farty-Friday?

We love LUNA said...

Well Puddy, I think I should "ignore"the person that mess with my day! MOL
*** Love that first picture!You are so CUTE!
**Hey we also voted for you!

Ellen Whyte said...

Oof Puddy you really hit below the belt....

Spunky and Manny said...

Everyone knows not to mess with us. (We still have our back claws!) We rule our house!

Catio Tales said...

Mr Puddy sir, have you ever had your gut checked ? perhaps there is something in your diet that makes you produce such gases ? We are thinking about the best things we have done for the 'Don't mess with your kitty' story.......... But maybe it won't involve guts and butts!

Teddy Westlife said...

I will have to think about this one! That is very funny, Mr Puddy :)

Admiral Hestorb said...

mommy will be thinking, Mr Puddy but while she is, I think you are packed with manliness!!!!


The Monkeys said...

You're a very smart Mancat, Puddy!

We have done quite a few things to mess with our Mommy so we'll have to think of the best one to post about!

Forever Foster said...

Hahahahaha!! Suey farts too! She looks so pretty and delicate, but when she lets rip, RUN!!!!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Hee hee! Great one!!

We'll have to think of something to share. Hmmm......

HH and The Boys said...

Ohhhhh to pick just one story... I'm thinking... yep thinking. I'll be back to get a badge and to post.

Have a great day... Good story!!!

pawhugs, Max

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Puddy, I just wrote my post for tomorrow about farting! MOL!

Love Alfie xx

Sarah K. said...

Hi Mr. Puddy!
Thanks for visiting my blog. I snagged a badge because this weekend mom left me alone and I got bored with bird TV, so I got revenge by yaking on her flip-flops.

Ingrid said...

My cats must be very posh ! I have never heard even a little sound coming out from my cat's gracious butts ! In our house it's always the humans !

OKcats said...

We'll have to think about this! We may have to submit a story about our brothers at the Bridge - they could be truly evil when they wanted to be!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

@Gattina, I am sooo glad you said that! I had never heard my Angel Bobo fart and Cody doesn't fart...lol. I never even knew that cats farted til I met Puddy! lol

Fr. Tom Fish said...

Church cats don't fart.

If we do, we just blame it on the Holy Spirit.



Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Puddy you never fail to cheer us up, your posts are brilliant and I just love this one.. Hugs GJ xx

LP said...

Puddy you are lethal in your "payback"! We grabbed a badge and will write a post about messing with us soon!
the critters in The Cottage

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the idea Mr. Puddy. We put a whole long list from each of us on our blog as to how we annoy our humans.

ellie said...

Yes we kitties took revenge also when we were taken to the dreaded VETS for a vaccination. When the needle went in, one of us, Buttons or Bea let rip a silent and very deadly one!! The room was very small and the fumes diffused quickly! Our mom quickly apologized to the man in the white coat!! No one messes with de kitties and gets away with it!

Catsparella said...

OMC Puddy!! I just saw you on I Can Has Cheezburger!! http://icanhascheezburger.com/2011/07/12/funny-pictures-same-as-tattoos-and-whiskey/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+ICanHasCheezburger+%28I+CAN+HAS+CHEEZBURGER%29&utm_content=FaceBook

So exciting!! Concats! :D

Catsparella said...

Ooh, this link is a little better: http://icanhascheezburger.com/2011/07/12/funny-pictures-same-as-tattoos-and-whiskey/

Julia Williams said...

I don't have a story but yours is funny enough for both of us! P.S. I love your cow kickaroo -- we have the tiger one!

Mickey's Musings said...

Hahahahahahahaha!!!!! We loved that story Mr Puddy! Even Mom laughed ;)
We will have to think up a story to tell.
Purrs Tillie and Georgia

Clooney said...

Oh Puddy, you takes the cake! I'll have to think up a good story to write about. Thanks for the badge. PS: Congrats on being a Finalist, I'z voting for you as much as I can! Hopes you win!

Luxington said...

Mr. Puddy you are too funny! We've posted our story at http://luxthecat.blogspot.com/2011/07/dont-mess-with-your-kitty.html

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

I hope I haven't said this before. I crawl unner the covers to sleep on TBT at mornings. When he turns over, I grab with my claws out to stop him. He gots lots of pricky wounds. He is very unthrilled!


Sweetpea K. said...

Hee hee hee! I've got a good one for you Mr. Puddy. I got sick and my hooman put me in the prison transport and took me to the cold steel room where strangers poked and prodded me. They did unspeakable horrors to me!

So, I showed my hooman good! I got better.

Don't mess with your kittie! She just might get healthy and purr on your lap a LOT!!!!

Andy, Kiefer and Gus said...

I don't like my belly rubbed, but The Human still rubs my belly when I'm not looking or worse when I'm sleeping! Well, I got her, I chewed off the furs on my belly and made The Human worry that I have an allergy. The too make her really worry - I did it again.


PS from The Human: If he does it again, he's off to the V E T so I will get my revenge too...

NoOne said...

Hi Mr Puddy....
You'r so cute and i really like this *mjauuhihi*
Have a nice day/Mjauu from us in Sweden

Cat Wisdom 101 said...

We call those kind of farts SBD, silent but deadly.

Purrfect Haven said...

... I did a walnut whip type of pooh which was really smelly in the middle of the bath once (a protest pooh because I was left and the lady feeding me smelt of her tom cat!). Love Darcy xx

SuziQCat said...

We just left a post about this topic on our blog. We hope you enjoy...thanks for the great graphics too!

~Four Crazy Cats

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