Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Food VS. Humid

Flashback to 3 weeks ago.

Friends, I didn't do well at all. It was sooooo Hot & Humid. All I did .. Me was camping most of the time, I didn't eat much even prawns !  I lose weight super fast. from 8.2 to 7.4 kg. ( 18 pound to 16.3 pound ). Mom & Dad started to worry because I didn't do poop for 3 days !

And on top of that, I did have watering eye so me did end up at the VET. We was heading home with an eye-drop & dried cat-nip leaves.

The Thai doctor offered mom the feliway to ease my stress but mom asked for cat-nip instead. And I was so lucky, my human uncle visited me with all these yummy snacks !

My eye got back to normal in a week  & Me get appetite back as well !

PS : I put da weight back on 7.5 kg. ( 16.5 pound ) with NO DIET !  It's PAWSOME !


Katie Isabella said...

Oh Piuddy darling, I hope you are staying inside where it is cooler? I wonder if your momma and daddy would like you to have a lion cut?
All my love, handsome boy,

Hannah and Lucy said...

Puddy we hope you have started to eat well again as we don't want to see you looking like a skeleton.

kelley said...

Puddy your uncle saved the day with all those treats...I would have been frantic if you didn't want the prawns...so glad you are doing better and that squid...my cats would love too...always love you!

Fuzzy Tales said...

Hey, it's great you got all those treats, Puddy. We hope that your appetite is back to normal now, though. Purrs from us!

Dma said...

squid! you are lucky boy.

Crafting Queen said...

Glad to hear you are eating again. Keep cool.

Marg said...

I am sure that whole move was very stressful for you Puddy but so glad you are feeling better now. The trip must have been hard too. Hope you keep on feeling better now.

Three Chatty Cats said...

Puddy, glad you like the squid. Keep eating up!

Eastside Cats said...

Looking good, Mr. Puddy! Your human uncle brought you some good stuff!

Cathy Keisha said...

I'm glad you're feeling better. Nip makes everything better.

Pretinha said...

Meu amor Puddy fico contente que você voltou a se alimentar,
você passou por tantas mudanças que é compreensível que você tenha perdido
o apetite. Muitos cafunés para você menino bonito!

Kari said...

The extreme heat and high humidity are things you're not used to. It takes a while to get used to that kind of weather. Lots of things are different. Take it easy dear friend. We're happy you get to have treats to gain weight.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

It can be tough to change environments like that, Puddy! We are glad your uncle came to the rescue with all those yummy treats (we saw there were Japanese treats there too!), and are glad you are gaining weight again!

The Chans

Brian's Home Blog said...

I sure am glad normal found you once again Mr. Puddy, keep it up pal!

Tamago said...

Oh Mr. Puddy, moving must have been really stressful for you. I'm glad you are better now. The dried squid snack looks very yummy :-)

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

YAY PUDDY!! We were getting worried there for a moment! You probably lost weight from the stress of flying and the move. Now that you are settled and things are becoming more familiar you have your appetite back!! YAY!!!!! Keep it up! Love from all of us! xoxoxoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

Unknown said...

I'm so happy he's eating again, he is just beautiful!

Mariodacat said...

Oh Puddy pal, we just hate it when you don't feel well. M said she worries more about you than she does me when I sick. Now how is that for news? Thanks M! That picture of you at the end of your post today is just priceless. We love you buddy.

The Island Cats said...

Puddy! We're glad you're feeling better...and gaining some weight back.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Oh, Puddy, we are glad you are feeling better. It's so hard getting use to a new country and climate.

Megan said...

Encore indeed - although, personally, I'd only call 'encore' for chocolate, not dried squid. Still, each to their own. It's wonderful that your parents were able to take you to the vet and that they have family close by who can pitch in with special treats for you. Please take care.

Sydney, Australia

Lola The Rescued Cat said...

Puddy, we're so glad you're doing better and decided to eat!

pilch92 said...

Nice snacks from your Uncle. I am glad you are eating better.

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

Squid?! That sounds yummy! I'm glad you're feeling better, Mr. Puddy - you probably were just going through a period of adjustment after moving.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Puddy, not that WE have had much change, but we are told it can be difficult. We think you did really good... Always a good sign to gain back weight.

Ingrid said...

Good that you are feeling better ! When it's very hot here (which doesn't happen often) my cats eat less too, and I think we humans too. But loosing so much weight was not normal.

My Mind's Eye said...

Thank goodness for Uncles! Mr. Puddy it is hard to get used to a new house,different weather. I'm so glad you are feeling better and have found the weight you lost.
Hugs Madi your bfff

Fireblossom said...

Enjoy the squids!

I didn't get Sir Robin. Someone else got him. :-(

Anonymous said...

Meow Puddy glad you're doin' better. Those squid look nommy.

Luv ya'


meowmeowmans said...

Those sure are some nice snacks, Mr. Puddy. Your human uncle is a cool dude!

We are so glad your eye is better, and that you have your appetite back.

Hugs to you, Mom and Dad!

LP said...

You have all your humans/ slaves so well trained to do your bidding Puddy! Next time though, ask for a little bit of butter to go with that squid! ;p

P.S. Thanks for the good wishes for Wilhelmina. She is doing well :)

the critters in the cottage xo

M Dawson said...

* phew * Don't scare us, star interviewee!! Thank goodness you are eating!!!!

Miranda and Silver
Dash Kitten

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