Monday, December 19, 2011

When the door open

I just ran outside so quick !

I see Mr. Birdy on the fence near my garage roof !
He talks a lots, so I start to talk too.

But it's not only me and Mr. birdy !
Who else ? 
Can you guess ?

Ha !.. Mr. Smudge is there !!! on top of my garage roof !

Me got up on the roof suddenly
And Mr. Smudge starts to play " Chase me if you can "
He run away !

This is my favorite game ! You know ?

I supposed to follow him,

But Darn !! I got emergency !!! I have to do this, First !

I quickly get down instantly. A kind of No Choice !

Holy Pee ! Got to be this time !!!


My Mind's Eye said...

Happy Monday to you Mr. Puddy...I don't think I have ever been first on your blog!!
I'm so thrilled your pee is crystal free and you are doing well. I hope your new food is tasty.
Hugs Madi

Donna said...

Brothers can be funny. If you are playing tag, it is no fair if the other kitteh just quits.

Katnip Lounge said...

Gol dang it! The thrill of the chase over-ridden by the call of nature!

Brian's Home Blog said...

When ya gotta go...go!

Sparkle said...

Well, when ya gotta go, ya gotta go - and it is a good thing you CAN go!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

I am stopping by to say thank you for caring and visiting me while I am ill.. Hugs GJ xx

Kay L. Davies said...

Oh, Puddy, your facial expressions are THE BEST.

Kay and Lindy, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel

Unknown said...

Mr Puddy your face in that 'pee' photo made me burst out laughing!! Glad to hear that your new diet is working too :)

Old Kitty said...

Mr Puddy!! When you have to go, you have to go! LOL!!

Awwww me and Charlie think Mr Smudge and Mr Birdy were plotting something! You better be on you paws Mr Puddy!

Take care

Admiral Hestorb said...

Oh you have made me SMILE! If a person could smile out loud, I just did. xoxoxoxox

Mom Carole

Pee Ess SO good to see Mr Smudge too.

CATachresis said...

Oh Mr P gotta pee!!! Your face makes me laugh every time. You are so funny. So embarrassing though, right in the middle of the chase. Never mind little buddy, it happens to the best of us!! >^..^<

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Te hehe :)
The pee picture made me and mom laugh too.
Not nice of Mr Smudge not to wait for you :(

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

You're looking great, Puddy!

The Chans

Cindy Adkins said...

So glad to hear you're peeing again and normal! Mr. Smudge got lucky this time - you didn't have to drop-kick him off the garage roof! Your friends,
Buster, Rudy, Sam and Cindy

Mickey's Musings said...

Too bad you did not get to chase Mr Smudge, but a good pee is better ;) heehee
Good to see you can pee!!

Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure and JJ

Unknown said...

It sounds like things are getting back to normal around there except that one little issue. tee hee

BeadedTail said...

That's too bad that nature calling messed up your game with Smudge! But, we're glad you are peeing crystal free anyway!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Seems like just when things get interesting, sumbody has to pee. Better luck next time. That bird looked delicious!

The Florida Furkids said...

Don't you hate when that happens????
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

m.q said...

we cant hold that holy pee!!
it must go...

BoBo Salem
Meow Meow Family

Oui Oui said...

Well, at least there's no problem peeing anymore! That's a very good thing, even if it is inconvenient.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Puddy, you picked the WRONG time to take a PEE!!! allowed that annoying Smudge to make a clean get-away!

GreatGranny said...

Mr. Puddy, you made Mom laugh out loud. The look on your face during pee time, so funny. I'm sure glad you can pee.
xoxo Kassey

The Island Cats said...

Smudge was lucky you had to pee, Mr. Puddy! Otherwise you woulda caught him for sure!!

Quill and Greyson said...

Thanks so much for your kind words on my retirement. We love your blog and plan on lurking about. I am still doing well and hope to help Mom blog for quite awhile.

Cat-from-Sydney said...

You are so funny, Mr Puddy. And Smudge was "saved by the pee". Lucky him. purrr....meow!

The Chair Speaks said...

It is not healthy to hold your pee, Puddy. So pee away! Drink lots of water too!

Unknown said...

You are fast! Just like me! As son as the door opens! I can streak out and be in the yard so fast!
Happy Man Cat Monday!

~E said...

Looks like you are enjoying some really nice weather. Happy holidays xo

We love LUNA said...

MOL funny story dear Puddy!
Maybe that bird is only singing for you!
Enjoy your walk, the weather there is purrrfect!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Mr Smudge took advantage of your pee-mergency!

Anonymous said...

PUDDY - Guess what?! You won the kitten calendar!!! Please email me your mailing address:
Congrats! =^..^=

TabbyNormal said...

Ty thank you ty ty ty for the birthday wishes! We hope this is the right blog to comment on. We love the black marks on the back of your back feet, by the way! They are terrific!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We are SO GLAD yoo are feeling better. We LOVE yoo tons! xxxxxx

Forever Foster said...

Smudge is pretty cheeky running off like that!

Princess Jasmine said...

Awwww, I hope you find Mr Smudge to play with again. Maybe the birdy needs chasing instead today :)xx

Dma said...

when you gotta go, you gotta go.

CCL Wendy said...

When Nature calls, you can't ignore it, can you Mr. Puddy! Unfortunately, it caused you to miss out on one of your favourite games.

Just know that there will be another day and you will PURRevail!

Merry Christmas to you and your entire furmily!

Mariodacat said...

Dang - when a guy has to pee, he just has to pee! Sorry you missed your chance Puddy. Maybe next time you'll have better luck.

Hannah and Lucy said...

To quote Shakespeare sic "to pee or not to pee that is the question"
We think you knew the right answer Mr P!!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Cattywumpus said...

Puddy, Smudge can wait. Peeing is important!

Purrfect Haven said...

sometimes Nature just takes over! Love Darcy and Bingley xx

Whisppy said...

Run Mr Smudge, RUN! Saved by the pee! MOL. You're hilarious, Mr Puddy.

MandaBurms FarmStay for Cats. said...

I suppose it is good that you can go okay again... But wow your mum snapping evidence gee whizz!


Love MandaBurms gang.

Photo Cache said...

Mr. Puddy we read your post below. It seems that you have to have a special diet. How do you like your special food? I hope you eat that religiously and be good boy.

Take care and don't let Mr. Smudge get away next time.

Emma and Buster

Callie (a.k.a. Trouble) said...

The game should have "pee" time outs.

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Foiled by your bladder! How weird is that.

Purrs Goldie

Fr. Tom Fish said...

When ya gotta go, ya gotta go!

I have a feeling he'll be around (maybe he had to pee, too!!) :)


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

When a man's gotta go, he's gotta go!
Our mum asked us why all kitties have that look of concentration on our faces when we pee. We told her it's a secret.

Layla Morgan Wilde ( Cat Wisdom 101) said...

Mr. Puddy, we're happy to hear your pee situation has cleared up. It's way more important than Smudge any day.

Ellen Whyte said...

Smudge should have waited for you! But you know what he's like... Come and play with us?

Sasha said...

best wishes for a Happy and Healthy Christmas.

Poppy (aka Val) said...

Mr Puddy just wanted to wish you and your humans a Very Happy Christmas,
with love from Misty and me :) xxx

Shaggy and Scout said...

You move fast to get outside!
How fun to pee in the grass. We can't get outside now, too cold no grass.

Pattyskypants said...

We are glad you can PEE now, Mr. Puddy! xxoo Patty & Bhu

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

Well It's good you are peeing. when nature calls you can't wait.

Makropoulos said...

You're making us sick, Mr. Puddy! It's green where you live! Chew on a few of those long green grasses for us, will ya? Hi from Pisi and Squeak!

Kat and the Furrsonality gang said...

Your nature photos are so handsome, Mr. Puddy :)

Teddy Westlife said...

Mr Puddy, I like to chat to the birds too!

Teddy Westlife

meowmeowmans said...

Well, when you gotta go, you gotta go, right Mr. Puddy? Too bad Smudge didn't wait for you, though!

Gigi said...

Lucky Smudge--Saved by the Pee!

Your crystal-free pee looks verreh good to us! I think that food is the miracle, Puddy! Happy Holidays, Buddy!

Marilia said...

Have a Great Catsmassss!!!!
Purrrr purrrrr!
Auntie Marilia & Bavarescats

GLOGIRLY said...

Oh never fail to crack us up!!!
xo Katie

Deb Barnes / Zee and Zoey said...

Happy Holidays Mr. Puddy! We are so happy to have met you this year and are really glad you are starting to feel better!!!

Meows from Zee,Zoey, Mia, Peanut, Rolz, Harley, and Jazz

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