Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Family Time

Yesterday on the couch, we all watched the movie together.
I love the family time

and I would like to thanks them individual.

( My sis is 12 years Old. and she chose girl movie " Letter from Juliet " )

( In General, The romantic movie is not my mom's type but she had a big responsible to be my bed )

( Man is always know best how to deal with the romantic movie )

I love my family : )

PS : This is me and mom , you can imagine clearly when I sleep on her chest


Fr. Tom Fish said...

Good heavens, Puddy, no sooner is it Cat Day then it's another day already where you are! I'm never first responder, but I am now..lucky me, hehehe!

Hope you had a great Cat Day, furriend!


Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Well it looks like yoo have organised yoor fambly well. Smoochies. xx

Chloe and Cecil said...

Ouw Mom wuvs it when youse dwaw pictuwes of youse fambily. Awe you an Art Teest!

KnottedFingers said...

Puddy I love love your newest post!! It's hard to believe it's tomorrow there already though

Mommy M and The Garrison

Cat-from-Sydney said...

You have trained them all so well, Mr Puddy! purrrrr *giggles*

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

You are a good organiser Mr Puddy :)

CATachresis said...

I glad you to explain so good your day, Mr P. Funnee :D

(See, I try learn Puddyspeak :)

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You have your family trained just the way you want them Mr Puddy.

RoySr said...

Cat Day is almost over here in the SouthWoodsUSA, but we hope it comes again tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.

You do have the Beans well trained I see. Never would that happen at our Manor House. My cats do NOT control me, nor the Small One. Honest!

You do believe me doncha? :^)

Old Kitty said...

Mr Puddy!!! What have you done with your mum! LOL!!! Yay for family nights in with a romantic movie and a great bed to sleep on!!! LOL!! HAPPY WORLD CAT DAY!! take care

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

You are such a sweet boy, Puddy!

The Chans

Fuzzy Tales said...

That was a good family night, Mr. Puddy! Your mom is funny...We're not sure what she has on her face to avoid being seen, but it seems you're like two peas in a pod in that picture. LOL.

Cathy Keisha said...

You are such a big boy to layon your Mother's chest. Ha ha! You're blessed to be so loved by everyone.


Happy World Cat Day!Oh Mr Puddy you have a great family!!

Kay L. Davies said...

I won't say you're spoiled, Puddy, but...well... maybe just a little bit. :o)
— K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Anonymous said...

You're a very sweet mancat :)
-Luna Kitty

Athena said...

Sounds like the purrfect way to spend the evening!

Brian's Home Blog said...

You sure have some mighty fine family time Mr. Puddy!

Daisy said...

Great diagrams, Mr. Puddy! That looks like a wonderful family evening, too!

The Florida Furkids said...

What a purrfect way to spend some quality time together!!!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Admiral Hestorb said...

Puddy I absolutely love your blogs!!! Your illustrations are spot on and always make me come back several more times just to smile again. xxooxx

m.q said...

you had a wonderful family Mr Puddy!!!!

p/s: Mr Puddy, we love to send you our postcards. plez email your home address to myHuman email:

so that the postcard can be sent to you..

BoBo Salem & catlings

Marilia said...

Your family is so cute Puddy!
You´re a lucky guy!

Photo Cache said...

Puddy you have a wonderful family. So glad you let your mum carry you for picture taking.

Emma and Buster

Sparkle said...

Uh, did anyone actually WATCH the movie? But really, who cares?

one of Fae's humans said...

awww, that is so sweet Puddy, thanking everyone like that. what a nice boy you are. :) your family is very lucky to have you.

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Did you squashy your mom?

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Puddy, you are almost bigger than your mom! Surely you would be more comfortable on dad's lap! You are a lucky kitteh to haf the whole family together. xoxo

Ann Dziemianowicz said...

So nice for you to watch the movie with your sister! Next time will it be your pick? :)

Just Ducky said...

Happy WCD. It's great to sleep on your mum!

Willow said...

Mr. Puddy how do you keep your Mom still for whole two hour movie. I can only keep mine still for an hour before shifting. Your human training is advanced.

Quill and Greyson said...

We love your drawings!

Princess Jasmine said...

It looks like you had a great time watching (snoozing) the movie with all your family. Hoomans make the bestest beds huh :)xx

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Puddy, you are a BIG guy! And the more of you, the better.

We love LUNA said...

My sweet Prince Puddy,
it's a perfect lesson how to be happy , your family is adorable and I love your ideas and fabulous positions to watch a good movie!
Glad that you enjoy this time!
purrs and love

Whisppy said...

Wow. I never knew you were such a big boy until I saw that picture of your Mom carrying you! :)

Mr Puddy said...

Me is not Big !!!
Mom is just too small , I'm always Purrfect ! ..heh..heh

Marg said...

We love all your drawings of your family Puddy. That looks like such a nice family all watching the TV. You sure have a good family Mr. Puddy. Take care and have yourselves a great week.

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

You are not only a handsome pawful, you are a big muscle full of mancat, overtaking your beans! You could defend nice a tiny sweet girl like me.

My Mind's Eye said...

Morning Mr. Puddy!!
What a great post and Mom said YAY for your family for having family movie NIGHT!! It is very important!!

MOL at your Mom hiding...

You, my friend, should put your art work on display your educational pictures always give us the best images!!
Hugs Madi

Hannah and Lucy said...

Mr Puddy we wondered if your mom could breathe with you laying on top of her - she is so tiny and you are bigger that her!! We love it that you all watched the film together but be honest Mr Puddy - did you have a nap - if we were having a bet we would put money on it!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

HH and The Boys said...

Beautiful artwork , Puddy... I love your drawings.

pawhugs, Max

"The Boys" and Karen said...

Mr. Puddy, looks like you've got everyone figured out. Love that you have a big spot to take your nap.

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

Glad you got lots of family time. It is the very best isn't it.

Ingrid said...

Love the illustration of your family life ! On the last picture your mom and you look like twins, except she has not a white belly, or at least I can't see it.

meowmeowmans said...

Family time is the best, isn't it, Mr. Puddy? That sure was nice of you to thank your mom, dad and sister. :)

LP said...

Hmmm. We wonder if you and your Dad could tell us what the movie was about...thought not!! The family resemblence between you and your Mama is uncanny Puddy! Now we know why you chose her...

the critters in The Cottage

Stacy Hurt said...

ok ok. I saw your posting yesterday & laffed myself silly! I liked how you seemed to choose your smallest human to dominate with your sleeping. But! The picture of your mum in her Ninja mask made me laff eben harder!
That Woman wishes her hair was super strait like your mums. And no, you aren't big; and yes, your mum is small. Anykitty can plainly see that! Love your blog; did you win your pettie yet???

Ms. Stella O'Houligan

oh; PeeeSss: Miss Jack say's she was only realizing that all the stuff she said she was gonna do today she all ready did yesterday! MOL! She is good at teasing No? She gladly accepts your bag of temptations! She thinks you are the bees knees (eben if she never did see a bee's knee to begin with)

The Chair Speaks said...

Puddy, your mom look like you! LOL!

Cat Wisdom 101 said...

Puddy, you have the best mom bed and we love her catwoman mask.

BeadedTail said...

Mr. Puddy, we love your drawings of your family time! Are you sure that's your mom under that mask?

Makropoulos said...

Love mom's mask! You guys are great artists!

Unknown said...

Mr Puddy,
What a wonderful way to celebrate!
Love the pictures and your Mommy is lovely

Meowers from Missouri said...

that looks just like our house--mom an' dad in their chairs, an' us draped ofur mom. sometimes there are three of us on her at once, but we quarrel about sharin' her. if we get hissy, we ALL get thrown off.

our brofur don't liff at home ennymore. he got married an' moved away--but he haff kitties there to nap wif, too!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Wonderpurrful 'Comic Strip'...really, you could earn some green papers if you made your cartoons into a book! They make cat people laff and laff cuz they are so true...kinda like The Far Side cartoons!

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