Monday, February 7, 2011

Guess, What did I do today ?

Like you guys know now. I'm not talkative but my mom always ask me " what did you do today, Puddy ? " or " Where have you been ? " ... so I leave some clue for her to guess everyday : )

Case no.1: Cleaned fur. 


1.1 SMELL : if she smell lady perfume, It means I stayed with some human lady inside her house. Mom will know how charming I am : )

1.2 LIFT : to check how heavy I am. My normal weight is around 6.2- 6.4 kg. Some day I might have remarkable extra weight It means I been feed by my human neighbours. This show how popular I am : )

1.3 TUMMY CHECK : sometime, mom can't tell by my back fur because if I'm not so lazy. I will do the bath myself. Check my tummy will give her extra evidence especially on the rainy day, If my tummy dried , I was indoor with my human neighbours.

Case no. 2 : I came home with dirty fur.

( Little green leave on my fur )

( Dried leaves on my fur )

( Spider Web on my head and body )


2.1 VISUAL : This is super easy, it's pretty obvious I was in the garden. A different kind of leaves , dust , web can give her a clue of where I was. For example, 
- Spider Web on my head and body, I was underneath Smudge's house.
- Dried leaves on my fur means I didn't go anywhere, I just nap in my garden.

2.2 TOUCH : Just on top of my body, if it's so warm. It's means I might do sun bath

2.3 TUMMY AND BUTT CHECK : Some time, I got burrs underneath and I can't clean by myself so mom have to check this as well.

( all burrs pulled from my tummy fur )

This all burrs will tell mom , I did across the street. Because that's where the burrs was. I already got lectured from my dad not to across the road. I did try not to but there have a lot of big birdies. It's temptation !

At the end of the day, This is what I love to tell my mom and my dad. Telling about my day : ) Most of you guys are indoor. But I would love to know how you guys telling your human about your day too. I bet it is not easy !

PS :  It's heart bearking news for my friend, was helped to the Bridge.  Please Visit Her Family in this difficult time.


Stacy Hurt said...

LOL Mr. Puddy! I go outside too. That Woman can tell where I was laying by the smell test. Usually I smell like the rosemary bush. (Where I lie in wait for birdz I only watch now)

Miss Jack the tuxie goes outside & gets all warmz too then comes in with debris just like you! Must be a tuxie thang.

Miss Scraps hides outside so I can't tell you about her & since I don't like her much I don't care. (evil laffs)

I like the cobwebs on your head; that shows how adventurous and brave you are. I only get those on my head when I go under the outside barbeque thingy. I wait there all the times for foods from the firey spot but She only gives them to me when they are cooler. YUM

Ms. Stella O'Houligan

GreatGranny said...

Puddy, you tell on yourself about your adventures. And you have nice neighbors though to let you in when you need to visit humans.
I never get to visit any humans, they have to come here.

Daisy said...

Wowie, there are lots of ways you can tell your mom about your day! When I walk over to my Mommeh, if my tummy is extra-warm, she knows I have been laying on my heated cat pad.

kelley said...

Puddy you are one smart cat! My kitties would love to roll around in the garden...when I come home from work they always tell me how they have been starving ever since I left...

Sometimes they get to investigate the basement or garage and come back with many tales of adventure...covered in cobwebs or dust...they snuck in to the attached garage today and didn't stay's freezing out there...and maybe I was shaking the treat jar too...

We are moving near the end of this month and I can't wait to see how they like the new house...lots of windows overlooking a backyard with birdfeeders and many trees...

Old Kitty said...

Mr Puddy!!!! You leave such tantalising clues for your poor mum and dad to guess where you've been and how you've spent your day!! You are one adventurous and sociable gorgeous kitty!!! Awwwww!!

I only know Charlie has been at next door's because his collar has been fiddled with!!!! LOL!!!

Take care

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

So VERY interesting, Puddy! In this house the Mr.Burr-Man is Tommy!

Tamago said...

Mr. Puddy, you tell what you did very well!! So you eat at neibor's house and you weigh extra. That's cute :-) Spider web and burrs tell the story very clearly. You are very adventurous kitty :-) I will ask my boys what they did today.

Sweet Purrfections said...

I like to keep a secret from my mom about what I did during the day.

Thank you so much for the purrs while we await my test results and for my mom's nerves.

Sparkle said...

Mr. Puddy, that is so funny! My human used to do similar checks on the cat before me, who used to have lots of outside adventures.

Mariodacat said...

Puddy - you lead such a "fun" life. I'm in indoor cat and in the winter it's pretty boring. If there are sun puddles, I like to lay in dem, if not, well nap anywhere I choose. But this life is much better den before when I was homeless for 2 months. It's not fun walking the streets of a city, dodging cars, trying to find your next meal, dodging barking doggies dat want to eat you. Yup - this is boring, but pretty nice.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Eric: If I have cobwebs it means I have been in the hay barn. Sometimes mum can hardly see my fur on my head or my whiskers because I have so many on me.
Flynn: Mr. Puddy, I will tell you a secret, but please don't tell anyone else. I am scared of cobwebs. If I touch one I run backwards away from it and keep wiping my face with my paws. It is the only thing I am scared of and they make me hiss.

Canidae Pet Blog Editor said...

Mr. Puddy, it sounds like you have some grand adventures, cobwebs, leaves, burrs and all.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

You are good at lettin Mom know where you've been with all those clues. Our Being doesnt have to guess. Only I go out (a little bit), and he always knows where I am!


Katnip Lounge said...

Puddy! Your Mom has to be Sherlock Holmes to track your day.
She's verreh clever!

We sure hope you don't EVER get those pokey burrs in your bottm...OUCH!

Catsparella said...

You give lots of good clues without saying a word, Puddy!! p.s. You new blog design looks really good!!

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

Mr. Puddy I think you are too cute!! I wish you wouldn't cross the street. I can imagine with your charm, you could get an extra meal from any of your neighbors.
Ouch!! Those burrs look like they might hurt.

Gigi said...

I am an indoor kitteh. But sometimes my Human can tell what I have been doing not by examining ME but by surveying the environment: Is there a damp pile of poorly-digested leaves? I've been eating the plants! Is there back furz all over her pillow? I've been having a nap where I shouldn't!

Mr Puddy said...

Mom Trish,
My mom just watch too much CSI shows : )

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Mr Puddy,
You're revealing the trade secret too much, mate. Keep some to yourself--- to suprise mom. purrr.......mepw!

My Mind's Eye said...

Mr Puddy you are a man about town for sure and it seems you have lots of friends too.
Well done,

Luscious Lucy said...

We don't get to go ourside -- mean old mom. Well, she says she not mean, that we're wayyy to close to a BIG road. So she says; I don't really know if that's true or not. I keep saying, "But look what Puddy gets to do!" She just looks at me and says, "But you're not Puddy; he's a mancat and knows his way around, you don't, but I wish he wouldn't cross that darn road." Yeah, we think she's right about the road part, but the rest? She's mean. Oh wait, maybe not so mean; she's bringing Sam & me a kibble treat! Yay, MOM!
We love you, our brother. Stay safe and burr-less.
xoxox and one extra nose lick from me.

Ellen Whyte said...

You have a very exciting life, Puddy. And good fur too!

Thanks for your kind words and the purrs. Au is eating a little several times a day so I'm crossing paws he's getting better.

=^..^= said...

We love the spidey webs on your head! And Puddy dear... purrliss be careful wif the roads. They are so dangerous for kitties. We're going over to visit Pablo's family now to leave them some purrs. Thank you for letting us know that we're needed over there.

~Slash & Bronzy

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We only get to go owtside on harnesses ~ so mom always knows where we've been. :sigh:

Cezar and Léia said...

oh Puddy, you are amazing!
I would like to go outside , mainly to take a great sunbath!
But as it's normally rain and cold outside, my mommy knows where I have been here,I mean...inside my cage or my bed! :)

Christine and FAZ said...

WOW, busy day and I like your little bindi-eyes (burrs). FAZ

Forever Foster said...

You are helping your mum to become a great detective, Puddy! Our mum loves the photos of you. Your humans take wonderful pictures :)

Cory said...

Mr. Puddy, the same thing happens with Jonesie in the summer. Mom has to pull burrs from her furs too!

Mom smells Jonesie's fur to see what bush or plant she's been sleeping in...and especially loves it if she's been by the rosemary bush.

Hannah and Lucy said...

We leave little clues to our mum too Mr Puddy - leaves in furs, dirt in claws, cobby webbies in whiskers - that one means to top shelf in the garage (the one we are barred from) ha ha ha !!! We shake in our claws NOT!!

Purrfect Haven said...

what a detective your family is. It seems you can hide nothing Puddy! We only go out for short times, but we do bring in debris and Bingley has such long fur that he brings in slugs stuck to his belly and deposits them in the airing cupboard - half the time he doesn't even know they are stuck to him. Love Darcy, Bingley and Helen xxx

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Oh dear, we are laughing a bit about the burrs. You are funny, Puddy.
We were sorry to hear about Pablo too.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

OMC Puddy!! "perfume on your fur" don't go spending the night with strange women!!! lol

And burrs???? Your poor, poor Mom!!!

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