Monday, August 15, 2011

Option to choose

We Cats, We love to play !
Today is my good day.
Let's see what is my options to play ?

Option 1 ) Play with Spider plants ( see picture below )

Option 2 ) Mommy's dressing gown

If you know me well, You know what's option I'm going to choose...

Of course, My mom dressing gown

Oh ! Crap !!! Mom don't wanna play !

Shame on you, Mommy !
You made your son feel very disappointed

Doesn't look like she do understand what I just said.
Walk away mommy !

Lucky,  I got option 2

 Spider Plant !... Really ? ( ask myself )

Oh ! Crap !!!!


Berit said...

Oh Puddy, you seem to have a lot of options, and sometimes it can be hard to choose:)
Hugs from Norway:))
P.S Thanks for your nice comments in my blog. I appreciate it:))

Deb Barnes / Zee and Zoey said...

Uggg... those Mommy's of ours. We sure can relate with your frustration. Today Mommy changed the bedsheets. Clearly that was an option to sneak under the covers and play "sheet attack monster." Mom just got cranky and shooed us off the bed.

If only we had a spider plant like you....

Meows - Zee, Zoey, Mia, Peanut, Rolz, Jazz and Harley

Katnip Lounge said...

How COULD your Mom resist you wanting to play!?! She's crazypants! Our Mommy used to have spider plants; and then we ate them all. They are pretty tasty--just sayin'!

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

He He :) To bad that your mommie didn´t want to play with you :(

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Hi Puddy ~ I'd stay away from playing wiv plants if I was yoo. I played wiv a Lily today and ended up having to have a bath!

Milo xx

Angel Simba said...

It is nice to see how international spider plants are! My idea of "playing" with ours is to eat the little baby plants' leaves and then barf them up later in the house. My humans try to hang it out of my reach, but sometimes they forget after watering it on the deck to hang it back high again. he he. Nom nom.

Marg said...

Oh Puddy, you look so sad cause Mommy wouldn't play with you. Shame one her. Maybe she had something she had to do. Yup, I would be careful chewing on any plants. You just never know. Hope your day gets all better.

Cat Wisdom 101 said...

Puddy,there must be more than two choices. Your socks look so clean and white. Isn't there something fun to make them dirty with hehehe?

Fuzzy Tales said...

Your mom ruined your Good Time, Mr Puddy!

Sometimes having options just makes the choice so much more difficult, though! :-)

BTW, we think we'd like to play with your mom's "cow" slippers!

CATachresis said...

I'd go for those furry things on her feet as option 3!!!

your little brother, Austin >^,.^<

Unknown said...

Moms is so much more fun than spider plants, but Dads is better than moms for playing.

Julia Williams said...

Puddy, you look adorable no matter what you play with, and your commentary is just super cute. When I grow up I wanna be just like you!!!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

puddy you are so silly!!!

I noticed your Mom's slippers match YOU! lol


Stacy Hurt said...

Oh you is one lucky Puddy! We don't get spider plants, That Woman hasn't been able to find indoor plants that will live (indoors) here (heh heh) I haz NO idea why???

I love that you get your mum's attention by puttin the ol bitey on her! That's the Way!

Ms. Stella O'Houligan

Old Kitty said...

Mr Puddy!!!! Awww me and Charlie think there should be more play with mum's dressing gown!! Yay!!! Tell mum she's got no choice! It's either her gown or the spider plant gets it!! LOL!!

Awwww we love the pics of you with your cute pawsies hanging down that wooden ledge thing!!

Take care

Sparkle said...

That is TOTALLY unfair of your human, Mr. Puddy! I think you should show her by destroying the spider plant!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That wasn't fair that your mum wouldn't play Mr Puddy. Oh well, looks like you will have to beat the spider plant up instead.

The Florida Furkids said...

At least you have options!! We think your Mom should have been more cooperative!!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie


Oh Mr Puddy
We do not understand how your Mom could not play with you. But we hope the spider plant didn't disappoint you.

Athena said...

I can't believe your mom didn't want to play! I think you should go ahead and pounce her anyway!

Teddy Westlife said...

Mr Puddy, I will have mum drive Teddy over to play with you immediately!

Ramblingon said... are absolutely THE most handsome dude cat out there! Oh you are GOOD lookin'. My..I feel fainty!!!

Ramblingon said...

Ooops, sorry, this is Admiral using mommy's account. Sorry.

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Mr Puddy,
You know what people say about sons hanging on to mom's gown? Next time, attack the slippers instead. purrrrr *giggles*

Marilia said...

I love you Puddy!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

You are too cute, Puddy! I would have picked the dressing gown too.

Jans Funny Farm said...

What a shame. You were all set to play. Maybe tomorrow?

Cathy Keisha said...

I'll come over and play with you cos no one will play with me here. The new sisfur stood me up. Pfffttttt!

GLOGIRLY said...

OH MY COD! Those slippers look like YOU, Puddy! They look like ME!

BeadedTail said...

We can't believe your mom didn't want you playing with her dressing gown Mr. Puddy! Doesn't she know she has to cater to your every whim?

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Puddy, my mom thought that first pic was you with firecrackers bursting ofur your head! MOL! (she definitely needs glasses!) Happy Monday!

Willow said...

Aw both of your options disappointed you today Puddy. Do not worry there are plenty of other playing ask Mom to give some fabric to play with.

caspersmom said...

Don't know Mr. Puddy, but you looked quite handsome in that picture with you in the spider plant. It is terrible when Mom's have other things to do and won't play or pet you. My Mom does that too now and then. Hope you had a great weekend Mr. Puddy.


Whisppy said...

I think you need to retrain your Mom. When Mr Puddy wants to play, EVERYONE has to want to play too. What Mr Puddy wants, Mr Puddy gets. :)

My Mind's Eye said...

MOL Mr. Puddy
You are a smart mancat to have a back up plan. Oh and BTW you look very handsome today.
Hugs Madi

Hannah and Lucy said...

How dare your Mom not play with you Mr. Puddy - give her the back of disrespect.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

The Monkeys said...

It's terrible when humans don't share our love for playing!! The dressing gown looks like a lot of fun!

Brian's Home Blog said...

I didn't know you could plant spiders Mr. Puddy, watch out when they grow up!

JOTA ENE ✔ said...

Beautiful sequencial pistures !!!

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

Mr. Puddy, I am sure that no matter what you do today, it will be interesting. You are just that kind of cat!
I'm surprised you didn't attack Mom's furry slippers! Have a great day Mr. Puddy.

LP said...

WE understand completely! If you can't have the dressing gown...take a NAP!!

the critters in The Cottage :)

Anonymous said...

Ha ha Mr Puddy - you make us laugh!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Ha ha! I had the choice of a tape measure and a real live mouse today! I got the mouse. Mom made me take it outside. She didn't know what it was or that it was in the house all morning, so can you imagine her surprise?

Unknown said...

Mr Puddy, in cases such as these I suggest adopting very wide eyes and a head tilt. You must look so adorable that she cannot refuse! (and if that doesn't work cling to her leg - guaranteed attention!!) =^..^=

Fr. Tom Fish said...

Hey, Mr. Puddy,

I was told spider plants can hide spiders. But, your mom's dressing gown did look like more fun.

I have fun with cassocks when the bishop comes to visit. I like to hide underneath (but I don't look up, no no no no..)


CCL Wendy said...

Poor Mr. Puddy reduced to playing with a spider plant! How could Mommy refuse to play with you? Doesn't she know you are Number One PURRiority?

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Mr. Puddy.... you're just too funny!

Mickey's Musings said...

Mr Puddy, you need to have a talk with your Mom. She needs to know that she should devote her time to you :) How can she resist your handsomeness????? heehee
Purrs Tillie and Georgia

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

Mr. Puddy--you strike such a pose. I like you looking at the spider plant. Tommy just slobbered over that one! You pose on the pedestal--should you rule your fortress!


Shaggy and Scout said...

That spider plant looks pretty tempting!

one of Fae's humans said...

doesn't seem like you missed out on anything by not getting to play with your mom's gown. the spider plant looks like a lot more fun anyway. :P

Ann Dziemianowicz said...

You've got some happening music in your video, Mr. Puddy!

Kwee Cats said...

Spider plants taste good - a whole lot better than spiders do, yup! Our Mumsy cannot imagine anyone, especially your Mum, not want to play with you!

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