Thursday, May 19, 2016

The Mango Tree

In front of my house, there is a mongo tree. It's huge ! even we only have tiny area for garden. Mom told me .. On top of the tree, a couple of squirrels live there.

I have never met them yet so I got a good idea =^x^=

So I tried to go up, but daddy dragged me down,
probably... MR & MRS. Squirrel are not home.

And then...

PS. from mom : I has been warned by the neighbour the squirrel has very sharp teeth and I should be careful for Puddy.


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Poor Mr Puddy! When I was younger I used to climb the trees to catch the squirrels. They usually waited until I was nearly there then take a flying leap into another tree so I couldn't follow them. Sometimes they were too slow and no more Mr Squirrel!
I hope you are settling in well to your new home.

Hannah and Lucy said...

Mr Puddy our Mum loves mangos so could you arrange for to send us some so she'll stop going on about them all the time. It was wonderful to see you in the trees again having fun.

Marg said...

Oh no Puddy guess you won't be visiting the squirrels any time soon. That is probably better for you.That box idea is a good one. You all have a great day.

Fuzzy Tales said...

Mr. Puddy, it's probably better to watch the squirrels from a safe spot! Purrs.

Megan said...

Ha! And it was only the other day that you declared that you were going to be an indoor kitty. THAT didn't last long. I suggest that you bide your time, Mr P. Settle in to the new neighbourhood and perhaps just observe Mr and Mrs Squirrel for a while: give them time to get used to you before you climb up and try to introduce yourself. LOL

Sydney, Australia

Eastside Cats said...

Mr. Puddy, it's great that you are exploring your new world!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Well, how rude of your pawrents to put a silly box in the tree! Yes, be careful of those squirrels. They can be vishus!


You've gotten outside Mr Puddy. Be very safe in your new surroundings. Maybe it's better to just watch Mr Squirrel.

Stacy Hurt said...

I never seen a box tree before. You are lucky! Our mom says we have to order our boxes but you can just go pick some!

Stacy Hurt said...

I never seen a box tree before. You are lucky! Our mom says we have to order our boxes but you can just go pick some!

wildcatwoods said...

A box tree - how fun! Do stay in your safe yard now Puddy. Just watch the squirrels from down there.

Becca said...

You're not going to like my comment Puddy boy. But this message is for mom n dad.
I would highly recommend stapling some chicken wire as a barrier in the tree, to curtail any future thoughts of visiting Mr n Mrs Squirrel!

Dma said...

it's nice of you to want to meet the squirrels mr. puddy. however, I think they'd be OK if you just look at them in the distance. it's hard to hurt a squirrel's feelings.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said... Mom LOVES squirrels...I better not show her this! catchatwithcarenandcody

Summer at said...

That squirrel sounds dangerous!

pilch92 said...

Mr. Puddy- I thought you decided you was an indoor kitty. Be careful of the evil squirrels.

Photo Cache said...

What happened Puddy? You were going to be an indoor only kitty no? The call of the wild outdoor is too strong to ignore? Be careful with those ebil squirrels.

Emma and Buster

The Whiskeratti said...

Wow, how could they take away your tree?? But... all squirrels are ebil, so there is that.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Don't mess with those goofy squirrels Mr. Puddy!

CATachresis said...

Mr Poot, I think you should be careful of squirrels in mango trees!!!

The Florida Furkids said...

We think you need to stay far away from the vishus squirrels. We were hoping you were going to be an indoor kitty. Do you have a harness for outside?

The Florida Furkids

Timmy Tomcat said...

Oh golly Mr Puddy that skwerl is such a poor sport

Angel Prancer Pie said...

It's great to see you settling in and making new, yummy friends. MOL!

Cats Herd You said...

Is that box to stop the squirrel from coming down into your yard?

Pretinha said...

Mr. Puddy é melhor apenas observar os esquilos mal humorados!

meowmeowmans said...

Maybe Mom and Dad are trying to keep the squirrel from coming down the mango tree, Puddy! :)

The Island Cats said...

Oh Puddy. Your humans are ruining all your fun.

Saku said...

Yep, we think it would be better to watch the squirrel from a safe distance Mr. Puddy. Not only might it bite, but it could have a yucky disease!

Sasha, Sami, & Saku

Dash Kitten Crew said...

SHARP TEETH!?!?!?!?! Oh my Cat get some chicken wire around that tree! Stop climbing at once!!

Crafting Queen said...

Great to see you enjoying your new garden. Have fun.

Sasha said...

why are they always such spoil sports. I bet those squirrels would have been really excited to have you visit them!

Tamago said...

You have such a cool tree to climb up! Sorry for your pawrent's behavior...but your mom is right, squirrels can be dangerous for you. They are cute and fun to watch, but they can be pretty mean, too!

Kari said...

Humans like to watch squirrels but they can be nasty and bite. Then lots of vet visits and needles for you. Oh no. Stay out of there! But lucky to have your very own mango tree.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

The first of your adventures in a new land, Puddy! Maybe you should be careful about the squirrels...

The Chans

My Mind's Eye said...

Mr. Puddy if you are living in your new home now I don't blame your parents for blocking the tree. You might get up there and w/o a GPS get lost
Madi your bfff and mom

Jacqueline said...

We're glad you're safe from those evil squirrels, silly boy!...Happy weekend, handsome Puddy=we love you!...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki, Mommy Cat, Daddy Cat

LP said...

It's nice to see you comfortable and exploring your new home Puddy! Maybe you could pick the mangoes and make some mango pudding! Heehee. Stay away from the squirrel's sharp teeth!

the critters in the cottage xo

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Mangos grow on trees? We didn't know that. Around here TBT just brings them home from a store.

A trick about Evil Skwerls... Sit at the base of the tree after the skwerls leave it. And wait... They come back. Then POUNCE!

The Swiss Cats said...

Nice to meet you, Mr Puddy ! We're glad we found your blog thanks to Dash Kitten ! Purrs

Basil and The B Team ~ BionicBasil ® said...

Hi Mr Puddy, we just popped over from Dash Kitten to say we love your blog!


Basil & Co xox

A Tonl said...

*goggle eyed look* Wait. Squirrels have SHARP TEEFS! eeep!

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