Thursday, August 18, 2011


Dad calls Mom to have a look at me.

Because Dad is going to help me transform my face
to be...

Mommy's Face !

heh..heh..heh.. Do I look Asian ?

Me and Dad laugh, But I'm not sure about mom

PS : For some friends who don't know. My mom is Asian and We always have fun with mom because we boyz do love her. And now you know what my mommy have to put up with da boyz in da house : )


My dad love to do this to me pretty often.
After he saw mom's face in me. He will give me a head massage.

Breaking News

Today till Sunday ( Australia Time ), If you make a comment for Huffle in 1000th blog post,  Every comment worth 25 cents, Her pawrents will donate to the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Victoria (RSPCA Vic, Australia ). Let's do it ! for Cats and Dogs !


Berit said...

You're having fun with mom Puddy:))
Hugs from Berit.

meowmeowmans said...

Teehee! That was pretty funny, Mr. Puddy. We bet your mom knows it's all in good fun.

That massage looks great! Can we be next? :)

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Me and my dad think´s that you and your dad are so funny , Mr Puddy :)
My mom feel a bit sorry for all naughty things you are putting your´e mommie through !

Cat said...

LOL, boys will be boys!!!!

I loved your video it made me laugh, I can see you like to play vigorously :-)

The Cat Guy said...

love the white paws!!

CATachresis said...

Awwww making fun of your mom like that!!! You and your dad are very naughty :P Teeheehee >^,.^<

PS Love the video xx

Sparkle said...

My human remembers that Tchaikovsky piece from Fantasia!

Stacy Hurt said...

HEEEEEEEEeeeeeeey! You boyz be nice! Or you'll find Ms. Stella will give you some lessons you won't forget in a hurry! MOL!

Ms. Stella O'Houligan

Photo Cache said...

our pawrents are both asian and papa does that to buster all the time.

emma and buster

Old Kitty said...

Mr Puddy!!!! You have too much floofy furrs to be siamese!! :-)

Awww me and Charlie love the clip of you and dad having some quality scritching time!! Yay! Take care

Cathy Keisha said...

Whoa! I'm glad you said that and not me! heh heh! I think your Dad loves you as much as mine and you get as many kisses too.

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Mr Puddy, boys are so naughty. My Mama said she'll gang up with your mom. We girls will join too. How about that? purrrr *giggles*

CCL Wendy said...

It's so heartwarming to see the love between you and your Dad, Mr. Puddy! And you two are just too funny -- making Asian eyes at your Mom.

I'm sure it must have made your Mom giggle, too!

Fuzzy Tales said...

Mr. Puddy, our mom says she bets *your* mom rolls her eyes sometimes at you and your dad. You're both being silly, teasing her. :-)

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Mr Puddy, your straight arms made us laugh when you were having head massage and scritches. You two men like to tease your mum but we bet she can get her own back.

Admiral Hestorb said...

I love that you and your dad can tease your mommy..and I love YOU too, because you are so gorgeous. Your paws were soft and velvety. No claws.


Angel Simba said...

Never a dull moment at Puddy's house!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Puddy you are soooooooooooooo spoiled!!

That pic of you and your Daddy is just wonderful! I think you could win an award with that!


Tamago said...

LOL!! I think you look Asian! What a cute face :-) You look so happy when your dad is giving you a head massage. And your arms stretched straight out are so adorable :-) Enjoy your head massage!!

Deb said...

Oh you are so cute!

Brian's Home Blog said...

You are one very special and love boy fur sure!

Marilia said...

Own! You´re absolutelly purrrrrfect Puddy!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Puddy, we think that first photo with Dad is adorable! I like to touch my mom's face with my paw. Just softly to get her attention. You give your pawrents hours of entertainment! Purrs.

m.q said...

the first picture is terrific
and we hope your mom had some fun too...

much love;
BoBo Salem & catlings

BeadedTail said...

You boys keep your mom on her toes that's for sure!

Anzu said...

Hi ! Mr. Puddy
Do you know that a boy who has almond-shaped eyes is popular among Asian girls ? You should make a debut in Japan. d(=^‥^=)b

Kwee Cats said...

It's really happy when you can has funs with Mum and CatDaddy! Our CatDaddy has been getting a kick out of you and your CatDaddy.

We put a special spot for you in our latest post.

Thank you, Mr. Puddy - you'll always be the greatest.

GLOGIRLY said...

Puddy, that first photo is PRICELESS!!!!!
You are Bee-You-Tee-Full.
Glogirly & Katie

Alison said...

You are adorable Mr Puddy. Every day brings a smile to my face when I read your blog and see your picture.


Mr Puddy
You are a total love bug!
We love you too!

T said...

LOL! Love it! And the video is precious!

Willow said...

Aw sounds like you have little Bro-Mance with Dad. A close relationship with each other and letting massage on face. Purry nice.

Cara n Crew said...

You have a fun family, Mr Puddy :) Your out-stretched paws during your massage are so adorable!

Pip, Smdgen, Minnie, Hollie

Gigi said...

My Human's heart melted a little at these pictures and the video. But your poor Mommy! I think you and Daddy love Mommy lots even though you tease her.

Makropoulos said...

That's pretty goofy, Puddy. If we tried to transform Pisi's face, she'd probably transform the condition of our hands. . . .

Catio Tales said...

Such torture for your poor face - the head rub looks like it might have been worth it though!

Bullen said...

Adorable Mr Puddy!

Whisppy said...

I like the way your paws are straight up when Daddy transforms you! :)

Unknown said...

Mr. Puddy, your family is so cool!

Forever Foster said...

Hahaha. You're a cheeky boy :)

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Puddy, yoo have a wonderful family. We love yoor mom and yoor dad ~ and we can tell they love yoo tons! xx

Marg said...

Oh Mr.Puddy, you are the very best kitty ever. You boys are very norty to make fun of Mom. But we know you love her. Love the video. I think Dad loves you a lot. Take care.

Hannah and Lucy said...

We love your outstretched arms when your Daddy is giving you a lovely massage and we can see you are loving every minute of the attention. You are a furry lucky mancat having such happy home.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

The Florida Furkids said...

Mom sometimes makes us have lambie ears!

We love your video. It's so sweet to see how you and your Dad love each other.

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Marg said...

Hi Mr. Puddy, we came back to ask you to please try to make another comment on our blog and see if it works. If it doesn't, we will have to do some more investigating. Take care.

My Mind's Eye said...

Mr. Puddy I thought you were giving Dad a shave in that first photo.

Tell Mom you only tease the ones you love.
Hugs madi

LP said...

Puddy you are soooooo spoiled! And you and your Dad better not bite the hand that feeds you too much!! That would mean stop teasing your Mama!! :)

the critters in The Cottage

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Gorgeous pictures and I love that you can enjoy fun with your mum because that makes things special.ovely.. Hugs GJ xx

Unknown said...

All you need now is a dressing gown and pair of slippers to complete the look!! =^..^=

Cat Wisdom 101 said...

Our daddy calls it brain massage and is convinced it makes us smart. Hugs to your mom for being a good sport for being teased.

Danielle said...

MOL! That reminds my human bean of a story. Once she was looking at greeting cards, and there was a picture of a cat getting its face stretched out by a woman just like you are in the picture. The caption read: Kate tries out plastic surgery on her cat before going in. It was funny! :D

PS Sorry I haven't gotten my award up yet, but we will soon, promise!

Daisy said...

Mr. Puddy, you are so silly!

The Island Cats said...

Mr. and your dad are really silly! You're lucky your mom puts up with you both! ;)

HH and The Boys said...

Love the video toooo..... And, I'm off to see huffle...

Have a great weekend, Pal.

pawhugs, Max

Fluffy and Heather said...

You're just lapping up that love and affection from Daddy, aren't you Mr. Puddy! Don't worry, mom's never stop loving their babies, even when they do silly things!

Julia Williams said...

Puddy, your mom must really love you to put up with all your antics!! MOL.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Puddy, that was pretty funny. But I dont need TBT ta do that ta ME ta look Asian. MOL!


Cory said...

That is such a precious photo of you and your daddy, Puddy! We can see how much you love each other.



Anonymous said...

Aww - what a great massage yoo got!

Jacqueline said...

What a fun, silly post, handsome Puddy!!...We really enjoyed the video too=there is so much love between you and your parents, it's great to see!!...Happy weekend, precious friend=stay cool and have fun!!...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Ellen Whyte said...

MOL, Puddy you have pan-Asian looks - those wanted for the best TV commercials :-)

The Chair Speaks said...


Vicki said...

Toooo funny!!!

Teddy Westlife said...

We always laugh at my mum too, even though she is not asian :) Thanks for helping with my commentathon, Mr Puddy!

Deb Barnes / Zee and Zoey said...

Puddy - you never fail to make us laugh, even at the expense of your very good natured human Mom!!!! Have a wonderful day and we really hope Huffle makes her goal!!

Anonymous said...

MOL! You're so funny Mr. Puddy! Purr! You look very asian.... in fur form.
Luna Kitty

one of Fae's humans said...

Puddy, you are one of the most tolerant cats ever. your mom must be pretty tolerant too to put up with you boys. :P

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