Thursday, January 12, 2012

Unlimited Purrs Day


I'M HOME !!!!!

Holy COD !!! I miss my family and you guys So Much !

The cattery dropped me home yesterday.
I got first hug from my daddy, then mommy.

I'm SO HAPPY !!!!

( Present Photo )

My pawrents said I lost weight ( From 6.4 kg. down to 6 kg. ) and I look pretty weak but I smell so good. Mom bet they bathed me before sending me home.

( Photo the day the cattery picked me up )

The Cattery feed me the same food as I have at home, but guys ! Nothing like home !! The cattery had so many kitties over the holiday season. 200 kitties !!! Imagine that !

It was the first time for me in Jail Cat Boarding. My jail cell suit which is about 2 metre wide that has a litter tray, a food bowl, a water bowl, a bench , and a kitten scratch post ( There had Mr. Main Coon before me, I don't know how's Mr. Main Coon can put up with it : ) The prison officer will take me for walk in the hall way sometime.

With 200 kitties in the boarding cattery ! You can guess how often they can pay attention with me. They can't even sent my mom a photo to see how I was.

It was tough for me and my family but it made me appreciates everything I got ! It made me know how lucky I am. Friends, I do unlimited purring since I got home !  I purrs with every single things ( accepted Evil Luggage ) and I do purrs whole day like madness !..  I am Super Super Happy but I feel so weak  I can't even pounce all toys Kjelle Bus sent me. I got no energy !

So My pawrents will take me to The VET this afternoon to do check up because I have a urine issue before Christmas and I did lots of sneezing last night. Hopefully, I can get back to you guys so soon.

Miss You All

PS : I miss Smudge but daddy said I'm too weak to see him. I must see the VET first ! Seriously, I don't miss my VET.


Kay L. Davies said...

Oh, Puddy, we're so glad you're home, too. We've missed you.
Love, Kay and Lindy, Alberta, Canada

Teddy Westlife said...

Welcome home Mr Puddy. I'm sorry you're not feeling the best, hopefully some time with mum and dad eating treats - ham! - will make you feel better.

Deb Barnes / Zee and Zoey said...

Oh... welcome back sweet Puddy. We will let you rest and get some loving from your family!

GLOGIRLY said...

Welcome back Puddy Pal! You were missed.
: )
Katie & Glogirly

Cathy Keisha said...

Welcome home! *smooch* You need to stretch your paws out after being cooped up. When peeps got me I favored one paw because of being in a cage.

Megan said...

Welcome home Mr P. I hope the vet gives you the all clear, and it's just a matter of settling back in at home.


Deb said...

Welcome home, Puddy.

The Cat Guy said...

yea, welcome home Mr. Puddy!! Be sure to eat lots now and pee real good.

m.q said...

we're so glad to hear from you
hope the vet visit will be ok
be happy friend!! your family is now with you!!

BoBo Salem
Meow Meow Family

Raymond and Busby said...

Yay! Welcome home Puddy!

GreatGranny said...

Welcome home, Mr. Puddy. We so missed you. I hope the VET visit is good. Pee good for Mommy and Daddy.
We love you, furriend.
xoxo Kassey

Unknown said...

Mr Puddy! Me is excited that yous home. Me thinks ut will not takes yous 3 weeks to puts back on the weight you loosed!
Me sends you kisses and purrs

The Florida Furkids said...

Welcome home Mr Puddy! We really missed you. We hope your V-E-T visit goes well!

The Florida Furkids

Willow said...

Puddy sorry you are feeling not well. Being away from home is hard, but now that you are with your pawrents you should perk up. Purrs for your V-E-T visit.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Yay! You're home! We've been counting the days til you came home. You haf lost weight. We hopes you are well and just tired from your imprisonment. Purrs and purrayers bein sent your way. xoxo

Catio Tales said...

welcome back Puddy, sir, we have missed you.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Puddy I have been missing you like crazy!!!!

I was just about to send you a message on Facebook and then I saw that you are HOME!!

The first thing I noticed when I saw your photo was that you looked thinner to me. Puddy I hope you are feeling ok!!!!

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh how I MISSED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hoping all goes well at the vet!!!

Love you Puddy and love to your Mommy and Daddy too!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Oh, Mr. Puddy, we are so glad you are back home! How awful to be cooped up in that jail for so long!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Oh you skinny boy! We hopes that Mom an Dad feed you until you fall over each meal ta make sure ya gain yer weight back fast! Otherwise, ya cant tell Smudge ta get off yer yard again!

The Island Cats said...

Mr. Puddy! Dude!! We're so glad you are out of, we mean the cattery!! You do look a little slimmer...guess that means you get extra meals!!

We hope you check out okay at the v-e-t!

Cat said...

Welcome home Puddy!!!! We are sorry you aren't feeling well, hope everything is okay at the vet tomorrow!

Oui Oui said...

Yay! Welcome back! We missed you! When Oui Oui was adopted she was so happy to be let out of a cage she ran all over like her tail was on fire for 20 minutes. Good luck at the VETs we hope your sneeze goes away soon.

Chloe and Cecil said...

Oh Mr. Puddy,
We are so sorry you are feeling a little under the weather butt, hopefully, after a trip to the VET person you will start perking up!

For now, get sum rest and eat real good. Let us know what the VET has to say

looloo said...

I am so glad you are home, dear Mr Puddy! And thanks to your Mom who shares our joy by letting us see all these wonderful pictures of you! I hope everytthing will be ok, I guess stress has something to do with your weakness, but one never knows... It's so nice to hear that you are purring all day long!


The Kitties of Purring Pines said...

Welcome home Mr. Puddy! We missed you! We hope it goes well at the v-e-t & get stronger soon! XOXO

Sparkle said...

Yay, I'm so glad you're home, Mr. Puddy! But somehow, I don't think it is fair that one of the first humans you get to see is the only one you NEVER miss - the vet!

Photo Cache said...

Oh Puddy, we'll meow our moral support for you and your visit to the vet. Hope all's fine.

Sorry you had to stay in "jail" while your pawrents were away.

We missed you a lot.

Emma and Buster

Anonymous said...

Soooo happy you're home Mr Puddy!!!!! Hope you got the calendar?? I sent it Tuesday. Please let me know when it arrives :o)
Purrs xo

Whisppy said...

Welcome home, Mr Puddy! 200 cats is a LOT of cats. Hope the vet gives you a clean bill of health. And that being home amongst your loved ones will get you back on your usual activity level.

Hjulia huller om buller said...

Welcome back Mr Puddy!
We missed you! And you are home now whith your mom and dad. It's graet!
You vet checkup is good too, hopefully is everything OK.
You look nice and you mom can take the "Do not feed, on diet" sign of your collar!!!



Princess Jasmine said...

Hurray, Mr. P your back. We have missed you sooooooo much. Mummy said she thinks you look a bit smaller as soon as she saw your first picture, but she bets any amount of kitty treats that you will be back to your normal size within a couple of days. There's no place like home :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

irone said...

hi puddy, I'm 'puput' an himalayan persian cat from indonesia, how'D.. I hope we will be friend soon, do u have some new friends there in the boarding cattery? Let me know why u sent there? any way, nice to see u puddy.. meoww

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Puddy, we are so relieved you are home. But you do look thinner and we are so sad to hear you feel weak. We know you don't like the VET but it's worth having a check up so we all know you're OK. Sending you so much love and purrs. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hannah and Lucy said...

Mr Puddy we missed you so much - do not let your Mom go away and leave you again. Do lots of big moping scenes with a paw lifted to your brow to make her feel extra guilty. We hope you soon eat well and put some meat back on your bones so we can have a big Puddy cuddle.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
PS We hope you put the bitey on the vet.

CATachresis said...

Mr Poot!!!! Gosh we missed you. We think jail time really make you appreciate freedom and your own pad for sure. Hope the visit to the V E T isn't stressful. Just remember he wants the best for you, buddy. Mancat hugs and high paws from Austin >^..^<

Old Kitty said...

Mr Puddy!!! Oh Mr Puddy!! Awwww you do look slimmer. So hopefully no more d-i-e-t-i-n-g for you! Only lots of yummy treats and more scrummy noms!! Yay!

Me and Charlie are so happy to see you, so happy!! We're glad you are back with your wonderful family. We hope they had a great time too!

We are sending you lots of purrs and healing hugs! We have everything crossed for you for the vets! Please be ok Mr Puddy!! Take care

Pernille said...

Oh, Puddy, you look so much slimmer. I think it's good for you to be home again with mom and dad.
Luv from Pernille in Norwayxxx

Marg said...

Oh Puddy, it is so good to see you back home. I am sorry that you lost some weight and don't feel very good. We think the vet visit is a good idea.We are sending tons and tons of purrs that there isn't anything serious wrong with you, that you just missed your family. Please keep us updated.

Karen and Gerard said...

So glad you are home again! That sounds awful being at that Cattery place. Sure hope the vet can help you get things back to normal. That's nice you actually miss Smudge!

Bengal Business said...

Mr Puddy!
You have become quite famous sinds the last time we talked to each other! That was over 4 months you remember us? We have been a way for a while but we are back to STAY! Momzzz said thar you are still as beautiful as ever! And we are so glad you are finaly hom! Purrrs Lars and Odin

Gigi said...

PUDDY! You're back! I am sure you'll be back to your old self in NO TIME. Sorry you have to see the V-man, but he'll probably be impressed at how lean and mean you are now. Enjoy lots of cuddles with your Humans!

Dma said...

so glad your ordeal is over Mr. P. hope your parents had a nice vacation.

Admiral Hestorb said...

Welcome home darling Mr Puddy but we are all very concerned for you. PLEASE hurry to the Vet no matter what and tell us how you are. Poor baby boy. Many many many kissies and huggies.

Mom Carole

Fuzzy Tales said...

Welcome back, Mr. Puddy. Of course we've all missed you terribly and are so happy you're home.

Gosh, it's a wonder you didn't fade away to nothing while in jail!

Purrs and paws crossed for your vet visit, we hope all goes well.

Mariodacat said...

Oh Puddy - we are so so so happy that you are home and your peeps too. We missed you ever so much. Blogosphere just isn't complete without you dear friend. Hope you get stronger every day.

Fr. Tom Fish said...

Hey, buddy, thought about you last night and was wondering when we would hear. I'm so, so glad you're home. We've missed you something terrible and even tho we didn't see posts, we were still thinking of you.

Pal, you do look a little under the weather. Mom Julie says try some lysine ever day until your energy and immune system picks up again. The vet will probably suggest that anyway. Mitty was on lysine right away after being adopted.

So good to see your face again, my furriend, now we can get back to normal (whatever that is??)

Tom, Mom Julie & Mittens

Hugs and high fives,
Tom, mom Julie & Mittens

kelley said...

Smooch, smooch, smooch glad you are home! I missed your stories and handsome face...Sorry you have to go to the vet so soon...but we all want you well and strong!

Brian's Home Blog said...

We have all been missing you something awful Mr Puddy Nd we are so glad you are home! No, get all well quickly, pleas!!!!!!!!

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Horrrray you are back Mr Puddy !
Me and my mom missed you sooo much !!!
Even I wan´t to give you a smootchie ;-)
Glad to see that the Customs dogs didn´t take anythin from the parsel I sent you this time :)
I hope your sneezing is nothing seriosly and that you don´t have any problem with your urin issue like you hade before Christmas.

XOXO from Kjelle Bus and mom Camilla

Becky said...

Im a new follower and Im sure glad your home.I hope you get to feeling better soon.Purrrfect hug for you.

Cindy Adkins said...

OMC!! Welcome home, Mr. Puddy! We miss you so much! We check lots on your facebook and blog to see if update from you. SO glad you're home with your pawrents!! That was so nice of Kjelle Bus to send you presents! Good luck at vet.
Your friends,
Buster, Rudy, Sam and Cindy

We love LUNA said...

So wonderful news, I imagine how happy you are with your beans back home!
Good luck with the appointment at the VET.I'm sending good energies to you my sweet friend!

LP said...

Welcome home Mr.Puddy! You do look more slender but this is your chance to play it up!Make the hoomans wait on you day in and day out! They must PAY for leaving you in cattery... for sooo long!! Work on their enormous sense of GUILT!!Mwahahahaha :p
Welcome home to your hoomans! Hope they had a great trip :)
Paws crossed for you at the v-e-t-'s.
the critters in The Cottage xo

Ann Boyajian said...

YAY PUDDY!!!!! So glad you're back home! Home with Mom and Dad is the best medicine of all! Cattery/jail sounds very depressing. You probably caught the sniffles there. And it will take a week or so to get rid of cattery smell on you.
Did we say how glad we are that you're back??!!!
Tell your pawrents to give you extra hugs and kisses from us!
Lucy and Skootch

HH and The Boys said...

Mr. PUDDY.... MR ... PUDDY...PUDDY ...PUDDY....Sorry we can't stop saying your name. We are so happy to know you are home safe and sound. You have been gone a long time and we missed you. Get your strength back and we will be visiting your bloggy every day...

Yay... thank Cod you are home.

pawhugs, Max, Bugsy, Knuckles and HH

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We're so glad you're home, Puddy! We really missed you!

The Chans

Marilia said...

Yesssssssssssss! You came back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I´m missing you, do you know???
Kisses and welcome home Puddy!!

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

Mr. Puddy we are so glad your parents are home. You do look like you've lost weight. We sure hope the sneezing isn't anything serious. We will be glad to hear what the vet has to say. Maybe you picked up a germ or two being around that many cats.

We love you

Anonymous said...

Welcome Home! Hope you are your old self real soon! ~xo~
Many Purrs...Maggie P., Grizelda & Chloe

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Oh Puddy I have missed you and I am glad you are back. I am though sorry that you are feeling weak. Hopefully you will start to feel more like your old self when you have been home a little while and with all the loving from your mum and dad. HUgs GJ xx

Stacy Hurt said...

Oh Mr. P! You are a shadow of your former self! Goodness! You are still just the darling & I am soooo happy you are home. Let me know when you is ready for visitors because I have two ornjsillyboy cats who could use your training! I'll send them. Maybe cutsoms will just keep 'em. MOL!

Ms. Stella O'Houligan

Quill and Greyson said...

Glad you're home and hope you feel good soon!

CCL Wendy said...

Welcome home, Mr. Puddy! I'm sure it did feel like being in PURRison to you! After all you are used to wandering freely inside and outside your home.

Now that you're back and you know you weren't totally abandoned, you can pig out and gain back some of that weight you lost.

I'm sure you'll feel up to playing with those new toys in no time.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

What a TREAT to hear from you, Mr. P.

We missed YOU too! Glad you're home safe.

Purrfect Haven said...

welcome home dearest. Love Helen, Darcy and Bingley xxx

ellie said...

So glad you are home! Did think you would miss your mom and dad big time! Bet they missed you tons too. Hope you eat lots and lots of treats and put back on the lost pounds!

MandaBurms FarmStay for Cats. said...

200 cats that is a big boarding cattery.
Wish you lived closer you could of come stay here (not that just any cat can - but you special mr. puddy)

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