Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I think Miss Sparkle Fall for me ❤

She sent lots of presents to me !
Why ?

In general, The Lady Cat will not send any things to you.
 Accept, she's really fallen in love with you ( which is Me ! )

And This is The Big Sign !!!!!

I was super exciting!!!!
 See my fur's expression !

I really enjoy both toys, Springs Toys and The Feathers Toy.

But I play fast speed version, Mom can't get any good photos.

Up photo, I tried to hind the spring in my mouth but I couldn't make it.

 Thank you so much Miss Sparkle, I really enjoy the prize !
OOPS! Did I say " The prize " ?

COD ! I almost fool you guys..heh..heh..heh

Yep, Miss Sparkle didn't fall for me, I just make it up !
I just won the prize from one of her post.

Boy just wanna have Fun !
I hope you all are not mad at me..heh..heh..heh

PS : I like her pawprint on the card 


Donna said...

O hai! I is very happy for u and ur friends. :)

CCL Wendy said...

Wow! What an awesome prize from Sparkle! I wouldn't be surprised if she IS actually in love with you. Any ladycat would be lucky to have you as her mancat.

It's not a bad idea, you know. I think you should actively court her.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Concats on your prizes! You really had us goin! Haf a pawsome day, Mr. Puddy!

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

What a great prize you won there Mr Puddy !!!
And all of it made it through the customs ??!!

Brian's Home Blog said...

That was fun Mr. Puddy, you fooled me!!!

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

LOL Mr. Puddy, your post made us laf and laf! Your prizes are so cool!

Berit said...

Lucky you Puddy dear:)))

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You had us fooled Mr. Puddy, but we wouldn't be surprised if she has got a soft spot for you anyway. Concats on winning the prize.

ellie said...

U and Miss Sparkle would make a great couple! Both amusing, good looking kitties :)

Old Kitty said...

Mr Puddy!!!! Tis love!! Of course the glorious Miss Sparkle has fallen for you hook, line and feathers!! We all have!! Yay!!!

Huge congratulations with your amazing prizes - and mum's consolation one too of course - LOL!!!

Take care

Athena said...

Great prizes! You are a lucky cat! It wouldn't surprise me if Sparkle has a soft spot for you, who could resist?

Katnip Lounge said...

Puddy, I think all us mancats have imagined Miss Sparkle as our girlcatfriend...


A guy can hope!

You got some VERY fun gifts, erm...prizes! We loved your fur standing up in excitement...pretty cool!

Kay L. Davies said...

Mr. Puddy, you are a very lucky guy!
Luv — Kay and Lindy

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel


Oh Mr Puddy
We congratulate you on winning your prizes from Miss Sparkle! You look like you are having a lot of fun with everything!

meowmeowmans said...

aha. Mr. Puddy, you fooled us for sure! :D

Those sure are some great prizes from Sparkle, though. Congratulations!

Thank you for posting about Carter on your Facebook wall. He is a very good boy, and we hope he finds a forever home soon. :)

Daisy said...

Ah, I'll bet Sparkle has a soft spot in her heart for you, Mr. Puddy!

Admiral Hestorb said...

I'll bet Sparkle thinks you are...the cat's meow!!!

Fuzzy Tales said...

We think your prizes are fabulous; congratulations!

And we agree...A lot of ladycats would fall for you, Puddy!

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

Congrats on the prizes Mr. Puddy. We thinks she may have fallen for you a tiny bit. That pawprint said all sorts of interesting things iffn you read between the lines and with lady cats you always need to read between the lines.

m.q said...

u're sure 1 famous mancat

Your Daily Cute said...

I especially like your excited fur fluffs!

Willow said...

You never know Mr. Puddy that was quite the prize pact that Ms. Sparkle sent to you. She might love your smart tuxedo self.

Marilia said...

Oh! This is so lovely!
Gift card with paw-signature and everything! I love it!
Kisses friend Puddy!

Chloe and Cecil said...

Youse had us foolwed! Wees just node youse had da giwlfwiend! Anywhoo, wees tink you prizes awe da bestest and hopes you hab fun with dem!

BeadedTail said...

Mr. Puddy, those are very nice prizes from Sparkle! She is a very pretty ladycat and very smart too so we bet she has a little crush on you! We certainly do!

Stacy Hurt said...

I agree; the paw print is the cats meOW! Miss Sparkle is quite lovely and so generous!

Ms. Stella O'Houligan

Sparkle said...

I'm glad you are having fun with the toys, Mr. Puddy! I made sure they didn't reek of catnip so they would make it through customs! I think everyone is being silly with this romantic stuff - I am a playgirl at heart!

GLOGIRLY said...

Sparkle or no Sparkle, you are a true ladies man, Puddy. Suave, debonair...just my type.
; )

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Wow Puddy!! Those are some of the BEST prizes ever!!!

that was so generous of Miss Sparkle!!!



Cat-from-Sydney said...

Mr Puddy,
I'm gonna do a Kylie on you. She's Aussie like you too. Here goes.

"Puddy is so lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky
Puddy is so lucky in love!"

purrrr *giggles*

The Florida Furkids said...

ConCatulations Mr Puddy. We think Sparkle really likes you a LOT. Who wouldn't?

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Gigi said...

Oh, I think Sparkle is more than a little interested Mr. Puddy. After all, she didn't have to send you so MANY things, or write you that sweet note with her very own pawprint on it. You're a good cath, Puddy!

Catio Tales said...

Oh poor Mr Puddy - you need a girlfriend! I wonder if there should be dating on the blogosphere. I have a wonderful girlfriend already so I would not need to be involved, but I am sure it would help the lonely tuxies out there. Hehehehehe

Catio Tales said...

PS Those springy toys ROCK

Whisppy said...

Those springs look like fun fun FUN! We have a Kitty Kopter too and it no longer looks presentable. MOL.

Love, Cosmo & Ling

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Great prizes, Puddy! A guy can hope.

Princess Jasmine said...

What lovely prizes you have got from Miss Sparkle. You are a very lucky kitty :)xx

CATachresis said...

You're a bit of a tease, big boy! I think Miss Sparkle has secret passion, despite what she says ;~}

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Lovely gifts! I do think there may be a crush involved!

Purrs Banshee

Teddy Westlife said...

That is a great prize Mr Puddy :)

Marg said...

Well Mr. Puddy, we wouldn't be surprised at all if Sparkle was in love with you. Why not. You sure are a handsome dude. We think there really is something going on. Anyway, the prize is great. Lots of great toys etc. Take care.

Mariodacat said...

Puddy has a girlfriend........he he- I'm jealous Puddy cuz Miss Sparkle is bootiful. Those springs look like they might be fun.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

HeHehe.... Yes, Puddy, Miss Sparkle would be quite a catch!!!

The Chans

The Meezers or Billy said...

cool prizes - we be Miss Sparkle would fall for you!

HH and The Boys said...

What great prizes Mr. Puddy... enjoy.

pawhugs, Max

Barbara said...

Mr Puddy you are such a gorgeous rogue!

The Monkeys said...

Congratulations on your awesome prize, Mr. Puddy! We think that Miss Sparkle MUST like you...we can't imagine any female cat not falling for you! You're so handsome!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

OMC! What awesome prizes! Yoo are a very lucky mancat. Better luck next time wiv the romance though!

Hannah and Lucy said...

What great presents Sparkle send you Mr Puddy - we love those springs too and whap them and whap them for ages.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Cory said...

A boy can dream, right? I think Sparkle would be a fool to not fall for you Puddy!

Nice toys!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

You are a "hoot" handsome Puddy, and we luvsya bunches and bunches.

Anzu said...

Wow !
Miss Sparkle is so charming lady !
(=^ΦェΦ^=)ノ~☆ She has gorgeous green eyes and graceful nose pad. She looks like a glamorous movie star. Mr. Puddy you are the envy of mancats !!

My Mind's Eye said...

Mr. Puddy congrats on the prizes!!
I especially loved the springs.
I'll have to send my assistant to the pet store to buy me a package.
Hugs Madi
PS Being a lady cat let me just say....I think maybe Miss Sparkles might just be sweet on you.
I'm just sayin'.....

LP said...

You fooled us Puddy! But we still think a lot of girl cats would fall for you 'cause you're such a charmer! :)

the critters in The Cottage

Ariel said...

Yes it's love alright and your one very lucky boy.....

We are back so please visit our new blog....

Cathy Keisha said...

Springs are the BEST! Just make sure your human doesn't step on them and crush them like TW always does. All the girlcats are certainly jealous of Sparkle cos your such a good catch! xoxo

Ingrid said...

Wow ! what a great gift ! If all blog cat girls would fall for you Puddy, you would have more wives then the last Sultan in Turkey ! Fortunately only virtual !

The Island Cats said...

What cool prizes you got from Sparkle, Mr. Puddy!! Have fun!!

one of Fae's humans said...

i hope Sparkle didn't/won't get mad at you for misleading people like that! ;)

the prizes look really nice. congrats. :)

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