Sunday, January 20, 2013

Good Boy at The VET

And Here I am ! At the VET again !!!
I lose 100 grams. And the doctor said I'm doing good for Diet.
She got no idea,  I'm starving till dead to lose 100 grams.

Anyway, The doctor is very happy to see me.
She said she has been seen two grumpy kitties before me.

And look what I get ? 
To be a really good boy !!!

Not so bad because It's quick and I'm going to head home now.
Just have to wait daddy pay the bill.

While I'm waiting,
I talk to the doggie who sit next to me ( I'm in the carrier )


Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

Extra jab!! No treat?? The nerve of humans!

Poppy Q said...

Mr Puddy, you deserved a big kiss for being so good. Glad your diet is working.

Katie Isabella said...

Mr Puddy I am teleporting straight over there to kiss you. Bunches. You WERE a GOOD BOY!

The Cat Guy said...

I hope you got lots of treats when the trauma was over, oh my! bad dream.

CATachresis said...

Oh Mr Poot, you have a stressful day!!! Me too. I had snow!!!! What's the point of kiss if there are no treats???? ;)

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Not fair Mr Puddy. You should have had treats for being such a good boy.

Julia Williams said...

Awww..... poor Puddy!!! Yu definitely deserve some treats for that good behavior.

The Kitties of Purring Pines said...

We think you deserve a treat & a kiss! Poor baby! We're glad the diet is working & hope you stop starving soon! Have a good Sunday!

Deb said...

I'm laughing out loud here. I can't believe what we put felines through. Poor Puddy, poor poor Puddy. Sending a big hug (and no jab) Deb

Tamago said...

Ohhh nooo you had to go there again?? So unfair! I hope you got plenty of kisses and treats later!!


I hope all of those Vet trips are over Mr Puddy!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Well at least it is over Mr. Puddy! Hey, do you have to go back next week too?

Stacy Hurt said...

Good Boy Puddy Cat!
Ms Stella O Houligan

BeadedTail said...

Extra jabs means extra treats. That's the rules!

Pattyskypants said...

Funny how the dog is smiling!

Unknown said...

What!!! No Kisses!!! No Treats!!! Our vet gives us Both!
Poor Mr Puddy!
Me will gives yous kisses

Cathy Keisha said...

Extra jab? Here, I'll give you kisses. SMOOCH!

Ann Boyajian said...

Oh, the trauma of it all! Poor Puddy! We would give you extra smooches AND treats! What was your extra jab for??

Karen and Gerard said...

You certainly deserve treats and lots of peace and quiet after that! Our dog and one cat go see the vet on Monday.

Angel Simba said...

You are so thoughtful, Puddy, encouraging that Puppy Dog rather than just thinking about yourself. That extra jab is not fair.

Sparkle said...

NO TREAT?! Mr. Puddy, you have been railroaded!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We are sending you kissies fer bein a good brave mancat at the V-E-T! ~ Ayla and Iza

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Awww poor sweetheart! I'd give you kisses! (and treats, but don't tell your mom or the vet!)

The Furries of Whisppy said...

With the look you were giving your vet, we think it was wise of her not to give you a kiss. Though a treat wouldn't have hurt!

The Chair Speaks said...

Got extra hugs from your pretty vet? Purrs!

Layla Morgan Wilde ( Cat Wisdom 101) said...

jabs and dogs? Too much! We send big smoochies.

Hjulia huller om buller said...

We hope you've got at treat or a kiss from the vet. You ARE a very god boy Puddy!



dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

You should have waited to see if the doggie got a treat.

Then you could have knocked him over and taken the treat! heh heh heh

We love Luna said...

You are a good boy and you deserve many delicious treats! I'm sure you got then at home!
After this "adventure at the VET", you deserve a peaceful nap!
purrs and a nice week ahead,

Megan said...

I'm sorry you had to go back for an extra jab, Mr Puddy. That doesn't seem fair at all. But terrific news that you've already lost weight. Well done.


Anzu said...

Hi! Mr.Puddy =ΦwΦ=
You seem to be well-liked by a doggie in the vet. Uo・ェ・oU/♪

kelley said...

dear skinny Puddy...good job on your diet...sorry about the extra jab, at least now it's only a kitties have to go soon...

that was one cute doggy...nice of you to make friends...

The Island Cats said...

Mr. Puddy, aren't you glad that's over now?? Hopefully, you won't hafta go back anytime soon.

But as for me...I hafta go this week! ARGH!!


Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

OMC! You poor baby. I know we have to go to the vet to make sure we are in good health but photos, arghhhhhhhhh. I couldn't even look at the stick in the bottom shot one. You poor sweet heart. Aren't there laws about this???!!! Hope you got extra treats when you got back home.

Maggie from Stillness at Cherith said...

No Kisses. No treats .
An outrage =(

Purrfect Haven said...

its a journey.. that V-E-T visit thingy... take care... tough love.. .. it is always wonderful visiting you. Love Darcy, Bingley and Helen xxx

Dma said...

Hopefully that's your last trip to the vet for awhile...

Katnip Lounge said...

Oh Puddy, I'll be right over to give you 100 of my grams...Mommy says I am a WHALE!

xx Salem

Cory said...

No kiss?????? What's up with that?

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Ohhh Puddy I sooooo love you! That's what ya get for being a good treats, no kiss...just a "jab!" Not fair!
That was a cute woofie and it was nice of you to talk to him...he had no idea what he was gonna get! Ha!

Mariodacat said...

Oh Puddy - this blog is the last one we're reading today and we're so happy we saw this one - you are making us laugh again!! See you in a week pal!

katsrus said...

Aww you need extra hugs and a treat for being such a good boy. Glad you had a good vet visit.
Sue B

Unknown said...

Mr. Puddy, you always make me laugh so hard. It is keeping me healthy!

GLOGIRLY said...

Just because you're a good boy doesn't mean you won't get a jab. But a double-jab??? Sheesh. That ain't right.

; ) Katie

Cherry City Kitties said...

Mr. Puddy, the momma says if you keep being a good boy, she'll send you all the kisses you need!
Harry, Dexter and Tipp

Texas, a Cat in... Austin said...

No treat no kiss? Not fair!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Rats about the extra jab.... but just think, it's over now!

Happy Day...

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