Friday, January 11, 2013

The Jab Clinic Part II

( 7.91 kg = 17.4386 pound )

I didn't have a chance, the doctor grab me to do basic checking...Like Teeth, Eyes, and My heart beating.


" Diet ? No Way !!! "

With my cute face, Mom stick up for me.
Mom fights for unlimited proper feeding.
 But the doctor stick with the stingy limit !
And guess what ?
 my daddy is on the doctor's side !

Da doctor and Daddy gave mom crappy full information about...
How to put me on diet,
How I can get the benefit from lose weight.
Especially, I have a history of litter box's problem.
Finally, Mom got completely brain washed !

She said to the doctor " Alright, I will reduce his food ! "

Getting Jab ! Jab ! are coming !

I've GONE !
No More Cooperation !!!

And before I left, The next victim just arrived


The Kitties of Purring Pines said...

Oh Puddy! You poor sweetie! Our mommy is a bigger pushover than yours. You will have to work on the pitiful, starving looks!

The Florida Furkids said...

Oh no! Not the dreaded "D" word!!!! We think you look purrfect! After all, you've got all the floof and probably are just ManCatly dood underneath it all!!

The Florida Furkids

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

Oh no! Mr Puddy we are so sorry! We think you are looking like you are in great shape! Act as if you have no strength, weak from hunger! Give mom sad pitiful stares. Maybe she will weaken!

Marshmallow and Peanut

Angel Simba said...

Puddy! Not possibly cutting your food in half! Noooooooooo!!

Our vet also gives jabs when we are in the PTU. Sneaky!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

The nasty "D" word! We don't usually hear that word when we go to the v-e-t, thank goodness!!!

You did seem to handle your trip well though.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Eeeeek! The dirty word - diet. And a jab too. What a dehumanizing ... um, we mean defelinizing experience.

GreatGranny said...

OH noes, sweet Puddy. My ebil Vet jabs me in my PTU where it's supposed to be safe. He gets me from behind too, the coward...mol
xoxo Kassey

MandaBurms FarmStay for Cats. said...

Well Puddy the cats that we bred that are coming back to us - owners are telling us they need to be on a diet. I feel the vets have no idea WHAT they are talking about. I think they think a Mandalay is like a siamese or oriential...A Mandalay is meant to be heavy like a burmese....

Just tell your mum and dad you must have some burmese in you.

Diets suck (I know!)

Love MandaBurms Clan

meowmeowmans said...

In HALF? HALF??? Oh no, Puddy, this is such terrible news! We are so sorry that you have to go on a d-i-e-t. :(

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Oh this is like a horror movie. Mr. Puddy, so sorry you have to be starved to death. I hope you live

bonks and bronks

Teddy Westlife said...

Pssst Mr Puddy. I have food available all day at my house. Come over for a visit.


Mr Puddy
I can smuggle rations to you!

Poppy Q said...

Hahaha we loved your vet visit Puddy. Sorry you have to be on a diet like me.

Julie and Poppy Q

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

OMG PUDDY!!!! Lenny and I read this together and we are just laughing our heads off! I am sorry we are laughing at your expense but ohhhh how we laughed!
I am so sorry you have to go on a diet, I think I should let cody see this, he thinks he has it so bad that he was trying to eat Dakota's food!
I can't believe they gave you a shot while you were in your carrier! Where is your lawyer!?
I forgot to tell you yesterday that I really think your vet has a beautiful office. Wow!! It is soooo colorful!
Puddy you make me so happy!!

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Oh wow! Poor Mr. Puddy! Lies about your weight (all that fluff must weigh at least two or three pounds, right!), diet brainwashing AND two jabs INSIDE the carrier! Oh my goodness, you poor poor thing! This calls for treats! And those wont count as food because they're not, they're treats!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! They can't cut your food in half Mr Puddy, you will waste away.Tell your mum that I am a bit heavier than you but the vet tells me I am a good weight. (I used to be 11kg a couple of years ago)

Sparkle said...

What a traumatic vet experience, Mr. Puddy! :-(

Shaggy and Scout said...

This is all so wrong!!! That scale IS a liar! Cut your foods in HALF! You are going to waste away to nothing, then they'll be sorry!

Ann Boyajian said...

Oh no, Puddy, not a DIET!! Our mom likes a hefty (NOT FAT) kitty. You tell your mom there's more of you to love [the way you are]. We think you're puuuurfect.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Oh sweety you went through a terrible thing and they did the awful D word too.. You will have to work your charm on your mum.. Hugs GJ xx

Mickey's Musings said...

Yikes!!! Nobody is sticking up for you :o
We will purr you survive the diet!
Darn Vets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Treasure,Tiger, JJ and Julie

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Not to worry, Mr Puddy, when you go outside just fill up on some nice joosie mousies!

BeadedTail said...

Puddy, that v-e-t obviously doesn't recognize that you have the purrfect Mancatly physique! He needs to cut his own food in half not yours!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah Dear,
Visiting vet is always horrible.

The Cat Guy said...

yikes, quite the trauma. you might consider geting your humans to swirl around the toys more so you can run and jump more, then maybe you can keep the unlimited foods!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Mr Puddy, you need to adopt a housemate kitteh so you can steal its food!

The Island Cats said...

Oh no, Mr. Puddy! Not the D word!! So unfair!!

Fr. Tom Fish said...

Oh, Puddy! That's cruel and unusual to cut your food like that!

You're not overweight, you're under tall!

Cathy Keisha said...

OMC! The torture! You deserve treats for that not diet. No way.

The Very Best Cats said...

Oh Mr Puddy, we are sorry you have to go on a diet. We are big boys too. And you had to get that jabby thing too? We hate going to the Dr. We are glad it is all over for you now. Except for the diet. So sorry Mr. Puddy.

Oui Oui said...

Ow! Ow! Ow! How can they do that to you? Don't they know its bad for a kitty to diet? Dieting has been known to kill kitties! Your mom would feel really bad if that happened cause she has a soft heart. And kitties know when to stop eating, so you should get all the food you want. We think you need a new vet!

Unknown said...

Mr Puddy,
Yous done good at the vets! Has yous got some tips for Kozmo? (He has gots to goes to the vets this month)

Angel Prancer Pie said...

CUT FOOD IN HALF??? This is wrong and you shouldn't stand for it, Puddy. Diet is a dirty, four-letter word!

Cara n Crew said...

mol! Mr Puddy, your pictures made us laff! but Y0W! we cannot believe the cruelty you are being subjected to with that "D" thing! Are you sure that v-e-t wasn't leaning on the scale? We'll send you some shtinky goodness that you can hide outside in the bushes...

Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie

Stacy Hurt said...

Oh let the humans think they can cut your food right now. In a few days like their new years resolutions; they will have forgotten all about it and you will be livin large again. Kisses and hugs
Ms. Stella O Houligan

Gigi said...

Let 'em cut your food portions, Big Boy. Then you go out and get yourself a nice pigeon or turkey or something. Maybe you can catch a cow or a salmon. There's all kinds of food just wandering around out there!

Those last pictures made me and my Human laugh so much we had to go pee. "I go with kitty!!!" Ha ha ha ha ha

kelley said...

Mr Puddy that was some rough trip to the vet...sorry about the diet...we want you to be healthy and if you have potty problems you must do what the vet say...

my kitties need a diet too...they are getting too "fluffy" this are not in this alone...why, I'm even going to try and stick to my diet better in your honor...

The Furries of Whisppy said...

Muscle weighs more than fat! You're muscular Mr Puddy! Not fat. Hee hee hee. Do you think your vet will believe that?

Anzu said...

Mr.Puddy =ΦwΦ=
It seems a hard trial for you who
know the pleasure of eating.(・Θ・;)
Also for me.
So, I believe that slightly plump keeps me in good health.

GLOGIRLY said...

Oh Puddy...I know too well how you feel. Did you hear? I'm on a diet too. I can't believe it. And on top of it all, this stupid kitten, Waffles Too, who gets UNLIMITED foods eats his AND mine.
It's a crime. And I'm the victim.
; ) Katie

We love LUNA said...

Oh noooo torture day!
I understand your feelings sweet Prince Puddy, but now you can rest and take a deserve nap at home!
I'm sending purrs and lights to your heart!

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Puddy boy,
Come live with us. Serious! You can give the lone tuxie, Seb, a run for his money. My Mama says big is good coz you're cuddly. purrrr.....meow!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

oh no! That D word is Drastic and Disastrous and a Dirty trick! xx

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Say it ain't so, Puddy!! Tell them you're like me and Hammy - we're just big breeds! We're allowed to weigh extra!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Oh Dear, Puddy! That's just so awful!

The Chans

Pretinha said...

Dieta! Que horror! Qualquer um vê que você é puro músculo Puddy, que injustiça!

Gattina said...

what an adventure ! Diet ?? I love round cats, I think if I would put Arthur on diet he would meow his protests 24 h per day !

My Mind's Eye said...

Puddy I suspect your 'extra' calories are taken in when you are on the prowl outside....MOL You know the things you eat outside have calories too.
Hugs Madi MOL

Tamago said...

LOL! Oh Mr Puddy, I'm so sorry about your ordeal but what a funny post! The vet did good job brain washing your mom. And your could he be vet's side?! Well good luck with diet :-)

da tabbies o trout towne said...

meowloz ta ewe mr puddy; we just reeded yur way awesum interviews over at mousebreath N wanted ta stop by N say HI....

sorree bout de D werd...its gotta bee az bad az what de B werd iz for uz

BURD...we hate em

anymew; nice ta meet ewe N feel free ta stop by trout towne anytime....we due knot let de werd diet on de shelves; we all ways haz food on de grill 24/7...just knot


sew pull up a hammick, grab a plate or 4, help yurself N we hope ewe haza FABulous flounder fryday anda grate week oh end

peace out N rock on !!

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Mr Puddy I´m so sorry to hear you are put on a diet :(
Me I have the opposite problem , I weigh to little wich means free amount of treats :)

Layla Morgan Wilde ( Cat Wisdom 101) said...

If it's any consolation, our old Siamese boy Merlin used to weigh the same as you and is now half that but from kidney disease. Our advice is go slow with the diet and more exercise.

Photo Cache said...

Mr. Puddy how are you. Nice to read all your posts that we missed. Nice to see you blogging again.

Sorry that you had to go on a diet. Well the beginning of a new year is the perfect time to diet anyway.

Emma and Buster

Unknown said...

No more scales. Agree with the doc and then do what you want. Happiness is extremely healthy.

CATachresis said...

Ooooh! Ouch!!!! But you are soooooo very funny Mr P!!! You give me the laugh of the day/week/month/year!! ;)


Cara n Crew said...

we came back to let you know we added a Youtube link for our movie. Sometimes our mom gets lazy (ok, alot of times) and she just uploads our movies through blogger instead of going through Youtube. Have a great weekend! we're off to check out your interview :)

Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Oh no, not dieting! Poor Puddy! Just tell your mom you would do more exercise instead, meaning staying out longer. :)

Jacqueline said...

So sorry for the unfortunate vet visit, sweetie, but we are glad that is over for you...Of course, you are not fat, you are a big, handsome man who always makes us swoon=we love you so much, Puddy...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Daisy said...

Mr. Puddy, I am with you. They should be INCREASING your food allowance!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Hahameow...Teri laffed but we sympathized with your plight...

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