Monday, January 30, 2012

Don't do blogging lately, why ?

Since I got out of jail ( Cattery ) and the weather is so HOT here !
I do turn to be a really really good boy !

I spend more times indoor, and come home early.
By 6 pm. I'm In !!!

And Not much I do in these day.
I just eat, drink and sleep.

I think I do change !
I love mommy and daddy more !!!
and I'm craving to spend time with them!
Especially Mom !!!

Everywhere mommy goes, I have to be there !

Mommy really appreciate my sweetness,
but we are so sorry not to do blogging much !

But don't you worry, We will keep in touch with you !
May Sloooooooooow but Sure !!!
Promise !




CATachresis said...

I feel the heat Mr Poot, as I sit here with the blanket around me!! We got snow to come!!!

Austin says hi >^..^<

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

and I wish I felt your summer heat all the way to Sweden !
Here is really cold and snowy now.
I have made my reportage to our catclub magazine now and have sent it to the chairman Christina in the catclub. Me and mom chose the picture with you and the parcel.

xoxo to you and your mom and OK your dad too :)

Bengal Business said...

It is freezing cold here in Holland, Momzz is so jealous! She want sunhine! But momzz was laughing out loud on your last picture so that makes up for somefing right?

Purrs Lars and Odin

CCL Wendy said...

I guess your time in "jail" had a long term effect on you, Mr. Puddy!

Your Mommy and Daddy are lucky that you are even more affectionate now -- and that you come home early so they don't have to worry.

I think you are truly appreciating the wonderful home and family that you have.

You are as adorable as ever! We love you, too.

looloo said...

Hello, Mr Puddy, I think you now can appreciate the difference between a cattry and a real loving forever home!


PS Here it is rather cold and they promise freezing... Enjoy the sun and the warmth!

Sparkle said...

We have a harder time doing blog posts in hot weather too - I jus don't want to move either! So I know how you feel, Mr. Puddy!

Layla Morgan Wilde ( Cat Wisdom 101) said...

No worries,Mr.Puddy and mom. We understand, enjoy and send some heat to New York.

Poppy Q said...

It is hard to do stuff in the hots, but can you Aussies stop hogging all the heat, and blow some over here?

Unknown said...

Dear mr Puddy
me wishes me had more heat here, but winter is fun, because the peoples don't go outside much.
Me savors the posts yous do writes Puddy and me is not writing as much either.

Old Kitty said...

Mr Puddy!!!! Me and Charlie are glad you are being such a good boy and spending more time bossing - ahem - helping - mum in the house! Yay!!

Enjoy your rest! We hope your new friend Mr Snail doesn't take you too far away! :-)

Take care

Stacy Hurt said...

Oh Puddy, you know the drill. Now that you're out of prison you gotz to be on your good behaviour. That sorta lulls them into a sense of security. But soon, I know you, you will be up to your old tricks and being as Puddy as ever!

Ms. Stella O'Houligan

GreatGranny said...

Aw, Mr Puddy, you're so cute and a Mama's boy.....mol thats's OK. Tell Mom not to worry about blogging coz we'll wait for you. It's cold here in the South USA. Don't get too hot and stay close to home and don't worry Mom.
xoxo Kassey

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Puddy enjoying LIFE is way more important than worrying about blogging (but you are ALWAYS missed when you aren't around!)

Loved the last photo with the snail!

I think when your Mom & Dad left you for such a long time, you grew to appreciate them more!!
Nothing wrong with that!
Love you Puddy!

Katie Isabella said...

That's OK Mr Puddy..we all adore you anyway and look forward to any w=and every word and picture. I am actually glad that you are staying in more, sweet Mr Puddy. Better that way.. xoxoxox

pee ess: I still think you are THE handsomest mancat!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are the same Mr Puddy. When our Beans have been on holiday we follow them everywhere and don't let them out of our sight. It takes mum a while to get back in the swing of helping us blog as well.

Teddy Westlife said...

I know how you feel Mr Puddy. I didn't blog last week either. I can't wait for summer to be over.

GLOGIRLY said...

You make us laugh, Puddy! Especially your snail friend. : ) Even though you say you're not blogging much, we are happy to see you are still making good use of your Mac. I'm a MacKitty too. : )
xo stay cool...

giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Tanti baci Puddy :))
Sono felice che adesso tu stia bene !!!
Ciao Igor ( e mamma )

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

aren't lazy summer days the best!! :)

Angel Prancer Pie said...

That's ok Puddy, just enjoy the Mom and Dad and stay cool!

Pee Ess - a little drool nefur hurt anybody!

Kay L. Davies said...

Oh, Mr. Puddy, we love you. It certainly isn't hot here, but it was warm enough today for Lindy to stay outside for a while. Tomorrow it might be very cold again. We won't have really warm weather until the end of May here.

Kay and Lindy, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel

Fr. Tom Fish said...

Oh, Puddy-poo, we love you and say when you post, you post--fuggetaboutit! We only can post once a week ourselves, altho I try to sneak in but always get pre-empted with more impawtent stuff..Oh, really?? Yeah, anyway, stay cool, furriend and I have a sneeky feeling those cattery days are lllooong gone. Maybe next time Mom will have trained a human slave.


Brian's Home Blog said...

You get plenty of rest Mr. Puddy, that heat can sure wear you down!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

You relax my friend and we know you wil be back proper when you can.. Hugs GJ xx

m.q said...

its ok dear friend, just take your time with your family

BoBo Salem
Meow meow Family

Deb said...

I'll take you any way I can get you. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x4

BeadedTail said...

We didn't think you could get any more irresistible Mr. Puddy but you did! You are such a sweetie!

The Island Cats said...

Mr. Puddy, we think when your mom went on vacation, you really missed her lots. And now you're staying really close to her. That's awfully sweet!

Christian Sarono said...

This post is very resourceful which I grab good and effective ideas. And I found it very applicable to me. Thanks for posting this.

Cathy Keisha said...

This is the best blog post ever! We laughed and drooled at your pictures. xoxo Thanks for the Gotcha wishes

Ellen Whyte said...

We know how you feel! You keep an eye on that mummy in case she wonders off again. And enjoy the cool of the fans.

Jan said...

This blog is really amazing and provide the very informative information. Thanks for sharing.

Cat said...

Puddy we are glad you are such a good boy and giving your mum and dad lots of loving :-)

Whisppy said...

Nothing quite like time with your Mommy and Daddy, right, Mr Puddy?

Gigi said...

Puddy, Absence makes our hearts grow fonder. The hot weather slows efurrybuddy down. It was great to see you today though--you really loves your Mommy, huh?

Cheyenne -Millie said...

We hopes to get some rain here! We are having drought! You needs spend time with mom and dad!

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Mr Puddy,
You have defined "snail mail" well there, my friend. Don't worry about the blogging. purrr...meow!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Puddy, enjoy that time with yoor mom and the summer heat too. xx

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

Heat? Wow--it is winter here. No snow tho. Can I come stay with you? You look so cozy resting with your Mom and such--I know your mom knows how lucky she is to have YOU!

Dma said...

you're making me sleepy just lookin at you.

Hannah and Lucy said...

Enjoy all those cuddles Mr Puddy - Mums do exceedingly good cuddles.
We may not see you as often but we still love your handsome face.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Cattywumpus said...

O Puddy
Whenever you blog you make me smile. You are the best mancat of all. I'm so glad you are having quality time with your pawrents. Nothing like cattery/jail to help you appreciate everything you've got!!

Katnip Lounge said...

Puddy, please send us some heat! We're so cold here it makes our Mommy cranky. Your snail-wrangling looks like fun! Do you have a snail ranch?

Donna said...

O hai, I tap u with mah paw. Tap tap! :)

Chloe and Cecil said...

Come to our house, it's cold here!


We are always glad to see you sweet Mr Puddy!

meowmeowmans said...

We are always glad to see you, Mr. Puddy, even if it has been less often. That last picture with the snail made us laugh. :)

Shaggy and Scout said...

We love your style Puddy!
Eat, drink, sleep...perfect!

Luxington said...

Aw Mr Puddy it's very impawtent to spend quality time with family! We haven't been blogging as much either because we've been busy doing the same thing :-)

Oui Oui said...

Its so hard to be motivated to do anything when its that hot! We wish we had that problem, we can't wait for winter to be over. Take care & we'll see you when its cooler!

Marilia said...

Hi Puddy!!!!
Kisses on your beautiful nose.

ButterBean said...

Oh Puddy ... its ok ... blogging is for fun and friends and real friends dont mind when you skip days no matter the reason :) we loves you all the same cause we skip too tee hee - make sure you drink plenty of waters - huggs and kisses

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

You really missed your mom and dad while they were away and it's sweet that you are spending more time at home to be near them.

Kat and the Furrsonality gang said...

You certainly are da boss, Puddy!

Gattina said...

I can understand that you prefer to stay inside if it's so hot outside ! Can't you send us a little heat, we have - 4°C today and for this reason my cats stay inside, lol !

Smudge said...

Love those pics. No summer heat here yet, but at least it's warmer than where I'm originally from!

Tamago said...

Oh that's right, it's summer there! Mr. Puddy, it's great you come home early. Your mom should be very happy as she gets more time with you :-)
I love your photo sleeping with your tongue out! LOL!

Makropoulos said...

Great pictures, Mr. Puddy. Squeak likes to put her paw on her mom, too, all the time. We've been away from our blog alot too, but we blame it on the human
Hi from Pisi & Squeak!

Christiane said...

Mr. Puddy, you are adorable. Your Mom can be proud of you. What she sure is ;-) Very nice pictures she made. Shows us all, she loves you.
greetings and purrs

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

OMC! How did we miss yer post fer 5 days! It dint show up fer some reason (an we had a few others not show up too).

We are amazed that yer happy indoors lately, but when the hots are outside, inside can be very nice. An lots of close time with yer Mommy is good too!

ellie said...

Looks great relaxing in the heat! Send us some warmth Mr Puddy! It's so cold here, we just sleep all day..

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

What a re-l-a-x-i-n-g posting. Mr. P, you reall are laying low these days and just having a quiet time.

You're still pretty funny though....

CCL Wendy said...

Mr. Puddy! I hope you are not too hot to go and look at the LOLSpot because I have something suPURR-hot for you to look at there.

So whaddya think?

Jacqueline said...

We love you, handsome Puddy and adore all your sweet photos!!...We are happy to hear you are spending so much time getting love and kisses from your parents!!...We're sending love and kisses to you too, precious friend...Have a fun weekend...xoxo from your girls, Calle, Halle, Sukki

Deb Barnes - Zee and Zoey said...

Puddy - what a fun post! We are happy you are sticking to your human like glue and we love the snail in the last picture!!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We have given you an award Mr Puddy. You can get it from our Sunday post.

Gigi said...

Hi Sweet Puddy! Miss you, but understand that you need some rest when it's sooooo hot. Plus, you need to make up for lost tiem with the pawrents! Come back soon, though XOXO

Purrfect Haven said...

you do what you gotta do, we are always here and always appreciating you, dear. Love Helen, Darcy and Bingley xxx

Unknown said...

Mr Puddy, I think it's great that you're dedicating so much time to your mommy and giving her lots of love, for that's the best gift of all.
It's so funny that whilst you are feeling too too hot, we're f-f-f-freezing here in the UK, covered in a blanket of snow!!

Anonymous said...

Glad you guys are enjoying summer - its been rainy and yucky in Sydney :o(
Come by and check out my latest giveaway :o)

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

Mr. Puddy we will just have something to look forward to. These pictures are just the best! Love your little pink tongue.

Danielle said...

I'd be happy to take some of your summer heat, Mr. Puddy! Feel free to bottle it up and ship it to me. :D

We love LUNA said...

oh Puddy, you are so sweet, a Prince and a boss as well! ;)
Enjoy your summer, I'm envious here!
My mammy finished her school tests and now we can blog again and visit blogfriends.I'm so happy because I love reading your adventures!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

We've been missing you, sweet Puddy! (and your Mom, too) Hope you are enjoying your hot melting summertime. xoxo

Alex aus dem Gwundergarten said...

I love your big eyes while you're saying that you are a good boy... do you really believe that by yourself ?! Smile.
Have fun!

HH and The Boys said...

We miss you Puddy, but we do understand heat. In the summer, July and August, we get the horrible heat here in Florida and we understand the need for extra naps etc.

Just stopped by to tell you that we're thinking about you.

Pawhugs from All of Us... Max, Bugsy, Knuckles and HH

Marg said...

Hi there Puddy. You just don't want that Mom to get out of your sight again. We don't blame you.We miss you like crazy but understand. Hope all of you have a terrific day.

Anonymous said...

It's even starting to warm up in Sydney! Hope you're surviving Puddy! :o)

The Cat Guy said...

thinking about you. wondering how the heat is treating you. are you drinking enough water? are you getting lots of treats? I hope all is well.

Ann Boyajian said...

Hi Puddy
I miss your posts! I keep re-reading your last [this] post. I hope you're okay and staying cool and STILL loving your mom more, and STILL coming in early.

GRAÇA said...

"I am celebrating 500 followers with a special event ... a photo competition. You should submit a photo of a part of your body - that's why it is called "esconde esconde' (hide). I would like to have you in this competition a as a friend of my blog. I'll wait for your visit

1- take a photo of your animal but only a part of it (where he cannot be fully disclosed)
2- everybody can apply
3- place a stamp of this competition on your blog and promote it
4- be a follower of this blog
5- deadline is February 29
6- as soon as you send me your photo by e-mail I'll post them on the blog
7- Voting: each person can vote on one photo only, not its own and has to be a follower of the blog. You can ask your friends to vote for you.
8-premio can't say still Has what is therefore depends on the little friend to win
9-there are two winners, one will be chosen by me (hopefully not me meter in a large trap of having to choose one….) the other winner will you choose
Turrinhas the

Gigi said...

Yo Puddy! Okay, time for a post pretty soon. Your loyal followers miss you, Man! Hope you haven't all melted over there!!

CCL Wendy said...

Yes, we miss you too, Mr. Puddy! Please talk to you Mommy again and tell her your blogging friends are starting to get upset.

How can I make any LOLs of you, if I have no new pictures?

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