Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Me & Daddy

Any man can be a father, but it takes a special person to be a dad of furry son.

Love you daddy


Berit said...

Oh, so sweet:)))

Mariodacat said...

Oh Puddy - You just get cuter every day and you loves your daddy so much - just like he loves you. It sure was a good day when you stated hanging out in the neighborhood of your new home. What a life you have now.

Anonymous said...

That is very, very special Mr. P.!

Unknown said...

Mariodacat - you just took the words right out of my mouth!
Adorable Mr Puddy =^..^=

CATachresis said...

Oh Lordy! I'm listening to soulful music while reading this. It's made me a bit damp around the eyes!!! So sweet. You lucky boy Mr P x

Photo Cache said...

we agree 100%.

what a sweet image of you and your dad.

Emma and Buster

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Puddy, we so agree. And we are so glad that yoo have such a wonderful loving forever home.

Angie, Catladyland said...

Just the sweetest! You are one lucky boy, Puddy!

The Cat Guy said...

Daddies and kitties have special relationship. Glad you got good involved daddy, Mr Puddy!

Katnip Lounge said...

Puddy, you and your Dad are a very special pair. We are so glad you have each other!

The Florida Furkids said...

You and your Daddy are so lucky to have found each other!!! That's a wonderful picture.

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Angel Simba said...

You are so right, Puddy. Your Daddy seems like a super special man.

HH and The Boys said...

Awwwwww, Puddy that is so wonderful.

pawhugs, Max

CCL Wendy said...

How sweet! Nose kisses! Yes, this picture just speaks of the love between you two. There's no greater bond than between a Cat Daddy and his kitty. (I don't believe that dogs are man's best friend, do you?)

Angel Prancer Pie said...

You are a very lucky kitteh, Puddy! Your Dad is very lucky too! xoxo

Old Kitty said...

Mr Puddy!!! Your dad is aces!! Awwwww what a lovely pic of you and your dad!! Awwwwwww!

Take care

1 Happy Cat said...

Such a beautiful photo :)

Sparkle said...

I wish I had a male human like yours, Mr. Puddy! My human's boyfriend is a dog person and does not really understand me.

Marg said...

That is such a great picture Mr. Puddy. That is special what you and your Dad have. We are so glad that you found such a great home since you are such a special kitty. Take care.

Fuzzy Tales said...

Oh, Mr Puddy, that's a heart-melting photo and post. Wonderful.

BeadedTail said...

Mr. Puddy, we know your daddy loves you very much and we can tell you love him too! That's a sweet photo!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

you know what Puddy?

You and your Daddy look alike! lol!!!

Your Daddy looks silly and I like that! You look like you are thinking "WTF???"



Daisy said...

Like father, like son!

Willow said...

Mr. Puddy the love is shining in your Dad's eyes. A special Dad/Furry son relationship.


Mr Puddy
You and your Daddy are ever so sweet.

Deb said...

I love to see a man love his cat. So sweet!

m.q said...

u had a great daddy Mr Puddy

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

How so cool is that!! Daddy and son--splendid indeed!! :)


PS. Nuzzle your daddy for me, Puddy!

Athena said...

You and your Daddy are so lucky to haf each other!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Your post really make me smile Mr. Puddy! Dads are very special!

The Chair Speaks said...

Sending lots of hugs!

Cathy Keisha said...

You got it! I was fine with my play date until Pop came home and called her. I went ballistic cos I'm territorial when it comes to my Pop.

Unknown said...

It is not flesh and blood but the heart which makes us fathers and sons.
Kozmo (who is Daddy's Boy too)

Cara n Crew said...

awww! You are lucky to have such a special cat-daddy, Mr Puddy :)

Pip, Minnie, Smidgen, Hollie

Shaggy and Scout said...

Ooohhh your daddy loves you!!!!
What a great picture! You should print it and keep it on your wall.
We think men who love their kitties are very special men indeed!

Luxington said...

Awwww Mr. Puddy you sure have a great daddy! You even let him pet your belly!!! I love my daddy lots and lots but no way is he allowed near my tummy!

Gigi said...

It makes me smile to see you and your Daddeh, Puddy. You has teh special bond!

Bullen said...

Just wonderful!!! Big smile on my face!

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Pawesome Mr Puddy & Daddy! purrrr *giggles*

Ellen Whyte said...

Aaaaaaaaaaawwwwww! Sweet!

LP said...

Love finds each other. Lucky Puddy and lucky Daddy! :)

the critters in The Cottage

Anonymous said...
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Karen, author of "My Funny Dad, Harry" said...

What a cute picture; I love it! I never pick my cats up like that, maybe they would like that way better.

Cat said...

You are SOOO right...looks like you have the perfect Dad...now, be a good furry son!! Oh, we love that video of you on your Sunday post....boy, you got a lot of fur on that tummy!! It looks like a nice, cozy pillow for sleeping on. Yawn...mind if I come over and take a nap? Purrs, Lautrec and Tiny (and those dogs Ellwood and Ginger)

Admiral Hestorb said...

Puddy, the relationship between a Daddy and a furry son or daughter is special beyond words. It takes a special man to love his fur son like that. You and he are both lucky and so is your mom and your human sister.

one of Fae's humans said...

awww! Puddy, you and your family are so sweet! :)))

Hannah and Lucy said...

Did you give your Dad some wet nose kisses Mr Puddy? What lovely picture.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

The Monkeys said...

It's obvious that your Daddy loves you very much, Mr. Puddy!

Ingrid said...

Imagine Mr. G ! father of 3 furry girls and one white furry son ! (who likes Pizza and Mozarella !)

Jacqueline said...

Such an adorable, loving photo of you and Dad, handsome Puddy!!...We hope you are having a great week, precious boy...We love you, Puddy!!...Big smoochies...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Cats of Wildcat Woods said...

Looks like you have a very special daddy! Thanks for passing the info on about the auction!

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Oh what a lovely picture on you Mr Puddy and your dad !!!

Cat Wisdom 101 said...

The only thing we love more than a mancats is a catman. Have a purry day!

Whisppy said...

I agree with that completely!

Ann Dziemianowicz said...

Too cute! And you are such a wonderful furry son to your dear dad!

My Mind's Eye said...

Mr. Puddy you speak very true and wise words. What a great picture of you and your Dad...we are sorry to be late it is only 1:15 pm here but we expect you are all in bed sleeping.
Hugs Madi

Anita said...

It is true, not all men can estimate our exquisite company.


GLOGIRLY said...

VERY sweet, Puddy. Gloman doesn't shower me with affection every hour of every day...but he DID adopt me and bring me home to my girl. So despite his dog-person tendencies, I kinda like him.

The Island Cats said...

Oh that's so sweet, Mr. Puddy!!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Aww Mr Puddy, that is a very sweet picture of you with your daddy.

Kwee Cats said...

CatDaddys are the bestest, and you are very wuzed by your CatDaddy.
We be smiling.

Ann Boyajian said...

I can't BELIEVE I never saw this or commented on it! This is a special bond you have as furry son to your dad. Love love love this picture!!
xxxxxx Smooches

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