Wednesday, November 10, 2010

While I'm so comfy and happy....

" While I'm so comfy and happy in this house, so many cats out there are still looking for home.

Last month, we just got some news from The Ingrid's Heaven ( Cats Shelter ) there are so many cats in this shelter are looking for home urgent so we would like to post this again.

The Ingrid's Haven is a non- profit shelter, now they facing some difficult times as they have been given notice on our rental property. Their landlord wants to move back in after 10 years but this has put them in an awkward position to find somewhere else to live with the cats, horses and dogs before Christmas. now more than ever these homes have become urgent. See detail please see this LinkThe Ingrid's Heaven

We know this shelter because my ex-owner, she adopted two cats from this place. And she told my mom. Ingrid, she are really nice and look after all cats very well. This is a photo of my sister from other house. She is from Ingrid's Heaven.

Mom try her best to help them spread the word, she did post this news in her two blogs. She is very appreciate all of you who did help her to spread the words even most of you don't live in Melbourne, Australia.

My mom tried more ways to help by printed out their poster and put it up so many places so we can get Melbourne's people to read.

- Put it up at mom's  work place ( 2 persons is interested since she put it up )
- Asked some of her friends put it up in their work places ( they didn't work with mom so it's pretty good to spread the news all around Melbourne )
-  Put it up in local supermarket and a local chicken shop. ( Most our area people love cats, mom think it might work )
- Put in the neighbor's mailbox. ( this one is a bit funny because mom think they love cats because they used to feed me so Mom think it's possible they will adopt cats but if they don't. they can help spread the word in their work place too )

Some of her work mates think she gone crazy about cats but she said she can help. Spread the word is so easy, so why not !  Time is going quick and now we are so close to Christmas. My mom is still keep doing these till Christmas. She hope some of them will be adopt because they deserve a good home ! "

PS : Melbourne's people can help them by adopt cats or donate or spread the words and put their poster ( A4 size ) in your work place: The poster is on their website.



Mr Puddy
That is really nice to put out the word about Ingrid's place. We are sure it will result in some new adoptions!

We feel so sad for all kitties without their forever and ever homes.

purrs and hugs

Kas said...

We are sad to hear about all the animals at Ingrid's house, I will spread the word and see what I can do.

catsynth said...

It's great that you are helping to get the word about all the cats in Ingrid's house. We hope they do find homes soon.

Cat said...

Mr Puddy it is very good of your mum to work so hard to help the shelter! We thought it was funny your neighbour got a poster because your mum felt they needed a cat now that they weren't feeding you :-)

Luna und Luzie said...

We hope so much they´ll find a wonderful home soon.
So nice your Mum will help to spread the world and help the shelter.
Good luck!!!

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

You are so right Mr. Puddy. There are so many cats who desperately need forever loving homes. I really hope that Ingrid's house will be able to find another place to rent that will accept the animals. Let's all hope that the cats will be adopted before the move.

Old Kitty said...

Adorable Mr Puddy!! Your mum is FABULOUS doing what she does - spreading the word so that all the kitties at Ingrid's Heaven will find beautiful loving homes!!!!

I hope your mum doesn't stop!! She's a STAR!!! And you Mr Puddy are looking mighty cosy and comfy in your pic!! Your sister is BEAUTIFUL!!

Take care

Kay L. Davies said...

Mr. Puddy, you are such a good cat sometimes. It's so sweet of you to be concerned because other cats don't have the good life you have.
We think it's wonderful your mom is spreading the word like this. You can tell her we said so.
-- Kay and Lindy

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We wish them the best...

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Oh cool... YOU were visitin OUR blog while WE were visitin YOURS!!!

Ellen Whyte said...

We know people like that here in Malaysia. They do a great job. you're looking cute, Puddy!

Cara n Crew said...

So good of you and your mom to spread the word, Mr. Puddy. We hope and purr the kitties and other animals will find homes.

Fraidy cats Pip, Smidgen, Minnie

Jacqueline said...

Such a sweet post, Mr. Puddy; we hope those babies all find loving homes soon...We are so glad you found your wonderful home and are so happy there...We love you, handsome boy...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

A very lovely post my friend, we've heard of Ingrid and her great work, and you look SUPER cute in your photo!!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Yor mom is doing a great job of spreading the word ~ it breaks our hearts that there are so many homeless cats and dogs who suffer needlessly.
We think the only way forward in the long run is neautering so that every kit and pup is wanted. We's like to ask efurrybuddy to add a "neuter yoor cat" button to their blogs, and to help spread the word.
There is a nice sidebar neauturing button on our blog that ennybuddy is welcome to snag ~ just right click and "save as".

Angie, Catladyland said...

You are a good friend to promote Ingrid's Place, Puddy. We hope that the animals there find homes very soon.

We love Luna said...

You all have such a lovely heart! :)
It's really wonderful!

Cory said...

What a good kitty you are Puddy and your mom is so wonderful to do all she can to help out.

Hannah and Lucy said...

Your mum has worked so hard for Ingrid's Place - we purray some kitties and other animals will be adopted soon.

cats of wildcat woods said...

Thank your mom for trying so hard to help. we will twitter it and send to our Aus buddies.

SuziQCat said...

Always a good idea to spread the word about homeless animals..keep up the good work!

Whisppy said...

Your mum is doing fantastic work spreading the word about the animals needing a home. I hope they would be adopted before the Christmas deadline.
You look very comfy in your beans arms! :)

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