Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Boy love risky !

Look at My Jungle !!!!!

Yep ! It's the jungle in my backyard.

The pawsome grass ( Mom calls Evil ) grow so high
because my pawrents are too busy to do it
or whatever their excuse which I don't mind.

Why ?
I found the high grass help me to get into the dangerous area !


I show you how I can get in there !

First, Go into the middle
and use the grass as my protection on both side of my body !

Ta Da....Here I'm am !
Sit among the cactus !!!

How's cool is that ?

Mom's heart go BOOM ! BOOM !

Guess what ?
She doesn't like me sit in there !

Mom tell me to get out !
because she worry about the evil thorn will hurt me.

But you know what ?
Boy like me love Risky !
so I'm stay in there and keep Mr. snail company.

Her worry is about to hit the roof cause I'm not get out.

Mom think hard !!!
How she can make me get out of there ?

Finally, she came up with some idea !
She starts to pull down the grass in front of me.
group by group to the ground !

Interesting Game !!!

She keep pull the grass down to the ground,
I keep catch it !

By the time I know,
I'm already out of cactus area !

and here I am !
with The face of mischief
fulfill with grass flowers.
Mommy have to clean it, her respawsible : )


Katnip Lounge said...

Puddy, we have to say both you AND your Mom are pretty clever, but since she has to clean you up we say you WIN!

Mariodacat said...

he he Puddy - you are way too smart. you really keep your mom on her toes with trying to keep up with your adventures.

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

He He Puddy you sure keep your mommy busy , just like me :)

looloo said...

Hello, Mr Puddy, I think you have an adorable mum!!!

Sparkle said...

Why didn't your human just offer you some treats to get out? I think that would have been a much better idea... and I bet you would have liked that too!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Well I think you look terrific in your jungle!!! What fun!

Admiral Hestorb said...

Puddy, I like the way you think. BUT you sure put your mommy through the mill!

Stacy Hurt said...

I think the cactus would give good scritches, no? Your mom is funny, but we can see how much she adores you and wants to keeps you safe.

Ms. Stella O'Houligan

CATachresis said...

Mr P, you got measles? It must have been a contagious cactus, you norty boy!!! ;)

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We find al that spiky cactus a little worrying too, Puddy. Please be careful!

The Chans

Luxington said...

Too risky for me Mr. Puddy! We are not fans of cactus. But I sure could use some tall grass to sneak around in...

Fuzzy Tales said...

Mr Puddy, we think you're VERY brave to risk those cacti thorns! Wow! Our mom understands your own mom's worry, though--she'd be shouting at us if we tried something similar. LOL.

Oui Oui said...

Mr Puddy, you like to live on the wild side! You are a very handsome and brave mancat, but if those cactus get you, you will run to your mommy!

Unknown said...

Oh, Mr. Puddy - so sweet, so lovable, and so naughty sometimes. I heard tell the ladies like the bad boys.

Old Kitty said...

Mr Puddy!!! Me and Charlie have to say that you do look most comfy sitting amidst that amazing cactus!! LOL!! Awwww your poor mum has a trick or two up her sleeve to get you out though! Yay!!

Take care

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Puddy we think the cactus is much too dangerous! Your poor Mom. You make her heart go Boom Boom alot! Good thing she is clever and repawsible!

Daisy said...

CACTUS?!?!? Mr. Puddy, you like to live dangerously!

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Mr Puddy,
If I were your mom, I'll get rid of the cactus clump. But, oh my, you do like to live dangerously, eh? purrr...meow!


Mr Puddy
YOU are so brave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And ever so dashing and handsome.

Marg said...

Mr. Puddy, you are too funny. Glad you made it over to the cactus. But we would have been worried about you too. You are such a brave boy and I bet that was really fun for you. But don't make the Mom scared any more.

BeadedTail said...

Mr. Puddy, you do like risky things but we're glad your mom found a new game to get you out of there!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Puddy you have one smart Mommy! She knows how to get you to do what she wants without you even knowing it!

Puddy you have the most expressive and intelligent eyes, I love them!


Gigi said...

Oh Puddy! What an exciting and dangerous tale! And the BEST part is I can SEE you again my friend! Yay! My problems are fixed!

m.q said...

fun games for you and your mom...

Unknown said...

Wow! Puddy, your Mom is one smart lady to gets yous to come out!

Pandafur said...

If you an Mr Boots evar get together you iz gonna tayk ovar teh werld! You iz vurry brave Puddy, I likes yer styles.

Catio Tales said...

WHy do humans worry ? We are experts!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

I just wanna come and give you a big purry hug... cause you're just so much fun!

Cara n Crew said...

You are so mischevious, Mr Puddy! Danger must be your middle name :) You sure know how to have fun tho you really should go easier on your mom ;-/

Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie

Raymond and Busby said...

Wow Puddy you are a cat who likes to live on the edge! We like that!

Whisppy said...

You sure know how to add some excitement into your Mommy's life!

Princess Jasmine said...

Wow, you have a fantastic jungle out there. I bet you get lots of fun. I'm sure the little snail loved having you for company too. Those cactus are amazing. They would never grow here unless it was in a nice warm greenhouse. I bet your nosey smells lovely now too, here is a big kiss for your flowery nose XX :)xx

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

You look like king of the wild outdoors, my handsome friend!!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

You look like king of the wild outdoors, my handsome friend!!

Hannah and Lucy said...

We are trying to decide who is the cleverest you, Mr Puddy, or your mom!! Don't let that cactus get you in it's grip it could be very ouchie.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Poppy Q said...

You are so brave Mr Puddy, and your mum takes beautiful pictures. Watch out for those cacti.

Poppy Q said...

You are so brave Mr Puddy, and your mum takes beautiful pictures. Watch out for those cacti.

Forever Foster said...

WOW! You sure are a ballsy mancat, Puddy! Our lawn is a field of weeds, we love it!

Spunky Doodle said...

You had quite an adventure, Mr. Puddy. I would have thought she would have used treats to get you to come out of there.

JC said...

You are a trouble maker aren't you ...

My Mind's Eye said...

Mr. Puddy you are such a for certain the bravest mancat I know...I enjoy reading about all your risky romps in the great outdoors.
hugs Madi

The Florida Furkids said...

Where did our comment go?????

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Vicki said...

I know I have a jungle here at the moment. It has been too wet for Paul to mow...and then I get covered in those tiny seeds which taste awful and Vicki tries to pull them out one by one as I hate brushing!!!

Dma said...

i hate to agree with your mom, but i don't want you hanging around cactus either.

Ingrid said...

Maybe you can help with the grass and eat a little every day, that's good for the stomac ! I would avoid a cactus too, they stitch !
You look very handsome in a green scenery ! You should work as model for lawn mowers for example.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Pudy, we love that yoo live danjerously! But just make sure yoo stay safe! xx

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

Mr. Puddy we think you a very lucky cat! You very brave to sit in the cactus. Mama said you like to live on the wild side!

You make our mama laugh with all your adventures!


We love LUNA said...

I think CACTUS is so beautiful but it can be also dangerous!
Please take care okay!Your jungle is wonderful!

Cat Street Boyz said...

That was a bit of a sticky situation you got yourself into Mr Puddy....but still, a great adventure!=^Y^=

Cat Wisdom 101 said...

OMC, you have cacti! This is your most pawsome post in a while. We have lots of jungle but it's too cold for cacti. Do you have snakes?

Jackie said...

Mr. Puddy you must be careful, those cactus thorns are nasty but the tiny little hairs aroound them are worse, you wouldn't want any in or on your nose or tongue.

I thought you had been using that cactus as a scratching pole until I saw the snail.

Unknown said...

Wow I can't believe you have such tall cacti in your garden, that is so cool! I have a cactus too... it's about 10cm tall in a plant pot though... not quite the same MOL!!
On another note entirely, Mr Puddy you make my heart go boom boom too, you handsome mancat!! :)

meowmeowmans said...

You are one daring dude, Mr. Puddy! Just be careful around that crazy cactus, okay?

LP said...

Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeech.That would be LP if we went anywhere near cacti.Puddy listen to your Mama.You don't want her to have to be pulling thorns out of your butt do you?!! Think how humiliating that would be ...

the critters in The Cottage

The Island Cats said...

Mr. Puddy, your mom is pretty clever!! That's a game we would love to play too!!

Wetzelnxtu said...

You are so brave Mr Puddy, and your mum takes beautiful pictures. Watch out for those cacti.

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