Saturday, July 28, 2012

Million Sorry to You

Sorry like a million times! 
I'm sorry I'm sorry I'M  SO SORRY !!!!!!!!!!!


and Thanks for so many friends who tried to contact me, but it's all mom's faults !
She didn't check anything ! I hope you all forgive me...Please Please

Now What I am up to ?
Not much actually !
My schedule have changed a little bit. but not much.
Now I'm home more often and spend lots of lots of time with my family.

Let's see from the morning, 
Life starts when I have my breakfast. 
And then I will go out to do poop at Smudge's front garden..tee..heh..heh
After that,  I will back home and do my job !

First job, At the toilet

Then my pawrents will go to work, and I will go outside doing my patrol.

Till late evening,
My pawrents come home.

 I will get inside real quick and straight to food bowl ( starving till dead )
My pawrents will shut the door after me and not open TILL  THE  MORING !

So in these day, Mom doesn't need to go out and get me at night like the old day.
And she said I turns to be a really really good boy !

At home, I love to play

And then I sleep and snore and set my aim

Not much change. 
Total, I'm good, I'm happy and healthy 
and I hope you guys all good too.

I will go around to see you guys so soon !
so wait for me !

Miss You



Angel Prancer Pie said...

So great to see you Puddy! We've missed you and we're glad you're staying home at night. Many hugs and kisses to you!

Teddy Westlife said...

So glad to hear you are alive and well Mr Puddy!

Deb said...

Hi Puddy. You look better than ever. Let's see more of you, ok.

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

What can I say? I know you've heard it all before but perhaps it bears ... bares? ... whatever... repeating, good help is hard to find. purrs

Chloe and Cecil said...

Mr. Puddy, we thought you were gone furever! So, So happy to see you back and look forward tobyou next postie......there will be another...right??!!

Poppy Q said...

We missed you Mr P. We understand that sometimes folks need a break, but we hope you hang around for a while.

Julie and Poppy Q

Ann Dziemianowicz said...

Hi Mr. Puddy! It's good to see you my friend. I envy your loooooong nap. Quite a snooze you took from your blog ;) xo

Cara n Crew said...

Mr Puddy!!!! we are so happy to see you again! we thought often of you and your pawrents and we're glad that you and your family are well. and you're being so good for your mom (yet keeping everyone in line :)) purrs,

Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Hooray!! You're back!! We missed your adventures!

Sparkle said...

I'm so happy to see you, Mr. Puddy! I have missed you!

Kay L. Davies said...

Missed you and love you, too, Puddy.
Luv, Kay and Lindy

Princess Jasmine said...

Yaaaay, Mr Puddy we sure have missed you. We are glad you are enjoying your days and having fun :)xx

Hjulia huller om buller said...

Welcome back Mr Puddy, we missed you.



san said...

Hi Mr Puddy

Its good to see you again :)
the amigos and san

looloo said...

Hello, Mr Puddy! So glad to see you again, healthy and all...!

We understand sometimes one needs a break, so: the happier we are to see you again!

Smoochies to you, sweet boy!

Fuzzy Tales said...

OMC, we want to say "Where the heck have you been???!!!" -- lol -- but we're just happy you're okay! Our mom had sent an email quite a while ago, but never heard back and wondered if you all were still around.

It's SO good to see you, Mr. Puddy! We know other things take precedence in life, we do understand. But it's also nice to know that our kitty friends and their beans are okay! :-)

Unknown said...

No worries - seeing you is always worth the wait!

Karen and Gerard said...

We missed you so much! I would have nominated you for the Petties this year as funniest but you weren't around. Glad you are back!

Katnip Lounge said...

OMC we are THRILLED to see you again, Mr. Puddy!!!! You were missed, terribly. We didn't see you on FB either and we feared the worst. So happy to hear you are fine AND your new routine sounds wonderful.

CATachresis said...

Who are you?

Just Kidding!!! ;) Welcome back xox

kelley said...

Oh Happy Day!!! I was sooo worried about you Puddy and your family long as you are OK a little (felt like forever) break is are looking as handsome as ever...

((((giant hugs))))

Brian's Home Blog said...

OMC! OMC! Mr. Puddy, we have been missing you and missing you pal! It is so very wonderful to know that you are okay!!!!!!!!!

Katie Isabella said...

Mr Puddy, I am so glad to see you and so is mommy. We both love you and we were scared something bad had happened. Thank you for letting us know that all of you are alright.

Hannah and Lucy said...

We have been dancing our happy dance ever since we heard from you. We have missed you so, so much. We are glad you are all well and happy. Please come and visit us again soon.
Hugs to your Mom and Dad and great big smooches to you from us.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

The Furries of Whisppy said...

Nice to see you back, Mr Puddy. We were pretty worried about your disappearance...

Marg said...

Oh Mr. Puddy, we are so excited to see you. You are just so handsome. We are glad you are all right and we don't blame Mom for taking a long break. We are thrilled that you are staying home at night. You take care.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Yayyy!!! You're back! We missed you Mr Puddy. We were worried something had happened but we are really happy everything is okay. We are glad you are staying indoors at night too because that is much safer for you.

CATachresis said...

Oh Mr Poot!! I am glad you reintroduced yourself. We are very polite :). The video was great wasn't it? Mr Poo is a very svelte 12lbs so bunny kicking is easy peasy :) You could get on a program and work out??? lolol

Missed you soooooo much xox

GreatGranny said...

Silly Mom had to sign in. It's so good to see you back. I'll be gone for awhile, not blogging. I'll check on my furriends until Mom can get me a new blog.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

We are so happy to see you blogging once again, Mr. Puddy! We missed you so much! Blogging just wasn't the same with you missing.


We have been worried and Mom looked for anywhere on how to contact you! We are just so glad to know all is well and it sure is good to see you! Welcome back.

Jacqueline said...

YAY!!!...It is soooooooooo good to see you, handsome Puddy=we are sooooooooo happy you and your parents are doing well, we were really concerned for you all...We miss you and love you with all our hearts, adorable boy!!...Have a great weekend, sweetie...Sending you big smoochies x3, precious friend...xoxoxooxoxooxoxoxooxoxo...
Calle, Halle, Sukki

Deb Barnes / Zee and Zoey said...

Whew!!!!!!!!! So happy to see you again Puddy - we have stopped by every week to check up on you and it is so good to see your handsome face again!! xoxoxoxo

Robin Larkspur said...

Welcome back, Mr Puddy, hugs and purrs to you and your Mom. It will be great to get updates from you as time allows. Love seeing your pretty Puddy face!! Glad you stay in at night, the world is scary at night!!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

So happy to see you Puddy because we were all worried. Glad things are going well for you.. take care friend... Hugs GJ xx

Jans Funny Farm said...

So glad you finally posted. We've been worried about you. We hope you will join the buddy system so someone will know how to check on you if you ever disappear again.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

We have been worried SICK about you!

We have sent you emails and everything and never heard a word :(

We have missed you terribly and have mentioned you frequently.

Glad everyone is well, that is what matters most!!!

We have been sad without our Puddy!

Love, Cody and "Mom"

Bryan said...

Yea Mr Puddy!! It's so good to hear from you again. We were getting so worried about you. Very happy to see that you are doing well and are back. So looking forward to hearing about your adventures again.

Old Kitty said...

Mr Puddy!!! Mr Puddy!!! Mr Puddy!!!
Mr Puddy!!


Mr Puddy!! LOL!!! oh wow!! Me and Charlie are so excited!! We just want to repeat your name over and over again!! Mr Puddy!!


Yay!!!!!!!!! Mr Puddy!!!!

Take care

Pretinha said...

Mr Puddy que bom que vocês estão bem.
Nós já estar com saudades.

Stacy Hurt said...

Good to have you back Mr. P! You were missed!

Ms. Stella O'Houligan

Fr. Tom Fish said...


You're back!

So happy to see you!

Missed you terribly!

Hope your mom and dad are well.

Looking forward to your adventures :)

Tom, Mom Julie, Anastasia & the boys

Quill and Greyson said...

Glad you're all okay!!

Ann Boyajian said...

Mom started calling Skootch "Mr. Puddy", but you are the real thing! We are so glad that you and your pawrents are all okay. We were so worried, Skootch was about to do a post about "What Happened to Puddy????"

Tamago said...

Oh my gosh, Mr. Puddy, we missed you so much! We are so happy to see you back, happy and healthy!! Please don't leave us like this again!

The Kitties of Purring Pines said...

MR. PUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDDY!!!! We have missed you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!! We are glad you & your family are well!!! Don't ever leave us SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO long again!!! We have added 1 to our number since your disaPURRance. Sometime we will post a pic. But we're just happy you're back!!!

BeadedTail said...

We've missed you very much Mr. Puddy! We're glad you are back and doing well! We loved seeing your handsome face again!

Angel & Isabella

Marilia said...

WE ARE ABSOLUTELY HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mickey's Musings said...

We are SO happy you are back and you are OK !!!!We missed you :)
Welcome back!
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure and JJ

The Island Cats said...

We've missed you, Mr. Puddy!

Cathy Keisha said...

Missed you Puddy. I'm glad you let us know what you've been up to.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We are SO glad ta see ya back again Mr Puddy!!!

Quite Frankly, (and Frank says being inside at night is GOOD for you), we are relieved ta hear you are hiding like in that "HINT" picture. Fun can be inside as much as out.

meowmeowmans said...

Puddy! We missed you so much, and are SO glad to see you! We are also happy to hear you are doing well.

Big hugs!

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Puddy my friend,
Whoa! What a loooooong hibernation you had. I hope you are all rejuvenated now. Looking forward to your adventures my pal. so glad you're back. If we had known the suburb you live, my Mama would have been on your doorstep pronto. She would have scoured the entire city of Melbourne to find you..... har har har *evil laughs*

Brad (Angelina is hibernating!)

GLOGIRLY said...

Welcome Back Mr. Puddy!!!
It's so nice to see your shining face.
xoxo, Katie & Glogirly

Gigi said...

PUDDY!!!! SO So so soooooo happy to hear from you, my furiend! Glad to know things are going well for you and your Pawrents. Tell your Mom to post once in awhile! We loves to see your face!

giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Hello mr. Puddy... welcome !!!
Baci by Igor ( and my mom )

The Florida Furkids said...

Mr Puddy we are SOOOOO happy to see you back. We were worried about you!!! You're looking as handsome as ever!!!

The Florida Furkids and Lexi

Ingrid said...

I hope your mom is better now after such a long rest ! It's a pity that cats need a secretary to write !!

Fireblossom said...

Mr. Puddy, you are awesome! I came over from Kay's blog. Thanks for the "HINT"! I might never have spotted you!

Anzu said...

ヾ(*ΦωΦ)ノ It's so nice to see you again !
You're looking very well and a charming boy as ever.

The Cat Guy said...

YAHOOO!!!! Time for the Happy Dance!! Mr. Puddy is OK!!!!

So glad to hear you all ok, was so worried. Taking a bloggie break is fine, but please tell us so we not worry!

Rock on Mr. Puddy!!!!

Cindy Adkins said...

Mr. Puddy!! You're back!!! We miss you sooooo much!! So happy to hear you are ok, you big sweetie! We haven't been blogging much either...just our Mom do blog. We might have to get bossy like you (hee hee) and so she let us write a blog post soon!
Buster, Rudy, Sammy (and Mom Cindy, too)

Daisy said...

Welcome back Mr.Puddy! I think it is great that you are spending more time Inside.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

so glad for the hint, I NEVER would have found you with out it :)

Welcome back, I'm glad to hear all is well

Layla Morgan Wilde ( Cat Wisdom 101) said...

We missed you so much!!! We have good news & bad news. Our good news is we are Pettie Award finalists for Best Cat Blog. Our bad news is about Merlin and palliative care.

Kay L. Davies said...

Missed you a lot, Puddy! Glad you're back.
Love, Kay and Lindy

Unknown said...

Dear Puddy
Me is so happy, me is speechless!

A Tonk's Tail said...

*waves paws wildly* HI PUDDY!!!!! Looks like you're up to no good -- err, normal kitteh stuff! MOL!!

Anonymous said...


So glad you're back! But you've missed so much! My blog has now moved to: - I have launched a new non-profit organisation to help cats! We sell cute kitty tee shirts and donate 100% of the proceeds to cat rescue groups around the world :)
You can find more info here:

We're also going to Africa on Saturday to volunteer with big cats!

Just wanted to update you. Glad you're back in action!!!

Sarah, Bosco and Ollie xo

Mary Matthews said...

You look cuter than ever, Mr Puddy! Hope you like reading A Christmas Feral!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We have missed yoo so much! Glad yoo are happy and well. xx

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

I´m so HAPPY to finally hear from you Mr Puddy *doing the happydance*
Glad you are happy and well , me too are happy and well :)


Purrfect Haven said...

phew, we were so worried and missed you greatly... relieved you are well. Love Helen, Darcy and Bingley xxx


Thank Pawness that you are back and okay!

Old Kitty said...

Mr Puddy!!! Are you four very soon? Awwww hope you are ok and having fun as always!! Take care

Mariodacat said...

Oh Puddy - we missed you ever so much. So happy you are back. Dang oomans. We need to set them straight. My ooman isn't very dependable any more either.,

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