Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Puddy Let's Exercise !

Yes, Mom I can do that !

Left and Right,
Left and Right,

" Puddy, I mean you have to do some move.
I'm going to throw the rope to you, and you catch, O.K. ? "
Mom said.

O.K. ! Bring it on, Mom !!!

" Is that it ? " Mom asks

What do you want mom, I already MOVE !

" More Move Piggy Puddy !, You need to lose more weight ! "

Not a problem !
This time, I move my both paws ; )

Note from mom : Puddy love this game and in general, he will run , jump to catch the rope but not today. Diet boy didn't have a mood to play ; )


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Poor Mr Puddy, you are so starved you haven't the energy to play.

The Furries of Whisppy said...

Of course not, Mom! He doesn't have enough food = not enough energy = no mood to play!


Cindy Adkins said...

Oh Puddy Boy, thank you for making me laugh today! You ARE looking a little plump! hee hee hee That's ok...I'm on a diet too!
Hugs and purrs from Buster, Rudy, Sam and Mom Cindy

Sweet Purrfections said...

Of course he's not going to play with it when you want him to.

Sparkle said...

Making something part of a healthy lifestyle just ruins everything, doesn't it, Mr. Puddy?

Old Kitty said...

Mr Puddy!! You are toning and stretching your paws and neck!! We consider that super duper exercise for a Monday!! Yay!! Take care

Brian's Home Blog said...

I don't know, that seemed pretty active to me!

The Kitties of Purring Pines said...

Mr. Puddy, you must be starving if you don't have the energy to chase the toy! Surely your mommy sees this!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

MOL you sure have your mum on the hope there sweety.. Hugs GJ xx


I got three words for you Mr Puddy:
Let's get physical!

(do you hear Olivia Newton John singing in the background, I know I do!)


Cathy Keisha said...

Puddy is too malnurished to play. Actually, that's how I play. I move my paws.

BeadedTail said...

It's not fun to play when your tummy isn't as full as it should be plus how do you play on demand for the camera? Humans just don't think things through sometimes.

Unknown said...

Poor Mr. Puddy is probably too weak to eat! Try the laser light. I can run my kitties silly with that! Janet@TheCatOnMyHead

Just Ducky said...

Way to fake her out playing.

meowmeowmans said...

Puddy, we understand, pal. There are different levels of "active," right? :)

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Puddy, ya know that if you move more and run around a lot, ya can probly have more food...

Fr. Tom Fish said...

Puddy, we're counting on you to show us how to get thin!

The Island Cats said...

Puddy, I went to the vet today and you know what she told me?? That I have to diet!!! Just like you!! I can't believe it!! Maybe we could exercise together.


Tamago said...

Oh Puddy, are you too hungry to move? Diet is tough! I hope you get used to the less amount of food and have your energy back!

The Chair Speaks said...

We know how you feel Puddy. Just like our humans, we have those don't-want-move days! Purrs!

Gigi said...

Well! Perhaps "Diet Boy" was not in the "mood to play" because he is S-T-A-R-V-I-N-G!!! Poor Puddy, I can just see how thin and weak you are! Poor thing--you haven't even got the strength to stand up.

I know what would help!!! Some nice FOOD, Like an extra 1/4 cup even!! Right, Buddy?

Well, I tried, Man. But she's tough!

Barbara said...

Poor boy, you're obviously wasting away with all that exercise. Wee soul...

Hjulia huller om buller said...

We think you fool your mom a little ;-)
You just want more food or treats before you play with her.



Gattina said...

Be careful Puddy, don't overdo it !

Fireblossom said...

Puddy is his own cat! :-)

Avalon Cat Cartoons said...

But you don't need to exercise! You already have the perfect figure ;-)

Luna said...

Oh my lovely friend Puddy, I guess you are now so tired after this and you must go for a nap!Very deserved!
purrs and love

Dma said...

hate to be the bad cop mr. puddy but if you don't exercise your mom will keep you on that too little food diet...

MandaBurms FarmStay for Cats. said...

GASP _ Diet boy oh poor Puddy. He must be starving hence no energy to play. SMILE
Love Leanne (who has some tubby burmese girls)

My Mind's Eye said...

MOL Puddy we cats do not perform on command unless there is a foodable reward.
Hugs madi

da tabbies o trout towne said...

ya knead ta tell yur mum mr puddy... ya canna poss a blee mewv...e coz ya haznt had a good meel in ...play it up heer for sympathy...in yeerz... and de kitteh iz starvin...pizza piez pleez....

Pretinha said...

Ânimo querido Puddy, você precisa fazer exercícios.

Ann Boyajian said...

Poor Puddy! You are too weak from starvation to do more than lift a paw. This is good - your mom will feel guilty and give you a juicy prawn (or we will).

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

Mr. Puddy you need to exercise your jaws on some chewy meat!!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Puddy you put out the same kind of effort that I do...Love, Cody

GreatGranny said...

Handsome Puddy, you're just pleasingly plump. Doesn't Mom know that exercise has to be your idea? I love the laser light, more fun.
xoxo Kassey

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, I am still laughing, his movement is ever so slight! Hello, I am Miss Kitty and your new follower! I want to invite you to visit my new blog and follow me too...will you follow me Mr Puddy? I'd love having you. Mummy says to thank your Mummy... Thank You Mr Puddy's Mum!
Lots of Purrs & Hugs,
Miss Kitty & Mum


Marg said...

Too funny Puddy. If you aren't getting any food, how can you run after the rope.Maybe you just weren't in the mood. Love those pictures though.

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Poor Poor you , Mr Puddy, you are so starved you haven't the energy to play :(
Sure hope you will get larger food portions soon so you be able to play :)

LP said...

Puddy, we are WEEPING for you over here! It is sooo obvious that you are just wasting away! Pretty soon all we will see is skin and bones!! Maybe your Mama will make the connection betwen no energy to play and the need for MORE food.(we hope your Mama got the message Puddy...we tried... ;) ).

the critters in the cottage xo

Pattyskypants said...

He's weak from hunger. Can't move. Gotta conserve his energy.

Mickey's Musings said...

Oh no!! First the diet,now exercise????
Arrrghhhh!!!!!! Purrs Puddy ;)
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Treasure,Tiger, JJ and Julie

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I can totally understand the expression from your eyes.

Cherry City Kitties said...

Wait til the middle of the night... then move everywhere, up and down the hall, run and jump on the bed... that'll teach her!
Harry, Dexter and Tipp

Gigi said...

Poor thing--still at it I see. Well, I'll try to follow along, but mostly I just fall asleeee......

Shaggy and Scout said...

Poor Puddy has no energy to chase the rope! Feed him!!!

Unknown said...

Mr Puddy,
Me would not play if me was not fed!

Clooney said...

Man that diet is taking all your energy buddy! I'z going to Fed-Ex you some Num-Nums pronto! (PS: We loved your Mousebreath interview, we are sorry we missed your comment cut-off.)

CATachresis said...

I think you make your point Mr Poot! All the energy is generated from the rear, eh?? !!! MOL xx

Hannah and Lucy said...

Mr Puddy you must be too weak to play with your Mom.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

ButterBean said...

Dear Puddy - thank you for your kind offer to send us your hots .. maybe we can compromise - i send you cold you send me hots and we can both have normal temperatures .. ?

Layla Morgan Wilde ( Cat Wisdom 101) said...

Aw Puddy, we wanted to see you dance Gangnam style!

Photo Cache said...

you don't have enough energy to play now that you don't have enough food to supply that energy right?

keep it up.

emma and buster

Ellen Whyte said...

LOL, piggy Puddy? We didn't hear that. MOL!

Donna said...

I hope u win the aerobics contest. :)

CCL Wendy said...

I think maybe Mr. Puddy doesn't have enough energy to play because he's STARVING!!!

Poor baby.

Jacqueline said...

We like to dance with the cat dancer toy, but mostly, it's our Mommy who works out and we lay around and watch...We think you need more food for more energy, sweetie!...love and hugs, handsome friend...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Cat Street Boyz said...

Oh geez, don't you just hate the hunger games.......tee hee=^Y^=

Sasha said...

you moved both paws and she still wants more action!!!
Princess Aurora (Shubunkin)

Zee and Zoey - Deb Barnes said...

"Diet Boy!" What a nickname! Well, you did move both paws, so we don't know what the fuss is all about!

The Florida Furkids said...

You moved TWO paws? Gee....after seeing that we need a nap!!! You must be exhausted!

The Florida Furkids

Jans Funny Farm said...

Aw, Mr. Puddy, we feel for you. Same size, but 1/2 food = 1/2 energy, right? Speaking of energy, nap time.

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