Sunday, February 26, 2012

Tale of a tail

It's been a week, My tail has been bitten !

Not sure, it's " Love Bite " from other cats ; )
But I'm FINE !

( Left photo is now, Right photo is my normal tail )

This time, I got lucky than last time ( Last year ).
I don't have a fever !
So I don't need to go to the VET.

But I have to deal with the ridiculous question mark tail for weeks !

Friends, you know what it's like to have a question mark tail ?

Wherever I walk when people or other kitties see my tail,
They will tease me " Puddy's tail got bitten !  Puddy's tail got bitten ! "  Even my mom !!!

Horrible for Mancat like Me !

So every day I have to be better !
That's my aim !

I keep licking my tail everyday because you know what ?

Our saliva is magic !

As long as I can reach my tail, and lick it.
It will be fixed !

And some human said Honey is good for our wound and it's safe for us kitties. And Honey also has antibacterial properties, both in the stomach and when applied to wounds. Mom tried to give me a honey but I just have one lick. That's enough for me.

I'm totally fine !
I make sure I eat I drink.

And of course, I have a lots of rest.

I'm sure my tail will be back to normal so soon.
Friends, If you can purr for me , it will be nice
Cause I don't want to walk with question mark tail for so long : )

And friends,
Mom has been busy lately, we apologize for lacking visiting you guys.
Now I post only the weekend, I just want to give mommy a break.



Extra Post

Mom just fall down and now she twisted her ankle. We might can't visit your blogs. Sorry


Brian's Home Blog said...

Ouch Mr. Puddy! We are all sending you purrs for a happy tail once again!

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Aw, Mr Puddy! We purr for your tail! We hope you stop being a walking punctuation mark really soon!

Kay L. Davies said...

Oh, a soft woof and a nice doggy kiss from Lindy for your poor tail, Mr. Puddy.
We love you.
—Lindy and Kay

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

Mr. Puddy! does your tail hurt? We hope it's standing up proud and tall soon!

Your friends
Peanut & Marshmallow

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Poor Mr Puddy. We hope your tail is soon back to normal.

Pandafur said...

Oh noes dear Puddy this iz horribulz nooz. Iz sending lots of healing purrs so your tale will go teh rite way again. *softpaw* Pandy


Dear Mr Puddy
we are all so sorry you have an ouchie on your tail. But we feel better knowing you are fine. Be very careful. We miss you, but we've been kinda MIA ourselves with all the medical stuff going on here. Sending hugs and kisses

Mariodacat said...

Aww Mr. Puddy - you seem to has one problem after another. I'm purring for you pal cuz we loves you over here. purr purr purr purr purr purr
We only seem to post once a week too. We don't need our omans getting burned out or up - whatever it is.

The Florida Furkids said...

We're purring so loud you can probably here us! We hope your tail is better soon.

We post every day but we don't get to visit as much as we would like. Moms get busy.........

The Florida Furkids

Fr. Tom Fish said...

Hey, Puddy,

That is a sad tale or tail!! I'm scratching my head and my tail, hehe! Seriously, tho, I wouldn't want anybody, I mean anybody near my tail. I hope yours gets better soon, my furriend. Visit when you can :)


RoySr said...

Here's to a all well and standing tall tail Mr P. We don't like to see one of our most favorite puddytats with ouches and hurts.

Take care, take your meds, eat your dindin, drink your water, love your Bean, and come when you can. We are about to start our posting again on our own Blog.

Buddy Bear, MikiCato, Rowdy, Ms Smokey, Tegar and Ms Princess at Five Oaks Manor, SouthWoodsUSA™>

Becky said...

Wow puddy that must hurt you.Sending you tight meow hugs to help it along.

The Island Cats said...

Now, Puddy...who was the evil kitty that bit your tail?? Are you gonna seek revenge??

We sure hope your tail is better soon.

The Cat Guy said...

yikes, that tail of your's is a great asset, don't want something to happen to it. Take good care of that tail and the rest of you too!

Maggie May said...

Hello there, handsome Mr. Puddy! So sorry to hear about your tail. I am sending you lots of healing purrs!
Maggie May

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Ooooo....ouch! We have this little tuxie at home who loves attacking tails...he's lucky his is just a knob. am purrraying for the speedy recovery of your tail, Mr Puddy. May it stand upright soon. purrr....meow!

Unknown said...

Ouch! Poor Mr Puddy! Me would come over and lick it for yous!

Cindy Adkins said... sorry Mr.Puddy! We hope your tail heals quickly so you don't have to be teased by everyone!! Keep licking! We saw lots of purrs for you.
Buster, Rudy, Sam and Mom Cindy

BeadedTail said...

We're purring for your normal tail to come back soon Puddy!

Sparkle said...

I hope your tail heals soon, Mr. Puddy! I am purring for you. BTW, which cat bit your tail, and did you get him back?

Anonymous said...

ohhh your poor mancatly tail. paws crossed it is restored to former glory verreh soon!

The Chair Speaks said...

Sending lots of feel good purrs to you, Puddy. And tell you mom not to worry about posting once a week. Our human does that too when busy.

Quill and Greyson said...

Purrs to you Puddy!!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Puddy, you simply have a very expressive tail! When yer curiousated about something, its a ?. When yer happy, it is straight up. When yer stalking, its low.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

We'll purr fur your tail, Puddy! We hope it's up and around in no time. Weekend blogging sounds like a good idea. Purrs and headbumps.

Gigi said...

Good to see you, Puddy! I am sure your tail will be good as new in no time. Kitty salive *is* magic! Honey--yuck. Does not sound good to me either. Stick with the saliva, Bud.

The Furries of Whisppy said...

Poor Mr Puddy. The ladycats in this house are sending you lots of kisses that your ouchie gets better very very soon.
Cosmo also wants you to know he has a permanent question mark for a tail. consider yourself lucky that yours is just temporary!

Old Kitty said...

Mr Puddy! Awwwww poor Mr Puddy!! What happened?!!? Oh dear! Yay for your magic saliva!! Keep licking that tail and make it all upright and super floofy again!! And eat your honey too! Honey is yummy!!

Me and Charlie are purring and sending you tons of cuddles! Take care

Princess Jasmine said...

Awwwwwww Mr Puddy, you poor ickle tail. We sure hope it gets better quickly. And now your poor mummy has hurt herself too! At least you can keep each other company whilst you heal. Simba and I will do lots of purrs for you both :)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Purrs for your tail! xxxxxxxxxxx

Fuzzy Tales said...

It's great to see a post from you, Mr. Puddy, though we're sorry about your tail and your mom's ankle. Purrs to you both for speedy healing!

CATachresis said...

It seems you've both had a bit of a week :((( Lots of xoxox to you Mr Poot and your mom >^..^<

marg said...

Mr. Puddy, we hope Mom is all right and we are sending purrs to both of you, so that your tail gets better and Mom gets better too. Don't let those cats grab your tail any more. Run like the wind. Take care.

We love LUNA said...

Hey, take good care of your precious tale, you are so charming! :)
I hope your mammy is feeling better today, oh poor mammy there. I'm sending love to her!

Katie Isabella said...

Oh Puddy...I send visions of my plume of a tail for instpration. Yours will be better soon and tell your mommy hugs and love and purrs for you both. xoxoxox

Jans Funny Farm said...

Your tail was bitten and your mom fell and sprained her ankle. We hope you cuddle together and heal together. Pawhugs

Marilia said...

Dear Puddy!
I'm looking forward your posts. Glad you have magic saliva.
Kisses on your beautiful nose!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Watch out for us Mr Puddy we are going to teleport over and kiss your poor tail till it's better.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

meowmeowmans said...

OUCH! We are sorry to hear your tail got bitten, Mr. Puddy. We will purr and pray for it to heal quickly, our friend!

ellie said...

Poor Mr Puddy! And poor mom too! Hope your tail loses its question mark soon and that your mom's ankle gets better quickly :)

Katnip Lounge said...

Puddy, you and your Mom need to lie down on the sofa for a few days...and recover!
Purrs and {{hugs}} from all of us.

pee ess...Mommy has had COMPLIMENTS on her pretty new leash!

Nerissa's Life said...

Ouch! A sore tail is a terrible thing. Hope it's all better real soon. And hope your mom's ankle is better, too.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Such a tale of your tail. We are sorry about your misadventure, but we're happy to hear you are getting better.

Furry huggies....

Cara n Crew said...

oh, Mr Puddy! You need to be careful with your beautiful tail when you are out and about :) we hope it will be healed soon. Don't feel too embarassed, Pip had a bite or scratch on her tail and it abscessed and the v-e-t had to SHAVE a bit of the furs off her tail! Make sure your magic kitty spit heals yours up. You should lick your mom's ankle while you're at it ;) Purrs,

Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie

m.q said...

get a good rest friend.take good care of your mom!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

We will purr for your tail! Get at least 22 hours of rest a day, ok?

Cathy Keisha said...

Sorry you got bit but I didn't do it. What's wrong with a question mark tail? Mine has a weird little kink at the end. Peeps don't know if a was born that way or if someone hurt me as a kitten.

Keith Andrea said...

.,ah oh don't worry Mr. Puddle, you still look adorable with your tail that look like question

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Dma said...

diego-san understands your pain. he got bit in the bum last week too.

Ann Boyajian said...

I hope Mr. Smudge didn't bite your tail. We are sorry to hear about your injury - your tail is one of your impawtant assets - it's very expressive! I hope you recuperate quickly and that your tail rebounds to its former glory! DO try to give your Mom's ankle a few licks with your magic healing saliva (I bet she would appreciate that!!), and cuddle with her as you both do special "healing rest".
love, Lucy + Skootch

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Mr Puddy me and mom hope that your tail will get back to normal in no time !

xoxo from me and mom :)

Jacqueline said...

We will purr for your tail to feel better soon, handsome Puddy!...Happy week ahead, sweet friend...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Cindy Adkins said...

Mr.Puddy, so sorry about your Mom falling down and twisting her ankle!! We hope you both heal soon and feel better. We miss you!
Buster, Rudy, Sam and Cindy

Meowers from Missouri said...

mr puddy, there is too much excitement at your house!! we hopes yer tail is gettin' better from BOTH bites, an' yer mom's feelin' better, too. please don't be mad at yer humans--they don't want you to get sick like you did before!! we send you purrs and headbonks!

Ellen Whyte said...

Oh poor Puddy! We're sending you purrs for that tail nip.

Tamago said...

Oh no Mr Puddy, I am so sorry that your tail was bitten. I heard question mark tail is a sign that kitties are happy, but in this case not...I hope it will heal soon.
And I'm sorry for your mom's ankle! Maybe it is a sympathy injury.

Purrfect Haven said...

oh dear.. sorry to hear about your tail Puddy and your Mums ankle... take extra care both of you! Love Helen, Darcy and Bingley xxx

CCL Wendy said...

What a travesty! Who was the culprit who bit your tail, Mr. Puddy? I wouldn't go anywhere near them again if I were you.

Yes, we are purring for you, and for your Mom to heal quickly.

The Monkeys said...

A question mark tail would make us shy too, Puddy!

We sure hope you and your Mom are both feeling better soon!

Gigi said...

Sorry your Mom falled down! Hope her ankle is better and your TAIL is back to normal soon! XOXOXO

Show your talents said...

Oohhhhhhhh.. Mr.Puddy! is upset for his tail you will get back your tail just like before and you also looks cool like this.

Deb Barnes / Zee and Zoey said...

Oh my goodness Mr. Puddy! Every week it is something else with you!! We hope your question mark will be an exclamation mark soon!!

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Puddy, we hope your tail gets better soon and your mom's ankle heals quickly.

Just Ducky said...

Puddy we hopes your tail is getting better.

Anonymous said...

Oh no Mr Puddy, I hope it gets better!!! Keep us posted, purring for your tail x

Katie Isabella said...

Are you two alright now? Better? Love and kissies

Jacqueline said...

We miss you handsome Puddy!! and kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Oskar said...

I'm so sorry about your tail being bent out of shape. I know how proud you kitties are of your tails.

I hope it's not question mark shaped anymore!

Nubbin wiggles,

Angel Prancer Pie said...

We hope your Mom is getting better, Puddy. Your tail, too. xoxo

Unknown said...

Hope your tail gets better soon. Sending purrs.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Hope your tail has healed, Mr. Puddy.

Donna said...

Purr purr purr! I send u hugs. {{{Mr. Puddy and Mom}}}

Layla Morgan Wilde ( Cat Wisdom 101) said...

We hope your tail is all better now Mr. Puddy. Our mom was on vacation but we had lots of fun, guest posts, & giveaways while she was gone heheheh... a special Caturday post will reveal where she went and yes, there were cats!

Ingrid said...

You were really lucky ! these bites are done by other males when they fight together. I all learned about it when Arthur was so badly bitten in his tail that we feared it would get amputated. In the last minute the tail could be safed but he has no feeling in the tail anymore and if you step on it he doesn't notice. He also can't hold his tail up, it always falls down into a curveover his back. It was terrible I tell you !

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