Sunday, November 7, 2010

Find the new way out

" Since I was bitten at my tail twice, my curfew is so early. 7.30 pm., They locked me in. I'm not so happy about it so I try to find the new way out.

And here I am at the front of fire place ( Mom closed it by the white panel so I can't get into underneath the house: Link to old posted : Closed Fire Place ).

It doesn't stop me. I never never never give up, I tried to open that panel behind me again. I try to keep the noise down as much possible as I can. But mom still hear me " Puddy, what you doing ? " so I suddenly stop whatever I do. But I plan to do it again later.

" Do I think too loud  ?", It's like my mom can hear what I am thinking. She told my dad about my attempted then My dad opens up the fire place. Of course ! not for me to go out.

But my dad  completely close the fire place !!!    He lie down all bricks to the bottom . Now I can go no where....I miss my freedom at night !!!! " 

" Please.....Let's me out !!!!!! "

Please Visit my friends at Sunday Pet Pride


Katnip Lounge said...

Curses! Foiled again!
For now...


Mr Puddy
I am sure you will figure out a new plan!


Kay L. Davies said...

I can hear you thinking all the way from Canada, Puddy, so I know you'll figure something out. You are one very smart man cat.
-- Kay

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Old Kitty said...

Mr Puddy!!! You must never give up!! You are a clever kitty and will find a way out! Me and Charlie have faith in you!! :-)

Take care

Admiral Hestorb said...

No precious little one. You stay safe in the house, Your daddy and mommy love you and want to keep you safe.

You have the SWEETEST face I have ever SEEN! You are adorable!!!

Oskar said...

I'm sorry that you are trapped in at night, but I would't want you to get hurt!

Nubbin wiggles,

Kas said...

Oh Mr Puddy,

They are just trying to protect you and all those big bad critters out there safe.

Thanks for your support!!!

Brian's Home Blog said...

I think you are much safer inside, that tail bitey thing could turn out badly!

Mariodacat said...

You are one smart puddy tat - I'm sure you figure somehting out. Think pal - think!

The Chair Speaks said...

Stay home at night, Puddy. All of us don't go out at all. EJ says it's for our safety.

cats of wildcat woods said...

You are one smart cat Puddy but best be good and stay in. Snowball thanks you for coming to his party - it was fun.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We are glad to meet you, Mr Puddy.

Jacqueline said...

But, Puddy, it is much safer for you to stay inside at night, sweetie...Your parents love you and are taking great care of you=trust us, you are living the good life, handsome boy!!...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Joyful said...

Oh Mr. Puddy, you are a clever cat but I'm afraid your mom and dad are "cat" people so they know what you are thinking. I'm sure you do keep them on their toes!

magiceye said...

awwwww and these humans keep talking about freedom... bahh

Woof woof
from Bozo
Pet Pride

SeaThreePeeO said...

There's always another way out. You just have to look real hard for it.

Vicki said...

I am naughty and still insist on going out at night - especially full moons!!!

We love Luna said...

Wow you are keen on for some adventures!
Here my mommy let me go out using that "leash", but the weather is not good lately and it's better to go inside home! :)
purrs and love and a great Sunday

i beati said...

my cat is the same way and gives me the eyes !!Oh no the dreaded eyes !! sandy

Hannah and Lucy said...

Your escape hatch has been sealed then - how unkind of your mom and dad - how would they like it if you bricked up their outside doors?
Hannah was a bit miffed last night as mum locked the cat flaps down so she couldn't go out as it was Guy Fawkes night and lots of fireworks were going off all around us boo boo.
Thank you for your kindness yesterday - Lucy is feeling a little better today and has eaten a few mouthfuls of food but she is fighting taking her medication like a girl possessed!!

Sylvia K said...

Yeah, Bozo is right, humans always talking about freedom -- don't see them that concerned about OUR freedom most of the time! Hang in there, Mr. Puddy!

Sam and Mojo

Whisppy said...

I think your pawrents are just trying to keep you safe from the dangers of the outside world at night! Did Mummy give you something to play with in the house since you are not allowed out at night?

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