Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Crazy Cat Lady Season 2 start

Since last full moon, No one turned to be woofie !
But the crazy cat lady Season 2 start !

Do you know who I'm talking about ?  Yep ! I'm taking about my mom. Now, it's the season she have to go for walk at night time cause now, It's Spring !!! I'm not come home early. It's nice and warm.

The only way she can get me inside before her bed time, she have to to go for walk and look for me along our street but not too far though, just 6 houses she have to walk back and forward till I appear. I'm not a badda boy you know ? Just boy love to have some fun : )

8.30 PM.
Crazy cat lady Season 2  is on Street channel

She walks and try to look through the dark along the street.

Here !..The first kitties mom saw !
With the eyes of human..Mom have to ask

" Is that you, Puddy ? "
No answers for mom, One way to know one of them is me or not ?
Mom have to use..

Flash ! Flash !

None of them is me !!!
So More walk for mom.

and then she saw another kitty !

" Is that you, Puddy ? "
No answers for mom, so mom use ..

Flash ! Flash !

Mom was no happy, No me along the street.
So she have to back home and go to check our backyard.

" Meow "

I'm home but on da roof !

" Puddy ! Common, get down here ! " Mom told me

Guess What ?

I didn't come down when mom calls, I just run on the roof back and forward between front of the house and back of the house. and believe it or not mom luv this game ( I guess ) because she followed me back and forward and keep calling me. When I am satisfy her chasing , I get down and let she grabbed me and took me inside : )


Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

Oh Mr. Puddy you sure keep your Mom busy with all your mischief. We think she must be very nice and patient too!

Deb said...

"You little scamp. Mom is gonna lock you out one of these nights and then what?"

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Wow Puddy! Are all cats there black an white? Must be hard fer Mom ta find you on the street when you are on the roof! MOL!

Brian's Home Blog said...

I yhink you just wanted to make sure that you Mom was properly entertained!

Unknown said...

Mr Puddy you little tinker!! I bet those new cats on the block didn't know what to think of your mommy either, heheee :)

Mariodacat said...

Mr. Puddy - you sure do keep your mom busy. I hope she doesn't have a full-time job, because it's a full time job for her to keep up after you pal. Love the laser eyes!!

LP said...

We laughed out loud when we read
,"...and believe it or not Mom likes this game.." Um. Puddy.We don't believe it for a moment!
You have the best Mama though who will humiliate herself by screeching your name into the night looking for you just so that you will get to be outdoors during the day! Nice Mama! :)

the critters in The Cottage xo

Katnip Lounge said...

We just love it when the new TV season starts! Puddy, you are the WORST kitty we know...even more so than The Baby! And she is terrible.
Keep up the good work.

Stacy Hurt said...

BBWWWWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! It's MR. PUDDY to the RESCUE! DUDE! in that photo of you on the roof you need a cape! A red one! Ms. Stella plays that back and forth game too. For a LOOOOoooooong time I thought she just couldn't get down! MOL! laffs on me!

Ms. Stella's Woman

Tober the Cat said...

I bet she loves that game! Make sure you play over and over and over again!

Annie Bear said...

LOL! Oh, Mr. Puddy, what's your mom gonna do with you? Continue calling your name every night I suppose. You're quite the mischievous one!

Old Kitty said...

Mr Puddy!!!! Me and Charlie think you win this game over and over again! Yay!! Awwww you are wonderful helping mum with her evening exercises!!! LOL!! Take care

Arnold Plotnick said...

Are veterinary emergency clinics really crazier during full moons and Friday the 13ths?


Sparkle said...

It's important for humans to get their exercise, both physical AND vocal - I am glad you're helping your human stay in shape, Mr. Puddy!


Mr Puddy
WE always love your adventurous stories!! You are our hero.
Thank you for your sweet purrs while Momma has been recuperating from my bitey...

Cat said...

Oh Puddy you are naughty...but we love the bad boys!!!

Daisy said...

Oh Mr. Puddy, if you do not come when called, you might have to stay Inside!!!!!

Willow said...

Mr. Puddy those are some tricks of Mom. The warm gets me excited too.

BeadedTail said...

Mr. Puddy, you sure have lots of fun games you play with your mom! We bet she never knows what to expect with you!

Tamago said...

Oh I love the crazy cat lady show! I had a lot of fun watching!! These new kitties in da block got very impressive laser eyes. But Mr. Puddy, you've got bright laser, too!! I think your mom loves the game you play (I think...maybe!) Hehe.

Donna said...

I no go on roof. I stay couch. :)

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Mr Puddy,
You sure give your mom plenty of exercise. purrr...meow!

Cara n Crew said...

Mr Puddy, you and your mom have so many fun games to play together :D

Pip, SMidgen, Minnie,Hollie

m.q said...

Mr Puddy, you sure give mom a big night exercise :p

Cathy Keisha said...

You're a handfull for your Mom. You give her exercise to keep her young and healthy.

Oui Oui said...

Hee hee hee. Your mom should thank you for being so thoughtful, Mr. Puddy! She doesn't have to go to the gym to work out. Its purry kind of you to think of such fun games to play with your mom.

Gigi said...

Puddy, You have enough fun for like a HUNDRED cats!
Your poor Mom though, you should come home when she calls you....though, strictly speaking, I guess you WERE home....ha ha ha!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

OMC "Crazy Cat Lady Season 2" I am DYING!!!!

I was laughing at all of those kitties w/their laser eyes teasing your Mom saying they weren't YOU! MOL!!!!

Puddy you kill me!
Ohhhh your poor Mom, how you wear her out!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Wow, Puddy, first, your Mom is WAY more patient than my Mom! Second, you haf lots of black and white kittehz livin on you street! Be good fur Mom, Puddy! xoxo

Kay L. Davies said...

Mr. Puddy, you are too bad to your poor mom.
When Lindy is outside, I just have to all her and she comes in.
When she is inside, she only comes if she wants to.

Princess Jasmine said...

Awww Mr Puddy you are such a tease. Look at all those lovely lazer kitties your mummy got to see though. It looks like you had a great game being the King of the castle, you naughty rascal hee he :)xx

Ellen Whyte said...

Oh Puddy that is soooo mean! You've been taking lessons from Target!

Unknown said...

Mes loves all the lasers! And Puddy Yous makes a terrific Cat From Hell!

Marg said...

What a great Mom you have Puddy. That is so nice of her to look for you.We like to run around on our roof too. Love this post. Take care.

CATachresis said...

Mr P, you are just one big tease!!! Your poor Mom! Austin is henceforth banned from reading Puddy Post as he doesn't need any more encouragement to be bad! I am relieved it's nearly winter here. Austin gets lazybones then :) xox

Unknown said...

Tsk, tsk, tsk, Mr. Puddy. You are a bit of a scoundrel, but we are all cheering for you!

HH and The Boys said...

You were teasing her running back and forward like that. Tease... tease... tease.... I know she hugged you big when you finally came down.

Have a good day,

pawhugs, Max

My Mind's Eye said...

Mr. Puddy whatever are we to do with you and your cavorting Tom Cat ways...poor Mom was worried and you were such a tease.
Hugs Madi

Hannah and Lucy said...

We laughed when we saw your eyes looking down at your mom from the roof - you are a furry naughty boy making her look for you in the dark. We go up on our roof but we don't do it in the dark.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Dma said...

you live a little too exciting a life for me, mr. puddy.

Ivan from WMD said...

Mr. Puddy, you are a little imp.

Purrfect Haven said...

oh Puddy.. your are a tease... we have finished Spring and we were like you... staying outside too long... we love it you are on the roof... overseeing your territory. Love Darcy and Bingley xx

Ingrid said...

Hehehe ! you helped your mom to take pictures for a Halloween magazine ! with all these lazer eyed black cats !
I prefer my cats going out during the night, because there are less people and less traffic. But of course they go out during the day and come in for the night ! Cats ALWAYS do the opposite of what their human want.
Kim was always home, but not in the house ! We could always see her laying in the garden, she never goes far, but she stays outside !

We love LUNA said...

ohmigod, what a story!Those lasers eyes got me terrified now!
I think I'm going to hide inside mammy's wardrobe right now! mOL

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Good thing that you help your mom with her exercise , Mr Puddy !
I´m sure she appreciate it *MOL*

Layla Morgan Wilde ( Cat Wisdom 101) said...

Mr. Puddy, Odin is following in your footsteps going on the roof too! We call it exercise for mom. Do you celebrate Halloween? Please stay safe.

Whisppy said...

HAHAHA!!! Your Mom sure had a good workout! Did she spank you when you finally came down? ;)

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

#1 says this is definitely the funniest blog post she has EVER seen!

The Chans

The Island Cats said...

Oh Mr. Puddy! You crack us up!!

Anonymous said...

Hehehe you cheeky thing Mr Puddy!!!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Puddy ~ yoo put being cheeky on a whole new level! MOL! xx

My Cat Boys said...

Haha, cute comic! Mr. Puddy is quite a character.

GreatGranny said...

Bad Mr. Puddy, worrying poor Mom. All the lasers look scary like Halloween....mol You may get left out next time, handsome Mancat.
xoxo Kassey

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