Tuesday, September 25, 2012

My Secret Revealed !!! .. and I Need Your Purrs

Yesterday, Mom was home and I have been slept whole day.
Mom think it's wicked but she couldn't figure out why ?

This morning,

 My secret revealed !!!!

5.30 am. 

Dad saw me scratched my neck with my hind leg
and then my wound is opened !

I was bleeding !!!!

Mom cleaned me with warm salt water,
and Daddy put honey on top of my wound.

I think I'm O.K.
But Mom and Dad don't think so !

They locked me in whole day !

I really want to go out !!!

Please ... Please..
Purr for Me



PS : Daddy said I'm o.k. but mommy is going to keep an eye on me from now on. Hopefully, Tomorrow they let me out !


Unknown said...

Oh poor Mr Puddy! Have you had a little punch up with another puddy? You stay inside and do what your Mum and Dad tell you to do. Big purrs to you.

Sparkle said...

Mr. Puddy, I think you may need to go to the dreaded vet - cat bites can be pretty toxic! And if you are not feeling like yourself, it could be starting to get infected. I hope you do not have to wear a cone of shame! Purrs on the way!!

Hjulia huller om buller said...

Dear Mr Puddy!
We are purring for you all day, we hope it's helping... But our mom think you maybe need a vet to check on it. Get well soon! We love you!



CATachresis said...

OooooH! Mr Poot, you must be careful old buddy! I think Sparkle is right, perhaps a trip to V-e-t might be a good idea! You been fighting or sumfing? Anyway, take care of yourself!! >^..^<

The Furries of Whisppy said...

Ouch! We hope you feel better soon though we do think it's probably best to pay a visit to the vet to get it looked at.

Brian's Home Blog said...

We are all purring for you Mr. Puddy. You don't want to get an infection there pal and a Vet trip might be a good idea. Please update us.

Karen and Gerard said...

That is sad for you. I agree with the others who think you should get the vet to check you out.

Fuzzy Tales said...

Yikes! We're sending purrs, Mr. Puddy, that the wound heals quickly, without getting an infection. Maybe you might need a visit to your v-e-t, just to check it out?

The Chair Speaks said...

Puddy, if our human were there, it will be off to the vet you go. We are sending lots of purrs that there will be no infection and all to go well.

Katie Isabella said...

Puddy, you may have some microscopic mites that are hurting and itching you. Please ask mommy to take you to theVet to be sure and to have your wound treated with maybe an antibiotic. Then, come here and I will groom you. We would make a beautiful couple. xxxoooxxx

Cory said...

Uh oh Mr. Puddy...I can't believe I'm meowing this, but I think you need to go to the vet. You can't take any chances of that wound getting all infected and stuff. Hope you are all better soon my furriend.

The Florida Furkids said...

Oh no! We agree with the others, a trip to the VET is needed. We'll purr loud and hard for you.

The Florida Furkids

Cat said...

We are purring for you Mr Puddy and hope you heal up quickly!!!!

Cindy Adkins said...

OMC! So sorry you are bleeding, Mr.Puddy! We hope you are okay and hope your wound doesn't get infected!!! Who did that to you? We hope it wasn't Smudge!! Please get well soon, Mr. Puddy. We love you! Sending lots of purrs,
Buster, Rudy, Sam and Mom Cindy

Ann Boyajian said...

PUDDY, GO TO THE VET!! Cat bites are bad news. DO NOT DELAY, GO TO THE VET. We are purring for you. Have your mom take you to the vet today!!!
Skootch & Lucy

BeadedTail said...

Oh noes Mr. Puddy! We agree that you should go to the vet because what if you were really bitten by a vampire and not another cat! We hope you heal up soon!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Goodness Mr. Puddy! We will be purring for you to heal quickly!

Tamago said...

Oh my gosh Mr. Puddy! That looks a lot of blood. I agree with your mom and it's better not to go outside for now. I hope it will heal soon. Lots of purrs coming to you.

kelley said...

Purrs and more purrs for you Puddy...good Mom keeping you in until you get better...maybe you'll get an extra snack or two...

GreatGranny said...

Oh sweet Mr. Puddy, you've got our purrs. Peessee go to the dreaded Vet.
xoxo Kassey

GLOGIRLY said...

Take care sweet buddy...as much as I hate to say it, the others are right. A vet trip might be just be the ticket.
xo Katie

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Poor Puddy. Blood is bad! We are all sending purrs. Tommy is sending woofs, and the horses are sending neighs!

The Poupounette Gang

Old Kitty said...

Mr Puddy!!! Awwwww poor Mr Puddy!! What happened?!?! Oh dear!! Me and Charlie send you many many healing hugs and purrs!! Please get better Mr Puddy and maybe eat some garlic! LOL!! But seriously!! Poor Mr Puddy! Take care

Photo Cache said...

Oh poor sweet Mr. Puddy, who did this to you? You best stay indoors and let the wound heal. Maybe it's for the better also to see the v-e-t to make sure everythings okay.

We purr hard for you,
Emma and Buster

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

I will purr my very loudest for you my friend. I know your mum and dad will look after you real good.. Hugs GJ xx

The Whiskeratti said...

Oh Mr Puddy, you really did get bitten by a vamp kitteh, didn't you? We hope it goes away quickly.

Marilia said...

Oh my, Puddy!!!!!!
I´m purring to you, certainly!
Love you so much!




Oh Mr Puddy we are skairt.
We don't want you to have a bad bite.
WE are purrin really hard and hope you are 100% better very very soon.

✿•*¨`*•. ♥Abby♥Boo♥Ping♥Jinx♥Grace♥✿•*¨`*•.

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Awww, poor baby Mr Puddy! You don't have to fight, be king of the indoors! We're purrrrring for you!

Katnip Lounge said...

Puddy, we thought you were a lover, not a fighter!

John Bellen said...

Yes, it's best to be an indoor cat. As it says on Cat's Cats' blog, an indoor cat is a safe cat. But in any case, a visit to the vet may be in order. Take care of yourself; the world can be dangerous.

Cathy Keisha said...

Oh Puddy! I'm sending lots of healing purrs! That is some scratch. You may need one of those satellite dishes so you can't scratch it. Did you get into a fight with Smudge? Bet he really looks bad.

Quill and Greyson said...

Purrs for you mr Puddy.

Clooney said...

Oh Puddy, I hope you didn't get bitten by a vampire...Mega purrs on the way to you for your healing and quick recovery!

Clooney said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pretinha said...

Mr. Puddy if I was your mother would also be worried, and nothing going out for walks, you better behave huh.
Be a good boy!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are purring for you Mr Puddy, but we agree with everyone else. You should go to the vet and get an antibiotic shot because cat bites easily become infected.

Cara n Crew said...

oh Mr Puddy! we are purring our bestest so you will be well and be allowed out again. do be careful, though!

Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Puddy what in the world made you bleed? That is so strange! Hope you feel better soon. I am wondering if it is an allergy?

The Island Cats said...

Oh Puddy! That looks like a nasty wound. You gotta watch out for those vampire kitties! They're vishus!!

We hope you are okay and you heal quickly!!

Cherry City Kitties said...

Darn it Puddy, we'd love for you to be going outside, but you have to be better first so you don't get a "fection" in there. Here's lots of purrs~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Harry, Dexter and Tipp

Mariodacat said...

Oh dear Puddy - I'm purring like crazy for you pal. You have to be okay. Now, I have to ask you this - did you get into a fight in the neighborhood?

Layla Morgan Wilde ( Cat Wisdom 101) said...

Oh no! It's sounds like an abscess. Our former feral Domino had one in the same leg! It's important to get ALL the infection out or it fills up bursts, and repeat. He was on antibiotics for 6 weeks.

Gigi said...

Poor Puddy! How does the other guy look?

Oui Oui said...

It wouldn't hurt to go to the vet. Julie bit Mica Moo and it got infected. Mica Moo almost died. She had surgery, 4 days in the hospital, 2 drainage tubes and a month of solitary confinement while the drainage holes healed up. She was bit on a Wednesday and in the hospital on Monday, it happened so fast. We are purring for you! Be careful!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Quick Quick, Puddy, put garlic on the vampire kitty bite... And then get LOTS of treats. THAT is VERY important!

We love LUNA said...

Oh my Prince Puddy!
I'm thinking of you dear friend, sending you purrs and love!

Katie Isabella said...

Puddy, did you go to the Vet?

Hannah and Lucy said...

Mr Puddy we think you should go to the vet for an antibiotic injection or that wound could make you very sick.
It's better to be safe than sorry.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

meowmeowmans said...

Oh no! Poor Mr. Puddy! We think your parents should take you to the vet if possible. We don't wantthat wound to get infected!

Purrs and prayers!

Texas, a Cat in... Austin said...

OMC! Sending you plenty of purrs, Puddy? How are you now?

Poppy (aka Val) said...

Poor Mr Puddy, sending you lots of purrs from Misty and a big hug from me. Hope you are feeling better really soon, and if you see that nasty cat again, just run away! xx

Gigi said...

Sending you some good puurs, Buddy. Hope you are doing okay over there ;-) If that honey doesn't do the trick, you might have to go to the stabby place ::shudder:: Keep us posted!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah I am praying for you!!!!!
Wishing you are doing better soon!

Cat-from-Sydney said...

That looks nasty Mr Puddy. har har har *evil laughs*

A Tonk's Tail said...

oh my CAT! We just saw your comment over at Austin's blog and had to come see what happened...

VAMPIRE BITE! EEEEEK!!!! (and we read ahead and saw you were all better - whewww....)

Bet you gave your humans quite the SCARE though!

Belated purrs for you Dude!

Deb Barnes - Zee and Zoey said...

Oh my goodness, Mr. Puddy - we sure do hope you will be okay!! xoxox

Kwee Cats and Art said...

Mr. Puddy! For always you has been our hero! We sure you must feel we has abandoned you! We still here! And we purr, purr, purr, purr and more purrs for you! It's dangerous out there, so you has to be sooooo careful. We gonna keep purring for you, Mr. Puddy.


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