Sunday, December 5, 2010

A little gift from my sister

" Hey Puddy, I got something for you " My sister said

" What's that ? " Puddy asked

" A little gift from me " My Sister answered

PS : You can visit more friends of mine at Sunday Pet Pride


Princess Jasmine said...

Oooh, Puddy I bet you was very impressed with that hee he

Catio Tales said...

What did you do with it ? We do not have these funny things in northern Finland but the Britcats say they are crunchy and slimy :)

Jacqueline said...

Did you have fun with your new friend, Mr. Puddy?...We just commented on some previous posts we missed this week=hope you and your Mom are better now...Happy weekend, handsome friend...kisses..Calle, Halle, Sukki

Katnip Lounge said...

Puddy! We have never seen one of those! Was it tasty, or just fun to bat around?

Tell all!

Cory said...

I think I'd like that, dipped in some melted butter!

Admiral Hestorb said...

Mr. Puddy! Did you nom it?

Kea said...

Yes, we want to know if you ate it! :-D

Kas said...

What a lovely pressie, was it tasty.

Smudge eats slugs!!!!

giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Hi Puddy...
questo è un regalo per te ?
ma almeno, questa lumana è stata cucinata ?
Buona serata :)))))

Brian's Home Blog said...

Your very own little pal!

Old Kitty said...

Awww Mr Puddy!! What a sweet pressie from your sister!! Awwwww!!!

Me and Charlie hope you liked it! take care

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Your gift is fun to whap around but not to eat.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

is that a little snail? I have never seen one in a yard before!
Your grass looks so lush and beautiful and your clover is so pretty!!! Nice to see green because everything is gray and cold here right now.
Your sister has Christmas nail polish I see! Green and Red!

The Chair Speaks said...

These sometimes crawl into our meowyard after heavy rain. We have fun batting it till our human remove it. Our human didn't want us to get sick from playing with it.

Gigi said...

Did you get butter and garlic with that, Mr. Puddy?

magiceye said...

fun gift!!

Woof woof
from Bozo
Pet Pride

Tamago said...

Oh that is a nice gift! Did you have fun with it?
You look very, very cute lying on the grass. It must feel nice to play with nature.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

I get lots of these in my garden, especially now that we are in spring.

Love your portrait posted on Dec 2

Barbara said...

I hope you didn't eat the snail Mr Puddy, we used to get a lot in our last garden but don't see many in this one.

Carolyon said...

Oooo! Yuck! That's not much of a present if I say so myself. Catnip and treats are much better!

Gemma Wiseman said...

O please don't try that snail Mr Puddy. Snails are good as toys to flick, but they really are not your kind of food!

Ellen Whyte said...

Watch out Puddy, some of those are poisonous to kitties!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Ah thats sweet of your sister to give you a playmate.. Hugs GJ xx

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

A noo toy is always nice!

jabblog said...

Very handsome you look, too. I hope you don't try to eat the snail - they're not good for cats and dogs :-(

Ingrid said...

Puddy snails are nothing for you, they don't run like mousies and are very boring. Ask Arthur !

Sylvia K said...

That looks like fun toy, but we've heard they're kind of slimy so I hope you didn't eat it! I bet a mouse would be more fun to chase -- they're a lot faster!!

Sam and Mojo

Parker said...

That's an awesome toy!
Thanks for your good wishes for our Rudy!

Cara n Crew said...

ewww! We have those here but have never played with one...course we're on the inside and they're on the outside...

Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, and Hollie

Mariodacat said...

Well, Mr. Puddy, dat is a pretty nice prezzie your sisfur gave you. I never seen a snail before cuz we don't has dem in WI. Was it fun to bat around?

We love Luna said...

How lucky you are!
It's so nice to have a sis so adorable and play all together!
Luna - We love Luna

The Creek Cats said...

That looks like a very fun gift to whap around. Wonder if it is nommy?

Whisppy said...

Hahahaha. Your sister has a very good sense of humour. :)

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