Thursday, July 21, 2011

Rise and Shine

Meow Morning My Friends.
I have some thing to show you  !

I got Plum Fruit in Winter !!!!
It's Bizarre !

Good thing about it.
I got more food options!

While I enjoy watching the birdy, Mom enjoys the flowers

And not just only mom who enjoys...

Mr. Bee love it too !

Mom tried to get good pictures of Mr. Bee,
She put camera so close to him and keeps taking the picture.

Mr. Bee doesn't like it !
He suddenly stops eating and starts to play chasing with Mom !
Mom run real fast ! get into the house, shut the door. She is safe !

Lesson to learn :  Mr. Bee don't like flash box too !

See More Feline' s Gardens !
Please Visit Thursday in the Garden with Jonesie


You can vote for me once or twice  Everyday till 29 of July

Just Simple Click the The Peties' logo

and Vote for MR.PUDDY
Funniest Blog

Every Votes of you, help Cat Shelters !


Marg said...

Oh gosh, I think we are first maybe. WE sure are glad your Mom could run fast away from the Bee.Looks like some great bird watching for you Puddy. That is strange, that fruit being on the tree. Wonder if it is any good. Have yourselves a great day.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Mom should learn about those bees, they don't like to be messed with!

The Monkeys said...

Your Mom is brave to try! Our Mom is afraid of bees and bugs!

Pattyskypants said...

Hey, Puddy!! It's still afternoon on July 20 here in the US! So, Good Afturnoon 2 U! xxoo Patty & Bhu

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Good Evening from Sweden :)
Lucky your mom that she could outrun Mr Bee !!!

Julia Williams said...

Well, who knew that bees don't like the flashy beast? Not I!

Berit said...

Brave mom you have Puddy:)
Here in Norway it's late in the evening now, so I will say goodnight to you and mom:)

Daisy said...

Yikes, be careful of mean ol' bees!

Cathy Keisha said...

You get bees in the winter! Wow! We don't even have many in the summer anymore. You have such a nice garden. BTW, I mentioned that people should vote for you on my new blog.

Old Kitty said...

Winter plums!! Yay!! It's definitely food for the birds while the birdies are... oh but Mr Puddy!! You are on a diet! LOL!!!

Yay for mum being very brave getting the pics of the buzzy bee!! They turned out ok!! Yay!

Take care

Athena said...

Wow, that is brave of your mom to get those closeups of the bee!

CATachresis said...

Obviously not a celebrity bee as it don't like papa ratsy!!! >^ǒǒ^<

Admiral Hestorb said...

mommy does that too. she takes 20 or more pictures to get one of mr. bee! she will post one in her own bloggie.
xoxox much love and kissies and many fanks for da purrs for mommy.she needs them and it helps me help her. ♥♥♥♥

Makropoulos said...

What pretty pictures -- love the pictures of things in the tree, including you! Hi from Pisi and Squeak

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Your mom is VERY lucky she was able to outrun that mad bee!

Sparkle said...

Not only do you not mess with the kitty, you do not mess with the bee! Right, Mr. Puddy?

Tamago said...

Wow, plums in winter! They may have gotten confused and thought winter is over!
The photos of Mr. Bee are amazing!! Your mom really got closer. It's good to know that Mr. Bee does not like flashy box either. Good lesson, Mr. Puddy's mom! We are glad you are ok :-)


Mr Puddy
Your Mom got some great pictures of Mr Bee, but we sure are glad she can run fast and not get bitten.
We loved the first picture of you!
Your Mom takes terrific pictures!


Angel Simba said...

Great pictures, Mr Puddy. I am glad Mom got away from the bee without a sting.

m.q said...

we glad that your mom is safe from Mr Bee...

much love;
BoBo Salem & his catlings

RoySr said...

It's still the 20th here in the SouthWoods, but that don't change nothin about the bee and Mom running for cover. Good that she can run fast. Mr Bee may be little bitty, but that stinger is definitely great Biggy when it hits.

Love the pictures. And you behave about the flashy box. If it weren't for the flashy box you wouldn't be so very popular and be so conceited.

Well, you are a handsome dude anyway.

Thanks for the visit at our place.

Y'all come see us again soon. We will be back here too.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

fruit and flowers in the winter????

That is amazing!

Love your Mom's photos of Mr.Bee but we are super glad she ran away in time!


That Girl said...

That bird silhouette photo is lovely! (and tasty looking!)

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Mr Puddy,
More food options? At least you realise that birdies are optional. Tell mom not to mess with bees. They sting. har har har *evil laugh*

T said...

What beautiful photos! I particularly like the first one!

Kay L. Davies said...

Fruit in winter. Wow, Puddy, fruit sure will attract the birds to that tree.
And I'm glad your Mom didn't get stung by the bee. Tell her to BEE careful.

—Kay and Lindy, Alberta, Canada

Gigi said...

Looks like thaose plums bring some nice juicy birdies around, MOL! Wow--those are really some close-up bee pictures. Your Mom is very brave. We keep voting for you, Sweet Mr. Puddy!

Katnip Lounge said...

Mr. Puddy, we think we Cats need stingers to chase our Mommy with! Those birdies will give you some extra calories, if you can snag one!

The Florida Furkids said...

We're glad your Mom got in the house safely. Those are great bee pictures!!! We had a whole swarm in our gardenia bush earlier this year.

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Quill and Greyson said...

Your Mom is so talented!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Glad your mom can run fast. She got good photos of Mr. Bee.

Willow said...

Mr. Bee and his relatives are always cranky about invasion of their space. Phew that she ran fast enough to be safe.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Glad your mom learns the lesson fast - not to mess with bees, especially the stinging type.

We have those fruits too but I don't eat them.

Rain is bucketing down out there and my garden has again turned into a swimming pool :(.

Mariodacat said...

Whew! It's a good thing mom made the fast get-away! Now Puddy - don't you go trying to eat dat bee! Ouch!

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

It's a good thing your mama runs fast. Bee stings are big ouchies!! Our mama is allergic.

BeadedTail said...

We like those photos but guess the bee didn't! Glad he didn't catch your mom!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Glad your mom got away! Those plums look funny on that naked tree! More food fur the fevvers! Have a purrfect day!

Hjulia huller om buller said...

Good morning Mr Puddy.
Very nice picktures your mom takes!
Todays voting mission is comlpeted :)


Purr, purr from us in Sweden

Bullen said...

Oh I don't like Mr Bee because I'm allergic to him. He makes me swell in the mouth and he makes it hard to breathe. So beware!!! //Bullen

Princess Jasmine said...

If I was to climb a tree here at the moment the rain would wash me right out of it!!! Fantastic photo's of Mr Bee. Glad your mummy got indoors safely. Did she do the shouties and the arm waving too? That's what my mummy would have done hee he :)xx

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Tell your Mom, be careful! My mom got her very 1st bee sting ever the other day. She didn't cry.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We loved the bee story. It happens here too. But you write it so well!

Catio Tales said...

Where were you to swat the bee ????

Clooney said...

Puddy, thanks for the garden tour! Theese ones are beautiful pictures. I think if the bee knew what an amazing photographer your Mom was, it would bee giving you a little competition for your Paw-purr-azzi!

Whisppy said...

I hope your Mum doesn't try to sneak up on Mr Bee again.......

CCL Wendy said...

Sometimes I think you're just 'plum crazy', Mr. Puddy! You're also crazy about dem birdies!

What about a nice roasted bird with a little plum sauce on it?

And as far as bees go, they don't like anyone interfering in their BEESness, so just steer clear. Y'hear?

Hannah and Lucy said...

Thank goodness Mr Bee didn't catch up with your mom - that could have been very ouchie for her! We keep voting Mr Puddy cos we would like you to win the Funniest Blog.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Cezar and Léia said...

It's a very cool idea to exploring a garden, flowers, butterflies, bugs...
and "fruits"!!!!
I'm enchanted by your pictures, thanks for sharing!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Bee's are not to be messed with but I did laugh at the site of your mum running fast to escape. I loved the pictures of you in the trees and the flowers are beautiful.. HUgs GJ xx

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

Thanks for sharing those beautiful flowers with us. Glad your Mom escaped from the bee.

Forever Foster said...

Bees are NOT NICE! I got stung once, it was not fun. I am glad your mum got away!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

We're happy your mom made it safely to the house!!!!!!!!

Wonderful pictures....we love y'all.

Raymond and Busby said...

Puddy, looks like the bee wants your Mom to BEEhave!

The Island Cats said...

Mr. Puddy, you should whap that fruit off the tree! That would be fun!! And we don't mess with bees...they can BEE so mean!!

LP said...

Mr. Puddy have you ever heard of birdie-bee pie?! You should google the recipe 'cause we think you have the right ingredients in your very own back garden! You don't need to tell the humans you are making it...Yum.Yum.
Your Mama take beautiful pictures :)
the critters in The Cottage

Shaggy and Scout said...

Mmmmm....just look at those plump juicy birds!!!!! We are drooling!

Cat Wisdom 101 said...

Those bees can sting little cat noses too so bee careful! Healing purrs needed at our house.

ellie said...

Glad your mom got away from Mr angry bee!! Your winter garden looks good. Plums and tasty birdies, mmmmmm!

Marilia said...

I love you so much!!!!

My Mind's Eye said...

Mr. Puddy you are one lucky kitty to have such good foodable options in the winter...meat and fruit and flowers for your table.
Hugs Madi

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Puddy get the birdie!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Mr. Bee is scary!!

Love the flowers and those birdies!

OKcats said...

Those first 3 photos are spooky! It looks like Halloween in July!!

Debra Taylor said...

Hey the photos are great Mr. Puddy - keep up the great job!

For other folks (all of you kitties and doggies are certainly people!) reading this, check out my blog. I manage a homeless cat colony and a few foster cats. Get your ‘beans to check it out!
Hey, wonderful creatures stay well!

GreatGranny said...

The birdies might enjoy the Winter plums. Mr. Puddy, you made my Mom laugh picturing your Mom being chased by the mad bee. We're glad she got away.The flowers sure are beautiful.
xoxo Kassey

Ellen Whyte said...

Those birds look tasty, Puddy!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Fab pics, we LOVE them all. And mom said to tell yoo she missed yoo this week!

Kwee Cats said...

Those are super great pictures. But see, even nature knows them flashy boxes are just not right!

Have a good weekend, Mr. Puddy!

Mickey's Musings said...

You get to see the big birds and your Mom is chased by a bee!! hahaha Glad everyone is OK :)
Have a fun weekend!!!
Purrs Tillie and Georgia

meowmeowmans said...

Those sure are great pictures, Mr. Puddy! How neat that you have plum fruits in the winter!

We, too, have found that bees do not like the flashy box. :)

Jacqueline said...

Always a fun post, Puddy, but don't mess with those angry bees!!...Our Mommy recieved your gift, sweetie, thank you and your lovely Mommy so much!...Happy weekend, sweet friend!...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

The Chair Speaks said...

Puddy, you didn't help mom to chase Mr Bee away?

Tina´s PicStory said...

Very nice photos all over! :)

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