Thursday, June 9, 2011


It's Winter now.. and it's cold and rain lately,
And in the night time is so cold.

And I decide I will be a gooda boy in winter.
To get home home,
Mommy don't need to walk along the street
and calls my name like crazy cat lady anymore.

What she have to do ?
Just calls me from here, from our backyard.
In 15 - 20 min. I will come back : )

Can't be bada boy all the time, guys

Have to keep the balance in life.

Mom deserves a good furry son

Because she feed me well.
Umm...I love my fine mince meat

And I love my mommy : )


My Mind's Eye said...

Hi Mr. Puddy,
We missed Wednesday entirely but we're first on Thursday. MOL

Oh my Cats it is 95 here and very hard for us to wrap our heads around 'June' being winter. MOL

You are a smart kitty to come when Mom don't want to miss your curfew,
Hugs Madi

Brian's Home Blog said...

Very, very smart you are Mr. Puddy, always listen to your Mom, she loves you too!

Kay L. Davies said...

You're so handsome, Mr. Puddy, but I suspect your tummy does all your best thinking for you.
— K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

CATachresis said...

Such gorgeous pictures! Mr Puddy I hope you don't drive your momma into becoming a real crazy cat lady!!! Behave =^..^=

The Monkeys said...

Mr. Puddy, you're a very good boy and we know your Mom loves you very much! You're nice to not make her worry too much!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Its a good thing to stay closer to home in cold weather! Ya dont want to be far away at dinnertime.

Mariodacat said...

Awww Puddy - you are enogh to melt any furrbaby mom's heart. Such a good boy (someitmes anyway. he he )

Anonymous said...

Can we trade weather? We like it better when it's cold outside. Today it got up to 95 degrees here which is too hot even with all the a/c running.

You're a good boy for coming when your mommy calls you. Our Mommy wishes we would do that. :)

OKcats said...

Your Mom is VERY lucky. She has a very handsome boy AND a good boy!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

We must admit and agree, mom's know best. Stay warm this winter while we try to stay cool this summer!

Old Kitty said...

Mr Puddy!! You are wise and wonderful!! You are a beautiful furry son and you love your mum!! Yay!!! Enjoy your special treats and keep warm! take care

Princess Jasmine said...

Awwww Mr Puddy, we are glad you are being a good boy :) Mummy just shakes a bag of our treats and we both come running, leaping over fences, jumping over bushes and hurtling up the garden path :)xx

Cat said...

You are a good boy Puddy!!!

Avalon Cat Cartoons said...

You look awesome on those pictures, Mr. Purdy. Fluffy kiss from your feline friend.


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You are a good boy to stay close to home Mr. Puddy. We don't like winter either. When mum wants us she shouts either "Brekkies!" or "Tea time!" and we come running.

meowmeowmans said...

You're a smart cat, Mr. Puddy. We are glad you love your mommy, and so glad she loves you so much, too!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

It's good that you go back home Mr. Puddy. We want you safe!


Oh Mr Puddy
You are such a handsome mancat. WE always love to see the gorgeous pictures your Mom takes of you, but close ups are our favorites. What type of camera does your Mom use?


Tamago said...

Oh Mr. Puddy, you are such a good furry son!! Your mom feeds you well because she loves you so much :-) And your mom is so loved by you!!

Marilia said...

The King Puddy!
Kisses dear!

m.q said...

be a good boy and will have more good food..yay...

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Mr. Puddy:
Dood! It's summertime here in California! Enjoy your cold and ice as it will be spring soon!

Sparkle said...

Mr. Puddy, you mean being good is coming back 20 minutes after your human calls for you? That's awesome! My human is totally spoiled; she expects instant attention!

Lisa Kolosey said...

You are such a handsome and good boy, Puddy. Your Mommy is a lucky lady to have you to feed.
~Lisa Co9T

BeadedTail said...

We're glad you don't make your mommy call your name like a crazy cat lady for long! By the way, you are very handsome Mr. Puddy!

The Florida Furkids said...

You're such a handsome ManCat we know your Mommy loves you very much even when you're a bad boy!!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Cara n Crew said...

You are very smart Mr Puddy! Stay warm and dry. two days ago it was winter here and now it's summer!

Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, and HOllie

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

I like your zen wisdom about keeping a balance. Yeah, cold winter, BRRRRRRRRRRRR!! We had frost in our garden this morning.

I am not sure being good is coming back 15-20 mins after being called. This SS of mine expects me to be there within 30 secs! She should take lessons from your mom.

Gigi said...

You're quite a good boy, Puddy. But maybe you should cut that response time to 5-10 minutes? You don't want your poor Mom to have to wait for you out in the cold!!

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Mr Puddy,
Ooohhh...we sooo miss winter. There's no winter here, except rain and humidity. We need A/C on 24/7. comes it takes you 15-20 mins from the backyard to the house? That's a looooong wait for your mum. Run faster next time or your mum will feed that mince to your tabby bro or Mr Smudge. purrr....meow!

Quill and Greyson said...

Mom is often smitten with your photos she just sits and stares.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Very sensible to stay close to home, no matter what the season!
And your food looks NOM!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Pee Ess: We love your video from yesterday with the slipper! That was great bunny kicking going on there!

Cat Street Boyz said...

We are having a 2 day heat wave but we have the cool AC to chill in=^Y^=

Whisppy said...

That's very good, Mr Puddy. Everyone should have a warm home to go home to during winter. :)

Esme said...

I am glad to hear you are going to be a good boy for your momma.

Catsparella said...

You have the best Mommy, Puddy! I'm sure she's glad you're taking the winter off from being a bad boy..hehe!! If you want summer, come visit me!! It was soo hot today! 98 degrees!!

LP said...

Mr.Puddy , Esme thinks you are a dreamboat.She thinks you have beautiful eyes and furs.She goes on and on about you.Gah.Enough already!
We think your Maman takes great pics of you and now that you'll be sticking close to home , it will be easier for her to find you to take your pic! :)
the critters in The Cottage

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

*MOL* Im sorry that Im laughing ! But you a Mr nice guy ??!! I believe that when I see it ;-)

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

So ... let me get this straight ... she just hasta call for 15 to 20 minutes from the garden? MOL!

Teddy Westlife said...

You are a good boy Puddy! Not like Teddy is who BAD. It has been so cold this week, hasn't it?

Purrfect Haven said...

such a thoughtful boy... a bit of give and take great. Can't believe its winter where you are! Brrr. Love Darcy and Bingley xx

Admiral Hestorb said...

Mr Puddy, your mom is your best friend and I can see you know it. My mom used to make Robin come in when it was twilight and she wasn't allowed out till morning. Now ME..she makes me stay in 7-24!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Mr Puddy your mom is wonderful - shouting you and waiting 20 monutes for you to to decide to go to her. Our mum starts off with one shout and if we aren't there in 5 seconds she shouts again and again - it is so embarassing when you're trying to attract a handsome mancat.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

We love LUNA said...

What a beautiful post!You are so cute Mr. Puddy, you are a REAL PRINCE CHARMING ! :)

Marg said...

Oh Mr. Puddy, that was such a nice post. You do need to come home quick like. Some of us go off and it makes our Mom worry, worry, and worry some more. So you are extra good to come when she calls. I bet she loves you more.

SuziQCat said...

Puddy, we are glad you have decided to be a good boy, at least for the winter months.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

You are being very wise, Puddy!

The Chans

Angie, Catladyland said...

Puddy, you make me smile every time I visit your blog! I don't care if you are sometimes a bad boy, I like you a whole lotta bunches!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

My first time visit... and what a treat to see Mr. Puddy. What a handsome fella!

Wishing you furry hugs and happy snoozles.

Catio Tales said...

You are a very wise Puddy to go home when called. Especially in the winter. It is cold and nasty out there. Mind you, it is hot and nasty here right now...

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

We wish it was winter here......:::sigh::::

Do you think you could send us some cooler weather?????? We're so tired of hearing our air conditioner run....:(

We love you bunches, handsome Puddy.

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

It's hard to believe it's winter there, and here it's 95 degrees, or 35 celsius. And so humid! Mom says all her energy is sapped, but Baby kinda likes being out in the heat.

Athena said...

Oh, Mr. Puddy, I am glad you decided to be a good boy for the winter! I know you love your mom and you know she loves you too!

ellie said...

Hi Mr Puddy, It's only 16 degrees celcius and mostly cloudy here in UK and it's supposed to be our summer but more like your winter!

The Whiskeratti said...

You are a very good boy, Mr Puddy. Just be sure not to be TOO good. Don't wanna spoil your Mom, after all.

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

Mr. Puddy,
I think you are such a wonderful boy. It's a good decision to be a good boy for your mama. I wish it was winter here. I love the rain.
My boys like minced meat too.

CCL Wendy said...

I'm sure your Mom appreciates that you come when you are called from the back door -- even if you DO take your time coming!

It makes your Mommy worry less about you and that's a good thing.

You're not a bad boy -- you're just an adventurous kitty -- and a handsome one, too!

Photo Cache said...

Oh Puddy we know you only act tough and bad boy but deep inside you are a real softie.

Emma and Buster.

Willow said...

Mr. Puddy that is good of you to listen to your Mom about staying close for the colder weather.

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Love your close up photos! You should get yourself an agent and become a model. You could make lots of $$$ doing that. Soon you will snuggle down for the long winter. Stay warm.
And you talk the talk my sweetie but I know you love your mommie as much as she loves you and that is bunches and bunches times many more.

one of Fae's humans said...

awww, that's very nice of you, Puddy. i feel sorry for you mom having had to go up and down the street calling your name to get you home. :p

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Puddy I would never call you "bad" you are just feisty and adventurous with some "sass" mixed in.

You are ALWAYS a good boy! You are just a BOY! That's what boys do.

Your Mommy loves you no matter what!

Ellen Whyte said...

Oh Puddy you are such a little furry sweety!

The Cat Guy said...

Please be careful on your travels Mr. Puddy. The outsides a dangerous place. Many humans and kitties worry about you when you disappear for times. Above all, remember to stay out of thunderpath - very dangerous it.

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

You are a good boy.
Yum, we are not familiar with that brand of food.

Mr. Hendrix said...

Hi Mr Puddy! I'm glad you're sticking closer to home. It is good of you to not worry your mommy (and your blogging friends) by wandering off.

That "Winter" picture is very pretty! It is summer here and unseasonably hot. I'm glad I'm in the air conditioning. Now that I'm 8 1/2 I'm loving to hang out by the cold blowy air thing.

I hope you have a nice warm blowy air vent thingy to lay by when you come in from outside

Vicki said...

I am with you Mr Puddy - come winter time, I am never far from got down to 0.5oC here this week Brrr!

Cory said...

Puddy, you are such a good boy! Having a warm loving home is so's ok for a big strong mancat to be a momma's boy!

Ingrid said...

Indeed you are a good cat if you let her wait only 15 to 20 min ! When I call a cat for example Arthur, all cats will show up i m m e d i a t e l y, except Sir Arthur (of course) and then when I had already forgotten that I had called him, he suddenly jumps on my bed and I nearly get a heart attack ! That counts for the others too, except Kim of course, who never comes.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Keep being a good boy and coming when your mom calls you. We're glad to see you post again.

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