Friday, January 4, 2013

Hit 41ºC Today !

And I was locked in for my own good

Daddy told me

Today we are going to hit 41ºC or 105.8 ºF
Outside is going to be Real Hot ! like inside OVEN ! 

And it could cook the kitties like me.

But you know now I'm indoor with air-condition on.
Nice and cool... so How I can believe that ? ... so I ask daddy

" Can I have a peek outside, Daddy ? "

Daddy took me outside to feel the heat.
Just for a couple mins.

OMC ! The heat hit me hard !  It's soooo HOT !
I could be cooked here !
Let's get back inside daddy !!

Daddy said Today it could be worst.
Because we got extreme weather. 41ºC plus the strong wind.
We have a fat chance to have bushfire in some parts of Australia like in 2009.


Please help me pray and purrs for all human and animals who live in the bush to be safe today.


The Whiskeratti said...

Oh wow, that is hot, Mr Puddy. We will purray for your part of the world to be safe.

Cara n Crew said...

yoW! you need to stay inside near the cold air blowy vents - we do hope you have them! We will purr our best that you don't have any fire dangers.

Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie

The Florida Furkids said...

Yikes! That's very, very hot!! We'll send lots of purrs and prayers to keep those fires away. Stay safe (and cool!)

The Florida Furkids

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Is that Sam the koala, Puddy? My Mama supports Wildlife Victoria, and should everyone else for all the good work they do for all those poor animals. You should stay indoors, Puddy. Don't you dare get yourself cooked outside. purrr...meow!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Yikes! That 40C stuff burns up trees? Stay inside, we dont want you to flame out!

The Island Cats said...

Whew! That's hot, Mr. Puddy! We sure hope it cools off soon.

Cathy Keisha said...

I hope everyone is safe and in a house today. We have 0 degree C today in NYC.

John Bellen said...

It gets that hot here in southern Alberta once in a while, and sometimes the wind whips up grass fires, so we know the dread thoughts of what might happen there. Best of luck to you and all there, Mr Puddy. Take care!

BeadedTail said...

That's really hot there! We hope there's no fires in the bush and that everyone stays safe! We're glad you were inside where it's cool too!

Sparkle said...

I will totally join you in purring for all the bush critters, and humans who live in the dangerous fire areas! Stay cool inside!

Unknown said...

That is Hot Hot Hot! It is best to stay inside! And me is purraying that yous don't has no fires!

the van woy adventures said...

Awwwww we will help

Katnip Lounge said...

Puddy, Johnny wants to know if you're gonna get nood like he did with a SHAVE!!!! Miss Salem would live to see that...

Keep cool buddy, and paws crossed for no fires.

Kay L. Davies said...

Oh, Puddy, yes, we are purraying you don't have bushfires in Australia. The pictures from 2009 were so awful to see.
Please do what your daddy tells you to do.

the van woy adventures said...

Awwwww we will help

the van woy adventures said...

You are so cute, of coure I will help the other cats.

Sweet Purrfections said...

Please stay inside where it is cool. We had some 100+ temperatures this past summer.

Gigi said...

Oh Puddy! That is soooooooo hot--too hot. We are purring and purraying that your weather cools off fast! And that all the Humans and anipals are safe!

The Furries of Whisppy said...

That's terribly hot! We hope it won't cause any awful fires. Stay indoors where it's cool, Puddy!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

We'll purray fur all those people and animals! You stay nice and cool too, Puddy! What a great Mom and Dad you have that take care of you. Happy Friday!

the van woy adventures said...

You are so cute, of coure I will help the other cats.

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Yikes! I don't like our cold cold here, but I don't think I'd like your hots either! We're purring for all the babies out in the heat!

the van woy adventures said...

You are so cute, of coure I will help the other cats.

Sasha said...

It was 44C in our backyard a while ago, Puddy. I think there is a change coming. We had catastrophic fire alert through the Mt Lofty ranges. We fish stayed outside, but dived around in our cool water, plunging through the bubbles from our Dragon Guardian.

posted by Princess Aurora (Shubunkin) for The Pond Fish

Hjulia huller om buller said...

Poor you.
We help you purr and pray for all humans and animals that they not injured by fire!
Love from Stockholm, Sweden xoxo

Christiane said...

I think at the temperatures I would also prefer the air conditioning inside. And I pray with you that the bushfires may spare man and animal.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Sending love and prayers to keep everyone safe. xx

The Kitties of Purring Pines said...

We send purr prayers for everyone's safety! But please send some heat here! It's below 0*C (25*F). Have a great weekend! Stay cool!

kelley said...

better to just look out the windows this week Puddy...we all want you seeing your fluffy belly when Daddy holds you...

prayinf for no bush fires and cooler temps...

Hannah and Lucy said...

Mr Puddy we hope there aren't any fires in the bush - those poor people and animals who live there must be scared and we will pray that there aren't any fires. You stay inside Mr Puddy and enjoy the coolness of the air conditioner.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Dma said...

stay safe (and cool) Puddy.

Pellie / Penny said...

All of you stay safe & cool inside the house. I'll purr really hard that nothing happens to any of the poor creatures who have to live outside,


Ann Boyajian said...

Glad you're inside, Puddy Boy!

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh Mr. Puddy that is way too hot and so very scary mixed with wind.
Thank goodness you have a cool home.
Lots of purrs for the beings in the bush.
Hugs Madi your BFFF

Katie Isabella said...

I will help purr Puddy. I remember the 2009 times. Mommy and I have a friend in Melborne Victoria and she told us about those terrible times. I am glad you are in Puddy. Please don't go out. And we must pray for those humans and animals who are suffering.


Unknown said...

Stay safe, my friend. Love and purrs coming your way!

meowmeowmans said...

Oh! That is VERY hot, Puddy! We are glad you are staying inside with your Dad. We will purr and pray that everyone outside stays safe.


Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

OMC Puddy! 105 F!!! OMC I can't even imagine! Thank COD you are in with lots of water where it is cool.
We will pray for those in bush country for sure!

LP said...

We hope the people and animals around the fire danger zones will be safe during this hot spell. Stay inside Mr. Puddy and get caught up on your sleep! :)

the critters in the cottage xo

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Stay in and STAY COOL, Puddy!

The Chans

Pretinha said...

Espero que o calor diminua, e que nada de mau aconteça.

Mr. Black said...

Oh, is better to stay inside on hot days. It is winter here, so I am trying to stay warm (but, it is not as cold as other winter places).

Texas, a Cat in... Austin said...

I hope you don't get any bushfire and I will purrs for the humans and the animals in the bush.

I wish I could exchange some of our cold weather (around 0 C) with your hot weather :-/

Purrs and stay inside!

Cherry City Kitties said...

Continued purrs and prayers for all.
Harry, Dexter and Tipp

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

The hottest we get is laying in the sun inside, hahameow! There were a few days this summer that Teri didn't let us out in the condo on our deck though!

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