Sunday, June 12, 2011

Look at this !!!! All For Me !

Many... Many Mousies
Many... Many Balls
Lots of springs , Cat wands and Ham-Mick

Mom said she bought all for me !!!

Do you think I do believe her ?
NO !!!!

She just talks a load of crap !!!
and I knew it !

Mom can't trick me !
Because I see the lovely card
and It's from my lovely friends,
 Zoe and Fuzzy ( O.K.Cats ) !!!!
( They are hot though ; )

All are the prize, I won from Tummy Contest : )
Thank You so much Zoe and Fuzzy
and I've never enough say..
Thanks for all friends who voted for me.

Now it's the time for me to pay attention with all prize !

Next !
Next !
NEXT !!!!!

OMC ! This is a ton of toys for me !
Now, I don't know which one I should play next.

Oh, I'm so exhausted ! I need a big break !!!

On my new Ham-Mick,of course !
It's so Purrfect fit and I love it

Thank You so much again Zoe and Fuzzy

PS : To Zoe and Fuzzy, I'm so sorry to tell you. The cat treat have been has been seized by Australian Quarantine : Food smuggler is not allowed !


The Whiskeratti said...

Oh wow. That is a lot of fun stuff to play with! We're so jealous. Enjoy it all!

Mariodacat said...

WOOHOO - Looks like you heisted the entire toy store. Super nice prizes to win too buddy. I may have to come over and help you play with then.

Angel Simba said...

Puddy, the toys look like a lot of fun, but the Hammick is an awesome present/prize!!!

CATachresis said...

Oh well done Mr Puddy! But you sure exhausted yourself. Too much of a good thing, eh. Your face is a picture.

You should pace yourself, Buddy. Love Austin ^,,^

Cory said...

Wow, that's a whole lotta toys! Mom was laughing at what you meowed about your mom.

Make sure you get lots of rest so you can play some more.

Katnip Lounge said...

OMC! You and your Tummy have SCORED, Puddy! What a lovely prize package...and that hammick looks ACE!
We are snickering at the thought of some silly Customs Human snacking on Cat treats...hee hee hee! Serves 'em right for stealing them out of your gift.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Look at that jackpot you hit Mr. Puddy!!! They sure sent you some terrific things fur sure!

Old Kitty said...

Mr Puddy!! Awwww me and Charlie are so super excited for you!! WOW!! Look at all your treasures!! Yay for wonderful Zoe and Fuzzy!!! Awwwww - yay too for having the bestest tummy ever!!! Hoooorahh!

Enjoy your fabulous package!!

We are sorry that the Officials took away your yummy treats though. Oh dear!! Nevermind! You still got a gorgeous tummy! Yay!

Take care

OKcats said...

We're so glad you got MOST of the stuff we sent... we only tried to send 1 bag of treats - Catnip flavored Temptations! We were afraid that would happen, that's why we didn't try to send more. We're SUPER excited that you got the Ham-mick!! YouTube isn't playing nice today so we can't see the video, but we're going to try again later!!!

BeadedTail said...

That is a pawesome prize pack Mr. Puddy! It's too bad customs took your Temptations though!


Mr Puddy
You hit the mother load!
Time to form a play date!


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is a wonderful package of goodies you got Mr. Puddy. It's too bad that mean old Mr. Customs man kept your treats though.Maybe he was hungry and needed a snack.

Just Ducky said...

Wow, what a lot of neat stuff you won for having such a great tummy.

Kay L. Davies said...

Oh, I just KNEW you would win the tummy contest, Mr. Puddy. So you deserve all those great toys. Have fun, and when you're done, sleep in your ham-mick.
— Kay and Lindy

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

The Florida Furkids said...

What a pawsome prize package! We're sorry the treats didn't make it but all that other stuff had to make up for it. 40 paws ham-micks rock!!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Marilia said...

Own! Puddy!!! Enjoy this toys!!!! I´m happy for you, dear friend!!!

Donna said...

Wow! That is neat!! Congratulations. :)

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

WoooooooHoooooooooo! That's 10 Christmases arriving all together. Love the hammick!

Have fun and concats on your win.

Too bad about the treats though. Could have told you about them since mine were also confiscated some time ago.

Bryan said...

You hit the jackpot. Have fun with all of your new toys. PS loved the video of you.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Oh Puddy those are the BEST gifts EVER!!!

I am sooooo glad you won all of those prizes!

You deserve them and it is nice to see a cat who is so appreciative!!!

Those are wonderful prizes!!
Enjoy Puddy!!!
We love you!

Sparkle said...

What a great prize package, Mr. Puddy! The OK Cats really sent you great stuff!

Willow said...

The OK Cats gave away some great prizes and Mr. Puddy that hammick looks very comfy.

The Chair Speaks said...

Woooo Puddy, you look so happy with all those prize toys. Now you can sleep on your hammick instead of squeezing in with your mom and dad! :)

GreatGranny said...

You sure deserve all these nice toys. You look so cute in your Hammick too, so comfy.
xoxo Kassey

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Mr Puddy,
I'm soooo moving into your neighbourhood. Look out for a brood of tabbies on your street, eh? Oh, keep those prizes under lock and key...coz I'm coming to get them...errr....share playing them with you. purrr....meow!

Victor Tabbycat said...

THEY STOLE YOUR TREATS?!?!?! That is SOOOOO WRONG! Um, nice hammick. Try hidin under it to sneak up on the toys.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

First, thanks for visiting my blog. Second, WHOA, you scored!! That's a bunch of stuff. The OK cats are cool. Have a pawsome time with all that new stuff.

Athena said...

Wow, you got a lot of cool stuff! Haf fun wif it all, especially the hammick!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

You are so lucky Mr Puddy! I am so jealous!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Concats to you, Mr. Puddy! What a great heap of new toys. You'll be busy furrever now.

Nicole said...

What a very lucky kitten! Seems like you had the puurrrrfect day =)

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

That was a real Jackpot you got there !!! So many funny toys :) So the dogs at the customs was hungry again ??!! Took your treats now again :(

Unknown said...

Mr Puddy,
Your tummy is pawsome and me loved that yous gots all the stuff! You is one lucky kitty!

The Cat Guy said...

Yooohooo Mr. Puddy!! With the best tummies come the best spoils! You earned it!!!! You da cat!

Makropoulos said...

Pisi and Squeak are are happy to see you, Mr. Puddy!

Catio Tales said...

That's a tonne of tonnes of toys! We also hav a parcel from the OK cats but Äiti is so mean mean mean it's not been opened yet - because it is so hot none of us want to play but it's going to rain today so I hope I get to find out what's in the box today...... I can't wait - your pressie looks so fantastic!

Photo Cache said...

playing with all those toys can be exhausting. i'm sure you took lots of naps.

omc, you totally rocked that tummy contest. congrats again.

Emma and Buster.

Anonymous said...

WOOOOOO Mr Puddy, that are some great toys!
All those toys for showing your beautifull tummy!
You deserve it!


xoxo Lars and James

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Well done my friend!!

Fuzzy Tales said...

Wow, Mr Puddy, you've hit the mother lode of toys! What a great haul for winning the contest!

We're sorry your treats were quarantined, though!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

What a stash, Puddy! It is totally amazing! Sorry about the treats, though. We know how tough Aussie quarantine is...

The Chans

Fr. Tom Fish said...

We knew you had the best tum-tum! Concatulations, my furriend and enjoy all the loot!


Princess Jasmine said...

Wow, what a funtastic prize you have one. Well done Mr Puddy :)xx

We love LUNA said...

Lucky you, this is a fabulous gift!

Marg said...

Wow, Mr. Puddy, that is one big load of toys. That is pretty terrible that they took the treats out of the package. Your Ham-mick is perfect too. We love our ham-mick. Hope you have a really fun day playing all those terrific toys.

Hannah and Lucy said...

Wow what a great load of things you got for winning the tummy contest Mr Puddy - it's a shame your tummy won't get the treats though. Your hammick looks furry comfy - and you got springs - we love ours and bat them all over.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

The Island Cats said...

Mr. Puddy, you hit the prize jackpot!! How do you decide what to play with first??!? Congratulations!!

Bengal Duo ~ Zulu and Deene said...

OMC you are one lucky kitteah! Concatulations on a pawsome purrize! PURRRS2U!
Bengal Trio =^_^=

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

MEOWZA!!!!!!!!!!! You hit the mother lode for sure!!!!!!!!!

We know you will have tons of fun.


Tamago said...

Wow, Mr. Puddy!! They all look fantastic!! What a great prize Zoe and Fuzzy sent to you! I especially love the Ham-Mick..I want that Ham-Mick!!
Enjoy all the toys and have a great weekend :-)

Shaggy and Scout said...

WOW! You really hit the jackpot with that prize package!
There is nothing like a genuine Forty Paws Ham-mick! Theirs is the original! You are so lucky.

ellie said...

We kitties love all your cool toys u won! What a fantastic prize from OK cats :)

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Mr. Puddy, you are so cool. I like that photo of you on your hammick. You have so many toys, I wish Miles and me were with you to play with them


My Mind's Eye said...

MOL Mr. Puddy you are the luckiest kitty in Melbourne and we expect if Smudge sees your presents he will be very jealous.

Hugs Madi

Daisy said...

You hit the prize jackpot, Puddy! I enjoyed seeing your movie, too.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Ohhhh... like Christmas around there! Mr. Puddy, you are one blessed kitty cat. Looks like you're having so much fun already. LOVE the Ham-mick!

Catsparella said...

Wow, wow Puddy!! Congrats again on winning the tummy contest and on your amazing haul of kitty toys! Look at you in that hammick..lucky boy :)

m.q said...

so much fun!!! can we play also

BoBo Salem & ChaCha

Ingrid said...

Rosie thinks that there are not enough green mousies amongst all the toys ! but the others are jalous ! I tell you !

one of Fae's humans said...

WOW, what an HUGE set of awesomeness you've won, Puddy! CONGRATS! you look so happy! :)

and GGRRRRRRRRRRRRRR, i HATE Aussie Quarintine! >:[

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

MeWowZa...that's quite a treasure chest of 'jewels' there! We loves those lil springy things!

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