Monday, October 3, 2011

While Pawrents are sleeping sleep, I'm hungry !

It happens in some nights,
While my pawrents are sleeping, I 'm so starvin.

My bowl always have food but my problem is....this tag !

See ! my tag always hang down !

and Those tags hit my ceramic food bowl while I'm eating which is so noisy ! And I don't like it.

In general, My mom is da pawson who moves my tag up right to the back of my neck. You can see in the video.

But At Night Time, Once Mom went to bed,
She is not going to get up easy till in da morning.

To wake her up,
I have to come with a better solution !

And here...
 My purrfect solution !!!

The Glass Doors !
which located so close to my bedroom.

How it works ?

See those doors, It made from glass and the lock of the door is on the top !

And the bottom of the door has a gap which means...

If I attack this door, it will give a the sound of doors banging
which is Purrfect Loud !

And this is me !
So Ready to make progress !

" Heh..Heh..Heh...Mom , you have to get up whatever you like it or not ! You are my pawsonal moving tags services !
Now let's do it ! "

I scratches the door like maniac !
Yep ! it works well, Mom got up and help me moved my tags : )
Last night, I woke her up an hour later after she went to bed ; )


Max said...

Heh. My tags banging on the bowl doesn't bother me, but I'm always on favor of an excuse to wake a person up :)

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

MOl your poor mum but glad it works for you Puddy.. Hugs GJ xx

CATachresis said...

Hey Mr P, that's what I do exactly with the door!!!! Even though she puts a rubber plug in the gap I still play beatbox til she comes >^,.^< I don't have tag though!!!

Fuzzy Tales said...

Our mom is thinking maybe your mom could take your collar off at night. LOL.

Cat said...

Hi there, Tiny here...I have to comment on this because I had a real 'tag' problem once...I had a 'tag' on my collar that was really a sort of magnet which was there so I could go through the cat door (and not some stinky introoder). Well, one day I was just snoopin' around the house (with my collar on) when I saw this big huge bowl on the bathroom floor and I don't know why, but I thought it was a big bowl of food so I went up to it to sniff inside it when 'SCHWAAAAAAKKKK!!!' The bowl was metal and my 'tag' GRABBED IT!! At first, when I tried to move away quickly, THE BOWL FOLLOWED ME!! This was REALLY FREAKY!! But, as luck would have it, Mom was right MOVE MY TAG AWAY FROM THE DISH!! Mom's are INDISPENSABLE!! I do want to say one thing, Mom did take my collar off at night though I don't know if it she did it for my comfort or so she wouldn't have to come rescue me from attacking pots and pans and bowls!! Don't laugh!! IT WASN'T FUNNY!! Lots of headbutts to you, Tiny (Lolo is off rolling around on the floor laughing

Old Kitty said...

Mr Puddy!!!! You are so clever and amazing - me and Charlie are taking down notes! We think you deserve extra dinners all day and night long! Yay for your tag and for mum!! Enjoy your tasty treats! Take care

Kay L. Davies said...

Oh, Puddy, your poor mom!
Lindy doesn't wear her collar in the house, so her tags don't make any noise, but she got into the kitchen garbage container last night! Now her mom has to go back to keeping the bag for food-garbage in the sink where Lindy can't reach it, and just putting non-food items in the container on the floor.

Mama Bear said...

Now that gives a new meaning to food hunting! Mr Puddy - you are very smart to find a way through obstacles. Not so in this house - we sleep right through any cat scratching, meowing, toy dragging noises that occur before the alarm goes off.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Mr. Puddy... May we suggest that your Mom gets you a special night-time bowl, perhaps one made of wood or bamboo, that will not make "tag-noises" at night?

The Chans

Angel Simba said...

Mom thinks somebody should invent a special type of cat collar, where the tags can be attached but not hang down and hit the bowl - like a little pocket or something. We also like the suggestion of a bowl that doesn' t cluck, or a PLATE!


Oh Mr Puddy
YOU are so inventive!!

BeadedTail said...

Mr. Puddy, your mom is very nice to get up after she's gone to bed to help you with your tags! You are pretty clever on waking her up too!

Sparkle said...

Your human should feed you on a party plate, so it does not make any noise. Plus a party plate is festive!

Admiral Hestorb said...

Mr are a cat extraordinaire! YOu are more clever than any cat I know including myself. I am just rude and barge in on on the other hand have worked out the best way to get her up and she not even knowing you planned it to the precise instant!!

Julia Williams said...

Mr. Puddy, you need to change your name to Mr. Devious!!! But I suppose it's your mom person's fault for starting that tag moving service in the first place. What do you want to bet those tags come off at night someday soon!!!

m.q said...

excellent skill Mr Puddy

Ellen Whyte said...

Well Puddy that's what servants are for, right? We waken ours whenever we feel like it. And then we cat nap all day long. MEOW!

Brian's Home Blog said...

You are sure a smart one Mr Puddy, I would have just jumped on her!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Ha! You are very smart Mr. Puddy! My sometimes puts earplugs in so she can sleeps!! No fair!!

The Island Cats said...

Mr. Puddy, you are so smart!! Our mom refuses to get up no matter what we do!!

Gigi said...

Puddy, You are one amazingly determined kitteh! I think your Mommy should be happy to get up in the middle of the night and move your tag for you--after all, she can sleep some other time! Heh heh.

Cathy Keisha said...

I think your Mom needs to be on PST—Puddy Standard Time—all the time.

Anonymous said...

oh puddy you are so clever! I don't have a gap so i just have to meoooowwww until mom gets up. but then sadly she doesn't feed me, she shuts the bedroom door leaving me outside!!!!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Puddy, you are so clever! We just sit on the Mom's chest or tap her face to wake her through the night. This is much more exciting. Thanks fur the ideas!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Quite a story, Mr Puddy! Perhaps that is why we get our favrits stinky goodness foods just as TBT goes ta bed at night. So we are too fat an happy ta bother him for at least 6 hours!

Willow said...

Mr. Puddy that is kitty genius as Mom's want to prevent those type of noises. As there should never be a time when we get the hun-gumblings in the night.

Mariodacat said...

Good job buddy! Dat's what we love about you - you are always one step ahead of your pawparents.

Catio Tales said...

We like this strategy - even though we do not have tags. We are sure the technique will come in useful sometime....

Annie Bear said...

You're always the wise one, Mr. Puddy. Simba loves to bang his tag on the water dish. He drinks a lot and bang, bang, bang all thru the night. I think your way is much smarter though.


p.s. I'm always hungry during the night too!

Photo Cache said...

Oh Puddy you have such a healthy appetite.

We have food in our bowls all the time too, but Emma would always still wake mama up to eat.

Emma and Buster

Princess Jasmine said...

What a good idea to bang the doors. Simba can knock very hard on doors with his pawsies. Perhaps mummy can get you a rubber tab hee he. So, do you always have music whilst you eat Mr P? Sounds very civilized to us :)xx

Cat-from-Sydney said...

OMG!!! Is this as Aussie thing? This banging on the door? In our house, Brad is the door banging specialist. He's small yet when he bangs the door it sounds as if it's going to break anytime soon. You can't not wake up at that. purrr....meow!

Whisppy said...

Hahaha! I do that too! First I'll bump the door to get in, then once Mummy gets comfortable, I bump and bump until she lets me out AND THEN I wait a few minutes and bump to get in again! I LOVE IT!

Love, Ling

The Florida Furkids said...

You're a very smart ManCat. Our Mom bought our woofies something called a Quiet Spot Tag silencer. Our woofies tags slip into it and they don't make noise.

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

one of Fae's humans said...

all of the photos in this (and all of your) post(s) are awesome, of course, but i especially love the photo of the doors in this post. <3

and MR. PUDDY!! that is VERY rude! i hope you realize that your humans work hard all day and then really need their sleep at night! maybe you should just make sure you eat more before they go to bed. :P

Spunky and Manny said...

You are very smart, Mr. Puddy to make such noise with the big doors (great shot of the doors). We do not wear tags so do not have this problem at all.

Unknown said...

You have definite CEO quality ideas, Mr. Puddy. I can learn a lot from you.

Marg said...

Oh Mr. Puddy, you sure have a nice Mom but she is also so well trained. Glad you found a way to get her up so she can perform the tag duties. Good job, no great job Puddy. Have a great day.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the lovely comments on my last post - i only wish the rest of the garden looked so nice, but it's more of a 'corner' than a garden at the moment!!
And Mr Puddy it sounds like you have your mum wrapped around your little finger(well... Claw). Just the way it should be!!! :)

Hannah and Lucy said...

Mr Puddy you are a clever mancat getting your mom up to the door and to move your tags. Mum's laughing because we don't wear collars and tags - but we are microchipped.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Dma said...

helpful hint: another great waker upper is to knock things over. lots of things.

Fluffy and Heather said...

Another solution could be for your mom to take your collar off before she heads to bed! Then everyone in the household would be happy!

Forever Foster said...

Well done Mr. Puddy! I just jump on my dad's tummy, it makes him LEAP out of bed really quick!

Anonymous said...

Those tags can make a lot of noise. Good job Mr. Puddy. This way you'll get your tag moved out of the way no matter what time it is.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

Mr. Puddy, you are one smart kitty..

Maybe though, your Pawrents might like

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

It's always fun to wake up the humans. Good job Mr. Puddy!

LP said...

OMC. You are SOOOOOO spoiled Puddy! Your Mama needs to REMOVE your tags/collar at night and then IGNORE your door banging OR you will turn into a MONSTER!!!

We are speaking from experience of course....

the critters in The Cottage xo

Gattina said...

There is only one solution ! Ask for a nice plastic bowl, then your tag doesn't make noise anymore. I only have plastic bowls for all cats.Especially with my clumsy Arthur !

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