Monday, January 23, 2012

At this stage

I'm going to drift off to sleep...


Friends, What would you do when you see me at this stage ?

I'm sure you guys will let me sleep,
But you know ?
someone doesn't !!!

Look !
My mom is actually starting to disturb me !!!

Whatever she did, I still don't wanna get up !!!

But in some way,
I think I should communicate with mom to let she know...
" Do not disturb while I'm sleeping ! "
So I designed to send Morse Code !
( see in video below )

I Hope Mom get my message !


Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Of course I should had let you sleep Mr Puddy !
My mom on the other hand she would have done the same as your mom.
Sleeep tight Mr Puddy !!

Daisy said...

Read the paws, mom!

Sparkle said...

Wow, you figured out a great way to tell your human not to disturb you... at least as long as she understands Morse code. BTW, if my human thinks Binga is having a nightmare (she seems to be the only one who does), she will actually wake her up!


Mr Puddy
We loved the morse code -- you sure are one very talented and smart Puddy!! WE love you!!
Thank you for your continued good cheer in regards to Abby. She is making tiny (but positive) steps toward getting better. We are all greatly appreciative of the support!

Unknown said...

Oh so THAT's what Darcy and Sookie are telling me when they are sleeping! Thanks for sharing the morse code translation Mr Puddy, hope you managed to get a good snooze session in still!! :)

Fr. Tom Fish said...

Mom Julie says..I love you Mr. Adorable :))

Puddy, the underside of our paws just drives the humans wild. I don't know what it is, but if we stick 'em out there, they're going to be tickled, fondled, kissed, you name it, giving us no peace! I mraaaawwww in agony! (Not really)

Very cute videos. Do hope you got some rest anyway, my furriend!


Marg said...

Mr. Puddy, great morse code. We hope that Mom understood what you were telling her. Great music. You do look sound asleep. Norty Mom for playing with your tosies. Take care.

Cory said...

Mr. Puddy, we don't understand it, but our mom does the same thing to our paws when we sleep. She plays with them, squishes them and kisses them!

Old Kitty said...

Mr Puddy!!! LOL!! Awwww you are so clever to give mum your message in cat code!!! Yay!! Me and Charlie hope she got the message!! Enjoy your nap Mr Puddy!! Take care

Katie Isabella said...

Mr Puddy...oh my goodness you make my head spin you are so gorgeous! You and I both have long white whiskers and pink pads! If my mommy was there and say your lucious paw pads, she'd be kissing them. She is TERRIBLE that way! There is no helping her.

xoxoxoxox Katie

giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Hi Puddy รจ sempre un piacere poterti guardare in video !!!
Adoro le tue zampe rosa !!!!
Baci Igor ( e mamma )

Kay L. Davies said...

I'm sure she got your message, because it was very well done, Mr. Puddy, but I understand why she would want to touch those pretty pink pads of yours. They're SO cute.
Lindy says she understands your problem, though. It seems I touch her feet too often, usually to remove the snow when she comes in, but sometimes just because I love puppy paws as much as puddy paws.

Pernille said...

I would let you sleep Puddy. Be careful so you don't fall down .
XX Pernille

Katnip Lounge said...

hha ha ha! Mr Puddy, you said more than just Do Not are cheeky!

meowmeowmans said...

Yup, tell your Mom to talk to the paws, Mr. Puddy! :)

Ann Boyajian said...

Ha Ha, Puddy! Our mom would want to bother you too! You are irresistible in your repose! BTW, your kickers STILL look very white.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Our mum does the same Mr Puddy. Thank you for your morse code translation, we hope she takes notice of it.

Angel Simba said...

We love your Morse code! OUr Mom would have tickled your tummy and also she would have stuck her fingertip BETWEEN your paw pads. It is SO sensitive there, we hate it.

GreatGranny said...

Aw, Mr Puddy, how could Mom not disturb you. I hope you got to finish your dream though.
xoxo Kassey

Annie Bear said...

Love those paw movements, Mr. Puddy! I don't think my mama would have been able to resist either.

Brian's Home Blog said...

You just can't get any rest Mr. Puddy!

Mariodacat said...

Poor Mr. Puddy - that's the price you have to pay when you are so charming and handsome. Sigh! It's a rough life.

CATachresis said...

Hey Mr Poot. Loved the synchronised morse coding!!! Something about those yummy paws, I can't leave them alone either!!! xox

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Mom should let sleepin Puddy lie!

Unknown said...

Good thing it was yous and your Mommy, because if it was ME and MY Mommy, she would be bleeding and has scars!!!!!!

Pattyskypants said...

Mr. Puddy is a linguist! Who knew?

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

You're SO smart even in your sleep... Morse code and everything!

Hope Momma gets the message, Mr. P.

BeadedTail said...

Puddy, our mommy couldn't resist messing with your cute toesies either and she doesn't understand Morse code either! We hope your mom got the message though!

The Island Cats said...

So rude of your mom, Puddy, to interrupt a good nap!!

Oui Oui said...

Mr Puddy, we thought your mom loved you! How could she play with your toes when you're sleeping? We have lots of room if you ever need to come over to get some sleep.

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Mr Puddy! Your mom just needs a good whap every now and then!

LP said...

Gosh Puddy...we didn't know you knew Morse Code! Your talents are numerous! We think your Mama got the message but she DOES seem a little we mean is...everyone knows you should let a sleeping cat alone!!! Beware the CLAW :p Weez so silly!

the critters in The Cottage xo

The Florida Furkids said...

We think our Mom would mess with those toesies too. We loved your coded message!!

The Florida Furkids

Hjulia huller om buller said...

Hi Mr Puddy!

Our mom had done exactly the same...
You have a nice Morse code, but we wonder if your mom understood the message, so she does not do it again!



Bengal Business said...

When will they learn??!!! It's so annoying to have to teach them effurything and when they don't understands the number one rule.....thatzz just BAD!Godd luck raising yourzz parentzz, cat knowzz you need it! Purrrs Lars and Odin

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We would let yoo sleep BUT our mom said she would :KISS: those cute paws of yoors! MOL! xxxxx

Becky said...

lol@morse code.I would just love to kiss those paws.Purrs and meow hugs!

Dma said...

gotta admit i would have done the exact same thing as your mom did. and the morse code might have egged me on further.

Hannah and Lucy said...

We love your paws code Mr Puddy Paws - it's just a shame you didn't tell your mom how to read the code and let you snooze in peace.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Whisppy said...

Sorry Mr Puddy. Our Mommy said that "morse code" looked more like an invitation to play with your back paws too!

ellie said...

Wakey wakey Mr sleepy puss! It would be hard for our mom to resist touching your tosies! Love your twitchy paw morse code :)

Cindy Adkins said...

Of course we let you sleep, PuddyPuddy! You so smart to use that Morse code!! We hope Mom got message and let you sleep. We love sleep...especially Sammy..that practically all he do.
Buster, Rudy, Sam (and Cindy)

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Oh Puddy,why can't we sleep in peace? Love your toesies!
Sorry for the random visits. Mom is working a whole lot so it is hard to visit blogs. We miss your silliness!

Willow said...

Mom's seem to have a hard time understanding paw language instead it is to be press paw pad.

Mickey's Musings said...

There is an old saying..."let sleeping cats lie" Your Mom needs to heed that!! heehee

Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure and JJ

Gigi said...

Oh Puddy, Noooooooooooooo--you let her TOUCH your PAWS??? Nonononono! Plus, what is WRONG with these Humans??? The kitty's sleepin' -- LET US ALONE!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Looks nice an warm up there Puddy! Hope ya got back ta sleep OK.

Fuzzy Tales said...

Our mom always disturbs us too, something about us being just so sweet and irresistible when we're curled up ASLEEP. "Asleep" being the important word. A word the humans don't seem to take with respect when it comes to us!

Cindy Adkins said...

Buster here...OMC, we been fighting and our Mom is threatening to sell us to highest bidder!! I fight with Sam like you and Smudge that time you drop-kick him off fence! Do you have any advice for us, buddy??
Your friend,

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

We like your Morse code Mr. Puddy. We think you are a genius cat and have decided when we need advice you will be who we go to!

CATachresis said...

Mr Poot, I give you an award, but you might already have it!!! But we love you anyway :))))

Marilia said...


m.q said...

well for us we will keep you sleeping and might curl up with u

but as for the bean here, we bet she will also disturb you like your mom did. sheeesshh....

Mr. Hendrix said...

Oh my Bast. I can not believe your mommy disturbed such a snuggly slumber as you were having.

I think you got your point across. If not, next time morse code with some claw action on her hand. Or the legs in the middle of the night

The Chair Speaks said...

Puddy, you must have been dreaming about a lot of running for your legs to quiver like that!

Chloe and Cecil said...

Mr. Puddy,
You are so sweet, even Chloe is falling in Love!!!!
She likes her men when they are sneeping!

Gattina said...

The higher the better ! But even there you are not safe from an annoying mom !
Good that you are a philosoph, just like Arthur, when he sleeps he sleeps, he only moves the tip at the far end of his tail to show me that he is still alive when I touch him !

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