Saturday, November 21, 2015

Kitty Menu

Friends, Thanks so much for your purrs. Finally I'm back to 100% myself.

It means...

Me is Back ! ... and Nothing can kill my appetite !"

Me is so ready to design my menu ! 

To design the kitty menu is a very hard job !

To do this , A kitty have to make sure the human achieved cat communication in advanced level 
Plus having a special bond with you.

Once me know what I want, I will drop myself on exactly location like this...

" Mom, Dried food please ! "

" You already eat your dinner, Puddy " Mom lies says

" Mom, All my friends purrs for me to eat. I can't disappoint them ! Feed me please !!! " Puddy boy urges to his mission.

" Sorry, Puddy you are on diet ! " Mom said without humeownity

" Mom, you can't do this to me... you will ruin my foodflow and reduce my productivity ( poop ) "

" Sorry, Puddy "  Mom smiles

" Mom, YOU FAIL  ! " Me meow out loud ... me can't believe I have to train her all over Again !


The Florida Furkids said...

Oh no...these humans are so't If you ask us, we think you should get anything you want. For some reason, Mom doesn't agree. Smething about staying healthy. Well........we guess she has a point there.

The Florida Furkids

Katnip Lounge said...


This is unacceptable!

Puddy, you teleport over RIGHT NOW and we'll share an entire BOWLFUL of chikken jerky!

XX Salem

Summer at said...

Oh well, Mr. Puddy - back to the drawing board!

Becca Dutill said...

You is a darling little devil Pudds!

JudyMae said...

So glad that you are wanting to eat again Puddy. Wanting to eat and getting to eat must mean two different things to your Mom. I am sure she only wants what is best for you - prawns, right?!!!

JudyMae said...

So glad that you are wanting to eat again Puddy. Wanting to eat and getting to eat must mean two different things to your Mom. I am sure she only wants what is best for you - prawns, right?!!!

kelley said...

Puddy I am so happy you are 100% make my heart sing...sorry about the diet...

Megan said...

Oh no, Mr Puddy. That's a very disturbing state of affairs. Your menu design was an excellent innovation designed to keep things very very simple for your Mom. Perhaps you could try training your dad instead?

Sydney, Australia

Angel Prancer Pie said...

We are So happy you are back to your normal self, Puddy!

Crafting Queen said...

So glad you are better Mr Puddy. Hope you get your humans trained again. lol

Poppy Q said...

Glad you feel better my friend. You have a lovely kitchen too!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

The lack of humeownity shown by your Mom is very distressing, Puddy! Can we help? Send secret food?

The Chans

Jacqueline said...

We sure hope you got those prawns, darling Puddy, but we've ALWAYS got extra treats to share with you here, sweetie...Happy weekend, handsome, we love you...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki, Mommy Cat, Daddy Cat
PS...Our Mommy thinks you have a lovely kitchen!!

CATachresis said...

It's two steps forward and one step back Mr Poot!! In my case it's one step forward and two steps back!! MOL But your ongoing discussion with the Mom is obviously in need of some Union intervention!!! BUT I am so glad you are feeling better, buddy!! xxxxx

Cherry City Kitties said...

Puddy, sometimes we don't know how you survive... *secretly preparing to airmail you some lake trout...*

Brian's Home Blog said...

Wait a minute Mr. Puddy...Mom took you to the Vet because you wouldn't eat, now she won't feed you? That doesn't sound right! Bring on the prawns!!!!!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

What a let down Mr Puddy, after you designed your menu so well. You need to come and visit me. I have food down all the time to encourage me to eat and so I don't lose more weight. I never eat all of it so maybe you can help me out.

My Mind's Eye said...

Ohhhhh save me a sit at your dinner table it all sounds delish
Hugs madi your bfff
PS I'm glad you are feeling better.

Mariodacat said...

Oh Puddy, I sure do feel your pain pal. I'm having the same problem with my human. I finally reached my goal weight, and now humans are watching me like a hawk so I don't put it on again. Not fair!!! Keep us posted buddy.

The Meezers or Billy said...

wow, ferst she tells you eat and then she tells you that you are on a diet. NOT FAIR!!!!

Fireblossom said...

Poor Puddy! lol

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

What is wrong with humans ??!!
First they whant you to eat and then you eat well you are told you have to go on a diet ??!!


Laila and Angel Minchie said...

So happy you are back to 100% of your old self, Mr. Puddy!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Boy Puddy you better paw-whap her into shape! How dare she deprive you of your rightful food!!??

Don't give up!
Love, Cody

Saku said...

We is so happy to hear you is feeling 100% Mr. Puddy! But how to explain the mom bean...first she is worried you won't eat and now when you want to she doesn't want you to? What's up with that?

We hopes you gets lots of stinky goodness when you wants it!

Sasha, Sami, & Saku

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

We're so happy you are 100% better again. Woohoo! If we all meow louder here in blogland, maybe your mom will get the message you need food?

Sending purry shouts and hugs,

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

It's shocking how fast they can lose their training, isn't it? I hope you wear her down and get your foods!

Katie Isabella said...

Puddy! When you are finished with Salem's offering, come right over here to MY house and if we get our pictures taken together after we eat, the whole world will fall over at our beauty!

Marg said...

Oh No Puddy, that Mom needs to feed you right NOW!!!! We hope she did feed you. We are so glad you are all back to normal. We are doing a happy dance for you. You all take good care.

Pasha's Mommy said...

Why diet? It's all floof!!! You have to use other teck-nicks Mr. Puddy.

Gattina said...

Why are humans so fanatic with diet ? Cats don't need diet !

The J-Cats said...

Mr.Puddy, We think you need to get your Union Rep. in to negotiate with your Human. And you should have a propurr-ly signed contract, detailing your inalianable right to whatever food you want, WHEN you want.
Our Mummy is a lawyer, so We know all about Contracts and would be happy to advise you (Pro Bono) on this matter.

The Kitties of Purring Pines said...

So glad your well! Don't ever give up on getting more food!!!

Lola The Rescued Cat said...

How could she refuse that face?

Dma said...

We hope you don't wither away to nothing...

Anonymous said...

Oh Puddy, weez so glad yous back.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Lexi

meowmeowmans said...

Puddy, we are happy you are feeling better! As for the diet ... humans are SO confusing!

Eastside Cats said...

Keep at it, Puddy! She'll relent sooner or later; you know she will!

Photo Cache said...

Oh yeah Mr. Puddy is back with 100% catitude too!

Emma and Buster

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We would go for unspiced grilled chickie breast. But you DO have good choices...

Purrfect Haven said...

yeah, you really do have 'catitude' and we love you for it. Love Helen, Darcy and Bingley xxxx

Tamago said...

Hi Mr. Puddy, I'm so glad you are 100% better now! But sounds like you have a work to your human :-) I wish you a good luck! Have a wonderful weekend xoxo

Deb said...

Your mom is so strong. I would cave for that face. :)

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