Sunday, August 14, 2011

This kind of thing

Today, I have to handle this kind of thing !
( check the video )

And after this kind of thing..

I feel so blank and so empty.

I can't stop my whiskers go maniac !

My eyes are hardly blink but gentle close down.

I feel nothing
But ZZZZZ and SNGGWW remain.

Do any of you get this kind of things on Sunday ?


Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

I don´t know if I will get that kind of thing this sunday , because it´s still saturday here :)
Sleep tight Mr Puddy !!!

Katnip Lounge said...

Oh Puddy, that is soooo sweet! You are getting some suPURRior sleepytime strokes there...nighty night!

Deb Barnes / Zee and Zoey said...

Night night Puddy... tuck your sweet self in for a nice long nap! We also kinda think you liked the extra loving.. just sayin!

Berit said...

You are a very lucky cat Puddy, and your parents love you a lot:))
Hugs from Norway:)

Angel Simba said...

Puddy, you are so PETTABLE. Mommy WANTS you! I get too nervous when anybody goes for my tummy more than one or 2 strikes.

Fr. Tom Fish said...

Puddy, I know how you feel. I get the best rubdowns and then those hands disappear. Just like you, though, I just snooze, 'cause I know there'll be a next time when I'll get more lovin'

Happy Sunday, my furriend!


Brian's Home Blog said...

We can't snooze at all because we're smiling so big at your comfy cozy!

Athena said...

I love getting petted to sleep like that!

Old Kitty said...

Mr Puddy!!!!! Yay for chin and tummy scritches! Awwww you look so adorable!! Me and Charlie love your manic whiskers too!!Yay! Enjoy your Sunday!!! Take care

Willow said...

A gentle pettings makes the most comfortable sleepy time. Purry rumblings are the result and the best after this type of touch.

Admiral Hestorb said...

your dad also loves this time because he gets to hear you purr..feel your softness and see how happy you are. xoxoxoxoxo

Annie Bear said...

This is so sweet. It's so nice to see you so happy and your daddy giving you such nice pets.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Pets and snoozles... what more could a puddy want!

Cathy Keisha said...

I would love to see my peeps pet me like that. They would lose a hand—no doubt about it. Glad you enjoy it.

Sparkle said...

Oh, I hope I DON'T get that on Sunday - I have no desire for maniac whiskers! I want to nap in peace.

BeadedTail said...

Mr. Puddy, your tummy is made for petting! It looks so soft and floofilicious! We like our tummies rubbed too so hopefully it'll happen on Sunday too!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Puddy you definitely have a hard life don't you? lol!!

I was laughing at your feet in the air while your Daddy petted you and the hypnotized look on your face!

Puddy you are such a big mancat!!! I so wish that one day I could just pick you up and give you soooo many kisses!


Donna said...

I luv the pettings!! :)

The Chair Speaks said...

It's going to be a great Sunday for you Puddy! Enjoy!

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Your daddy is very sweet to rub your chin and tummy. It looks very relaxing.

The Island Cats said...

Mr. Puddy, that chin rubbing must have felt so good!!

Mariodacat said...

puddy - you are the cutest ever. I get all mellow when my D gives me belly rubs. His are the bestest.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Puddy, you are making us sleepy by just watchin you! I'm gonna go get me sum tummy rubs, too. Purrs.

Gigi said...

Oh Puddy, that was so relaxing to watch! The Human and I almost drifted right off. Your Daddeh lubz you, doesn't he????

Dma said...

Theo thinks he has found a kindred spirit... Thanks for stopping by our site..

Vicki said...

Noice! You have them well trained

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Poor Puddy! You have such a tough life....NOT!!!!!!

The Chans

CATachresis said...

The maniac whiskers says it all. My you are BIG Mr P. I'm a bit fright!!!

Sunday is busy day for me, I have some serious scrunge from my big cousins who visit me >^..^<

Forever Foster said...

I think that is what Sundays are supposed to be like. That looks good :)

Marg said...

Oh Puddy, that is such a good way to start out a nap with a good rub down. You sure have some good assistants there. Hope you had a good snooze. I know we are planning some great snoozes here. Take care.

Unknown said...

I did not have my Sunday planned, but now I do after visiting you. Here staff! Here staff!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Mr Puddy we think we know why you are so relaxed with your Daddy giving you a great fur massages. We loved your crazy whiskers too!!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Daisy said...

Mr. Puddy it looked like you were hypnotized!

The Florida Furkids said...

We can't blame you for falling asleep!! Your Dad really knows how to treat a kitty!!!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Unknown said...

Snoozy sundays are the best, especially as there's always more time for belly rubs! =^..^=

Marilia said...

The video is very cute. My momm, the grandma of Bavarescats, stay hypnotised about you!!!!
Love love love!
Kisses and have a great Sunday

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Ah poor Puddy! Such tortures you have to suffer... MOL!

Tamago said...

Awww what a sweet video! Mr. Puddy, you are such a pampered, spoiled kitty! :-)
I love your whiskers going magic!

Cory said...

You got a good thing going Mr. Puddy!!!

Whisppy said...

You sure trained your slaves well! I love that video. Just got to make sure Cosmo and Ling don't see it!

Manny said...

Your dad is so gentle with you--maybe when my mom watches this she will learn the right way to pet my belly. She usually goes real fast and every which way.

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

You are glorious, Puddy!!!!!!!! Our mama would love to get her hands on you!!!!!

Love to you and your humans.

Purrfect Haven said...

we adore your 'class' of 'sleep'... bring it on dear Puddy.. Darcy, Bingley and Helen xx

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That looked so relaxing that we fell asleep too Mr Puddy.

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

I broke a whisker once.
I spent Sunday snoozing too!

Delisa said...

Hi Mr. Puddy! My name is Delisa and I live in a place called the "low country" in the state of Georgia in the United States. I think you are the most beautiful cat I have ever seen! I have a golden retriever named Barkley who is my best animal friend. He is a good dog and loves all cats. I love your blog, it is very sweet and you have a wonderful family. You are a very dear and special cat and bring happiness to everyone who looks at your videos and blog. Have a nice week ahead. Delisa :)

one of Fae's humans said...

Puddy, it takes a REAL mancat to let someone do that to you! and you took it soooooooo well! it almost looked like you *gasp* ENJOYED it! D:

i wish Fae would let me do that, but she's not a mancat so........ Iggy lets me do it, though. :)

Anita said...

Wow!! You are a really BIG mancat!!

Kwee Cats said...

We wuz those crazy whiskers, Mr. Puddy! You be snoozing on love! That makes the bestest dreams :-)

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