Thursday, December 15, 2011

My Pee Test Results

Friends !

First of all, Thanks so much for your purrs and paws crossed ! It means so much to me and my family.Your comments is alerted to my mom to make an appointment with my VET. first thing in the morning.

But Holy Mother ! mommy was cried so much when the nurse told her.
" Bring him now ! He may not make it till 5 pm. !!! "

Dad left work right away. Mom was not suppose to come because daddy told her she was at work and she don't have a car but she couldn't stand it so she left work too. Daddy didn't let mom go to see the VET with us because she was cracked up crying.

The doctor ran my urine test ( I pee in the bath tube last night ), and here the results

I have crystal in my urine and higher pH than 6.5 (normal ) is so acid.

It made me don't drink ! and that's why I can't pee...much

The doctor gave me one injection which it was purrfect for me cause I hate pills !
and The best part... I got lots of food back home...tee..heh

Food will put my pH back to normal

and an injection will make me thirsty and here I am...Drinking !!!

Mom and daddy was so happy I'm fine, and will be back to normal so soon.

And again, Thanks so much Furry Friends !


PS : I will try my best to get back to you all. Mom is pretty busy and tired. We may be late but we are getting there ; )


Sparkle said...

I am so glad your humans took you in and got you that shot! When vets hear that a kitty is not peeing when they are trying, usually they freak out like that... and with good reason. It CAN turn bad very quickly! It is very scary for the humans too, as you discovered! But it sounds like you got good treatment and new food! I am sending you more purrs to make sure that you are continuing to get better.

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Oh dear! Mr. Puddy! We hopes that all is going well with you! We will be thinking of you and praying and purring for you! Sandusky here has had problems peaing in the past.

CATachresis said...

Your ma and da must be so relieved that the vet was able to help you Mr P! So are Austin and me, cos we love you so much xx - well Austin does in that butch mancat way! >^..^<

You take care now and do everything you're told, k?

Christiane said...

Ich bin froh zu hören, dass es nicht so schlimm ist wie ich gestern befürchtet habe. Es wird sicher alles gut wenn du Dein Diätfutter frißt und ausreichend trinkst. Sag Deiner Mum, sie soll aufhören zu weinen. Wir drücken weiter die Daumen und Pfötchen für euch.
LG Christiane

Everycat said...

Aaah Mr Puddy! We are so glad that you got to the vet quickly and all will now be well. We hope those new fuuds are tasty too. Sending you big purrs and some love for your Mum & Dad too

Luff from
Oliver & Gerry

Teddy Westlife said...

That is such good news Mr Puddy! I am glad your dad took you in right away.

m.q said...

we're very glad for your pawrent fast action. thank cod!!!
we love you Mr Puddy!!

BoBo Salem
Meow Meow Family

Hjulia huller om buller said...

Oh, so nice to hear that you have been helped by the vet.
Now we can also catch our breath!
We love you.
Get well soon so your mom and dad will be happy again!



san said...

We are glad you are drinking Mr Puddy. Your mom is furry quick thinking. Our ,om cried too when our bruffer Totoro had trouble peeing and had to go for minor sugery to put in a catheter!

the amigos

ZOOLATRY said...

Nothing like a good pee to make you feel chipper again!
[we likes the same foods you got]

RoySr said...

Good news lil buddy. The Vets news and treatment did you good. So great you are going to be alright.

Feel good and be happy lil one!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We can imagine how tired you all are after all that trauma. We're glad you're drinking again, Puddy! Please be a very good boy!

The Chans

Daisy said...

Glad you are on the mend, Mr. Puddy! Keep up the good drinking, too. I used to have potty problems, and my vet said no dry food for me!

The Kitties of Purring Pines said...

Thank Cod you gave pee sample & went to v-e-t! Hope food is yummy. We'll continue our purrs! Sending tons of love!!!

Karen and Gerard said...

Good thing you went--so happy for the good news that the vet could help you.

Mariodacat said...

YAY Puddy - I'm jumping up and down with happiness that you will be okay. It's good your peeps got on it right away and got you to the dreaded v.e.t. So glad to see you drinking too. I'm still purring tho just to make sure you stay well. purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr

Marg said...

Oh Mr.Puddy, we are so glad you went to the vet and that your are all right. You be sure to eat that special food. That can be a very dangerous thing, the not peeing deal. So we are thrilled that you went to the vet. Keep on drinking. Thanks for the update.

Brian's Home Blog said...

I'm doing a happy dance, hang on pal, I'm almost finished! Okay, I was happy dancing for you Mr. Puddy, I'm so glad you went to the vet and got what you needed to be all better!!!

Oui Oui said...

Thats a happy ending to something that could have been really, really bad! We are so glad your mom listened to everyone. Now you are feeling better, aren't you?

Fuzzy Tales said...

We're glad you'll be okay, Puddy. Have your mom check out the info on for vet advice on how to deal with pH levels, crystals, etc. Most important is a canned diet, no grains, because in nature cats have a diet that is 3% to 5% carbohydrates (from whatever their prey has eaten), whereas the dry food we get, even from the vet, can be as high as 50% carbs. Not good. We're getting sick because we're falling victim to the marketing cr*p we're dealt by the pet food companies. Just the mom's opinion.

Fuzzy Tales said...

P.S. If you are being fed a food specifically to lower your pH, make sure you have your urine tested from time to time, because that kind of food can lower the pH TOO much and you can end up with oxalate stones which DO cause a blockage and death.

A high meat diet will naturally bring your pH levels into balance--or is supposed to.

Hannah and Lucy said...

Oh Mr Puddy we are so relieved that you went to the vet and got that shot. We heard there had been a flood about the time you took your pee!! Now make sure you drink plenty to wash those kidneys out. We are expecting special Chrissymouse kisses from you now you are feeling better.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

The Florida Furkids said...

We're so happy to hear that you are already doing better! Your Mom and Dad were smart to get you right in to the V-E-T!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Cats of Wildcat Woods said...

We are so glad you went to the VET! You will feel much better now - you will see!

Fr. Tom Fish said...

Puddy, I'm doing a happy dance for you right now!! I'm glad you got to the vet right away, was treated and now are hunkered down with some tasty food to help you get better.

Hugs to mom and dad for some quick action!


Angel Simba said...

Good for you for peeing in the bath where your Mom and Dad could collect a sample. Here's to you being 100% fine very soon. Whatever can be done to increase your water intake, and I think Fuzzy Tales' advice is good.

CCL Wendy said...

Oh, Mr. Puddy! I'm sorry I haven't been to see you lately, but glad that the crisis is over.

I feel so bad for your Mom. It must have been awful for her to wait around to find out about you.
I'm glad you went to the vet and that everything was fixed so easily.

Even if you don't like the vet, you must admit they really helped you! Keep well, my little furiend.

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

THis is great news! So glad you will be ok! Do you suppose you won't have to be on a diet any more and can eat as much as you want? :-)

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

THis is great news! So glad you will be ok! Do you suppose you won't have to be on a diet any more and can eat as much as you want? :-)

meowmeowmans said...

Mr. Puddy, we are so very glad that your parents got you checked out by the vet, and that you are going to be okay! Hugs!

Old Kitty said...

Mr Puddy!!! Oh Mr Puddy!! Me and Charlie are shedding tears of joy that you are ok! What a fright for your family!! Please eat and enjoy your new diet and get your ph levels all normal! We are rooting for you and hope hope hope you are now on your way to full recovery! Hugs and purrs to you Mr Puddy!!Take care

Dma said...

glad to hear you are drinking water again... i hope you are all better soon...

Whisppy said...

Thank COD you are okay. That Urinary SO will get your pee system back on track. I am on that special diet too after my 2 blockages (you're LUCKY you weren't blocked - the vet did awful things to get me unblocked. *shudder*) and it works very well. It's designed to also make us drink more water too. Canned food also helps add moisture into our system so tell your Mom to give you some for breakfast!

Your pal, Cosmo

Pandafur said...

Thanks goodness your mom an dad taked you to dat vet an you iz going to be all betters *softpaw* we iz all happy you iz getting well Mr Puddy!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are glad the vet got you sorted out Mr Puddy and you are drinking more. We mostly have wet food,and only get a bit of dried food as a treat. We are sending you more purrs to keep drinking and peeing.

Anonymous said...

Greetings from Joyce (Mom), Serena (gorgeous blue-eyed puss), and Toby Dog in North Carolina. So very happy you're on the road to recovery. Regular dry food is very bad for cats' urinary tracts when used for feeding, and my Serena only gets a few pieces as treats, or she has problems. I understand now that any canned cat food with fish shouldn't be served as the fish used is most likely contaminated with mercury, plus other bad things.

Love you, Mr. Puddy, and your wonderful pawrents. You have the best blog ever, I think. Thank you.

Unknown said...

Dear Mr Puddy,
Me is happy to hears that yous gots to the vets and they figured out what the matter is. Hissy old Licorice had that problem. He would not drink! Daddy buyed us the new water fountain dish and he loved it and he started to drinks more water cus it was flowing all the time. And guess what - the crystals went away and hes gots better.
Me is still purraying.

Ann Boyajian said...

YAY PUDDY!!! Thanks to your parents for their quick action. Blockages are very dangerous and bad things happen fast when you can't pee.
Don't eat food with grain! cats don't normally eat grain.
We salute you, and drink a water toast to your speedy recovery!
Skootch and Lucy

John Bellen said...

Excellent news, Mr Puddy. Veterinarians may be overpriced know-it-alls, but once in a while, the price is right and they actually know something. Always better safe than sorry.

Catio Tales said...

It's good you have a diagnosis! I have had crystals too and now must eat lots of wet food and special biscuits. I feel much better now, and much more playful. You keep up the drinking and the good food now.

PlumaBlanca the working cat said...

I yam soooo happy your pawrents found out the problems and nows you get better!

giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Hi Puddy :)
sono contento che tu stia meglio !
Tante coccole e baci sul naso !
Sei bellissimo :))))
Igor ( e mamma )

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

Oh Mr. Puddy we love you so much! We are glad to know that you are going to be okay. Eat your food and drink lots of water.

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Hooray Mr Puddy that this is fixable with just one shot and new food !!
Hope you will be feeling like your normal Mr Puddy real soon :)

Anonymous said...

Oh Mr.Puddy so glad you are gonna be o.k. I hope you mom is alright. Sounds like she was really upset and rightfully so.

You keep getting better and drink your water sweetie.

We Love You,
jude,poo,babybella,piper & marley

Purrfect Haven said...

so relieved that you are doing OK... drinking is GOOD, dear... go for it.Love Helen, Darcy and Bingley

Unknown said...

Oh Mr Puddy I can see why your mom was so upset - I was just reading this!! So glad that you are drinking again and going to be okay. Take care and give your mom lots of love and head bops - she must have been so scared for you!

Admiral Hestorb said...

Thank God Mr Puddy. I am so releived that your mom and dad got you to the vet right away I love you always.

The Whiskeratti said...

Yeah!!! We are so glad to hear this!

Cathy Keisha said...

I'm glad you are OK and the news wasn't worse. I don't drink water but eat lots of wet food. Couldn't take anymore bad news today.

The Lee County Clowder said...

Glad to hear you're doing better, Mr. Puddy. So very glad you got to the V*T so quick.

When we were thinking you might be totally blocked, we got all kinds of worried. (Boycat plumbing can get blocked kinda easy like)


((((Mr Puddy)))
We are so glad that your Daddy took you right in and got you all fixed up and like new. WE are so glad you are eating drinking peeing and pooping again. THAT is great news. YOU stay well!!! We worry about you sweet friend.

Anonymous said...

My cat Bosco eats the same thing too Puddy, because he once had crystals as well. Give your mum this little tip for me: mix a bit of water in with your wet food every day to make sure you're getting all the fluids you need. I do that and Bosco never got crystals again! And hopefully never will!
I also have something that might make you feel better - I'm doing a Christmas giveaway, come check it out ;o)

Madness, Trouble, Squish and Milkbone said...

Oh Mr. Puddy, we are very glad you got to see the vets and that they fixed you right up. We hope this is the end of your pee problems. Those pee problems can be real serious so we hope all is well now that you got your shot and food. Purrs

BeadedTail said...

We're so glad you are drinking water and hope your get better soon Puddy! That was scary but we're happy it's all over and we are sending you lots of purrs!

GreatGranny said...

Mr. Puddy, it's a relief to us as well that the VET is fixing you up. Drink your water and keep on eating your new fuds, dear boy.
xoxo Kassey

Gigi said...

THANK COD, Puddy! We has been so worried!! I am soooo relieved that youa re better and on your way to being all healthy again! Yay! Keep drinkin'

The Island Cats said...

Mr. Puddy, we purr that you will be back to 100% real soon and peeing like a champ!!

Katnip Lounge said...

OH PUDDY! We have been off line for two days and look what happens!!! We are so happy your Mommy and Daddy got you to the vet and that you are drinking lots and lots of water. Miss Grayce had to have bladder stone surgery so it's good that your problem was caught early. You know that our Mommy gives us some kibble but we get mostly wet food to help prevent crystals.
AND, we hear birdies are VERY alkaline...just saying...

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We sure are glad ya got ta the vet FAST Puddy! And that the shot werked so good!

Clooney said...

Oh thank goodness Puddy! We are so happy that now you will be on the mend. We send you big purrs for everything to resolve quickly with ease.

looloo said...

We feel so relieved, Mr Puddy! Thanks for the updating!


The Cat Guy said...

happy dance for the vet who make everything better. eat wet foods. drink lots and lots. keep peeing in tub, that's good place to pee. and no more crystals! -purrs and purrs

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Mr Puddy,
Imagine - peeing actually makes our moms happy... Please get back to normal soon. We love you Puddy. purrr....meow!

Smudge said...

Oh, Mr. Puddy, I hope you will continue to do well. I have some kidney issues, and hope and pray I can stay healthy for another hundred years.

Nea theCat said...

Recognize that food. I am eating that as well since I had problems peeing. Very tasty in my opinion. :)

When I had my problems my mum got the tip to mix my wet food with water to trick me to have more water. Works great. Both me and my baby brother like our wet food soup.It is a good ting to drink a lot of water and keep the urinary tings going.

Hope for a speedy recovery for you Mr Puddy.

Hugs Nea theCat from Sweden

LP said...

Yipee Puddy! You went to the vet and you are now safe and no one is sorry!! We feel badly that your Mama had to go through that scary time but we are very happy you are ok.
the critters in The Cottage and LP xo

Jacqueline said...

YAY!!...We are so glad you are feeling better sweet boy!!...We love you, handsome Puddy...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Shaggy and Scout said...

Oh Puddy friend we are glad you got to the vet when you did and all will be well with the right food and that shot to make you drink. Do you have one of those kitty fountains? Some cats like those so much for drinking they get the extra water they need that way.

susanphoeb said...

The Urinary SO food is WONDERFUL. My cat Shadow has a chronic crystal problem but that food PLUS DISTILLED WATER has kept him from blocking for a couple of years. Good luck with Mr. Puddy.
Susan, Shadow and Joey

Layla Morgan Wilde ( Cat Wisdom 101) said...

Whew, what a relief. We send purrs and drinks lots, ok? We've had so many ill kitties in the blogosphere this week including us.

CATachresis said...

Mr Poot I hope you are eating what your pawrents are giving you and drinking enough. Austin is rebelling a bit about eating his soft food. I think he's grumpy cos he's not a senior!!!

You tuxie guys!!!! Gotta luv you xox

Luxington said...

That is great food. My mom used to work in a pet store and that stuff sold like crazy. Your pee should be better in no time!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, your poor mom. This seems to have been harder on her than on you. We're glad you've been diagnosed and treated. So glad your mom was alert.

Ellen Whyte said...

Sheesh we turn our backs for a short break and you do this? You silly Puddy! Glad you are OK now.

Hey, is this an elaborate scheme to keep your parentals at home?

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Here's your chance to 'drink like a fish' Mr. Puddy!

GLAD HAPPY you're on the mend.....

MrsB said...

I was thinking the same thing as Au and Target - are you sure you just don't want you pawrents to go away????

Kitties are very smart and purposeful - we know from experience.

Just keep drinking LOTS of water...and mind your ma and pa!
You're a rascal that's for sure! But we love rascals.
Mr.Kitty and Mr.White.

Tamago said...

Oh Mr. Puddy, I am so glad you went to see the vet quickly and you got treatments! You will be fine...just fine!! Your parents must be sooooo relieved :-)

Mickey's Musings said...

We are very you went to the Vet and got fixed up :)
Have fun drinking and peeing ;) heehee
Purrs Tillie & Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure and JJ

Cindy Adkins said...

OMC!! Mr. Puddy, we're so happy you went to vet and are going to be okay! So sorry to hear about your Mom having big cry, but our Mom would do same if it was one of us!!! Glad to see you drinking water and you are going to be back to normal soon! We love you, Mr. Puddy!
Buster, Rudy, Sam and Cindy, too.

Ann Dziemianowicz said...

Mr. Puddy, so glad you went to the vet. Wishing you a speedy recovery. And sending warm healing thoughts your way.

I missed your last post so didn't know you were looking for purrs. Love to you and your family!

Kasia said...

We sending you a lot of puurrrrrs.
Get well soon.


Glad you are on the mend Mr. Puddy.
Glad your pawrents pounced and took you to the ol'vet. Thank you for your greeting on my blog.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Sending so much love to you Puddy, and your mommy. So glad you are going to be fine sweet boy. xxx

HH and The Boys said...

Oh Puddy.... we are all so glad you are okay.... or will be okay once the medication works. You are precious to us and we love you. Purrrrrs to you.

pawhugs, Max, Bugsy, Knuckles and HH

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr Puddy - we are glad that the V-E-T worked out what the problem is. Scott says our Uncle Orlando had crystals in his urine too but the change in diet fixed him!
PS We gave you an award.

Marilia said...

Oh Puddy!!!!
I´m so sorry! I'm sure you'll be fine and we will give a lot of laughs together!
Kisses my dear friend!
Auntie Marilia

Cory said...

Mr. Puddy I'm so glad you got immediate attention for you pee problem and you are doing better. You have the same food that Cecilia has to eat!


Cory & family

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