Thursday, September 22, 2011

On the roof again

Here he is ! " Mr. Smudge " my neighbour's cat who live next door !

My pawrents didn't see him for long long time !

Because I always chased him away...Like this !

Bye Bye Smudge !

Well ! he is not suppose to be on my roof anyway.

Evening Spring, it's good time to watch the day go by
and enjoy my garden before the sun go down.

My beautiful plum tree , all leaves grow back !

Same as my Pink Magnolia.

And my bird of paradise buds look like ready to be bloom.

Sun go down and down.
So soon my mom will break my peaceful moment....3....2....1

" Puddy ! Puddyy ! Puddyyyyy !!!!!! "

Here her voice
Loud and Clear 
I guess the whole Neighbours know my name : )

Please Visit Our Friends with Thursday Garden with Jonesie


Makropoulos said...

Smudge looks like an abandoned cat I used to take care of that I called Roger -- Nice to see a cute smudgy face again! Hi from Pisi and Squeak!

CATachresis said...

You are far better looking than Smudge, Mr P :) It's good to see you fulfilling your role as King of the World xox

Princess Jasmine said...

That is very good security patrol duties there Mr. Puddy. Your garden is looking beautiful too. We will look forward to see everything come to live. Everything here is going brown and falling off the trees :)xxxx

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Maybe you could be friends with Smudge puddy, he looks kind of nice. Love your pictures of the garden and view.. Hugs GJ xx

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Hi Mr Puddy !
Me and mom think your springgarden is looking botiful !!!
I think you did right that chased Smudge of YOUR roof !
My mom think´s that you should be furriends with him.
But what does beans know ??!!
Not much if you ask me ;-)

Danielle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cindy said...

Mr Puddy, Your garden is lovely. I love the look on your face after you chased away your neighbor cat, Smudge!

Danielle said... first comment was a misfire- I meant it for a different blog. That's what happens when my human bean is trying to comment on too many blogs at once. :D

Anyway, Mr. Smudge knows whose boss in your domain, doesn't he?

Marg said...

Mr. Puddy, you are the greatest. We love your pink magnolias. You know that is what we named the feral cat, the momma kitty. We left off the pink but those are gorgeous.
You do have to snooopervise the neighbors. Don't want them poaching on your land. Take care.

Fuzzy Tales said...

Our mom thinks Smudge is very handsome, Mr. Puddy--almost as handsome as you, but not quite! ;-)

Too bad you can't be friends, though, but we understand the need to protect your home and humans!

Old Kitty said...

Mr Puddy!!!! You have a most beautiful garden!! Me and Charlie love your plum tree best though - hope you get lots and lots of plums soon!!

Awwww but you do have the sweetest neighbour - Smudge!! He is adorable!!!

Take care

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

You are SO lucky Mr Puddy! Ya can get up on yer roof AND Spring is coming with lovely flowers!

Unknown said...

Mr Puddy Sookie is overwhelmed that there are not one but TWO handsome mancats (of course you are her favourite). Still, think of the fun you two could have if you made friends with him!

GreatGranny said...

You have the roof to yourself, but maybe you can share with Smudge. He is cute, but you're handsome, Mr. Puddy. You have beautiful flowers and while you have Spring, we have Fall.
Mr. Puddy, I have the Sunshine Award I'd love to share with you. Please come by and pick it up.
xoxo Kassey

Fluffy and Heather said...

Smudge kinda looks like your evil (?) twin! I could totally make a great card out of you two. Mr. Puddy vs. Smudge, the invasive neighbour-cat! :)

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

How dare Mr Smudge go on your roof! You do right to keep intruders away.


Oh Mr Puddy
You look so handsome in the last rays of the light of day!

Brian's Home Blog said...

You are the King of the Roof Mr. Puddy!

Kay L. Davies said...

I think the whole neighborhood knows your name, Mr. Puddy! You have so many blog followers, and Facebook friends, you're famous.
— K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Donna said...

O hai! Those pikshers is super-pretty! :)

Admiral Hestorb said...

Puddy, you are very generous to allow us to see Mr Smudge for I have wondered about him and even asked your mommy once how he is. I was getting concerned for him.

He is FURRY handsome Puddy and he looks like *whispers* your brother. Is he?

Sparkle said...

Mr. Smudge needs to keep to his own roof! How can you enjoy your own garden, Mr. Puddy, when he is trespassing on your territory?

Tamago said...

Nobody can be on the roof except you :-) You look very handsome there, Mr. Puddy!

Deb Barnes / Zee and Zoey said...

You just keep doing what you have to do Puddy - there are plenty of other roof's for Smudge to leave his pawprints on.

We love the pictures of all those BEAUTIFUL flowers! They are so pretty, but you are still the handsomest!

Marilia said...

Oh! Amazing photos! So beautiful isn´t Puddy?
Love you!

Anzu said...

(*≧m≦)=3 Mr.Puddy, NVM!
My mom noticed the children in the neighborhood are calling my name loudly.
It's the same way mom calls out my name.
from Natsume φ(=・ェ・=;

GLOGIRLY said...

Puddy! You and Smudge look like you could be brothers! Of course YOU are the most handsome.
xo Katie

m.q said...

Nice view from the top Mr Puddy!!

Ellen Whyte said...

it's nice to see Smudge again but you're right: he needs purrmission to be on YOUR roof.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Mr. Puddy, a long time ago I used to do the very same thing to my two kitty cats, Gilbert and Sullivan.

And yes, the whole neighbourhood knew their names as we called them in for the night! Sometimes they were 'bad' puddy-tats, as they'd sneak off under a car or bush so we couldn't find them.

But we always forgave them, because they were a handsome as you are!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Puddy, your garden is so peaceful. Guess your mom breaks the spell.Haf a pawsome day. xoxo

Shaggy and Scout said...

We wish we could join you on the roof Puddy!
What a great time it must be! Birds, flowers, fresh air!

Mariodacat said...

Just no more fights with Smudge pal.

Gigi said...

But I bet after the "Puddy Puddy Puddy" there's a bunch of nommy food!

I think Mr. Smudge just wants to be your pal, Puddy.

Annie Bear said...

Clearly you're the most powerful, Mr. Puddy, because I don't see you fighting, which is good. You have such a nice view of your garden from up there. I bet you were happy to hear your mom although you do look quite peaceful there in the sunset light.

Cat-from-Sydney said...

I bet you're more popular than Smudge in your neighbourhood, Mr Puddy. You're the alpha feline too. purrr...meow!

BeadedTail said...

Well, it was nice of Smudge not to overstay his welcome! Your garden looks so pretty at this time of year and of course you are most handsome!

Our sisfur Sadie knows you're too sweet to hiss at her. Sadie would never bark at you either.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

The roof is the best vantage point to watch the spring sunset. I used to go up there quite a lot but as I get older I am not so agile.

Enjoy the lovely spring weather and the flowers.

Whisppy said...

It's so nice to see Smudge again. You have such a pretty garden!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

He's a good lookin fella, but you're still the handsomest in the land.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Puddy ~ is your mom calling yoo for supper?
The magnolia is really beautiful.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Such beautiful photos today, Puddy!

Karen and Gerard said...

Mr. Smudge sure looks like you, in fact, I thought it WAS you! Maybe you could let him share your roof with you. Wouldn't it be more fun to have someone to share that great view with?

Dma said...

those are great pictures. i'll have to remember you are a good smudge remover.

Hannah and Lucy said...

Don't be mean to Smudge Mr Puddy - why don't you invite him in to share your supper??
Your garden is getting pretty now Mr Puddy - ours is just dying off for winter - yuck.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

LP said...

We love your pink magnolia tree Puddy.So pretty! And the birds of pardise will look amazing when they bloom!!

Tell your Mama to "tone it down" a bit with the You know... calling you in for dinner. Too embarrassing!! Ugh.Moms.

the critters in The Cottage

Daisy said...

Mr. Puddy, what a great spot from which to survey your domain!

The Florida Furkids said...

We think it's nice of Smudge to stop by and smart of him not to stay too long!!!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Kwee Cats said...

You sure delt with him, Mr. Puddy! Happy Spring, Mr. Puddy!

Athena said...

Your garden is looking beautiful! I was wondering what happened to Mr. Smudge.

Fr. Tom Fish said...

From a distance, you must look very much alike, but up close, you are the man..the handsomer man ('cause he has a smudge, hehehe!) I love your garden, Puddy and you have such a great perch to watch it from.

I wish I could always be in spring!


The Island Cats said...

Mr. Puddy, you have a great view from up there!

Anonymous said...

We love yoor garden Mr Puddy! That magnolia looks byootiful!

one of Fae's humans said...

i hope (but really i know) you're enjoying the warmer weather, Mr. Puddy! isn't the transition between Spring and Summer nice? :) your garden is getting prettier and prettier all the time.

meowmeowmans said...

Smudge looks like a pretty nice cat, Mr. Puddy. Would you ever consider being his friend?

Cat Wisdom 101 said...

We loved seeing you of course but also the garden blooming. Joy! One of us was on the roof too but not in a good way. Both moms have loud voices ;-)

Poppy (aka Val) said...

Mr Puddy, you are just gorgeous!!! Lovely to see the latest photos of you :)

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Your garden is lovely. It is no wonder Mr. Smudge likes to hang out there.

HH and The Boys said...

Great pictures of you Puddy...

pawhugs, Max

Gattina said...

Did your father have a "faux pas" with another cat lady ? Smudge looks very much like you, at least on this picture !!

Purrfect Haven said...

dear Puddy - ruler of all he surveys! Love Helen, Darcy and Bingley xxx

Unknown said...

Love your garden - some nice plants and shrubs. I don't blame you for trying to protect it.

GreatGranny said...

Mr. Puddy, I'm back and I need some help on videos. Can you please explain to Mom how you get videos on your blogs. Mom is so PC lacking in know how. Thanks.
xoxo Kassey

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